
754 lines
28 KiB

/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// HD component of the building file
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Project macros and definitions
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#define PACKALL
#include "kidgs.chh"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Object definitions shared between studio and building
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdiodef.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Building object definitions
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "socdefn.h"
// needed to get definition for ksclBuilding..
#include "projmain.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Start up stuff.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "sharutil.chh"
#include "biopage.chh"
// Init macro values
STARTCHUNKS( 0x00040000 )
// This script gets called each time the building is loaded. This includes
// application startup as well as subsequent Studio=>Building transitions.
SCRIPTCHUNK( "Start application" , kcnoStartApp )
::fInStudio = fFalse;
FilterCmdsGob(kgobUtil, cidLoadStudioFailed, kidNil, chidNil);
kgobGoto = GetProp(kpridBuildingGob);
DEBUGCMD(PrintStr("Starting Building with kpridBuildingGob = ",
NumToStr(kgobGoto, ""), "; kpridBuildingState = ",
NumToStr(GetProp(kpridBuildingState), "")));
ASSERT(kgobGoto != 0);
ASSERT(GetProp(kpridBuildingState) >= kst1);
// Any portfolio stuff the studio was doing should be cleared here.
EnqueueCid(cidPortfolioClear, 0, 0,0,0,0);
// Go to the specified gob.
// Note: kstEntry is set by LOADTOOLS on the way out of the building
// so it should be valid here.
SETGLOBAL(kstEntry, GetProp(kpridBuildingState));
NEXTPLACE1(kgobGoto, GLOBAL(kstEntry));
// Normally, the Studio filters for these, but if we're in the building,
// the studio doesn't exist, so we need to trap them. Make sure this
// trap is turned off when the studio is created again.
FilterCmdsGob(kgobUtil, cidOpen, kidNil, kchidScript6);
FilterCmdsGob(kgobUtil, cidNew, kidNil, kchidScript6);
FilterCmdsGob(kgobUtil, cidLoadStudioDoc, kidNil, kchidScript6);
EndLongOp(fTrue); // If the studio set the wait cursor, turn it off.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Get definitions for shared stuff - eg. bio pages
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "biopage.chh"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Now include all of the chunks/components.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "palette.cht"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// shared building components
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "navbars.cht"
#include "music.cht"
#include "portfol.cht"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// all of the 'places' - each file includes all views
// ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "login.cht"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Street scene (the whole thing)
#include "street.cht"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ticket booth
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions for the ticket booth place '1' - far off view
// ----------------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "ticket1-far view", kgobTicket1, 0, kcrsHand1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\ticket\ticket1.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "ticket1: create" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocTicket );
PLAYMIDI_LOOP( cnoNil ); // no music
CreateChildThis( kgobTicket1Doors, kgobTicket1Doors );
CreateChildThis( kgobTicket1Waiter, kgobTicket1Waiter );
CLICK_SCRIPT( "ticket1: anything clicked" )
NEXTPLACE1( kgobTicket2, kst2 );
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Definitions for the ticket booth place 2- close up view
// -------------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "ticket2-zoom view", kgobTicket2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\ticket\ticket2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "ticket2 created" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocTicket );
PLAYMIDI( cnoNil );
CreateChildThis( kgobTicket2McZee, kgobTicket2McZee );
CreateChildThis( kgobTicket2Exit, kgobTicket2Exit );
CreateChildThis( kgobTicket2Map, kgobTicket2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobTic1m1, kgobTic1m1 );
#ifdef DEBUG
// If we needed to implement multiple-state entries from the map to the
// ticket booth, we would use this routine. For now, ASSERT that it doesn't
// get used.
CHILD_SCRIPT("Backstage1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
#endif // DEBUG
// -------------------------------------------------------
// lobby
OBJECT( "lobby1-front view", kgobLobby1, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\lobby\lobby1.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "lobby1 startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocLobby );
PLAYMIDI( kmidLobby );
.fExitLobby=fFalse; // if set: triggers McZee to cycle out
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby1Door, kgobLobby1Door );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby1Poster3, kgobLobby1Poster3 );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby1Poster4, kgobLobby1Poster4 );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby1McZee, kgobLobby1McZee );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby1m1, kgobLobby1m1 );
#ifdef DEBUG
// If we needed to implement multiple-state entries from the map to the
// lobby, we would use this routine. For now, ASSERT that it doesn't
// get used.
