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/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Status: All changes must be code reviewed.
Movie Stuff
A single view on a movie (MVU)
DDG ---> MVU
Callbacks to client (MCC)
A single movie (MVIE)
#ifndef MOVIE_H
#define MOVIE_H
// Tools that can be "loaded" on the mouse cursor
toolPlace, // (to position an actor when you first add it)
toolAction, // action is in _anidTool if we're motion filling
toolCostumeCmid,// cmid is in _cmidTool
toolUndo, // For playing UI Sound only
toolRedo, // For playing UI Sound only
toolFWAScene, // For playing UI Sound only
toolRWAScene, // For playing UI Sound only
// Used to tell the client the change the state of the undo UI
undoDisabled = 1,
// grfbrws flags
fbrwsNil = 0,
fbrwsProp = 1, // fTrue implies prop or 3d
fbrwsTdt = 2 // fTrue means this is a 3-D Text object
// A class for handling a single Movie view
// The class definition
#define MVU_PAR DDG
typedef class MVU *PMVU;
#define kclsMVU 'MVU'
class MVU : public MVU_PAR
/* Make these static; we want to be able to set and restore without having
an actual MVU, and they shouldn't be getting set per-MVU anyway */
static bool _fKbdDelayed; // fTrue == we have delayed the keyboard
static long _dtsKbdDelay; // System keyboard delay before first repeat
static long _dtsKbdRepeat; // System keyboard delay between repeats
long _dxp;
long _dyp; // width and height rendered area.
bool _fTrackingMouse; // Is the mouse currently being tracked?
long _xpPrev; // X location of the mouse.
long _ypPrev; // Y location of the mouse.
BRS _dzrPrev; // Z motion of the "mouse" (arrow keys)
long _grfcust; // Options in effect when mouse was down.
PCURS _pcursDefault; // Default cursor for when a tool is not applicable.
PACTR _pactrListener; // Pactr of the actor being auditioned
PACTR _pactrRestore; // Restore for actor recording
long _anidTool; // Current selected action
TAG _tagTool; // Tag associated with current tool.
PTMPL _ptmplTool; // Template associated with the current tool.
long _cmidTool; // Costume id associated with current tool.
bool _fCyclingCels; // Are we cycling cels in toolRecord?
long _tool; // Current tool loaded on cursor
// REVIEW Seanse(SeanSe): MVIE should not be creating/mucking with actor undo
// objects. V2.666 should revisit this issue and see if we can get ACTR to
// do all its own undo objects (e.g. Growing over a long drag could become
// a StartGrow/Grow/EndGrow sequence). This also effects _pactrRestore.
PAUND _paund; // Actor undo object to save from mouse down to drag.
ulong _tsLast; // Last time a cell was recorded.
ulong _tsLastSample; // Last time mouse/kbd sampled
RC _rcFrame; // Frame for creating a text box.
BRS _rgrAxis[3][3]; // Conversion from mouse points to 3D points.
bool _fRecordDefault; // fTrue = Record; fFalse = Rerecord
bool _fPause:1; // fTrue if pausing play until a click.
bool _fTextMode:1; // fTrue if Text boxes are active.
bool _fRespectGround:1; // fTrue if Y=0 is enforced.
bool _fSetFRecordDefault:1; // fTrue if using hotkeys to rerecord.
bool _fMouseOn:1;
bool _fEntireScene:1; // Does positioning effect the entire scene?
bool _fMouseDownSeen; // Was the mouse depressed during a place.
PACTR _pactrUndo; // Actor to use for undo object when roll-calling.
ACR _acr; // Color for painting text.
long _onn; // Font for text
long _dypFont; // Font size for text
ulong _grfont; // Font style for text
long _lwLastTime; // State variable for the last time through.
