/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT License. */ /*************************************************************************** Author: ShonK Project: Kauai Reviewed: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Basic collection classes: General List (GL), Allocated List (AL), General Group (GG), Allocated Group (AG), General String Table (GST), Allocated String Table (AST). BASE ---> GRPB -+-> GLB -+-> GL | +-> AL | +-> GGB -+-> GG | +-> AG | +-> GSTB-+-> GST +-> AST ***************************************************************************/ #include "util.h" ASSERTNAME RTCLASS(GRPB) RTCLASS(GLB) RTCLASS(GL) RTCLASS(AL) RTCLASS(GGB) RTCLASS(GG) RTCLASS(AG) /*************************************************************************** GRPB: Manages two sections of data. Currently the two sections are in two separate hq's, but they could be in one without affecting the clients. The actual data in the two sections is determined by the subclass (client). This class just manages resizing the data sections. ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** Destructor for GRPB. Frees the hq. ***************************************************************************/ GRPB::~GRPB(void) { AssertThis(0); FreePhq(&_hqData1); FreePhq(&_hqData2); } /*************************************************************************** Ensure that the two sections are at least the given cb's large. if (grfgrp & fgrpShrink), makes them exact. ***************************************************************************/ bool GRPB::_FEnsureSizes(long cbMin1, long cbMin2, ulong grfgrp) { AssertThis(0); Assert(cbMin1 >= 0 && cbMin2 >= 0, "negative sizes"); if (grfgrp & fgrpShrink) { //shrink anything that's too big if (cbMin1 == 0) { FreePhq(&_hqData1); _cb1 = 0; } else if (cbMin1 < _cb1) { FResizePhq(&_hqData1, cbMin1, fmemNil, mprNormal); _cb1 = cbMin1; } if (cbMin2 == 0) { FreePhq(&_hqData2); _cb2 = 0; } else if (cbMin2 < _cb2) { FResizePhq(&_hqData2, cbMin2, fmemNil, mprNormal); _cb2 = cbMin2; } } if (cbMin1 > _cb1 && !_FEnsureHqCb(&_hqData1, cbMin1, _cbMinGrow1, &_cb1)) return fFalse; if (cbMin2 > _cb2 && !_FEnsureHqCb(&_hqData2, cbMin2, _cbMinGrow2, &_cb2)) return fFalse; AssertThis(0); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Ensure that the given HQ is large enough. ***************************************************************************/ bool GRPB::_FEnsureHqCb(HQ *phq, long cb, long cbMinGrow, long *pcb) { AssertVarMem(phq); AssertIn(cbMinGrow, 0, kcbMax); AssertVarMem(pcb); AssertIn(*pcb, 0, kcbMax); // limit the size if ((ulong)cb >= kcbMax) return fFalse; AssertIn(cb, *pcb + 1, kcbMax); if (hqNil != *phq) { //resize an existing hq AssertHq(*phq); if ((cbMinGrow += *pcb) > cb && FResizePhq(phq, cbMinGrow, fmemNil, mprForSpeed)) { *pcb = cbMinGrow; return fTrue; } else if (FResizePhq(phq, cb, fmemNil, mprNormal)) { *pcb = cb; return fTrue; } return fFalse; } // just allocate the thing Assert(*pcb == 0, "bad cb"); if (cbMinGrow > cb && FAllocHq(phq, cbMinGrow, fmemNil, mprForSpeed)) { *pcb = cbMinGrow; return fTrue; } else if (FAllocHq(phq, cb, fmemNil, mprNormal)) { *pcb = cb; return fTrue; } return fFalse; } /*************************************************************************** Make the given GRPB a duplicate of this one. ***************************************************************************/ bool GRPB::_FDup(PGRPB pgrpbDst, long cb1, long cb2) { AssertThis(0); AssertPo(pgrpbDst, 0); AssertIn(cb1, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cb2, 0, kcbMax); if (!pgrpbDst->_FEnsureSizes(cb1, cb2, fgrpShrink)) return fFalse; if (cb1 > 0) CopyPb(_Qb1(0), pgrpbDst->_Qb1(0), cb1); if (cb2 > 0) CopyPb(_Qb2(0), pgrpbDst->_Qb2(0), cb2); pgrpbDst->_cbMinGrow1 = _cbMinGrow1; pgrpbDst->_cbMinGrow2 = _cbMinGrow2; pgrpbDst->_ivMac = _ivMac; AssertPo(pgrpbDst, 0); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Write a group to a