
1412 lines
44 KiB

/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
<cp> Copyright 1993 Microsoft Corporation - All rights reserved
Description: Sendak Window Manager functions
Current Owner: *****
Known bugs: None
How it could be Improved:
Revision History:
10/22/93 ***** Created
12/22/93 ***** Moved to DLL
05/02/94 ***** Added LoadGenResource
08/24/94 ***** Free lpSenstate->DiskName
10/27/94 ***** Added key handler for showing PID
04/25/95 ***** Win32 Port
06/11/95 ***** Use registry
07/01/95 ***** #ifdef'ed UnloadGenResource for Win16 only
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <sendak.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <senutil.h>
#include <credits.h> // function to show PID
#include <utils.h>
#include <image.h>
#include "winman.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
// globals
RECT rectScrnMatt; // size of the matt screen
BOOL fStickyWicket; // stop things from going away when they loose focus
extern SENUTILSTATE SenUtilState;
extern HDC gWinGDC;
extern void far * gpWinGBits;
extern INFO_HEADER gWinGInfoHeader;
extern BOOL gfTopDown;
static WORD gwDragCode=0; // Might need to move these to SenState so they are Inst specific
static int giDX,giDY;
static RECT grOrig, grOutline;
@func BOOL | fGlobalReAllocPtr |
A better realloc function implementation than windows has. This
will prevent your only copy of a memory pointer from being overwritten
with NULL as can be the case if you use GlobalReAllocPtr.
@parm LPVOID FAR * | lplpVoid | Pointer to the pointer you want to realloc.
@parm DWORD | dwNewSize | New size of the memory chunk.
@parm UINT | fuAlloc | Allocation flags (GMEM_MOVEABLE if omitted)
@rdesc TRUE if successful, FALSE if there was an error. In case of error
the passed pointer is still valid and the caller will need to free the
memory at some point.
BOOL _loadds WINAPI fGlobalReAllocPtr(LPVOID FAR *lplpVoid, DWORD dwNewSize, UINT fuAlloc)
lpNew = GlobalReAllocPtr(*lplpVoid, dwNewSize, fuAlloc);
if (lpNew == NULL) return FALSE;
*lplpVoid = lpNew;
return TRUE;
@func BOOL | fInitIni |
This function reads the INI file constants from the resource file
string table into global memory. These constants can be accessed
through a set of external long pointers. In the event of an error,
fReleaseIni() should still be called release any allocated memory.
Note that pathnames in the ini file do not have to have a trailing
backslash (\). When they are read into memory a backslash (\) will
be added if needed.
INI_INSTPATH entry should be a full path (eg. C:\SENDAK)
INI_USERS entry can be either a filename or a full pathname. If
it is just a filename, the INSTPATH will prefix it.
INI_BOOKPATH entry should be a full path (eg. D:\)
INI_DICTIONARY entry should be just a filename (eg. RENCF200.DAT)
This fills these entries in SenState:
lpszInstPath (eg c:\mskids\)
lpszMMIOPath (eg d:\nature.m12+)
lpszMediaPath (eg d:\media\)
lpszDataPath (eg d:\)
@rdesc TRUE if successful, FALSE if there was an error
BOOL _loadds WINAPI fInitIni(LPSENSTATE lpSenState)
char rgchTemp [INI_MAX_ENTRY];
char rgchFilename [INI_MAX_FILENAME];
char rgchEntry [INI_MAX_ENTRYNAME];
#ifndef WIN32
char rgchSection [INI_MAX_SECTIONNAME];
char rgchSubKey [INI_MAX_ENTRY];
#endif //WIN32
char rgchBookName [INI_MAX_FILENAME];
LPSTR lpszChar;
int iSize;
LPSTR lpszDefault = "BAD_INI";
LPSTR lpszMediaDir = "MEDIA\\";
DPF3("fInitIni: Entering ...\n");
// Get Disk Name (eg MDRNWRLD)
if ((iSize = LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, STR_DISKNAME, rgchFilename, INI_MAX_DISKNAME)) == 0) return FALSE;
if ( (lpSenState->lpszDiskName = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iSize+1)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(lpSenState->lpszDiskName, rgchFilename);
#ifndef WIN32
// First load INI filename and Section name
if (!LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_FILENAME, rgchFilename, INI_MAX_FILENAME)) return FALSE;
if (!LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_SEC_PATHS, rgchSection, INI_MAX_SECTIONNAME)) return FALSE;
if (!LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_SUBKEY, rgchSubKey,INI_MAX_ENTRY)) return FALSE;
#endif //WIN32
