
754 lines
18 KiB

/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
GFX classes: graphics port (GPT), graphics environment (GNV)
#ifndef GFX_H
#define GFX_H
Text and fonts.
// DeScription of a Font.
struct DSF
long onn; // Font number.
ulong grfont; // Font style.
long dyp; // Font height in points.
long tah; // Horizontal Text Alignment
long tav; // Vertical Text Alignment
// fONT Styles - note that these match the Mac values
fontNil = 0,
fontBold = 1,
fontItalic = 2,
fontUnderline = 4,
fontBoxed = 8,
// Horizontal Text Alignment.
// Vertical Text Alignment
Font List
const long onnNil = -1;
#ifdef WIN
int CALLBACK _FEnumFont(LOGFONT *plgf, TEXTMETRIC *ptxm, ulong luType,
LPARAM luParam);
#endif //WIN
#define NTL_PAR BASE
#define kclsNTL 'NTL'
class NTL : public NTL_PAR
#ifdef WIN
friend int CALLBACK _FEnumFont(LOGFONT *plgf, TEXTMETRIC *ptxm,
ulong luType, LPARAM luParam);
#endif //WIN
PGST _pgst;
long _onnSystem;
#ifdef WIN
HFONT HfntCreate(DSF *pdsf);
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
short FtcFromOnn(long onn);
#endif //MAC
bool FInit(void);
long OnnSystem(void)
{ return _onnSystem; }
void GetStn(long onn, PSTN pstn);
bool FGetOnn(PSTN pstn, long *ponn);
long OnnMapStn(PSTN pstn, short osk = koskCur);
long OnnMac(void);
bool FFixedPitch(long onn);
#ifdef DEBUG
bool FValidOnn(long onn);
#endif //DEBUG
extern NTL vntl;
Color and pattern
#ifdef WIN
#elif defined(MAC)
typedef RGBColor SCR;
#endif //!MAC
//NOTE: this matches the Windows RGBQUAD structure
struct CLR
byte bBlue;
byte bGreen;
byte bRed;
byte bZero;
#ifdef DEBUG
facrRgb = 1,
facrIndex = 2,
#endif //DEBUG
kbNilAcr = 0,
kbRgbAcr = 1,
kbIndexAcr = 0xFE,
kbSpecialAcr = 0xFF
const ulong kluAcrInvert = 0xFF000000L;
const ulong kluAcrClear = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
// Abstract ColoR
class ACR
friend class GPT;
ulong _lu;
#ifdef WIN
SCR _Scr(void);
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
void _SetFore(void);
void _SetBack(void);
#endif //MAC
ACR(void) { _lu = 0; }
ACR(CLR clr)
{ _lu = LwFromBytes(kbRgbAcr, clr.bRed, clr.bGreen, clr.bBlue); }
void Set(CLR clr)
{ _lu = LwFromBytes(kbRgbAcr, clr.bRed, clr.bGreen, clr.bBlue); }
ACR(byte bRed, byte bGreen, byte bBlue)
{ _lu = LwFromBytes(kbRgbAcr, bRed, bGreen, bBlue); }
void Set(byte bRed, byte bGreen, byte bBlue)
{ _lu = LwFromBytes(kbRgbAcr, bRed, bGreen, bBlue); }
ACR(byte iscr)
{ _lu = LwFromBytes(kbIndexAcr, 0, 0, iscr); }
void SetToIndex(byte iscr)
{ _lu = LwFromBytes(kbIndexAcr, 0, 0, iscr); }
ACR(bool fClear, bool fIgnored)
{ _lu = fClear ? kluAcrClear : kluAcrInvert; }
void SetToClear(void)
{ _lu = kluAcrClear; }
void SetToInvert(void)
{ _lu = kluAcrInvert; }
void SetFromLw(long lw);
long LwGet(void) const;
void GetClr(CLR *pclr);
bool operator==(const ACR &acr) const
{ return _lu == acr._lu; }
bool operator!=(const ACR &acr) const
{ return _lu != acr._lu; }
#ifdef SYMC
extern ACR kacrBlack;
extern ACR kacrDkGray;
extern ACR kacrGray;
extern ACR kacrLtGray;
extern ACR kacrWhite;
extern ACR kacrRed;
extern ACR kacrGreen;