flo. ***************************************************************************/ bool GRPB::FWriteFlo(PFLO pflo, short bo, short osk) { BLCK blck(pflo); return FWrite(&blck, bo, osk); } /*************************************************************************** Write the GRPB data to the block. First write the (pv, cb), then cb1 bytes from the first section and cb2 bytes from the second. ***************************************************************************/ bool GRPB::_FWrite(PBLCK pblck, void *pv, long cb, long cb1, long cb2) { AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertIn(cb, 1, kcbMax); AssertPvCb(pv, cb); AssertIn(cb1, 0, _cb1 + 1); AssertIn(cb2, 0, _cb2 + 1); bool fRet = fFalse; if (pblck->Cb() != cb + cb1 + cb2) { Bug("blck wrong size"); return fFalse; } if (!pblck->FWriteRgb(pv, cb, 0)) return fFalse; if (cb1 > 0) { fRet = pblck->FWriteRgb(PvLockHq(_hqData1), cb1, cb); UnlockHq(_hqData1); if (!fRet) return fFalse; } if (cb2 > 0) { fRet = pblck->FWriteRgb(PvLockHq(_hqData2), cb2, cb + cb1); UnlockHq(_hqData2); if (!fRet) return fFalse; } return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Read the two sections of data from the given location in the given block. ***************************************************************************/ bool GRPB::_FReadData(PBLCK pblck, long cb1, long cb2, long ib) { AssertPo(pblck, fblckUnpacked); AssertIn(cb1, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cb2, 0, kcbMax); bool fRet; if (cb1 == 0 && cb2 == 0) return fTrue; if (!_FEnsureSizes(cb1, cb2, fgrpNil)) return fFalse; if (cb1 > 0) { fRet = pblck->FReadRgb(PvLockHq(_hqData1), cb1, ib); UnlockHq(_hqData1); if (!fRet) return fFalse; } if (cb2 > 0) { fRet = pblck->FReadRgb(PvLockHq(_hqData2), cb2, ib + cb1); UnlockHq(_hqData2); if (!fRet) return fFalse; } return fTrue; } #ifdef DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Assert the validity of the grpb stuff. ***************************************************************************/ void GRPB::AssertValid(ulong grfobj) { GRPB_PAR::AssertValid(grfobj | fobjAllocated); AssertIn(_cb1, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(_cb2, 0, kcbMax); Assert((_cb1 == 0) == (_hqData1 == hqNil), "cb's don't match _hqData1"); Assert((_cb2 == 0) == (_hqData2 == hqNil), "cb's don't match _hqData2"); Assert(_hqData1 == hqNil || CbOfHq(_hqData1) == _cb1, "_hqData1 wrong size"); Assert(_hqData2 == hqNil || CbOfHq(_hqData2) == _cb2, "_hqData2 wrong size"); } /*************************************************************************** Mark the _hqData blocks. ***************************************************************************/ void GRPB::MarkMem(void) { AssertThis(0); GRPB_PAR::MarkMem(); MarkHq(_hqData1); MarkHq(_hqData2); } #endif //DEBUG /*************************************************************************** GLB: Base class for GL (general list) and AL (general allocated list). The list data goes in section 1. The GL class doesn't use section 2. The AL class uses section 2 for a bit array indicating whether an entry is free or in use. ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** Constructor for the list base. ***************************************************************************/ GLB::GLB(long cb) { AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax); _cbEntry = cb; // use some reasonable values for _cbMinGrow* - code can always set // set these to something else _cbMinGrow1 = 128; _cbMinGrow2 = 16; AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Return a volatile pointer to a list entry. NOTE: don't assert !FFree(iv) for allocated lists. ***************************************************************************/ void *GLB::QvGet(long iv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac + 1); return (0 == _ivMac) ? pvNil : _Qb1(LwMul(iv, _cbEntry)); } /*************************************************************************** Get the data for the iv'th element in the