// Get the install path (hard drive)
if (!LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_INSTPATH, rgchEntry, INI_MAX_ENTRYNAME)) return FALSE;
#ifndef WIN32
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)rgchSection,
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 )
return FALSE;
DWORD dwType = REG_SZ, dwSize = INI_MAX_ENTRY;
HKEY hkResult;
rgchTemp[0]=0; //make sure we have no string when we start
RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, // handle of key to Read value for
rgchEntry, // address of value to Read
0, // reserved
&dwType, // flag for value type
(unsigned char *)rgchTemp, // address of value data
&dwSize // size of value data
iSize = strlen(rgchTemp);
if (!iSize)
strcpy(rgchTemp, lpszDefault);
iSize = strlen(rgchTemp);
#ifdef DEBUG
char rgchDBOut[256];
wsprintf(rgchDBOut, "Couldn't open SubKey: %s\n", rgchSubKey);
return FALSE;
#endif //WIN32
if ( rgchTemp[iSize-1] != '\\') // Ensure entry has \ on end of it
rgchTemp[iSize++] = '\\';
rgchTemp[iSize] = '\0';
// Save in our state structure
if ( (lpSenState->lpszInstPath = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iSize+1)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(lpSenState->lpszInstPath, rgchTemp);
// Get the user preferences file ini entry
if (!LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_USERS, rgchEntry, INI_MAX_ENTRYNAME)) return FALSE;
#ifndef WIN32
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)rgchSection,
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 )
return FALSE;
rgchTemp[0]=0; //make sure we have no string when we start
RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, // handle of key to Read value for
rgchEntry, // address of value to Read
0, // reserved
&dwType, // flag for value type
(unsigned char *)rgchTemp, // address of value data
&dwSize // size of value data
iSize = strlen(rgchTemp);
if (!iSize)
strcpy(rgchTemp, lpszDefault);
iSize = strlen(rgchTemp);
for (lpszChar = rgchTemp ; *lpszChar ; lpszChar++) // Check if entry specifies a full pathname or just filename
if ( (*lpszChar == '\\') || (*lpszChar == ':') ) break;
if (*lpszChar == '\0')
iSize += lstrlen(lpSenState->lpszInstPath); // If just filename, we'll add InstPath to beginning
// Save in our state structure
if ( (SenUtilState.lpszUserPath = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iSize+1)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(SenUtilState.lpszUserPath, (*lpszChar == '\0') ? lpSenState->lpszInstPath : "");
lstrcat(SenUtilState.lpszUserPath, rgchTemp);
#ifdef WIN32
// take care of setting fSwitchRes
if ( !LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_SWITCHRES, rgchEntry, INI_MAX_ENTRYNAME) ) return FALSE;
rgchTemp[0]=0; //make sure we have no string when we start
RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, // handle of key to Read value for
rgchEntry, // address of value to Read
0, // reserved
&dwType, // flag for value type
(unsigned char *)rgchTemp, // address of value data
&dwSize // size of value data
switch (rgchTemp[0] - '0')
case 0:
SenUtilState.fSwitchRes = 0; break;
case 1:
SenUtilState.fSwitchRes = 1; break;
#ifdef _DEBUG
DPF("fInitIni: Bad value in SwitchResolution reg entry\n");
return FALSE;
#endif //win32
// Load our book name and ini entry name
if ( !LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, INI_BOOKPATH, rgchEntry, INI_MAX_ENTRYNAME) ) return FALSE;
if ( !LoadString(lpSenState->hInst, STBL_BOOKNAME, rgchBookName, INI_MAX_ENTRYNAME) ) return FALSE;
#ifndef WIN32
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)rgchSection,
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 )
return FALSE;
rgchTemp[0]=0; //make sure we have no string when we start
RegQueryValueEx(hkResult, // handle of key to Read value for
rgchEntry, // address of value to Read
0, // reserved
&dwType, // flag for value type
(unsigned char *)rgchTemp, // address of value data
&dwSize // size of value data
iSize = strlen(rgchTemp);
if (!iSize)
strcpy(rgchTemp, lpszDefault);
iSize = strlen(rgchTemp);
if ( rgchTemp[iSize-1] != '\\')
{ // Ensure entry has \ on end of it
rgchTemp[iSize++] = '\\';
rgchTemp[iSize] = '\0';
// Add size of bookname to total size!