CHILD_SCRIPT("Backstage1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
#endif // DEBUG
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stuff for view #2 of lobby.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "lobby-back view", kgobLobby2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\lobby\lobby2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "lobby2 startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocLobby );
PLAYMIDI( kmidLobby );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby2Doors, kgobLobby2Doors );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby2Map, kgobLobby2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby2Exit, kgobLobby2Exit );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Waiting area
#include "waiting.cht"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Snackbar backgrounds
OBJECT( "snackbar", kgobSnackBar, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault), "building\pbm\snackbar\snackbr2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "snackbar create" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocLobby );
PLAYMIDI( kmidLobby );
CreateChildThis( kgobSnackbarMczee, kgobSnackbarMczee );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby3m1, kgobLobby3m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobLobby3m2, kgobLobby3m2 );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Theatre
OBJECT( "theatre1", kgobTheatre1, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_RECT(CHID(kst1, krepDefault), "Theatre1 State1 Rep", 0, 0, 640, 480)
REP_PPMBMP(CHID(kst2, krepDefault), "building\pbm\theatre\theatre1.pbm")
REP_PPMBMP(CHID(kst3, krepDefault), "building\pbm\theatre\the1dark.pbm")
CREATE_SCRIPT( "theatre1: create" )
DEBUGCMD(PrintStr("Creating Theatre1"));
SETPALETTE( kpalSocTheatre);
PLAYMIDI( kmidTheatre );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre1LeftDoor, kgobTheatre1LeftDoor );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre1RightDoor, kgobTheatre1RightDoor );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre1McZee, kgobTheatre1McZee );
#ifdef DEBUG
// If we needed to implement multiple-state entries from the map to the
// theatre, we would use this routine. For now, ASSERT that it doesn't
// get used.
CHILD_SCRIPT("Backstage1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
#endif // DEBUG
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// back view of the theatre & its objects
// ---------------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "theatre2", kgobTheatre2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\theatre\theatre2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "theatre2: create" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocTheatre );
PLAYMIDI( kmidTheatre );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre2Door, kgobTheatre2Door );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre2Map, kgobTheatre2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre2Exit, kgobTheatre2Exit );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheater2m1, kgobTheater2m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheater2m2, kgobTheater2m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheater2m3, kgobTheater2m3 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// front left view of the theatre & its objects
// ---------------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "theatre3", kgobTheatre3, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\theatre\theatre3.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "theatre3: create")
SETPALETTE( kpalSocTheatre );
PLAYMIDI( kmidTheatre );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre3Right, kgobTheatre3Right );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre3Door, kgobTheatre3Door );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre3Map, kgobTheatre3Exit );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre3Exit, kgobTheatre3Map );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Front right view of the theatre & its objects
// ---------------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "theatre4", kgobTheatre4, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\theatre\theatre4.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "theatre4: create" )
ASSERT(GLOBAL(kstEntry) >= kst2 && GLOBAL(kstEntry) <= kst4);
DEBUGCMD( PrintStr("Create theatre4 object") );
SETPALETTE( kpalSocTheatre );
PLAYMIDI( kmidTheatre );
// If GLOBAL(kstEntry) == 2 don't run the pass thru Mz
If (GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst3);
.nxtPlcState = kst3;
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre4McZee, kgobTheatre4McZee );
Elif (GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst4);
.nxtPlcState = kst6;
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre4McZee, kgobTheatre4McZee );
// Create the rest of the objects in this sceen
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre4Left, kgobTheatre4Left );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre4Door, kgobTheatre4Door );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre4Map, kgobTheatre4Exit );
CreateChildThis( kgobTheatre4Exit, kgobTheatre4Map );
CHILD_SCRIPT("Theater4 McZee call back.", kchidScript1 )
NEXTPLACE1( kgobBackstage1, .nxtPlcState );
// backstage stuff
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Backstage view 1 & objects
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "backstage", kgobBackstage1, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "backstage1 : startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocBackstage );
// There are many pass through animations in backstag.cht
// which require MIDI other than Backstage MIDI so it is
// more efficent to play MIDI based on McZees state.