GLB. ***************************************************************************/ void GLB::Get(long iv, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); AssertPvCb(pv, _cbEntry); CopyPb(QvGet(iv), pv, _cbEntry); } /*************************************************************************** Put data into the iv'th element in the GLB. ***************************************************************************/ void GLB::Put(long iv, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); AssertPvCb(pv, _cbEntry); CopyPb(pv, QvGet(iv), _cbEntry); AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Lock the data and return a pointer to the ith item. ***************************************************************************/ void *GLB::PvLock(long iv) { Lock(); return QvGet(iv); } /*************************************************************************** Set the minimum that a GL should grow by. ***************************************************************************/ void GLB::SetMinGrow(long cvAdd) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(cvAdd, 0, kcbMax); _cbMinGrow1 = CbRoundToLong(LwMul(cvAdd, _cbEntry)); _cbMinGrow2 = CbRoundToLong(LwDivAway(cvAdd, 8)); } #ifdef DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Assert the validity of a list (GL or AL). ***************************************************************************/ void GLB::AssertValid(ulong grfobj) { GLB_PAR::AssertValid(grfobj); AssertIn(_cbEntry, 1, kcbMax); AssertIn(_ivMac, 0, kcbMax); Assert(_Cb1() >= LwMul(_cbEntry, _ivMac), "array area too small"); } #endif //DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Allocate a new list and ensure that it has space for cvInit elements. ***************************************************************************/ PGL GL::PglNew(long cb, long cvInit) { AssertIn(cb, 1, kcbMax); AssertIn(cvInit, 0, kcbMax); PGL pgl; if ((pgl = NewObj GL(cb)) == pvNil) return pvNil; if (cvInit > 0 && !pgl->FEnsureSpace(cvInit, fgrpNil)) { ReleasePpo(&pgl); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pgl, 0); return pgl; } /*************************************************************************** Read a list from a block and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PGL GL::PglRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); PGL pgl; /* the use of 4 for the cb is bogus, but _FRead overwrites the cb anyway */ if ((pgl = NewObj GL(4)) == pvNil) goto LFail; if (!pgl->_FRead(pblck, pbo, posk)) { ReleasePpo(&pgl); LFail: TrashVar(pbo); TrashVar(posk); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pgl, 0); return pgl; } /*************************************************************************** Read a list from file and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PGL GL::PglRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk) { BLCK blck(pfil, fp, cb); return PglRead(&blck, pbo, posk); } /*************************************************************************** Constructor for GL. ***************************************************************************/ GL::GL(long cb) : GLB(cb) { AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Provided for completeness (all GRPB's have an FFree routine). Returns false iff iv is a valid index for the GL. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FFree(long iv) { AssertThis(0); return !FIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); } /*************************************************************************** Duplicate this GL. ***************************************************************************/ PGL GL::PglDup(void) { AssertThis(0); PGL pgl; if (pvNil == (pgl = PglNew(_cbEntry))) return pvNil; if (!