iSize += lstrlen(rgchBookName) + 2; // one for the '+' one for the EOS
if ( (lpSenState->lpszMMIOPath = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iSize)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(lpSenState->lpszMMIOPath, rgchTemp); // now has path
lstrcat(lpSenState->lpszMMIOPath, rgchBookName); // now has book name
lstrcat(lpSenState->lpszMMIOPath, "+"); // DONE!
iSize = lstrlen(rgchTemp) + lstrlen(lpszMediaDir) + 1;
if ( (lpSenState->lpszMediaPath = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iSize)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(lpSenState->lpszMediaPath, rgchTemp); // now has path
lstrcat(lpSenState->lpszMediaPath, lpszMediaDir); // now has directory
// Form Other Data pathname (used by Dictionary)
iSize = lstrlen(rgchTemp) + 1;
if ( (lpSenState->lpszDataPath = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, iSize)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(lpSenState->lpszDataPath, rgchTemp); // now has path
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)"SCREENMATT",
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 ) = 0;
else = atoi(rgchTemp);
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)"SCREENMATT",
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 )
rectScrnMatt.left = 0;
rectScrnMatt.left = atoi(rgchTemp);
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)"SCREENMATT",
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 )
rectScrnMatt.right = 0;
rectScrnMatt.right = atoi(rgchTemp);
if ( (iSize = GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)"SCREENMATT",
(LPCSTR)rgchFilename)) == 0 )
rectScrnMatt.bottom = 0;
rectScrnMatt.bottom = atoi(rgchTemp);
GetPrivateProfileString( (LPCSTR)"DEBUG",
if (rgchTemp[0] == '0')
fStickyWicket = FALSE;
fStickyWicket = TRUE;
#endif // BUILD_CHECK
DPF3("fInitIni: Exiting ...\n");
return TRUE;
@func void | fReleaseIni |
This function frees the memory allocated by the fInitIni() function.
Note that the long pointers to the INI constants will be invalid after
this call.
@rdesc TRUE if successful, FALSE if there was an error.
void _loadds WINAPI fReleaseIni(LPSENSTATE lpSenState)
if ( lpSenState->lpszDiskName )
lpSenState->lpszDiskName = NULL;
if ( lpSenState->lpszMediaPath )
lpSenState->lpszMediaPath = NULL;
if ( lpSenState->lpszMMIOPath )
lpSenState->lpszMMIOPath = NULL;
if ( lpSenState->lpszInstPath )
lpSenState->lpszInstPath = NULL;
if ( lpSenState->lpszDataPath )
lpSenState->lpszDataPath = NULL;
if ( SenUtilState.lpszUserPath )
SenUtilState.lpszUserPath = NULL;
@func void | vRegisterPalette |
This function registers a window with Sendak's palette handling code.
Any top level window that is drawn using any palettized colors must be
registered so that it will be properly redrawn if the palette changes.
@parm HWND | hWnd | Handle of the window to register
@parm BOOL | bReg | TRUE = Register window, FALSE = Unregister window
void _loadds WINAPI vRegisterPalette(HWND hWnd,BOOL bReg)
LPSENSTATE lpSenState = lpGetSenState();
lpPL = lpSenState->lpPalList;
lpPrevPL = NULL;
while(lpPL) // Locate existing entry
if(lpPL->hWnd == hWnd) break;
else {
lpPrevPL = lpPL;
lpPL = lpPL->lpNext;
if(bReg) { // Register a new window
if(lpPL) return; // If it already exists bail out
lpPL = (LPPALETTELIST)GlobalAllocPtr(0,sizeof(PALETTELIST));
if(lpPL == NULL) return;
lpPL->hWnd = hWnd; // Add a new entry to our linked list
lpPL->lpNext = lpSenState->lpPalList;
lpSenState->lpPalList = lpPL;
// Delete a registeration
if(lpPL == NULL) return; // If window isn't registered, bail out
if(lpPrevPL) // Remove deleted node from linked list
lpPrevPL->lpNext = lpPL->lpNext;
lpSenState->lpPalList = lpPL->lpNext;
GlobalFreePtr(lpPL); // Free memory of deleted node
@func void | vInvalidateWindows |
This function invalidates all registered palette windows.
void _loadds WINAPI vInvalidateWindows()
lpPL = lpGetSenState()->lpPalList;
while(lpPL) { // Traverse the linked list
InvalidateRect(lpPL->hWnd,NULL,TRUE); // Invalidate entire window & erase bkgnd
lpPL = lpPL->lpNext;
@func void | OnPaletteChanged |
WM_PALETTECHANGED message handler.