// PLAYMIDI( cnoNil );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage1Insp, kgobBackstage1Insp );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage1Studio, kgobBackstage1Studio );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage1Proj, kgobBackstage1Proj );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstageMcZee, kgobBackstageMcZee );
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\backstag\backstg1.pbm" )
#ifdef DEBUG
// If we needed to implement multiple-state entries from the map to the
// backstage, we would use this routine. For now, ASSERT that it doesn't
// get used.
CHILD_SCRIPT("Backstage1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
#endif // DEBUG
OBJECT( "backstage view 2 ", kgobBackstage2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\backstag\backstg2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "startup", kst1 )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocBackstage );
PLAYMIDI( kmidBackstage );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage2Right, kgobBackstage2Right );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage2Left, kgobBackstage2Left );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage2Map, kgobBackstage2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage2Exit, kgobBackstage2Exit );
// bio page hotspots
CreateChildThis( kgobBackstage2m1, kgobBackstage2m1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Backstage view 2, and objects
// -----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "bs2 - left door", kgobBackstage2Left, 33, kcrsLeft )
REP_MASK( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\bitmaps\backstag\bk2ltdr2.bmp", 0, 0 )
CLICK_SCRIPT( "bs2 left door clicked!" )
NEXTPLACE1( kgobTheatre4, kst2 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "bs2 - right door", kgobBackstage2Right, 33, kcrsRight)
REP_MASK( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\bitmaps\backstag\bk2rtdr2.bmp", 0, 0 )
CLICK_SCRIPT( "bs2 right door clicked!" )
NEXTPLACE1( kgobTheatre3, kst1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "backstage2 map", kgobBackstage2Map, 44, kcrsHand1 )
REP_MASK( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\bitmaps\backstag\bk2map.bmp", 0, 0 )
CLICK_SCRIPT( "backstage2 map clicked" )
CreateChildGob( GET_CURRENTPLACE(), kgobMapMain, kgobMapMain );
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "backstage2 exit", kgobBackstage2Exit, 44, kcrsHand1 )
REP_MASK( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\bitmaps\backstag\bk2quit.bmp", 0, 0 )
CLICK_SCRIPT( "backstage2 exit clicked" )
OBJECT( "Biopage 40 mask", kgobBackstage2m1, 0, kcrsHand1 )
REP_MASK( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\bitmaps\backstag\bkstg2m1.bmp", 0, 0 )
CLICK_SCRIPT( "mask clicked" )
If( fBIO_AVAIL( 40 ) );
// Bio Page already found
PlaySoundThis(kctgWave, kwavBioAlreadyFound, 0, 0x00010000, 1, 0,
BIO_CREATEBOOK( 40, fFalse, kgobBackstage2 );
// Inspiration (Ideas) room
OBJECT( "inspiration view 1", kgobInspiration1, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1(krepDefault), "building\pbm\inspirat\inspir1.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "startup", kst1 )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocInspiration );
PLAYMIDI( kmidIdeas );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobSplotMachine, kgobSplotMachine );
CreateChildThis( kgobTalentBook, kgobTalentBook );
CreateChildThis( kgobInsp1McZee, kgobInsp1McZee );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea1m1, kgobIdea1m1 ); // bio hotspot
// If we've come to this room without navigating through
// the back stage area, then don't play the long back stage
// introduction when we do go there. This is to maintain
// continuity with reguard to where characters are in the building
// at the time of the backstage long introduction.
SETGLOBAL( fBackstagePS, fFalse );
CHILD_SCRIPT("Inspiration1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
// Inspiration McZee never hangs out in kst1, so switching to kst1 is
// guaranteed to run his dispatch state.