MVU(PDOCB pdocb, PGCB pgcb) : DDG(pdocb, pgcb) { }
// Clipboard support
bool _FCopySel(PDOCB *ppdocb, bool fRteOnly);
void _ClearSel(void);
bool _FPaste(PCLIP pclip);
void _PositionActr(BRS dxrWld, BRS dyrWld, BRS dzrWld);
void _MouseDown(CMD_MOUSE *pcmd);
void _MouseDrag(CMD_MOUSE *pcmd);
void _MouseUp(CMD_MOUSE *pcmd);
void _ActorClicked(PACTR pactr, bool fDown);
static void SlowKeyboardRepeat(void);
static void RestoreKeyboardRepeat(void);
// Constructors and desctructors
static MVU *PmvuNew(PMVIE pmvie, PGCB pgcb, long dxy, long dyp);
// Accessor for getting the owning movie
PMVIE Pmvie() { return (PMVIE)_pdocb; }
// Command handlers
virtual bool FCmdTrackMouse(PCMD_MOUSE pcmd);
virtual bool FCmdMouseMove(PCMD_MOUSE pcmd);
virtual bool FCmdClip(CMD *pcmd);
virtual bool FCmdUndo(PCMD pcmd);
virtual bool FCloseDoc(bool fAssumeYes, bool fSaveDDG = fFalse);
virtual bool FCmdSave(PCMD pcmd);
bool FDoClip(long tool);
bool FCmdIdle(CMD *pcmd); // Called whenever an idle loop is seen.
bool FCmdRollOff(CMD *pcmd);
// View specific functions.
void SetTool(long tool);
long Tool(void) { return _tool; }
long AnidTool(void) { return _anidTool; }
long CmidTool(void) { return _cmidTool; }
PTAG PtagTool(void) { return &_tagTool; }
void SetAnidTool(long anid) { _anidTool = anid; }
void SetTagTool(PTAG ptag);
void SetCmidTool(long cmid) { _cmidTool = cmid; }
void StartPlaceActor(bool fEntireScene = fFalse);
void EndPlaceActor(void);
void WarpCursToCenter(void);
void WarpCursToActor(PACTR pactr);
void AdjustCursor(long xp, long yp);
void MouseToWorld(BRS dxrMouse, BRS dyrMouse, BRS dzrMouse, BRS *pdxrWld,
BRS *pdyrWld, BRS *pdzrWld, bool fRecord);
void SetAxis(BRS rgrAxis[3][3]) {BltPb(rgrAxis, _rgrAxis, size(BRS) * 9); }
void SetFRecordDefault(bool f) { _fRecordDefault = f; }
void SetFRespectGround(bool f) { _fRespectGround = f; }
bool FRecordDefault() { return _fRecordDefault; }
void PauseUntilClick(bool fPause) { _fPause = fPause; }
bool FPausing(void) { return _fPause; }
bool FTextMode(void) { return _fTextMode; }
bool FActrMode(void) { return !_fTextMode; }
bool FRespectGround(void) { return _fRespectGround; }
void SetActrUndo(PACTR pactr) { _pactrUndo = pactr; }
void SetPaintAcr(ACR acr) { _acr = acr; }
ACR AcrPaint(void) { return _acr; }
void SetOnnTextCur(long onn) { _onn = onn; }
long OnnTextCur(void) { return _onn; }
void SetDypFontTextCur(long dypFont) { _dypFont = dypFont; }
long DypFontTextCur(void) { return _dypFont; }
void SetStyleTextCur(ulong grfont) { _grfont = grfont; }
ulong GrfontStyleTextCur(void) { return _grfont; }
// Routines for communicating with the framework
void Draw(PGNV pgnv, RC *prcClip);
// Movie Client Callbacks. Used for filling in
// parameters for this movie, and for notifying
// client of state changes.
#define MCC_PAR BASE
class MCC;
typedef MCC *PMCC;
#define kclsMCC 'MCC'
class MCC : public MCC_PAR
long _dxp;
long _dyp;
long _cbCache;
MCC(long dxp, long dyp, long cbCache)
_dxp = dxp;
_dyp = dyp;
_cbCache = cbCache;
virtual long Dxp(void) { return _dxp; } // Width of the rendering area
virtual long Dyp(void) { return _dyp; } // Height of the rendering area
virtual long CbCache(void) { return _cbCache; } // Number of bytes to use for caching.
virtual void SetCurs(long tool) { } // Sets the cursor based on the tool, may be pvNil.
virtual void UpdateRollCall(void) { } // Tells the client to update its roll call.
virtual void UpdateAction(void) { } // Tells the client to update its action menu.
virtual void UpdateScrollbars(void) { } // Tells the client to update its scrollbars.
virtual void PlayStopped(void) { } // Tells the client that playback was stopped internally.
virtual void ChangeTool(long tool) { } // Tells the client that the tool was changed internally.
virtual void SceneNuked(void) { } // Tells the client that a scene was nuked.
virtual void SceneUnnuked(void) { } // Tells the client that a scene was nuked and now undone.
virtual void ActorNuked(void) { } // Tells the client that an actor was nuked.