void _loadds WINAPI OnPaletteChanged(HWND hWnd, HWND hWndPaletteChange)
LPSENSTATE lpSenState = lpGetSenState();
DPF4("WinMan OnPaletteChanged: Entering...\n");
//if(hWnd != lpSenState->hMattWnd)
// SendMessage(lpSenState->hMattWnd, WM_PALETTECHANGED, (WPARAM)hWndPaletteChange, 0L);
lpPL = lpSenState->lpPalList;
if (lpPL)
for(;;) { // Traverse the linked list
if(lpPL->hWnd == hWndPaletteChange) break; // If one of our windows caused change, do nothing
lpPL = lpPL->lpNext;
if(lpPL == NULL) { // When checked all list, we didn't cause palette change
DPF3("WinMan OnPaletteChanged: Realizing our palette.\n");
OnQueryNewPalette(hWnd); // Realize our palette
break; // no need to check rest of list
DPF4("WinMan OnPaletteChanged: Exiting...\n");
@func BOOL | OnQueryNewPalette |
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE message handler.
BOOL _loadds WINAPI OnQueryNewPalette(HWND hWnd)
int i=0;
LPSENSTATE lpSenState = lpGetSenState();
DPF4("WinMan OnQueryNewPalette: Entering...\n");
hPal = lpSenState->hPal;
if (hPal) { // Only realize our palette if we have one - fixes bugs when app is closed
// if(hWnd != lpSenState->hMattWnd)
// i = (int)SendMessage(lpSenState->hMattWnd, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0L);
// else
hDC = GetDC(hWnd);
hOldPal = SelectPalette(hDC, hPal, FALSE);//(lpGetSenState()->fMediaPalette)? TRUE : FALSE); // Select our palette as foreground palette if not MCI device is open
i = RealizePalette(hDC); // If realization changes ...
vInvalidateWindows(); // Force repaint of our window
DPF3("WinMan OnQueryNewPalette: Changed %d palette entries.\n",i);
DPF4("WinMan OnQueryNewPalette: Exiting...\n");
return(i ? TRUE : FALSE); // Indicate if we changed any palette entries
@func void | OnLButtonDown |
WM_LBUTTONDOWN message handler for window dragging.
void _loadds WINAPI OnLButtonDown(HWND hWnd, BOOL, int x, int y, UINT)
GetWindowRect(hWnd, &grOutline);
grOrig = grOutline;
giDX = x;
giDY = y;
gwDragCode = 1;
SetCapture(hWnd); // Capture mouse messages so we'll get button up
@func void | OnLButtonUp |
WM_LBUTTONUP message handler for window dragging.
void _loadds WINAPI OnLButtonUp(HWND hWnd, int, int, UINT)
DPF3("WinMan OnLButtonUp: Entering...\n");
if ( GetCapture() == hWnd )
if(gwDragCode == 2)
hDC = GetDC(NULL); // Get screen DC
SetWindowPos(hWnd, (HWND)NULL, grOutline.left,, 0, 0,
gwDragCode = 0;
@func void | OnMouseMove |
WM_MOUSEMOVE message handler for window dragging.
void _loadds WINAPI OnMouseMove(HWND hWnd, int x, int y, UINT)
if( (GetCapture() == hWnd) && (gwDragCode) )
int nx,ny;
nx = grOutline.left + x - giDX;
ny = + y - giDY;
giDX = x;
giDY = y;
hDC = GetDC(NULL); // Get screen DC
if ( (nx != grOutline.left) || (ny != )
{ // If new position is desired ...
if(gwDragCode == 1) // If 1st move don't need to erase rectangle
gwDragCode = 2;
DrawFocusRect(hDC, &grOutline); // Erase old rectangle
OffsetRect(&grOutline, nx - grOutline.left, ny -;
DrawFocusRect(hDC, &grOutline);
@func void FAR* | LoadGenResource |
This function loads a Wave from the resource file associated with
hInstance. The resource id can be constructed using the
MAKEINTRESOURCE() macro or can be a pointer to a string identifier.
@parm HINSTANCE | hInst | Handle of module containing resource
@parm LPCSTR | lpResourceID | Resource identifier
@parm LPXSTR | lpType | Type of resource
@rdesc On success returns a long pointer to a locked Resource.