ChangeStateGob(kgobInsp1McZee, kst1);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Inspiration 2 - back view
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "inspiration view 2", kgobInspiration2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1(krepDefault), "building\pbm\inspirat\inspir2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocInspiration );
PLAYMIDI( kmidIdeas );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobInsp2Doors, kgobInsp2Doors );
CreateChildThis( kgobInsp2Map, kgobInsp2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobInsp2Exit, kgobInsp2Exit );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea2m1, kgobIdea2m1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Inspiration 3 - left view
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "inspiration view 3", kgobInspiration3, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1(krepDefault), "building\pbm\inspirat\inspir3.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocInspiration );
PLAYMIDI( kmidIdeas );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea3m1, kgobIdea3m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea3m2, kgobIdea3m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea3m3, kgobIdea3m3 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Inspiration 4 - right view
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "inspiration view 4", kgobInspiration4, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1(krepDefault), "building\pbm\inspirat\inspir4.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocInspiration );
PLAYMIDI( kmidIdeas );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea4m1, kgobIdea4m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea4m2, kgobIdea4m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobIdea4m3, kgobIdea4m3 );
// Studio
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Studio 1 - front view
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "studio view 1", kgobStudio1, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault),"building\pbm\studio\studio1.pbm" )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID( kst2, krepDefault),"building\pbm\studio\studio1b.pbm" ) // state 2=tools background
CREATE_SCRIPT( "studio1: startup" )
ASSERT(GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst1 || GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst2);
SETPALETTE( kpalSocStudio );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobStudio1Tools, kgobStudio1Tools );
CreateChildThis( kgobStudio1McZee, kgobStudio1McZee );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo1m1, kgobStdo1m1 );
// If we've come to this room without navigating through
// the back stage area, then don't play the long back stage
// introduction when we do go there. This is to maintain
// continuity with reguard to where characters are in the building
// at the time of the backstage long introduction.
SETGLOBAL( fBackstagePS, fFalse );
CHILD_SCRIPT("Studio1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
If (GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst1); // Normal Entry
// Turn help off and dispatch McZee directly to the waiting state.
PLAYMIDI( kmidStudio );
SETGLOBAL(fHelpOn, fFalse);
ChangeStateGob(kgobStudio1McZee, kst2 );
Else; // Pass through to tools.
PLAYMIDI( cnoNil ); // stop any random MIDI that's going
ChangeStateGob( kgobStudio1Tools, kst2 ); // launch toolbox (sproing) and proceed into tools.
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Studio 2 - back view (doors to backstage)
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "studio view 2 ", kgobStudio2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault), "building\pbm\studio\studio2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "studio2: startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocStudio );
PLAYMIDI( kmidStudio );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobStudio2Doors, kgobStudio2Doors );
CreateChildThis( kgobStudio2Map, kgobStudio2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobStudio2ExitWord, kgobStudio2ExitWord);
CreateChildThis( kgobStudio2Exit, kgobStudio2Exit);
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo2m1, kgobStdo2m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo2m2, kgobStdo2m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo2m3, kgobStdo2m3 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Studio 3 - (3 o'clock view)
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "studio view 3 ", kgobStudio3, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault), "building\pbm\studio\studio3.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "studio3 : startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocStudio );
PLAYMIDI( kmidStudio );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo3m1, kgobStdo3m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo3m2, kgobStdo3m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo3m3, kgobStdo3m3 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Studio 4 - (9 o'clock view)
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "studio view 4", kgobStudio4, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault), "building\pbm\studio\studio4.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "studio4: startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocStudio );
PLAYMIDI( kmidStudio );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo4m1, kgobStdo4m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo4m2, kgobStdo4m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo4m3, kgobStdo4m3 );
CreateChildThis( kgobStdo4m4, kgobStdo4m4 );
// Projects room
OBJECT( "projects view 1", kgobProjects1, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\projects\project1.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "projects1: startup" )
// Projects1 states: kst1 == Entry from another room;
// kst2 == Entry from elsewhere in Projects room.
