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/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
* stdioscb.cpp
* Author: ******
* Date: March, 1995
* This file contains the studio scrollbars class SSCB. These are the frame
* and scene scrollbar master controls.
#include "soc.h"
#include "studio.h"
* The studio scrollbars class.
* Constructor for the studio scrollbars. This function is private; use
* PsscbNew() for public construction.
_pmvie = pmvie;
#ifdef SHOW_FPS
_itsNext = 1;
for (long its = 0; its < kctsFps; its++)
_rgfdsc[its].ts = 0;
#endif // SHOW_FPS
* Public constructor for the studio scrollbars.
* Parameters:
* pmvie -- the owner movie
* Returns:
* A pointer to the scrollbars object, pvNil if failed.
PSSCB SSCB::PsscbNew(PMVIE pmvie)
AssertNilOrPo(pmvie, 0);
PSSCB psscb;
PGOB pgob;
STN stn;
GCB gcb;
RC rcRel, rcAbs;
long hid;
// Create the view
if (pvNil == (psscb = NewObj SSCB(pmvie)))
return pvNil;
rcRel.xpLeft = rcRel.ypTop = 0;
rcRel.xpRight = rcRel.ypBottom = krelOne;
rcAbs.Set(0, 0, 0, 0);
pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidFrameText);
if (pgob == pvNil)
hid = GOB::HidUnique();
gcb.Set(hid, pgob, fgobNil, kginDefault, &rcAbs, &rcRel);
if (pvNil == (psscb->_ptgobFrame = NewObj TGOB(&gcb)))
pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidSceneText);
if (pgob == pvNil)
hid = GOB::HidUnique();
gcb.Set(hid, pgob, fgobNil, kginDefault, &rcAbs, &rcRel);
if (pvNil == (psscb->_ptgobScene = NewObj TGOB(&gcb)))
#ifdef SHOW_FPS
pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidFps);
if (pgob == pvNil)
hid = GOB::HidUnique();
gcb.Set(hid, pgob, fgobNil, kginDefault, &rcAbs, &rcRel);
if (pvNil == (psscb->_ptgobFps = NewObj TGOB(&gcb)))
#endif // SHOW_FPS
AssertPo(psscb, 0);
return psscb;
* Destructor for studio scroll bars.
// Don't need to Release these tgobs, since they get destroyed with
// the gob tree.
_ptgobFrame = pvNil;
_ptgobScene = pvNil;
#ifdef SHOW_FPS
_ptgobFps = pvNil;
#endif // SHOW_FPS
* FCmdScroll
* Handles scrollbar commands. Cids to the SSCB are enqueued
* in the following format:
* EnqueueCid(cid, khidSscb, chtt, param1, param2, param3);
* where: cid = cidFrameScrollbar or cidSceneScrollbar
* chtt = the tool type
* Parameters:
* pcmd -- pointer to command info
* Returns:
* fTrue if the command was handled
bool SSCB::FCmdScroll(PCMD pcmd)
bool fScene;
bool fThumbDrag = fFalse;
long lwDest, cxScrollbar, lwDestOld, xp;
long cRangeDest, iRangeDestFirst;
long tool = -1;
RC rc;
PSCEN pscen = pvNil;
// verify that the command is for the studio scrollbars
if ((pcmd->cid != cidSceneScrollbar) &&
(pcmd->cid != cidFrameScrollbar) &&
(pcmd->cid != cidSceneThumb) &&
(pcmd->cid != cidFrameThumb) &&
(pcmd->cid != cidStartScroll))
return fFalse;
fScene = ((pcmd->cid == cidSceneScrollbar) || (pcmd->cid == cidSceneThumb));
if (pcmd->cid == cidFrameScrollbar)
// need a valid movie ptr, also a ptr to the current scene
// when dealing with frame scrollbar
if ((pvNil == _pmvie) || (!fScene && (pvNil == (pscen = _pmvie->Pscen()))))
return fTrue;
if (pcmd->cid == cidStartScroll)
if ((pcmd->rglw[0] == chttFButtonFW) || (pcmd->rglw[0] == chttFButtonRW))
_fBtnAddsFrames = ((pcmd->rglw[1] & fcustCmd) &&
(((pscen->NfrmLast() == pscen->Nfrm()) && (pcmd->rglw[0] == chttFButtonFW)) ||
((pscen->NfrmFirst() == pscen->Nfrm()) && (pcmd->rglw[0] == chttFButtonRW))));
if (!_fBtnAddsFrames)
return fTrue;
// what's the tool we are handling? (chtt is param0)
switch (pcmd->rglw[0])
case chttFButtonFW:
case chttSButtonFW:
// forward one frame / scene
if (fScene)