On failure returns NULL.
extern "C" void FAR* WINAPI LoadGenResource(HINSTANCE hInst,LPCSTR lpResource,
LPCSTR lpType)
HRSRC hResource;
hResource = FindResource(hInst, lpResource, lpType);
if(hResource == NULL) return(NULL);
hGbl = LoadResource(hInst, hResource);
DPF4(" Handle = 0x%X\n", hGbl);
return (void FAR*)LockResource(hGbl);
@func void | UnloadGenResource |
This function will unload the resource that was loaded by
the LoadGenResource() function. This function should be
called by an application before it exits to free the global memory the
resource uses. Note that windows will cache the resource and will not
discard it from memory even if freed until the memory is compacted.
@parm LPCSTR | lpResource | Pointer to the packed Wave obtained from
@parm BOOL | fDump | Flag to indicate that the resouce should be discarded
from memory and not cached. This means that future
calls to LoadDibResource will be forced to obtain the
DIB from the executable file. This is an optional
parameter and defaults to FALSE meaning the DIB is
extern "C" void WINAPI UnloadGenResource(LPCSTR lpResource, BOOL fDump)
// WIN32: I know this reduces the function to nothingness,
// but GlobalHandle() raises an exception under NT and Win95
// and according to the SDK32, Win32 apps don't need to
// free their resources. FreeResource() is obsolete. [*****]
// I chose to make one change here as opposed to 6 or 7 changes
// elsewhere in the code.
#ifndef WIN32
if (lpResource)
hGbl = GlobalPtrHandle(lpResource); // somebody screwed the 16bit build by
// changing this to GlobalHandle!!!!!!
// WIN32: No need to unlock the above under Win32, and in fact it raises an
// exception
// WIN32: FreeResrouce is a vestigule function
if (fDump) FreeResource(hGbl); // Second call forces dump
@func BOOL | OnIsGadget |
WM_ISGADGET message handler. Returns TRUE.
BOOL _loadds WINAPI OnIsGadget(HWND)
return TRUE;
@func BOOL | GetNextGadgetWindow |
This function gets the next gadget window in the window manager's list.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The current window.
@parm HWND FAR * | lphwndNext | A pointer to where to stick the new window handle.
@rdesc Returns true if there was a next window.
BOOL _loadds WINAPI GetNextGadgetWindow(HWND hWnd, HWND FAR *lphwndNext)
HWND hwndMatt = lpGetSenState()->hMattWnd;
if (!IsWindowVisible(hwndMatt) || hWnd == hwndMatt)
return FALSE;
*lphwndNext = hWnd;
for(;;) {
*lphwndNext = GetWindow(*lphwndNext, GW_HWNDNEXT);
if (!*lphwndNext) break; // No more windows
if (!IsWindowVisible(*lphwndNext)) continue; // This window is not visible, go to the next one
return (*lphwndNext != NULL);
@func void | GetBackground |
This function will copy into hdcMem the background that is supposed to
be there relative to hWnd.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The current window.
@parm HDC | hdcMem | The dc to draw into. There should be an offscreen
bitmap selected into the dc.
@parm RECT | rcPaint | The rectangle (in hWnd's client coordinates) to
redraw. The bitmap selected into hdcMem should be
this big.
void GetBackground(HWND hWnd, HDC hdcMem, RECT rcPaint)
HWND hwndBelow;
// Get the background from the window behind us
GetNextGadgetWindow(hWnd, &hwndBelow);
psPass.hdc = hdcMem;
psPass.fErase = FALSE;
psPass.rcPaint = rcPaint;
MapWindowPoints(hWnd, hwndBelow, (POINT FAR *) &psPass.rcPaint, 2);
SetViewportOrgEx(hdcMem, -psPass.rcPaint.left,, &pt);
SendMessage(hwndBelow, WM_GADGETPAINT, 0, (LPARAM) &psPass);
MapWindowPoints(hwndBelow, hWnd, (POINT FAR *) &psPass.rcPaint, 2);
SetViewportOrgEx(hdcMem, pt.x, pt.y, NULL);
@func BOOL | DrawChildWindows |
This function repaints a child window.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The child window to repaint.
@parm LPARAM | lParam | A pointer to the PAINTSTRUNT to paint into.