extern ACR kacrBlue;
extern ACR kacrYellow;
extern ACR kacrCyan;
extern ACR kacrMagenta;
extern ACR kacrClear;
extern ACR kacrInvert;
#else //!SYMC
const ACR kacrBlack(0, 0, 0);
const ACR kacrDkGray(0x3F, 0x3F, 0x3F);
const ACR kacrGray(0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F);
const ACR kacrLtGray(0xBF, 0xBF, 0xBF);
const ACR kacrWhite(kbMax, kbMax, kbMax);
const ACR kacrRed(kbMax, 0, 0);
const ACR kacrGreen(0, kbMax, 0);
const ACR kacrBlue(0, 0, kbMax);
const ACR kacrYellow(kbMax, kbMax, 0);
const ACR kacrCyan(0, kbMax, kbMax);
const ACR kacrMagenta(kbMax, 0, kbMax);
const ACR kacrClear(fTrue, fTrue);
const ACR kacrInvert(fFalse, fFalse);
#endif //!SYMC
// abstract pattern
struct APT
byte rgb[8];
bool operator==(APT &apt)
return ((long *)rgb)[0] == ((long *)apt.rgb)[0] &&
((long *)rgb)[1] == ((long *)apt.rgb)[1];
bool operator!=(APT &apt)
return ((long *)rgb)[0] != ((long *)apt.rgb)[0] ||
((long *)rgb)[1] != ((long *)apt.rgb)[1];
void SetSolidFore(void)
{ ((long *)rgb)[0] = -1L; ((long *)rgb)[1] = -1L; }
bool FSolidFore(void)
{ return (((long *)rgb)[0] & ((long *)rgb)[1]) == -1L; }
void SetSolidBack(void)
{ ((long *)rgb)[0] = 0L; ((long *)rgb)[1] = 0L; }
bool FSolidBack(void)
{ return (((long *)rgb)[0] | ((long *)rgb)[1]) == 0L; }
void Invert(void)
((long *)rgb)[0] = ~((long *)rgb)[0];
((long *)rgb)[1] = ~((long *)rgb)[1];
void MoveOrigin(long dxp, long dyp);
extern APT vaptGray;
extern APT vaptLtGray;
extern APT vaptDkGray;
Polygon structure - designed to be
compatible with the Mac's
struct OLY // pOLYgon
#ifdef MAC
short cb; //size of the whole thing
RCS rcs; //bounding rectangle
PTS rgpts[1];
long Cpts(void) { return (cb - offset(OLY, rgpts[0])) / size(PTS); }
#else //!MAC
long cpts;
PTS rgpts[1];
long Cpts(void) { return cpts; }
#endif //!MAC
const long kcbOlyBase = size(OLY) - size(PTS);
High level polygon - a GL of PT's.
fognNil = 0,
fognAutoClose = 1,
typedef class OGN *POGN;
#define OGN_PAR GL
#define kclsOGN 'OGN'
class OGN : public OGN_PAR
struct AEI // Add Edge Info.
PT *prgpt;
long cpt;
long iptPenCur;
PT ptCur;
POGN pogn;
long ipt;
long dipt;
bool _FAddEdge(AEI *paei);
PT *PrgptLock(long ipt = 0)
{ return (PT *)PvLock(ipt); }
PT *QrgptGet(long ipt = 0)
{ return (PT *)QvGet(ipt); }
POGN PognTraceOgn(POGN pogn, ulong grfogn);
POGN PognTraceRgpt(PT *prgpt, long cpt, ulong grfogn);
// static methods
static POGN PognNew(long cvInit = 0);
long IptFindLeftmost(PT *prgpt, long cpt, long dxp, long dyp);
Graphics drawing data - a parameter
to drawing apis in the GPT class
fgddNil = 0,
fgddFill = fgddNil,
fgddFrame = 1,
fgddPattern = 2,
fgddAutoClose = 4,
//graphics drawing data
struct GDD
ulong grfgdd; //what to do
APT apt; //pattern to use
ACR acrFore; //foreground color (used for solid fills also)
ACR acrBack; //background color
long dxpPen; //pen width (used if framing)
long dypPen; //pen height
RCS *prcsClip; //clipping (may be pvNil)
Graphics environment
#define GNV_PAR BASE
#define kclsGNV 'GNV'
class GNV : public GNV_PAR
PGPT _pgpt; //the port
//coordinate mapping