lwDest = _pmvie->Iscen() + 1;
tool = toolFWAScene;
lwDest = pscen->Nfrm() + 1;
if ((pscen->Nfrm() == pscen->NfrmLast()) && _fBtnAddsFrames)
_fBtnAddsFrames = fFalse;
tool = toolAddAFrame;
goto LExecuteCmd;
tool = toolFWAFrame;
case chttButtonFWEnd:
// forward to end of scene / movie
lwDest = klwMax;
case chttFButtonRW:
case chttSButtonRW:
// back one frame / scene
if (fScene)
lwDest = _pmvie->Iscen() - 1;
tool = toolRWAScene;
lwDest = pscen->Nfrm() - 1;
if ((pscen->Nfrm() == pscen->NfrmFirst()) && _fBtnAddsFrames)
_fBtnAddsFrames = fFalse;
tool = toolAddAFrame;
goto LExecuteCmd;
tool = toolRWAFrame;
case chttButtonRWEnd:
// back to beginning of scene / movie
lwDest = klwMin;
case chttThumb:
// released thumb tab - simulate a hit on scrollbar at this point
// fall through
case chttScrollbar:
// hit scrollbar directly
// calculate the source range of the mapping: mouse range along scrollbar
cxScrollbar = _CxScrollbar(fScene ? kidSceneScrollbar : kidFrameScrollbar,
fScene ? kidSceneThumb : kidFrameThumb);
// param1 is the source value: the mouse click position
// it should be within the source range (closed on the upper bound)
xp = LwBound(pcmd->rglw[1], 0, cxScrollbar + 1);
// calculate the destination range
if (fScene)
// scenes: [0, ..., number_of_scenes - 1]
cRangeDest = _pmvie->Cscen();
iRangeDestFirst = 0;
// frames: [first_frame, ..., last_frame]
cRangeDest = pscen->NfrmLast() - pscen->NfrmFirst() + 1;
iRangeDestFirst = pscen->NfrmFirst();
// map the source value from the source range to the destination range
lwDest = LwMulDiv(xp, cRangeDest, cxScrollbar) +
// if param2 is 0, we are dragging the thumb tab, just need to update
// the counters
if (pcmd->rglw[2] == 0)
fThumbDrag = fTrue;
Assert(fFalse, "invalid chtt from studio scroll");
// restrict to valid range
lwDestOld = lwDest;
lwDest = LwMin(fScene ? _pmvie->Cscen() - 1 : pscen->NfrmLast(),
LwMax(fScene ? 0 : pscen->NfrmFirst(), lwDest));
if (lwDestOld != lwDest)
tool = -1;
if (!_pmvie->FPlaying())
STN stn;
if (fScene)
if (fThumbDrag)
// update scene counter
stn.FFormatSz(PszLit("%4d"), lwDest + 1);
return fTrue;
if (tool != -1)
// scene change
if (!_pmvie->FSwitchScen(lwDest))
return fFalse;
if (_pmvie->FSoundsEnabled())
if (fThumbDrag)
// update frame counter
stn.FFormatSz(PszLit("%4d"), lwDest - pscen->NfrmFirst() + 1);
return fTrue;
// frame change
if (tool != -1)
if (!pscen->FGotoFrm(lwDest))
return fFalse;
if (_pmvie->FSoundsEnabled())
return fTrue;
* _CxScrollbar
* Calculates the slidable length of a scrollbar based on a non-zero
* width thumb tab which has its position associated with its leftmost
* pixel.
* Parameters:
* kidScrollbar - id for the scrollbar gob
* kidThumb - id for the thumb tab gob
* Returns:
* Length of the slidable region of the scrollbar
long SSCB::_CxScrollbar(long kidScrollbar, long kidThumb)
long cxThumb, cxScrollbar;
PGOB pgob;
RC rc;
// rightmost pos we can slide the thumb tab is the pos where it has
// its right edge at the max pos of the scrollbar, or in other words, it
// is its own width away from the max pos of the scrollbar
// calculate the thumb tab width
if (pvNil == (pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidThumb)))
return 0;
pgob->GetRc(&rc, cooLocal);
cxThumb = rc.xpRight - rc.xpLeft + 1;
// calculate the scrollbar width
if (pvNil == (pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidScrollbar)))
return 0;
pgob->GetRc(&rc, cooLocal);
cxScrollbar = rc.xpRight - rc.xpLeft + 1 - cxThumb;
return cxScrollbar;
* Update
* Update the studio scrollbars.
* Parameters:
* None.
