Test Release Document for Socrates --------------------- Last updated: 4/27/95 --------------------- Status options: --------------- waiting for xxx = not implemented because of a dependency not done = ready to implement but not implemented yet not yet reviewed = implemented but code has not been reviewed zd = zero defect, code is reviewed and ready to test not ready for testing = self-explanatory, "NOTE:" required to elaborate Formatting notes: ----------------- So that this file can be viewed with aribitrary tab stops, tabs should appear only at the beginning of a line. Alignment after non-tab characters should be accomplished using spaces. Any item in the "status" column should be defined above in "Status options." For additional information, add a "NOTE:" comment on the line below the main line-item. Try very hard to keep line-items short enough to fit on one line. Product wide failure handling UI error messages waiting for spec actor.cpp ((*****)) actor oom & file i/o zd scene.cpp (seanse) Scene functionality zd movie.cpp (seanse) Movie functionality zd tbox.cpp (seanse) Textbox functionality zd Backgrounds and Camera Views bkgd.cpp ((*****)): Background RGB and Z buffers zd Light sources zd Cameras zd Switching backgrounds zd Switching views zd Switching palettes ((*****)) zd NOTE: only HH-Lab background uses it scene.cpp (seanse): Camera change events zd Scene change events zd Materials and Texture Maps tmap.cpp ((*****)) Load texmap from chunky file not yet reviewed Save texmap to chunky file not yet reviewed Import texmap from PIX not yet reviewed Import texmap from BMP ((*****)) not yet reviewed mtrl.cpp ((*****)) Shade table management zd Load MTRL (stock material) from chunky file zd Save MTRL to chunky file zd Load CMTL (custom material) from chunky file zd tmpl.cpp ((*****)) Manage default costume and custom materials for actors zd body.cpp ((*****)) Attach and remove stock and custom materials to body parts zd actor.cpp ((*****)) Manage costume change events zd Models - the actual shape of the body parts modl.cpp ((*****)) Load model from chunky file zd Save model to chunky file zd Import model from DAT zd tmpl.cpp ((*****)) Loads models based on the current action and tells body to attach them zd body.cpp ((*****)) Attaches models to body parts zd Rendering zbmp.cpp ((*****)) Load Z-buffer from chunky file zd Draw Z-buffer into gpt, clipping to regn zd bwld.cpp ((*****)) Manage BRender actor hierarchy, including cameras and all actors zd Manage background RGB and Z buffer zd Render into working RGB and Z buffer zd Dirty region management zd 2-D Actor Pick zd Half and quarter-resolution rendering zd Prerender static actors not done Other performance improvements not done Actor Templates tmpl.cpp ((*****)) Read TMPL from chunky file zd Set default costume zd Get custom costume zd Set models and matrices based on action zd 3-D Text actors zd (see section below) Accessories (optional hats and hammers) not done 3-D Text tdf.cpp ((*****)) Code zd tdt.cpp ((*****)) Code zd Spletter Easel script (seanse) not yet reviewed Spletter Easel code ((*****)) not done tdfmake.exe (font authoring tool) ((*****)) not yet reviewed Costume Changer Easel Scripting (seanse) not yet reviewed Code (*****) not done Content Conversion - Tools to bring designer's data into Socrates. See Materials and Texture Maps sitobren.cpp ((*****)) Actor conversion NOTE: no final actors have been received from the content production staff; if problems appear in existing actors, let NVarma and PeteD know, but don't report a bug. Hierarchy/mesh data not reviewed Basic non-texture-mapped materials not reviewed Texture-mapped materials waiting for spec Background conversion not reviewed NOTE: HH-Lab background should be completely correct, except that it has no overhead view yet. Text Boxes tbox.cpp (seanse) Load/Save text boxes in documents zd Cut/Copy/Paste entire text boxes zd Cut/Copy/Paste text in text boxes zd Undo/Redo text box edits zd Text box background color zd Text box foreground color zd External clipboard support zd Sound tools Scripting (seanse) not done Code (*****/******) not done Sound recording Easel script (seanse) not done Sound recording Easel code (******) not done Scenes - Scene level functionality. scene.cpp (seanse) Load scene in document zd Save scene in document zd Scene chopper zd Scene chopper - backwards zd Scene nuker zd Transitions (seanse/(*****)) zd Pauses zd Undo/Redo for scene edits zd Sound not done. Movies - Movie level functionality. movie.cpp* (seanse) Load movie document zd Save movie document zd Roll-call management zd Actor - Actor manipulations: actor.cpp ((*****)) Static/non-static April spec changes zd Orientation during placement drag zd Path orientation (single & multi point) zd Ground zero zd Add new actor from rolls zd Add actor from rollcall (not present in scene) zd Add actor from rollcall (out of view) zd Initial Actor orientation (*******) zd Initial Actor position/scale (*******) not done Static & non-static Actions zd Path Compose zd Path Recording and Rerecording zd Path Tweaking zd Motion Fill zd Floating zd Freezing zd Transformers zd Squash/Stretch zd Normalize zd Rotate zd Grow/Shrink zd Costumes zd Subpaths (including attribute inheritance) zd Sooner/Later tool zd Sound not done Cut Actor (forwards & back for scene chop) zd actrsave.cpp ((*****)) Save actor to document zd Load actor from document zd Manage actor's tags zd actredit.cpp* ((*****)/seanse) Cut Actor zd Copy Actor zd Paste Actor zd Copy Route zd Paste Route zd actredit.cpp (seanse/*****) Undo/redo for actors zd Studio Master Controls stdioscb.