RC _rcSrc;
RC _rcDst;
//current pen location and clipping
long _xp;
long _yp;
RCS _rcsClip;
RC _rcVis; //always clipped to - this is in Dst coordinates
// Current font
DSF _dsf;
//contains the current pen size and prcsClip
//this is passed to the GPT
GDD _gdd;
void _Init(PGPT pgpt);
bool _FMapRcRcs(RC *prc, RCS *prcs);
void _MapPtPts(long xp, long yp, PTS *ppts);
HQ _HqolyCreate(POGN pogn, ulong grfogn);
HQ _HqolyFrame(POGN pogn, ulong grfogn);
// transition related methods
bool _FInitPaletteTrans(PGL pglclr, PGL *ppglclrOld, PGL *ppglclrTrans,
long cbitPixel = 0);
void _PaletteTrans(PGL pglclrOld, PGL pglclrNew, long lwNum, long lwDen,
PGL pglclrTrans, CLR *pclrSub = pvNil);
bool _FEnsureTempGnv(PGNV *ppgnv, RC *prc);
GNV(PGPT pgpt);
GNV(PGOB pgob);
GNV(PGOB pgob, PGPT pgpt);
void SetGobRc(PGOB pgob);
PGPT Pgpt(void)
{ return _pgpt; }
#ifdef MAC
void Set(void);
void Restore(void);
#endif //MAC
#ifdef WIN
// this gross API is for AVI playback
void DrawDib(HDRAWDIB hdd, BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbi, RC *prc);
#endif //WIN
void SetPenSize(long dxp, long dyp);
void FillRcApt(RC *prc, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FillRc(RC *prc, ACR acr);
void FrameRcApt(RC *prc, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FrameRc(RC *prc, ACR acr);
void HiliteRc(RC *prc, ACR acrBack);
void FillOvalApt(RC *prc, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FillOval(RC *prc, ACR acr);
void FrameOvalApt(RC *prc, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FrameOval(RC *prc, ACR acr);
void FillOgnApt(POGN pogn, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FillOgn(POGN pogn, ACR acr);
void FrameOgnApt(POGN pogn, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FrameOgn(POGN pogn, ACR acr);
void FramePolyLineApt(POGN pogn, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void FramePolyLine(POGN pogn, ACR acr);
void MoveTo(long xp, long yp)
{ _xp = xp; _yp = yp; }
void MoveRel(long dxp, long dyp)
{ _xp += dxp; _yp += dyp; }
void LineToApt(long xp, long yp, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack)
{ LineApt(_xp, _yp, xp, yp, papt, acrFore, acrBack); }
void LineTo(long xp, long yp, ACR acr)
{ Line(_xp, _yp, xp, yp, acr); }
void LineRelApt(long dxp, long dyp, APT *papt, ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack)
{ LineApt(_xp, _yp, _xp + dxp, _yp + dyp, papt, acrFore, acrBack); }
void LineRel(long dxp, long dyp, ACR acr)
{ Line(_xp, _yp, _xp + dxp, _yp + dyp, acr); }
void LineApt(long xp1, long yp1, long xp2, long yp2, APT *papt,
ACR acrFore, ACR acrBack);
void Line(long xp1, long yp1, long xp2, long yp2, ACR acr);
void ScrollRc(RC *prc, long dxp, long dyp,
RC *prc1 = pvNil, RC *prc2 = pvNil);
static void GetBadRcForScroll(RC *prc, long dxp, long dyp,
RC *prc1, RC *prc2);
//for mapping
void GetRcSrc(RC *prc);
void SetRcSrc(RC *prc);
void GetRcDst(RC *prc);
void SetRcDst(RC *prc);
void SetRcVis(RC *prc);
void IntersectRcVis(RC *prc);
//set clipping
void ClipRc(RC *prc);
void ClipToSrc(void);
// Text & font.