BOOL CALLBACK DrawChildWindows(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam)
RECT rClient, rIntersect, rSave;
if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd))
return TRUE;
MapWindowPoints((HWND) lpps->fRestore, hWnd, (POINT FAR *) &lpps->rcPaint, 2);
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rClient);
if (IntersectRect(&rIntersect, &lpps->rcPaint, &rClient))
SetViewportOrgEx(lpps->hdc, -lpps->rcPaint.left, -lpps->, NULL);
rSave = lpps->rcPaint;
lpps->rcPaint = rIntersect;
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GADGETPAINT, 0, lParam);
// ValidateRect(hWnd, &rIntersect);
lpps->rcPaint = rSave;
MapWindowPoints(hWnd, (HWND) lpps->fRestore, (POINT FAR *) &lpps->rcPaint, 2);
return TRUE;
@func BOOL | fBeginGadgetPaint |
Call this function at the beginning of a WM_GADGETPAINT handler.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The window.
@parm LPARAM | lParam | The lParam of the WM_GADGETPAINT message.
@parm LPPAINTSTRUCT | lpps | A pointer to a paintstruct we can use.
@parm HDC FAR * | lphDC | A pointer to an hdc that you will paint into.
@parm DWORD FAR * | lpdw | A pointer to a DWORD we can use to store secret stuff.
@rdesc Returns true if you actually need to repaint anything.
BOOL _loadds WINAPI fBeginGadgetPaint(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpps, HDC FAR *lphDC, DWORD FAR *lpdw)
RECT rClient;
DPF3("BeginGadgetPaint: GO-GO-GADGET-PAINT!!!\n");
if (lParam)
// If we are supposed to draw into an offscreen bitmap, don't make another one!
*lpps = *((PAINTSTRUCT FAR *) lParam);
*lphDC = lpps->hdc;
HPALETTE hPal = lpGetSenState()->hPal;
// If this is an honest-to-gosh WM_PAINT message, we'd better shove our stuff into an
// offscreen bitmap.
BeginPaint(hWnd, lpps);
SETPALETTE(lpps->hdc, hPal);
// Make sure the clipping region is a simple rectangle
// if (GetClipBox(lpps->hdc, &rClip) == COMPLEXREGION)
// {
// HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rClip);
// int i;
// DPF3("BeginGadgetPaint: Complex clipping region! This won't do!\n");
// i = SelectClipRgn(lpps->hdc, hRgn);
// DeleteObject(hRgn);
// }
*lphDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lpps->hdc);
// Create the offscreen bitmap to use
*((HBITMAP FAR *) lpdw) = CreateCompatibleBitmap(lpps->hdc, lpps->rcPaint.right - lpps->rcPaint.left,
lpps->rcPaint.bottom - lpps->;
// Select the offscreen bitmap into the offscreen DC
SelectObject(*lphDC, *((HBITMAP FAR *) lpdw));
// Set the origin so that this DC uses the same coordinate system as the window
SetViewportOrgEx(*lphDC, -lpps->rcPaint.left, -lpps->, NULL);
// Have the windows below us (and our children) fill in our offscreen bitmap
GetBackground(hWnd, *lphDC, lpps->rcPaint);
// Find out if this window lies within the invalid region
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rClient);
DPF3("BeginGadgetPaint: Exiting\n");
return IntersectRect(&rClient, &lpps->rcPaint, &rClient);
@func BOOL | EndGadgetPaint |
Call this function at the end of a WM_GADGETPAINT handler.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The window.
@parm LPARAM | lParam | The lParam of the WM_GADGETPAINT message.
@parm LPPAINTSTRUCT | lpps | A pointer to a paintstruct we can use.
@parm HDC FAR * | lphDC | A pointer to an hdc that you will paint into.
@parm DWORD FAR * | lpdw | A pointer to a DWORD we can use to store secret stuff.
void _loadds WINAPI EndGadgetPaint(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpps, HDC FAR *lphDC, DWORD FAR *lpdw)
DPF3("EndGadgetPaint: Entering...\n");
// Have our child windows (mmbuttons) draw themselves
if (!IsRectEmpty(&lpps->rcPaint))
psPass.hdc = *lphDC;
psPass.fErase = FALSE;
psPass.rcPaint = lpps->rcPaint;
psPass.fRestore = (BOOL) hWnd;
GetViewportOrgEx(*lphDC, &pt);
EnumChildWindows(hWnd, DrawChildWindows, (LPARAM) &psPass);
SetViewportOrgEx(*lphDC, pt.x, pt.y, NULL);
if (!lParam)
RECT rClip;
// If the clip region is complex, then get a DC to the window that isn't restricted.