virtual void EnableActorTools(void) { } // Tells the client that the first actor was added.
virtual void EnableTboxTools(void) { } // Tells the client that the first textbox was added.
virtual void TboxSelected(void) { } // Tells the client that a new text box was selected.
virtual void ActorSelected(long arid) { } // Tells the client that an actor was selected
virtual void ActorEasel(bool *pfActrChanged) { } // Lets client edit 3-D Text or costume
virtual void SetUndo(long undo) { } // Tells the client the state of the undo buffer.
virtual void SceneChange(void) { } // Tells the client that a different scene is the current one
virtual void PauseType(WIT wit) { } // Tells the client of a new pause type for this frame.
virtual void Recording(bool fRecording, bool fRecord) { } // Tells the client that the movie engine is recording or not.
virtual void StartSoonerLater(void) { } // Tells the client that an actor is selected for sooner/latering.
virtual void EndSoonerLater(void) { } // Tells the client that an actor is done for sooner/latering.
virtual void NewActor(void) { } // Tells the client that an actor has just been placed.
virtual void StartActionBrowser(void) { } // Tells the client to start up the action browser.
virtual void StartListenerEasel(void) { } // Tells the client to start up the listener easel.
virtual bool GetFniSave(FNI *pfni, long lFilterLabel, long lFilterExt, long lTitle,
LPTSTR lpstrDefExt, PSTN pstnDefFileName) { return fFalse; } // Tells the client to start up the save portfolio.
virtual void PlayUISound(long tool, long grfcust = 0) { } // Tells the client to play sound associated with use of tool.
virtual void StopUISound(void) { } // Tells the client to stop sound associated with use of tools.
virtual void UpdateTitle(PSTN pstnTitle) { } // Tells the client that the movie name has changed.
virtual void EnableAccel(void) { } // Tells the client to enable keyboard accelerators.
virtual void DisableAccel(void) { } // Tells the client to disable keyboard accelerators.
virtual void GetStn(long ids, PSTN pstn) { } // Requests the client to fetch the given ids string.
virtual long DypTextDef(void) { return vpappb->DypTextDef(); }
virtual long DypTboxDef(void) { return 14; }
virtual void SetSndFrame(bool fSoundInFrame) { }
virtual bool FMinimized(void) { return fFalse; }
virtual bool FQueryPurgeSounds(void) { return fFalse; }
/* A SCENe Descriptor */
typedef struct _scend
/* The first fields are private...the client shouldn't change them, and
in fact, generally shouldn't even look at them */
long imvied; // index of the MVIED for this scene
CNO cno; // the CNO of this scene chunk
CHID chid; // the original CHID
PMBMP pmbmp; // pointer to thumbnail MBMP
/* The client can read or write the following fields */
TRANS trans; // the transition that will occur after this scene
bool fNuked:1; // fTrue if this scene has been deleted
/* A MoVIE Descriptor */
typedef struct _mvied
PCRF pcrf; // the file this scene's movie is in
CNO cno; // CNO of the MVIE chunk
long aridLim; // _aridLim from the MVIE
/* A Composite MoVIe */
typedef struct _cmvi
PGL pglmvied; // GL of movie descriptors
PGL pglscend; // GL of scene descriptors
void Empty(void);
#ifdef DEBUG
void MarkMem(void);
// Movie Class.
const long kccamMax = 9;
typedef class MVIE *PMVIE;
#define kclsMVIE 'MVIE'
class MVIE : public MVIE_PAR
long _aridLim; // Highest actor id in use.
PCRF _pcrfAutoSave; // CRF/CFL of auto save file.
PFIL _pfilSave; // User's document
CNO _cno; // CNO of movie in current file.
STN _stnTitle; // Title of the movie
PGST _pgstmactr; // GST of actors in the movie (for roll call)
PSCEN _pscenOpen; // Index of current open scene.
long _cscen; // Number of scenes in the movie.
long _iscen; // Number of scene open in the movie.
bool _fAutosaveDirty:1; // Is the movie in memory different than disk
bool _fFniSaveValid:1; // Does _fniSave contain a file name.
bool _fPlaying:1; // Is the movie playing?
bool _fScrolling:1; // During playback only, are we scrolling textboxes
bool _fPausing:1; // Are we executing a pause.
bool _fIdleSeen:1; // fTrue if we have seen an idle since this was cleared.
bool _fStopPlaying:1; // Should we stop the movie playing
bool _fSoundsEnabled:1; // Should we play sounds or not.
bool _fOldSoundsEnabled:1; // Old value of above.
bool _fDocClosing:1; // Flags doc is to be closed
bool _fGCSndsOnClose:1; // Garbage collection of sounds on close
bool _fReadOnly:1; // Is the original file read-only?