void SetFont(long onn, ulong grfont, long dypFont,
long tah = tahLeft, long tav = tavTop);
void SetOnn(long onn);
void SetFontStyle(ulong grfont);
void SetFontSize(long dyp);
void SetFontAlign(long tah, long tav);
void GetDsf(DSF *pdsf);
void SetDsf(DSF *pdsf);
void DrawRgch(achar *prgch, long cch, long xp, long yp,
ACR acrFore = kacrBlack, ACR acrBack = kacrClear);
void DrawStn(PSTN pstn, long xp, long yp,
ACR acrFore = kacrBlack, ACR acrBack = kacrClear);
void GetRcFromRgch(RC *prc, achar *prgch, long cch,
long xp = 0, long yp = 0);
void GetRcFromStn(RC *prc, PSTN pstn, long xp = 0, long yp = 0);
//bitmaps and pictures
void CopyPixels(PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst);
void DrawPic(PPIC ppic, RC *prc);
void DrawMbmp(PMBMP pmbmp, long xp, long yp);
void DrawMbmp(PMBMP pmbmp, RC *prc);
// transitions
void Wipe(long gfd, ACR acrFill, PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst,
ulong dts, PGL pglclr = pvNil);
void Slide(long gfd, ACR acrFill, PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst,
ulong dts, PGL pglclr = pvNil);
void Dissolve(long crcWidth, long crcHeight, ACR acrFill,
PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst, ulong dts, PGL pglclr = pvNil);
void Fade(long cactMax, ACR acrFade, PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst,
ulong dts, PGL pglclr = pvNil);
void Iris(long gfd, long xp, long yp, ACR acrFill,
PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst, ulong dts, PGL pglclr = pvNil);
// palette setting options
fpalNil = 0,
fpalIdentity = 1, // make this an identity palette
fpalInitAnim = 2, // make the palette animatable
fpalAnimate = 4, // animate the current palette with these colors
Graphics port
#define GPT_PAR BASE
#define kclsGPT 'GPT'
class GPT : public GPT_PAR
PREGN _pregnClip;
RC _rcClip;
PT _ptBase; //coordinates assigned to top-left of the GPT
#ifdef WIN
#ifdef DEBUG
static bool _fFlushGdi;
static HPAL _hpal;
static HPAL _hpalIdentity;
static CLR *_prgclr;
static long _cclrPal;
static long _cactPalCur;
static long _cactFlush;
static bool _fPalettized; // whether the screen is palettized
HDC _hdc;
HWND _hwnd;
HBMP _hbmp; // nil if not an offscreen port
byte *_prgbPixels; // nil if not a dib section port
long _cbitPixel;
long _cbRow;
RC _rcOff; // bounding rectangle for a metafile or dib port
long _cactPal; // which palette this port has selected
long _cactDraw; // last draw - for knowing when to call GdiFlush
long _cactLock; // lock count
//selected brush and its related info
enum //brush kind
HBRUSH _hbr;
long _bk;
APT _apt; //for bkApt
ACR _acr; //for bkAcr
int _wType; //for bkStock (stock brush)
HFONT _hfnt;
DSF _dsf;
bool _fNewClip: 1; // _pregnClip has changed
bool _fMetaFile: 1;
bool _fMapIndices: 1; // SelectPalette failed, map indices to RGBs
bool _fOwnPalette: 1; // this offscreen has its own palette
void _SetClip(RCS *prcsClip);
void _EnsurePalette(void);
void _SetTextProps(DSF *pdsf);
void _SetAptBrush(APT *papt);
void _SetAcrBrush(ACR acr);
void _SetStockBrush(int wType);
void _FillRcs(RCS *prcs);
void _FillOval(RCS *prcs);
void _FillPoly(OLY *poly);
void _FillRgn(HRGN *phrgn);
void _FrameRcsOval(RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd, bool fOval);
SCR _Scr(ACR acr);
bool _FInit(HDC hdc);
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
static HCLT _hcltDef;
static bool _fForcePalOnSys;
static HCLT _HcltUse(long cbitPixel);
//WARNING: the PPRT's below may be GWorldPtr's instead of GrafPtr's
//Only use SetGWorld or GetGWorld on these. Don't assume they
//point to GrafPort's.
