
299 lines
7.1 KiB

/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
tdfmake.cpp: Three-D Font authoring tool
Primary Author: ******
Review Status: Not yet reviewed
TDFmake is a command-line tool for building 3-D Font files from a
set of models.
tdfmake <fontdir1> <fontdir2> ... <destChunkFile>
All the DAT files for a given font should be in a directory. The
directory name becomes the name of the TDF chunk. The DAT file names
should contain a number, which becomes the CHID of the model chunk
under the TDF.
#include "soc.h"
#include "tdfmake.h"
const CTG kctgTdfMake = 'TDFM';
bool FMakeTdf(PFNI pfniSrc, PCFL pcflDst);
Main routine. Returns non-zero if there's an error.
int __cdecl main(int cpsz, achar *prgpsz[])
STN stnDst;
STN stnSrc;
FNI fniSrcDir;
FNI fniDst;
PCFL pcflDst;
long ifniSrc;
fprintf(stderr, "\nMicrosoft (R) TDF Maker\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1995. All rights reserved.\n\n");
if (cpsz < 2)
fprintf(stderr, "%s",
" tdfmake <fontdir1> <fontdir2> ... <destChunkFile>\n\n");
goto LFail;
stnDst = prgpsz[cpsz - 1];
if (!fniDst.FBuildFromPath(&stnDst))
fprintf(stderr, "Bad destination file name %s\n\n", stnDst.Psz());
goto LFail;
pcflDst = CFL::PcflCreate(&fniDst, fcflWriteEnable);
if (pvNil == pcflDst)
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create destination chunky file %s\n\n", stnDst.Psz());
goto LFail;
for (ifniSrc = 0; ifniSrc < cpsz - 2; ifniSrc++)
stnSrc = prgpsz[ifniSrc + 1];
if (stnSrc.Psz()[stnSrc.Cch() - 1] != ChLit('\\'))
if (!stnSrc.FAppendCh(ChLit('\\')))
goto LFail;
if (!fniSrcDir.FBuildFromPath(&stnSrc))
fprintf(stderr, "Bad source directory %s\n\n", stnSrc.Psz());
goto LFail;
fprintf(stderr, "%s ---> %s\n", stnSrc.Psz(), stnDst.Psz());
if (!FMakeTdf(&fniSrcDir, pcflDst))
goto LFail;
if (!pcflDst->FSave(kctgTdfMake))
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't save chunky file.\n\n");
goto LFail;
return 0; // no error
fprintf(stderr, "TDF Maker failed.\n\n");
return 1; // error
Writes a TDF chunk and child BMDL chunks based on all DAT files in
pfniSrcDir to the destination file pcflDst.
bool FMakeTdf(PFNI pfniSrcDir, PCFL pcflDst)
AssertPo(pfniSrcDir, ffniDir);
AssertPo(pcflDst, 0);
FTG ftgDat = MacWin('bdat', 'DAT');
FNE fne;
FNI fni;
STN stn;
STN stn2;
CHID chid;
CHID chidMax = 0;
PMODL pmodl;
CNO cnoModl;
PCRF pcrf;
PSZ psz;
long cch;
long lw;
PGL pglkid;
KID kid;
bool fFoundSpace = fFalse; // 0x20
bool fFoundSpace2 = fFalse; // 0xa0
long cmodl = 0;
pglkid = GL::PglNew(size(KID));
if (pglkid == pvNil)
goto LFail;
pcrf = CRF::PcrfNew(pcflDst, 0);
if (pvNil == pcrf)
goto LFail;
// get directory name (don't actually move up a dir)
if (!pfniSrcDir->FUpDir(&stn, 0))
goto LFail;
if (stn.Psz()[0]==ChLit('\\'))
stn2.SetSz(stn.Psz() + 1);
stn2 = stn;
if (!fne.FInit(pfniSrcDir, &ftgDat, 1))
goto LFail;
psz = stn.Psz();