PBWLD _pbwld; // The brender world for this movie
PMSQ _pmsq; // Message Sound Queue
CLOK _clok; // Clock for playing the film
ulong _tsStart; // Time last play started.
long _cnfrm; // Number of frames since last play started.
PMCC _pmcc; // Parameters and callbacks.
WIT _wit; // Pausing type
long _dts; // Number of clock ticks to pause.
TRANS _trans; // Transition type to execute.
long _vlmOrg; // original SNDM volume, before fadeout, if we are done with fadeout, then 0
#ifdef DEBUG
bool _fWriteBmps;
long _lwBmp;
#endif // DEBUG
PGL _pglclrThumbPalette; // Palette to use for thumbnail rendering.
PTAGL _PtaglFetch(void); // Returns a list of all tags used in movie
bool _FCloseCurrentScene(void); // Closes and releases current scene, if any
bool _FMakeCrfValid(void); // Makes sure there is a file to work with.
bool _FUseTempFile(void); // Switches to using a temp file.
void _MoveChids(CHID chid, bool fDown); // Move the chids of scenes in the movie.
bool _FDoGarbageCollection(PCFL pcfl); // Remove unused chunks from movie.
void _DoSndGarbageCollection(bool fPurgeAll); // Remove unused user sounds from movie
bool _FDoMtrlTmplGC(PCFL pcfl); // Material and template garbage collection
CHID _ChidScenNewSnd(void); // Choose an unused chid for a new scene child user sound
CHID _ChidMvieNewSnd(void); // Choose an unused chid for a new movie child user sound
void _SetTitle(PFNI pfni = pvNil); // Set the title of the movie based on given file name.
bool _FIsChild(PCFL pcfl, CTG ctg, CNO cno);
bool _FSetPfilSave(PFNI pfni);
// Begin client useable functions
#ifdef DEBUG
void SetFWriteBmps(bool fWriteBmps)
if (fWriteBmps && !_fWriteBmps)
_lwBmp = 0;
_fWriteBmps = fWriteBmps;
bool FWriteBmps(void) { return _fWriteBmps; }
#endif // DEBUG
// Getting views
PMVU PmvuCur(void);
PMVU PmvuFirst(void);
// Create and Destroy
static PMVIE PmvieNew(bool fHalfMode, PMCC pmcc, FNI *pfni = pvNil, CNO cno = cnoNil);
// Create a movie and read it if
// pfni != pvNil
static bool FReadRollCall(PCRF pcrf, CNO cno, PGST *ppgst, long *paridLim = pvNil);
// reads roll call for a given movie
void ForceSaveAs(void)
_fFniSaveValid = fFalse;
void Flush(void);
bool FReadOnly(void) { return FPure(_fReadOnly); }
// MCC maintenance
PMCC Pmcc(void) { return _pmcc; } // Accessor for getting to client callbacks.
void SetMcc(PMCC pmcc) { ReleasePpo(&_pmcc); _pmcc = pmcc; _pmcc->AddRef(); }
// Title stuff
void GetName(PSTN pstnTitle); // Gets the title of the movie.
PSTN PstnTitle(void) { return &_stnTitle; }
void ResetTitle(void);
// Scene stuff
long Cscen(void) // Returns number of scenes in movie
{ return _cscen; }
long Iscen(void) // Returns the current scene number
{ return _iscen; }
bool FSwitchScen(long iscen); // Loads and returns pointer to scene iscen,
// saving any current scene.
bool FRemScen(long iscen); // Removes a scene from the movie, and undo
bool FChangeCam(long camid); // Change the camera view in the scene.
bool FInsTbox(RC *prc, bool fStory); // Insert a text box into the scene.
bool FHideTbox(void); // Hide selected text box from the scene at this fram.
bool FNukeTbox(void); // Remove selected text box from the scene.
void SelectTbox(long itbox); // Select the itbox'th text box in the frame.
void SetPaintAcr(ACR acr); // Sets color that painting will occur with.
void SetOnnTextCur(long onn); // Sets font that text will be in
void SetDypFontTextCur(long dypFont); // Sets font size that text will be in
void SetStyleTextCur(ulong grfont); // Sets font style that text will be in
bool FInsActr(PTAG ptag); // Insert an actor into the scene.