// kst3 == talking
// kst4 == launching logo (TV)
// kst5 == launching movie tips
ASSERT(GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst1 || GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst2 ||
GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst4 || GLOBAL(kstEntry) == kst5 );
SETPALETTE( kpalSocProjects );
PLAYMIDI( kmidProject );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
// Create objects in the view. (monitors + anims)
CreateChildThis(kgobProj1Mon1, kgobProj1Mon1);
CreateChildThis(kgobProj1Mon2, kgobProj1Mon2);
CreateChildThis(kgobTvViewL, kgobTvViewL );
CreateChildThis(kgobTvViewR, kgobTvViewR );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt1m1, kgobPrjt1m1 ); // bio page 37 hs.
// Create Melanie, and start her up in the correct state.
// Her states are 1 == hidden; 2 == wait state; 3 == intro.
CreateChildThis(kgobProj1Melanie, kgobProj1Melanie);
// If we've come to this room without navigating through
// the back stage area, then don't play the long back stage
// introduction when we do go there. This is to maintain
// continuity with reguard to where characters are in the building
// at the time of the backstage long introduction.
SETGLOBAL( fBackstagePS, fFalse );
// Run the dispatch script.
CHILD_SCRIPT("Projects1:Dispatch", kchidScript0)
enter = GLOBAL( kstEntry );
If( enter == kst4 );
// fake user click on the logo wizard monitor
EnqueueCid( cidClicked, kgobProj1Mon1, 0,0,0,0 );
Elif( enter == kst5 );
// fake user click on the movie techniques monitor
EnqueueCid( cidClicked, kgobProj1Mon2, 0,0,0,0 );
// Until clicked on, Melanie always starts in her wait state. If we're
// coming from elsewhere in the Projects room (kst2), leave the help in
// its current state; otherwise make sure it's off at this point.
If ( enter != kst1 );
SETGLOBAL(fHelpOn, fFalse);
ChangeStateGob(kgobProj1Melanie, kst2);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Projects 2 - back view, and objects
// Called Projects Backwall on the flowchart.
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "projects view 2 ", kgobProjects2, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\projects\project2.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "projects2: startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocProjects );
PLAYMIDI( kmidProject );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobProj2Doors, kgobProj2Doors );
CreateChildThis( kgobProj2Exit, kgobProj2Exit );
CreateChildThis( kgobProj2Map, kgobProj2Map );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt2m1, kgobPrjt2m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt2m2, kgobPrjt2m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt2m3, kgobPrjt2m3 );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt2m4, kgobPrjt2m4 );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Projects 3 - right (3o'clock) view, and objects
// Called Projects Right on the flowchart.
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "projects view 3", kgobProjects3, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\projects\project3.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "projects3: startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocProjects );
PLAYMIDI( kmidProject );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Projects 4 - left (9 o'clock) view, and objects
// Called Projects Left on the flowchart.
// -----------------------------------------------------
OBJECT( "projects view 4", kgobProjects4, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID1( krepDefault ), "building\pbm\projects\project4.pbm" )
CREATE_SCRIPT( "projects4: startup" )
SETPALETTE( kpalSocProjects );
PLAYMIDI( kmidProject );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarLeft, kgobNavbarLeft);
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarDown, kgobNavbarDown );
CreateChildThis( kgobNavbarRight, kgobNavbarRight );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt4m1, kgobPrjt4m1 );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt4m2, kgobPrjt4m2 );
CreateChildThis( kgobPrjt4m3, kgobPrjt4m3 );
// put the imaginpolis backgrounds on here (for now)
OBJECT( "imaginopolis", kgobImagin, 0, kcrsArrow1 )
CREATE_ANIMST( "imagin: full sequence", kst1 )
SETPALETTE( kpalImaginopolis ); // palette
PLAYMIDI( cnoNil ); // roller coaster music
CreateChildThis( kgobMcZeeRoller, kgobMcZeeRoller );
REP_PPMBMP( CHID( kst1, krepDefault ), "building\pbm\imagin\back1.pbm" )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID( kst2, krepDefault ), "building\pbm\imagin\back2.pbm" )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID( kst3, krepDefault ), "building\pbm\imagin\back3.pbm" )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID( kst4, krepDefault ), "building\pbm\imagin\back4.pbm" )
REP_PPMBMP( CHID( kst5, krepDefault ), "building\pbm\imagin\back5.pbm" )