* Returns:
* Nothing.
void SSCB::Update(void)
PSCEN pscen;
STN stn;
PGOB pgob;
RC rc;
long xp, dxp;
long cxScrollbar;
// need a valid movie ptr, also a ptr to the current scene
if ((pvNil == _pmvie) || (pvNil == (pscen = _pmvie->Pscen())))
// update the frame scrollbar
if (pvNil != (pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidFrameScrollbar)))
// source range: [first_frame, ..., last_frame]
long cfrm = pscen->NfrmLast() - pscen->NfrmFirst() + 1;
// source value: index of the current frame
long ifrm = pscen->Nfrm() - pscen->NfrmFirst();
pgob->GetRc(&rc, cooParent);
if (cfrm < 2)
// special case to avoid divide by zero in scaling
// we use cfrm - 1 as the size of the destination range so
// the highest value will get mapped to the right endpoint
xp = 0;
// source value should be in source range
AssertIn(ifrm, 0, cfrm);
// calculate destination range: mouse positions on scrollbar
cxScrollbar = _CxScrollbar(kidFrameScrollbar, kidFrameThumb);
// map the source value from the source range to the destination range
xp = LwMulDiv(ifrm, cxScrollbar, cfrm - 1);
// move the frame thumb tab to the appropriate position
if (pvNil != (pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidFrameThumb)))
pgob->GetPos(&rc, pvNil);
dxp = xp - rc.xpLeft;
((PGOK)pgob)->FSetRep(chidNil, fgokNoAnim, ctgNil, dxp, 0, 0);
// update the scene scrollbar
if (pvNil != (pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidSceneScrollbar)))
// source range: [0, ..., num_scenes - 1]
long cscen = _pmvie->Cscen();
// source value: index of current scene
long iscen = _pmvie->Iscen();
pgob->GetRc(&rc, cooParent);
if (cscen < 2)
// special case to avoid divide by zero in scaling
// we use cscen - 1 as the size of the destination range so
// the highest value will get mapped to the right endpoint
xp = 0;
// source value should be in source range
AssertIn(iscen, 0, cscen);
// calculate destination range: mouse positions on scrollbar
cxScrollbar = _CxScrollbar(kidSceneScrollbar, kidSceneThumb);
// map the source value from the source range to the destination range
xp = LwMulDiv(iscen, cxScrollbar, cscen - 1);
// move the scene thumb tab to the appropriate position
if (pvNil != (pgob = ((APP *)vpappb)->Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidSceneThumb)))
pgob->GetPos(&rc, pvNil);
dxp = xp - rc.xpLeft;
((PGOK)pgob)->FSetRep(chidNil, fgokNoAnim, ctgNil, dxp, 0, 0);
// update the other stuff, frame and scene counters, fps
// update frame counter
if (_fNoAutoadjust)
stn.FFormatSz(PszLit("%4d"), pscen->Nfrm() - _nfrmFirstOld + 1);
stn.FFormatSz(PszLit("%4d"), pscen->Nfrm() - pscen->NfrmFirst() + 1);
// update scene counter
stn.FFormatSz(PszLit("%4d"), _pmvie->Iscen() + 1);
#ifdef SHOW_FPS
long cfrmTail, cfrmCur;
ulong tsTail, tsCur;
float fps;
/* Get current info */
tsCur = TsCurrent();
cfrmCur = _pmvie->Cnfrm();
/* Get least recent frame registered */
tsTail = _rgfdsc[_itsNext].ts;
cfrmTail = _rgfdsc[_itsNext].cfrm;
/* Register current frame */
_rgfdsc[_itsNext].ts = tsCur;
_rgfdsc[_itsNext++].cfrm = cfrmCur;
if (tsTail < _pmvie->TsStart())
tsTail = _pmvie->TsStart();
cfrmTail = 0;
Assert(_itsNext <= kctsFps, "Bogus fps next state");
if (_itsNext == kctsFps)
_itsNext = 0;
fps = ((float)((cfrmCur - cfrmTail) * kdtsSecond))/((float)(tsCur - tsTail));
stn.FFormatSz(PszLit("%2d.%02d fps"), (int)fps,
(int)((fps - (int)fps) * 100));
#endif // SHOW_FPS
* Change the owner movie for these scroll bars
* Parameters:
* pmvie - new movie
* Returns:
* Nothing.
void SSCB::SetMvie(PMVIE pmvie)
_pmvie = pmvie;
* Start a period of no autoadjusting on the scroll bars
* Parameters:
* Nothing.
* Returns:
* Nothing.
void SSCB::StartNoAutoadjust(void)
_fNoAutoadjust = fTrue;
Assert(_pmvie->Pscen() != pvNil, "Bad scene");
_nfrmFirstOld = _pmvie->Pscen()->NfrmFirst();
void SSCB::SetSndFrame(bool fSoundInFrame)
long snoNew = fSoundInFrame ? kst2 : kst1;
PGOK pgokThumb = (PGOK)vapp.Pkwa()->PgobFromHid(kidFrameThumb);
if (pgokThumb != pvNil && pgokThumb->FIs(kclsGOK))
if (pgokThumb->Sno() != snoNew)
Bug("Missing or invalid thumb GOB");
#ifdef DEBUG
* Mark memory used by the SSCB
* Parameters:
* None.
* Returns:
* Nothing.
void SSCB::MarkMem(void)
* Assert the validity of the SSCB
* Parameters:
* grf - bit array of options.
* Returns:
* Nothing.
void SSCB::AssertValid(ulong grf)
#endif // DEBUG