// This prevents child windows from not being fullly redrawn (they will validate the whole
// rectangle when only parts of it are actually drawn to the screen).
if (GetClipBox(lpps->hdc, &rClip) == COMPLEXREGION)
HDC hdcWnd = GetDC(hWnd);
// Copy the offscreen buffer to the screen
if (hdcWnd)
BitBlt(hdcWnd, lpps->rcPaint.left, lpps->, lpps->rcPaint.right - lpps->rcPaint.left,
lpps->rcPaint.bottom - lpps->,
*lphDC, lpps->rcPaint.left, lpps->, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcWnd);
// Copy the offscreen buffer to the screen
BitBlt(lpps->hdc, lpps->rcPaint.left, lpps->, lpps->rcPaint.right - lpps->rcPaint.left,
lpps->rcPaint.bottom - lpps->,
*lphDC, lpps->rcPaint.left, lpps->, SRCCOPY);
if (*lphDC)
if (*((HBITMAP FAR *) lpdw))
DeleteObject(*((HBITMAP FAR *) lpdw));
EndPaint(hWnd, lpps);
ValidateRect(hWnd, &lpps->rcPaint);
DPF3("EndGadgetPaint: Exiting\n");
@func void | RefreshScreenRect |
Call this function to refresh a portion of the screen.
@parm HWND | hwndTop | The topmost window.
@parm RECT | rRefresh | The rectangle to refresh, in screen coordinates..
void _loadds WINAPI RefreshScreenRect(HWND hwndTop, RECT rRefresh)
HDC hDC, hdcScreen;
hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
SETPALETTE(hDC, lpGetSenState()->hPal);
// Create the offscreen bitmap to use
hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL);
hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen, rRefresh.right - rRefresh.left,
rRefresh.bottom -;
// Select the offscreen bitmap into the offscreen DC
SelectObject(hDC, hbm);
// Set the origin so that this DC uses the same coordinate system as the screen
SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, -rRefresh.left,, NULL);
// Have all the windows (including hWndTop) fill in our offscreen bitmap
psPass.hdc = hDC;
psPass.fErase = FALSE;
psPass.rcPaint = rRefresh;
MapWindowPoints(NULL, hwndTop, (POINT FAR *) &psPass.rcPaint, 2);
SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, -psPass.rcPaint.left,, &pt);
SendMessage(hwndTop, WM_GADGETPAINT, 0, (LPARAM) &psPass);
MapWindowPoints(hwndTop, NULL, (POINT FAR *) &psPass.rcPaint, 2);
SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, pt.x, pt.y, NULL);
// Copy the offscreen buffer to the screen
BitBlt(hdcScreen, rRefresh.left,, rRefresh.right - rRefresh.left, rRefresh.bottom -,
hDC, rRefresh.left,, SRCCOPY);
if (hDC)
if (hbm)
if (hdcScreen)
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen);
typedef struct
HWND hwndChild;
@func BOOL | HitTestChildWindows |
This function hit tests a child window.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The child window.
@parm LPARAM | lParam | A pointer to a HTENUM struct.
@rdesc Returns false if the point is in the window, true otherwise.
BOOL CALLBACK HitTestChildWindows(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam)
LPHTENUM lphtenum = (LPHTENUM) lParam;
if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd))
return TRUE;
MapWindowPoints(GetParent(hWnd), hWnd, &lphtenum->pt, 1);
if (SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GADGETHITTEST, 0, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(lphtenum->pt.x, lphtenum->pt.y)))
lphtenum->hwndChild = hWnd;
return FALSE;
MapWindowPoints(hWnd, GetParent(hWnd), &lphtenum->pt, 1);
return TRUE;
@func BOOL | ForwardMouseDown |
This function forwards a mouse down to the appropriate window.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The window that received the WM_LBUTTONDOWN.
@parm BOOL | fDoubleClick | From the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message.
@parm int | x | From the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message.
@parm int | y | From the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message.
@parm UINT | keyFlags | From the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message.
void _loadds WINAPI ForwardMouseDown(HWND hWnd, BOOL fDoubleClick, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags)
HWND hwndBelow;
RECT rClient;
HTENUM htenum;
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
hwndBelow = hWnd;
while (GetNextGadgetWindow(hwndBelow, &hwndBelow))
MapWindowPoints(hWnd, hwndBelow, &pt, 1);
GetClientRect(hwndBelow, &rClient);
if (PtInRect(&rClient, pt))
// Check for a child window hit = pt;
htenum.hwndChild = NULL;
EnumChildWindows(hwndBelow, HitTestChildWindows, (LPARAM) &htenum);
if (htenum.hwndChild)
SendMessage(htenum.hwndChild, (fDoubleClick ? WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : WM_LBUTTONDOWN),
// Check for parent window hit
else if (SendMessage(hwndBelow, WM_GADGETHITTEST, 0, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y)))
SendMessage(hwndBelow, (fDoubleClick ? WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : WM_LBUTTONDOWN),
(WPARAM) keyFlags, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));
MapWindowPoints(hwndBelow, hWnd, &pt, 1);
@func BOOL | ForwardMouseUp |
This function forwards a mouse up to the appropriate window.