bool FRemActr(void); // Remove selected actor from scene.
bool FAddOnstage(long arid); // Bring this actor onto the stage.
bool FRotateActr(BRA xa, BRA ya, BRA za, bool fFromHereFwd); // Rotate selected actor by degrees
bool FSquashStretchActr(BRS brs); // Squash/Stretch selected actor
bool FSoonerLaterActr(long nfrm); // Sooner/Later selected actor
bool FScaleActr(BRS brs); // Scale selected actor
bool FCostumeActr(long ibprt, PTAG ptag, long cmid, bool fCustom);
bool FAddScen(PTAG ptag); // Add a scene after the current one, or change
// change bkgd if scene is empty
bool FSetTransition(TRANS trans); // Set the transition type for the current scene.
void Play(void); // Start/Stop a movie playing.
bool FPause(WIT wit, long dts); // Insert a pause here.
bool FAddToCmvi(PCMVI pcmvi, long *piscendIns);
// Add this movie to the CMVI
bool FSetCmvi(PCMVI pcmvi); // Re-build the movie from the CMVI
bool _FAddMvieToRollCall(CNO cno, long aridMin);
// Updates roll call for an imported movie
bool _FInsertScend(PGL pglscend, long iscend, PSCEND pscend);
// Insert an imported scene
void _DeleteScend(PGL pglscend, long iscend);// Delete an imported scene
bool _FAdoptMsndInMvie(PCFL pcfl, CNO cnoScen); // Adopt msnd chunks as children of the movie
bool FAddBkgdSnd(PTAG ptag, bool fLoop, bool fQueue, long vlm = vlmNil,
long sty = styNil); // Adds a sound
bool FAddActrSnd(PTAG ptag, bool fLoop, bool fQueue, bool fActnCel,
long vlm, long sty); // Adds a sound
// Auto save stuff
bool FAutoSave(PFNI pfni = pvNil, bool fCleanRollCall = fFalse);// Save movie in temp file
bool FSaveTagSnd(TAG *ptag) { return TAGM::FSaveTag(ptag, _pcrfAutoSave, fTrue); }
bool FCopySndFileToMvie(PFIL pfil, long sty, CNO *pcno, PSTN pstn = pvNil);
bool FVerifyVersion(PCFL pcfl, CNO *pcno = pvNil);
bool FEnsureAutosave(PCRF *pcrf = pvNil);
bool FCopyMsndFromPcfl(PCFL pcfl, CNO cnoSrc, CNO *pcnoDest);
bool FResolveSndTag(PTAG ptag, CHID chid, CNO cnoScen = cnoNil, PCRF pcrf = pvNil);
bool FChidFromUserSndCno(CNO cno, CHID *pchid);
void SetDocClosing(bool fClose) { _fDocClosing = fClose; }
bool FQueryDocClosing(void) { return _fDocClosing; }
bool FQueryGCSndsOnClose(void) { return _fGCSndsOnClose; }
bool FUnusedSndsUser(bool *pfHaveValid = pvNil);
// Roll call
bool FGetArid(long iarid, long *parid, PSTN pstn, long *pcactRef, PTAG ptagTmpl = pvNil); // return actors one by one
bool FChooseArid(long arid); // user chose arid in roll call
long AridSelected(void);
bool FGetName(long arid, PSTN pstn); // Return the name of a specific actor.
bool FNameActr(long arid, PSTN pstn); // Set the name of this actor.
void ChangeActrTag(long arid, PTAG ptag); // Change an actor's TMPL tag
long CmactrMac(void) {AssertThis(0); return _pgstmactr->IvMac(); }
bool FIsPropBrwsIarid(long iarid); // Identify the roll call browser iarids
bool FIsIaridTdt(long iarid); // 3d spletter
// Overridden DOCB functions
bool FGetFni(FNI *pfni); // For saving to a file
bool FSave(long cid); // For saving to a file, (calls FGetFni and FSaveToFni)
bool FSaveToFni(FNI *pfni, bool fSetFni); // For doing a Save As or Save
PDMD PdmdNew(void); // Do not use!
bool FGetFniSave(FNI *pfni); // For saving via the portfolio.
// Drawing stuff
void InvalViews(void); // Invalidates all views on the movie.
void InvalViewsAndScb(void); // Invalidates all views of movie and scroll bars.
void MarkViews(void); // Marks all views on the movie.