PPRT _pprt; //may be a GWorldPtr
HGD _hgd;
PPRT _pprtSav; //may be a GWorldPtr
HGD _hgdSav;
short _cactLock; //lock count for pixels (if offscreen)
short _cbitPixel; //depth of bitmap (if offscreen)
bool _fSet: 1;
bool _fOffscreen: 1;
bool _fNoClip: 1;
bool _fNewClip: 1; //_pregnClip is new
//for picture based GPT's
RC _rcOff; //also valid for offscreen GPTs
HPIC _hpic;
HPIX _Hpix(void);
void _FillRcs(RCS *prcs);
void _FrameRcs(RCS *prcs);
void _FillOval(RCS *prcs);
void _FrameOval(RCS *prcs);
void _FillPoly(HQ *phqoly);
void _FramePoly(HQ *phqoly);
void _DrawLine(PTS *prgpts);
void _GetRcsFromRgch(RCS *prcs, achar *prgch, short cch,
PTS *ppts, DSF *pdsf);
#endif //MAC
// low level draw routine
typedef void (GPT::*PFNDRW)(void *);
void _Fill(void *pv, GDD *pgdd, PFNDRW pfn);
GPT(void) {}
#ifdef WIN
static PGPT PgptNew(HDC hdc);
static PGPT PgptNewHwnd(HWND hwnd);
static long CclrSetPalette(HWND hwnd, bool fInval);
// this gross API is for AVI playback
void DrawDib(HDRAWDIB hdd, BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbi, RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd);
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
static PGPT PgptNew(PPRT pprt, HGD hgd = hNil);
static bool FCanScreen(long cbitPixel, bool fColor);
static bool FSetScreenState(long cbitPixel, bool tColor);
static void GetScreenState(long *pcbitPixel, bool *pfColor);
void Set(RCS *prcsClip);
void Restore(void);
#endif //MAC
#ifdef DEBUG
static void MarkStaticMem(void);
#endif //DEBUG
static void SetActiveColors(PGL pglclr, ulong grfpal);
static PGL PglclrGetPalette(void);
static void Flush(void);
static PGPT PgptNewOffscreen(RC *prc, long cbitPixel);
static PGPT PgptNewPic(RC *prc);
PPIC PpicRelease(void);
void SetOffscreenColors(PGL pglclr = pvNil);
void ClipToRegn(PREGN *ppregn);
void SetPtBase(PT *ppt);
void GetPtBase(PT *ppt);
void DrawRcs(RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd);
void HiliteRcs(RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd);
void DrawOval(RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd);
void DrawLine(PTS *ppts1, PTS *ppts2, GDD *pgdd);
void DrawPoly(HQ hqoly, GDD *pgdd);
void ScrollRcs(RCS *prcs, long dxp, long dyp, GDD *pgdd);
void DrawRgch(achar *prgch, long cch, PTS pts, GDD *pgdd, DSF *pdsf);
void GetRcsFromRgch(RCS *prcs, achar *prgch, long cch, PTS pts, DSF *pdsf);
void CopyPixels(PGPT pgptSrc, RCS *prcsSrc, RCS *prcsDst, GDD *pgdd);
void DrawPic(PPIC ppic, RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd);
void DrawMbmp(PMBMP pmbmp, RCS *prcs, GDD *pgdd);
void Lock(void);
void Unlock(void);
byte *PrgbLockPixels(RC *prc = pvNil);
long CbRow(void);
long CbitPixel(void);
bool FCreateRgn(HRGN *phrgn, RC *prc);
void FreePhrgn(HRGN *phrgn);
bool FSetRectRgn(HRGN *phrgn, RC *prc);
bool FUnionRgn(HRGN hrgnDst, HRGN hrgnSrc1, HRGN hrgnSrc2);
bool FIntersectRgn(HRGN hrgnDst, HRGN hrgnSrc1, HRGN hrgnSrc2,
bool *pfEmpty = pvNil);
bool FDiffRgn(HRGN hrgnDst, HRGN hrgnSrc, HRGN hrgnSrcSub,
bool *pfEmpty = pvNil);
bool FRectRgn(HRGN hrgn, RC *prc = pvNil);
bool FEmptyRgn(HRGN hrgn, RC *prc = pvNil);
bool FEqualRgn(HRGN hrgn1, HRGN hrgn2);
bool FInitGfx(void);
// stretch by a factor of 2 in each dimension.
void DoubleStretch(byte *prgbSrc, long cbRowSrc, long dypSrc, RC *prcSrc,
byte *prgbDst, long cbRowDst, long dypDst, long xpDst, long ypDst,
RC *prcClip, PREGN pregnClip);
// stretch by a factor of 2 in vertical direction only.
void DoubleVertStretch(byte *prgbSrc, long cbRowSrc, long dypSrc, RC *prcSrc,
byte *prgbDst, long cbRowDst, long dypDst, long xpDst, long ypDst,
RC *prcClip, PREGN pregnClip);
// Number of times that the palette has changed (via a call to CclrSetPalette
// or SetActiveColors). This can be used by other modules to detect a palette
// change.
extern long vcactRealize;
#endif //!GFX_H