while (*psz != ChLit('\0') && !FIn(*psz, ChLit('0'), ChLit('9') + 1))
for (cch = 0; FIn(*(psz + cch), ChLit('0'), ChLit('9') + 1); cch++)
if (cch == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Filename must include a number: %s\n\n", stn.Psz());
goto LFail;
stn2.SetRgch(psz, cch);
if (!stn2.FGetLw(&lw, 10))
goto LFail;
chid = lw;
if (chid > chidMax)
chidMax = chid;
if (chid == (CHID)ChLit(' '))
fFoundSpace = fTrue;
if (chid == 0xa0) // nonbreaking space
fFoundSpace2 = fTrue;
pmodl = MODL::PmodlReadFromDat(&fni);
if (pvNil == pmodl)
return fFalse;
if (!pcflDst->FAdd(0, kctgBmdl, &cnoModl))
goto LFail;
if (!pmodl->FWrite(pcflDst, kctgBmdl, cnoModl))
goto LFail;
if (!pcflDst->FPackData(kctgBmdl, cnoModl))
goto LFail;
kid.chid = chid;
kid.cki.ctg = kctgBmdl;
kid.cki.cno = cnoModl;
if (!pglkid->FAdd(&kid))
goto LFail;
fprintf(stderr, "Converted %d characters\n", cmodl);
// Hack to insert a space character if none specified
if (!fFoundSpace)
pmodl = MODL::PmodlNew(0, pvNil, 0, pvNil);
if (pvNil == pmodl)
return fFalse;
if (!pcflDst->FAdd(0, kctgBmdl, &cnoModl))
goto LFail;
if (!pmodl->FWrite(pcflDst, kctgBmdl, cnoModl))
goto LFail;
kid.chid = (CHID)ChLit(' ');
kid.cki.ctg = kctgBmdl;
kid.cki.cno = cnoModl;
if (!pglkid->FAdd(&kid))
goto LFail;
fprintf(stderr, "Added a space character\n");
// Hack to insert a nonbreaking space character if none specified
if (!fFoundSpace2)
pmodl = MODL::PmodlNew(0, pvNil, 0, pvNil);
if (pvNil == pmodl)
return fFalse;
if (!pcflDst->FAdd(0, kctgBmdl, &cnoModl))
goto LFail;
if (!pmodl->FWrite(pcflDst, kctgBmdl, cnoModl))
goto LFail;
kid.chid = 0xa0;
kid.cki.ctg = kctgBmdl;
kid.cki.cno = cnoModl;
if (!pglkid->FAdd(&kid))
goto LFail;
fprintf(stderr, "Added a nonbreaking space character\n");
if (!TDF::FCreate(pcrf, pglkid, &stn2))
goto LFail;
return fTrue;
return fFalse;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool _fEnableWarnings = fTrue;
Warning proc called by Warn() macro
void WarnProc(PSZ pszFile, long lwLine, PSZ pszMessage)
if (_fEnableWarnings)
fprintf(stderr, "%s(%ld) : warning", pszFile, lwLine);
if (pszMessage != pvNil)
fprintf(stderr, ": %s", pszMessage);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Returning true breaks into the debugger.
bool FAssertProc(PSZ pszFile, long lwLine, PSZ pszMessage,
void *pv, long cb)
fprintf(stderr, "An assert occurred: \n");
if (pszMessage != pvNil)
fprintf(stderr, " Message: %s\n", pszMessage);
if (pv != pvNil)
fprintf(stderr, " Address %x\n", pv);
if (cb != 0)
fprintf(stderr, " Value: ");
switch (cb)
byte *pb;
byte *pbLim;
for (pb = (byte *)pv, pbLim = pb + cb; pb < pbLim; pb++)
fprintf(stderr, "%02x", (int)*pb);
case 2:
fprintf(stderr, "%04x", (int)*(short *)pv);
case 4:
fprintf(stderr, "%08lx", *(long *)pv);
fprintf(stderr, " File: %s\n", pszFile);
fprintf(stderr, " Line: %ld\n", lwLine);
return fFalse;