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/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
This is a class that knows how to create GOKs, Help Balloons and
Kidspace script interpreters. It exists so an app can customize
default behavior.
#ifndef KIDWORLD_H
#define KIDWORLD_H
Base GOK descriptor.
//location from parent map structure
struct LOP
long hidPar;
long xp;
long yp;
long zp; //the z-plane number used for placing the GOK in the GOB tree
//cursor map entry
struct CUME
ulong grfcustMask; // what cursor states this CUME is good for
ulong grfcust;
ulong grfbitSno; // what button states this CUME is good for
CNO cnoCurs; // the cursor to use
CHID chidScript; // execution script (absolute)
long cidDefault; // default command
CNO cnoTopic; // tool tip topic
typedef class GOKD *PGOKD;
#define kclsGOKD 'GOKD'
class GOKD : public GOKD_PAR
GOKD(void) {}
virtual long Gokk(void) = 0;
virtual bool FGetCume(ulong grfcust, long sno, CUME *pcume) = 0;
virtual void GetLop(long hidPar, LOP *plop) = 0;
Standard GOK descriptor. Contains location information and cursor
map stuff.
//GOK construction descriptor on file - these are stored in chunky resource files
struct GOKDF
short bo;
short osk;
long gokk;
//LOP rglop[]; ends with a default entry (hidPar == hidNil)
//CUME rgcume[]; the cursor map
const BOM kbomGokdf = 0x0C000000;
typedef class GKDS *PGKDS;
#define kclsGKDS 'GKDS'
class GKDS : public GKDS_PAR
HQ _hqData;
long _gokk;
long _clop;
long _ccume;
GKDS(void) {}
//An object reader for a GOKD.
static bool FReadGkds(PCRF pcrf, CTG ctg, CNO cno, BLCK *pblck,
PBACO *ppbaco, long *pcb);
virtual long Gokk(void);
virtual bool FGetCume(ulong grfcust, long sno, CUME *pcume);
virtual void GetLop(long hidPar, LOP *plop);
World of Kidspace class.
typedef class WOKS *PWOKS;
#define WOKS_PAR GOB
#define kclsWOKS 'WOKS'
class WOKS : public WOKS_PAR
PSTRG _pstrg;
STRG _strg;
ulong _grfcust;
CLOK _clokAnim;
CLOK _clokNoSlip;
CLOK _clokGen;
CLOK _clokReset;
WOKS(GCB *pgcb, PSTRG pstrg = pvNil);
PSTRG Pstrg(void)
{ return _pstrg; }
virtual bool FGobIn(PGOB pgob);
virtual PGOKD PgokdFetch(CTG ctg, CNO cno, PRCA prca);
virtual PGOK PgokNew(PGOB pgobPar, long hid, CNO cno, PRCA prca);
virtual PSCEG PscegNew(PRCA prca, PGOB pgob);
virtual PHBAL PhbalNew(PGOB pgobPar, PRCA prca, CNO cnoTopic,
PHTOP phtop = pvNil);
virtual PCMH PcmhFromHid(long hid);
virtual PGOB PgobParGob(PGOB pgob);
virtual bool FFindFile(PSTN pstnSrc, PFNI pfni);
virtual bool TGiveAlert(PSTN pstn, long bk, long cok);
virtual void Print(PSTN pstn);
virtual ulong GrfcustCur(bool fAsynch = fFalse);
virtual void ModifyGrfcust(ulong grfcustOr, ulong grfcustXor);
virtual ulong GrfcustAdjust(ulong grfcust);
virtual bool FModalTopic(PRCA prca, CNO cnoTopic, long *plwRet);
virtual PCLOK PclokAnim(void)
{ return &_clokAnim; }
virtual PCLOK PclokNoSlip(void)
{ return &_clokNoSlip; }
virtual PCLOK PclokGen(void)
{ return &_clokGen; }
virtual PCLOK PclokReset(void)
{ return &_clokReset; }
virtual PCLOK PclokFromHid(long hid);
#endif //!KIDWORLD_H