[cpp,cht] (*****) Frame/scene scrollbars, buttons zd Frame/scene counters, name, fps zd Tag Manager - references to content on CD tagman.cpp ((*****)) Search all drives for content sources zd Report missing CD (and retry) zd Read objects from content sources zd Read objects from user document (sidNil tags) zd Ctrl, Shift, Hot Keys (Stest only) Ctrl drag (Tweak) zd Ctrl N (new movie) not done Ctrl O (open movie) not done Ctrl Q (quit) zd Ctrl S (save) zd Ctrl X (Cut) zd Shift Ctrl X (end of scene cut) not done Shift Cut Tool (end of scene cut) zd Ctrl C (Copy) zd Shift Ctrl C (end of scene copy) not done Shift Copy Tool (end of scene copy) zd Ctrl V (Paste) zd Ctrl Z (Undo) not done Ctrl esc (Chicago) zd Ctrl esc-esc (Chicago) zd Ctrl motion-fill, Create Path (starting cel) zd Shift during mousedown drag zd Shift motion fill (freeze) zd Shift new textbox (square) not done f1 (open help book) not done F9 Toggle x-y, y-z not done UP, DOWN arrows while recording not done alt-tab zd Socrates exe stuff and Win95 ((*****)) waiting for spec Maintain "HomeDirectory" entry in registry not done Determine current user name not done Find or Create user directory not done Maintain "MSKidsDirectory" entry in registry not done Maintain user preferences in registry not done Resolution Switch to/from 640x480 not done mda: "ChangeResolution" entry in registry? waiting for spec mda: "RunInWindow" entry in registry? waiting for spec Read version and PID resources and put in string table so about box can read 'em not done Utest stuff (User Interface behaviour) [seanse] NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AREAS ARE FOR UI TESTING ONLY! BECAUSE THESE ARE 'zd' DOES NOT IMPLY THE CODE BEHIND THE UI IS 'zd'. Primary Tools: Covers behave as a radio group zd Settings browser zd Actors browser zd Props browser not done Spletters browser zd Sound Efx browser not done Music browser not done Recorded browser not done Text box create not done Settings Secondary Tools: Scene sorter (*****) not done Camera browser zd Scene pauses zd Actors Secondary Tools: Costume Easel not done Sizer popup zd Rotate popup zd Sooner/Later zd Compose tool zd Select tool zd Action browser not done Same action tool zd Rerecord button zd Respect ground button zd X/Y button zd Actor biographies not done Tools behave as radio group not done (actions mess this up) Sounds Secondary Tools: Attach to cell not done Play once not done Looping not done Listen not done Texts Secondary Tools: Edit/Select tool zd Font popup not done Style popup not done Size popup not done Text color popup not done Background color popup not done Scroll type popup zd Scrollbars: Frame Fwd/Back zd Frame Thumbnail zd Frame Counter zd Scene Fwd/Back zd Scene Thumbnail zd Scene Counter zd Play: zd Volume Control: not done Undo/Redo: zd Cut/Copy/Paste: Chop Fwd zd Chop Back zd Scene nuke zd Actor/Tbox nuke zd Copy route zd Paste zd Copy zd Cut zd Portfolio: Open zd New zd Save zd Save As zd Map: not done Help book: not done Other: Tooltips not done Leveling zd Open file dialog not done Ctrl, Shift, Hot Keys (Utest only) Ctrl drag (Tweak) zd Ctrl N (new movie) not done Ctrl O (open movie) not done Ctrl Q (quit) not done Ctrl S (save) not done Ctrl X (Cut) not done Shift Ctrl X (end of scene cut) not done Shift Cut Tool (end of scene cut) not done Ctrl C (Copy) not done Shift Ctrl C (end of scene copy) not done Shift Copy Tool (end of scene copy) not done Ctrl V (Paste) not done Ctrl Z (Undo) not done Ctrl esc (Chicago) zd Ctrl esc-esc (Chicago) zd Ctrl motion-fill, Create Path (starting cel) zd Shift during mousedown drag zd Shift motion fill (freeze) zd Shift new textbox (square) CUT FROM PRODUCT f1 (open help book) not done F9 Toggle x-y, y-z not done UP, DOWN arrows while recording not done alt-tab zd Utest stuff (Code Specific to the studio): NOTE: IF SOMETHING IS NOT LISTED HERE, IT IS NOT STUDIO SPECIFIC AND YOU SHOULD REFER TO THE 'ENGINE' LISTING TO FIND ITS STATUS. Primary Tools: Settings browser not yet reviewed Actors browser not yet reviewed Props browser not yet reviewed Spletters browser not yet reviewed Sound Efx browser not done Music browser not done Recorded browser not done Text box create browser zd Settings Secondary Tools: Scene sorter (peted) not yet reviewed Camera browser not yet reviewed Actors Secondary Tools: Costume Easel not yet reviewed Actor tool popups zd Action browser selection not yet reviewed (*NOTE: Selection is temporarily object verb) Action browser cel cycling not done Action browser preview not done Actor biographies not done Texts Secondary Tools: Font popup not done Style popup not done Size popup not done Text color popup not done Background color popup not done Scroll type popup zd Scrollbars: Frame Fwd/Back zd Frame Thumbnail zd Frame Counter zd Scene Fwd/Back zd Scene Thumbnail zd Scene Counter zd Portfolio: Open not yet reviewed New not yet reviewed Save not yet reviewed Save As not yet reviewed Map: not done Help book: not done Other: Open file dialog not done Chunky tools Note: These are all authoring/editing tools and not part of Socrates. All Kauai (framework) functionality is also owned by shonk. ched.exe ((*****)) Chunky editor not yet reviewed chomp.exe ((*****)) Chunky compiler not yet reviewed chelp.exe ((*****)) Chunky help editor not yet reviewed