@parm HWND | hWnd | The window that received the WM_LBUTTONUP.
@parm BOOL | fDoubleClick | From the WM_LBUTTONUP message.
@parm int | x | From the WM_LBUTTONUP message.
@parm int | y | From the WM_LBUTTONUP message.
@parm UINT | keyFlags | From the WM_LBUTTONUP message.
void _loadds WINAPI ForwardMouseUp(HWND hWnd, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags)
HWND hwndBelow;
RECT rClient;
HTENUM htenum;
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
hwndBelow = hWnd;
while (GetNextGadgetWindow(hwndBelow, &hwndBelow))
MapWindowPoints(hWnd, hwndBelow, &pt, 1);
GetClientRect(hwndBelow, &rClient);
if (PtInRect(&rClient, pt))
// Check for a child window hit = pt;
htenum.hwndChild = NULL;
EnumChildWindows(hwndBelow, HitTestChildWindows, (LPARAM) &htenum);
if (htenum.hwndChild)
SendMessage(htenum.hwndChild, WM_LBUTTONUP, (WPARAM) keyFlags, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));
// Check for parent window hit
else if (SendMessage(hwndBelow, WM_GADGETHITTEST, 0, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y)))
SendMessage(hwndBelow, WM_LBUTTONUP, (WPARAM) keyFlags, (LPARAM) MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));
MapWindowPoints(hwndBelow, hWnd, &pt, 1);
@func void | Winman_OnKey | Shows PID when the correct key combo is pressed.
void _loadds Winman_OnKey(HWND hwnd, UINT vk, BOOL fDown, int, UINT)
if( (vk == 'I') &&
(fDown) &&
(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) &&
(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) )
void _loadds vClearWinGBuffer()
RECT rcWinG = {0, 0, 640, 480};
LPSENSTATE lpSenState = lpGetSenState();
copyParms.pBufferHeader = (LPBITMAPINFO)&gWinGInfoHeader;
copyParms.pBufferBits = (char huge *)gpWinGBits;
copyParms.iXOriginSrc = 0;
copyParms.iYOriginSrc = 0;
copyParms.fReverseSource = gfTopDown;
if ( lpSenState->lpTitleAction )
if ( (lpSenState->lpTitleAction)(SENSPAM_COPY_BITMAP, (DWORD)&rcWinG, (DWORD)&copyParms) == FALSE )
// if failed make it BLACK!
PatBlt(gWinGDC, rcWinG.left,, rcWinG.right, rcWinG.bottom, BLACKNESS);
void _loadds ClientToWinG(HWND hWnd, POINT *ppt)
/* Although once we ship this code would work (asumming every
gadget is centered on the screen) this prevents us from
using a smaller mask window which we need for testing.
If you don't have a full screen mask you get a GP fault in the
TransCopyDIBBits() function because the function that calls it,
TransparentDIBits(), can pass -ve destination origins.
ClientToScreen(hWnd, ppt);
ppt->x -= (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - 640)/2;
ppt->y -= (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 480)/2;
// What we really want to do is convert from our window's coordinates to
// its parent coordinates (since this function is called from mmb code
// where we're placing buttons onto the gadget)
HWND hWndUse;
hWndUse = FindWindow("ExploraStack", NULL);
if ( !hWndUse )
hWndUse = FindWindow("Visor", NULL);
if ( !hWndUse )
hWndUse = FindWindow("ExploraCredits", NULL);
if ( hWndUse )
MapWindowPoints(hWnd, hWndUse, ppt, 1);
BOOL _loadds WINAPI fShouldActivateSPAM()
LPSTR lpszStackClass = "ExploraStack";
LPSTR lpszCreditsClass = "ExploraCredits";
LPSTR lpszVisorClass = "Visor";
if ( FindWindow(lpszStackClass, NULL) ||
FindWindow(lpszCreditsClass, NULL) ||
FindWindow(lpszVisorClass, NULL) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;