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/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
KidFrame #defines that might get used by a source file for a tool, such
as source files for the chunky compiler. This file should only contain
#defines, and the values for the #defines should be constant values
(no arithmetic).
#ifndef KIDDEF_H
#define KIDDEF_H
Cursor state constants.
bits 0-7 are reserved by Frame.
bits 8-15 are reserved by KidFrame.
bits 16-31 are reserved for application use.
#define fcustChildGok 256
#define fcustHotText 512 //over hot text in a help topic
Standard command handler IDs.
Frame reserves values < 10000.
KidFrame reserves values >= 10000 and < 20000.
Values >= 20000 can be used by the application.
#define khidClokGokGen 10001 //for use by kidspace gobs
#define khidClokGokReset 10002 //for use by kidspace gobs - resets on input
#define khidLimKidFrame 20000
Chunky file constants.
#define kctgGokd 'GOKD'
#define kctgAnimation 'GLSC'
#define kctgHelpTopic 'HTOP'
#define kctgTile 'TILE'
#define kctgEditControl 'EDIT' // help balloon edit control tag
#define kctgFill 'FILL'
#define kctgVideo 'VIDE'
GOK defines
#define kdchidState 0x00010000 // this times the sno is the base chid
#define ksnoInit 1
//mouse state CHIDs - offsets from base chid
#define kchidOnState 0x0001 // bit indicating on/off state (1 for on)
#define kchidMouseState 0x0002 // bit indicating mouse state (1 for down)
#define kchidUpOff 0x0000 // 00
#define kchidUpOn 0x0001 // 01
#define kchidDownOff 0x0002 // 10
#define kchidDownOn 0x0003 // 11
//mouse transition CHIDs - offsets from base chid
//bit 4 set; bits 2 & 3 are the from state; bits 1 & 0 are the to state
//note that 00 - 10 is not allowed
#define kchidTransBase 0x0010 // bit set for a transition state
#define kchidMaskDst 0x0003 // mask of destination state
#define kshSrcTrans 2 // number of bits to shift source state
#define kchidEnterState 0x0010 // this is a transitionary chid
#define kchidUpOffOn 0x0011 // 00 - 01 (roll on)
#define kchidUpOnOff 0x0014 // 01 - 00 (roll off)
#define kchidUpDownOn 0x0017 // 01 - 11 (mouse down event - start tracking)
#define kchidDownUpOn 0x001D // 11 - 01 (click event - stop tracking)
#define kchidDownOnOff 0x001E // 11 - 10 (continue tracking)
#define kchidDownOffOn 0x001B // 10 - 11 (continue tracking)
#define kchidDownUpOff 0x0018 // 10 - 00 (stop mouse tracking)
//script CHIDs - offsets from base chid
#define kchidAlarm 0x0102
//types of GOKs that can be created
#define gokkNil 0
#define gokkRectangle 1 // all odd gokk's are rectangular
#define gokkNoHitThis 2 // this bit means it's invisible to the mouse
#define gokkNoHitKids 4 // this bit means its childrean are invis to mouse
#define gokkNoHit 6 // means it and its childrean are invis to mouse
#define gokkNoSlip 8 // anims for this GOK shouldn't slip (by default)
Misc. constants
#define kcnoToolTipNoAffect 0xFFFFFFFE
Error codes
20000 - 29999: KidFrame-issued error codes
// 20000 - 20099: help errors
#define ercHelpReadFailed 20000
#define ercHelpSaveFailed 20001
#endif //!KIDDEF_H