TRANS Trans(void) { return _trans; } // Current transition in effect.
void SetTrans(TRANS trans) { _trans = trans; } // Set transition
void DoTrans(PGNV pgnvDst, PGNV pgnvSrc, RC *prcDst, RC *prcSrc); // Draw current transition into GNVs
// Sound stuff
bool FSoundsEnabled(void) { return(_fSoundsEnabled); }
void SetFSoundsEnabled(bool f) { _fSoundsEnabled = f; }
// End client callable functions
// Begin internal movie engine functions
// Command handlers
bool FCmdAlarm(CMD *pcmd); // Called at timer expiration (playback).
bool FCmdRender(CMD *pcmd); // Called to render a frame during playback.
// Automated test APIs
long LwQueryExists(long lwType, long lwId); // Called by other apps to find if an actor/tbox exists.
long LwQueryLocation(long lwType, long lwId); // Called by other apps to find where actor/tbox exists.
long LwSetMoviePos(long lwScene, long lwFrame); // Called by other apps to set the movie position.
// Scene stuff
PSCEN Pscen(void) { return _pscenOpen; } // The currently open scene.
bool FInsScenCore(long iscen, SCEN *pscen); // Insert this scene as scene number.
bool FNewScenInsCore(long iscen); // Inserts a blank scene before iscen
bool FRemScenCore(long iscen); // Removes a scene from the movie
bool FPasteActr(PACTR pactr); // Pastes an actor into current scene.
bool FPasteActrPath(PACTR pactr); // Pastes the path onto selected actor.
PMSQ Pmsq(void) { return _pmsq; } // Sound queue
// Runtime Pausing
void DoPause(WIT wit, long dts) // Make the movie pause during run.
{ _wit = wit; _dts = dts; }
// Material stuff
bool FInsertMtrl(PMTRL pmtrl, PTAG ptag); // Inserts a material into this movie.
// 3-D Text stuff
bool FInsTdt(PSTN pstn, long tdts, PTAG ptagTdf); // Inserts a TDT into this movie.
bool FChangeActrTdt(PACTR pactr, PSTN pstn, long tdts, PTAG ptagTdf);
// Marking (overridden DOCB methods)
virtual bool FDirty(void) // Has the movie changed since last saved?
{ return _fAutosaveDirty || _fDirty; }
virtual void SetDirty(bool fDirty = fTrue) // Mark the movie as changed.
{ _fAutosaveDirty = fDirty; }
// Roll call
bool FAddToRollCall(ACTR *pactr, PSTN pstn);// Add an actor to the roll call
void RemFromRollCall(ACTR *pactr, bool fDelIfOnlyRef = fFalse); // Remove an actor from the roll call.
void BuildActionMenu(void); // Called when the selected actor has changed.
// Overridden DOCB functions
PDDG PddgNew(PGCB pgcb); // For creating a view on a movie.
bool FAddUndo(PMUNB pmunb); // Add an item to the undo list
void ClearUndo(void);
// Accessors for MVUs only.
#ifdef DEBUG
void SetFPlaying(bool f) { _fPlaying = f; if (!f) SetFWriteBmps(fFalse); } // Set the playing flag.
#else // DEBUG
void SetFPlaying(bool f) { _fPlaying = f; } // Set the playing flag.
#endif // !DEBUG
void SetFStopPlaying(bool f) { _fStopPlaying = f; } // INTERNAL USE ONLY
bool FStopPlaying(void) { return(_fStopPlaying); } // INTERNAL USE ONLY
bool FPlaying(void) { return _fPlaying; } // Query the playing flag.
PCLOK Pclok() { return &_clok; } // For getting the clock for playing
void SetFIdleSeen(bool fIdle) { _fIdleSeen = fIdle; }
bool FIdleSeen(void) { return _fIdleSeen; }
// Accessor for getting to the Brender world.
PBWLD Pbwld(void) { return _pbwld; }
// Frame rate information
long Cnfrm(void) { return _cnfrm; }
ulong TsStart(void) { return _tsStart; }
// Thumbnail stuff
PGL PglclrThumbPalette(void) { AssertThis(0); return _pglclrThumbPalette; }
void SetThumbPalette(PGL pglclr)
{ ReleasePpo(&_pglclrThumbPalette); _pglclrThumbPalette = pglclr; pglclr->AddRef(); }
#endif // !MOVIE_H