_FDup(pgl, LwMul(_ivMac, _cbEntry), 0)) ReleasePpo(&pgl); AssertNilOrPo(pgl, 0); return pgl; } //List on file struct GLF { short bo; short osk; long cbEntry; long ivMac; }; const BOM kbomGlf = 0x5F000000L; /*************************************************************************** Return the amount of space on file needed for the list. ***************************************************************************/ long GL::CbOnFile(void) { AssertThis(0); return size(GLF) + LwMul(_cbEntry, _ivMac); } /*************************************************************************** Write the list to disk. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FWrite(PBLCK pblck, short bo, short osk) { AssertThis(0); AssertPo(pblck, 0); Assert(kboCur == bo || kboOther == bo, "bad bo"); AssertOsk(osk); GLF glf; glf.bo = kboCur; glf.osk = osk; glf.cbEntry = _cbEntry; glf.ivMac = _ivMac; if (kboOther == bo) { SwapBytesBom(&glf, kbomGlf); Assert(glf.bo == bo, "wrong bo"); Assert(glf.osk == osk, "osk not invariant under byte swapping"); } return _FWrite(pblck, &glf, size(glf), LwMul(_cbEntry, _ivMac), 0); } /*************************************************************************** Read list data from disk. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::_FRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertThis(0); AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); GLF glf; long cb; bool fRet = fFalse; if (!pblck->FUnpackData()) goto LFail; cb = pblck->Cb(); if (cb < size(glf)) goto LBug; if (!pblck->FReadRgb(&glf, size(glf), 0)) goto LFail; if (pbo != pvNil) *pbo = glf.bo; if (posk != pvNil) *posk = glf.osk; if (glf.bo == kboOther) SwapBytesBom(&glf, kbomGlf); cb -= size(glf); if (glf.bo != kboCur || glf.cbEntry <= 0 || glf.ivMac < 0 || cb != glf.cbEntry * glf.ivMac) { LBug: Warn("file corrupt or not a GL"); goto LFail; } _cbEntry = glf.cbEntry; _ivMac = glf.ivMac; fRet = _FReadData(pblck, cb, 0, size(glf)); LFail: TrashVarIf(!fRet, pbo); TrashVarIf(!fRet, posk); return fRet; } /*************************************************************************** Insert some items into a list at position iv. iv should be <= IvMac(). ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FInsert(long iv, void *pv, long cv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac + 1); AssertIn(cv, 1, kcbMax); AssertNilOrPvCb(pv, LwMul(cv, _cbEntry)); byte *qb; long cbTot, cbIns, ibIns; cbTot = LwMul(_ivMac + cv, _cbEntry); cbIns = LwMul(cv, _cbEntry); ibIns = LwMul(iv, _cbEntry); if (cbTot > _Cb1() && !_FEnsureSizes(cbTot, 0, fgrpNil)) return fFalse; qb = _Qb1(ibIns); if (iv < _ivMac) BltPb(qb, qb + cbIns, cbTot - cbIns - ibIns); if (pvNil != pv) CopyPb(pv, qb, cbIns); _ivMac += cv; AssertThis(0); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Delete an element from the list. This changes the indices of all later elements. ***************************************************************************/ void GL::Delete(long iv) { AssertThis(0); Delete(iv, 1); } /*************************************************************************** Delete a range of elements. This changes the indices of all later elements. ***************************************************************************/ void GL::Delete(long ivMin, long cv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(ivMin, 0, _ivMac); AssertIn(cv, 1, _ivMac - ivMin + 1); if (ivMin < (_ivMac -= cv)) { byte *qb = _Qb1(LwMul(ivMin, _cbEntry)); BltPb(qb + LwMul(cv, _cbEntry), qb, LwMul(_ivMac - ivMin, _cbEntry)); } TrashPvCb(_Qb1(LwMul(_ivMac, _cbEntry)), LwMul(cv, _cbEntry)); AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Move the entry at ivSrc to be immediately before the element that is currently at ivTarget. If ivTarget > ivSrc, the entry actually ends up at (ivTarget - 1) and the entry at ivTarget doesn't move. If ivTarget < ivSrc, the entry ends up at ivTarget and the entry at ivTarget moves to (ivTarget + 1). Everything in between is shifted appropriately. ivTarget is allowed to be equal to IvMac(). ***************************************************************************/ void GL::Move(long ivSrc, long ivTarget) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(ivSrc, 0, _ivMac); AssertIn(ivTarget, 0, _ivMac + 1); MoveElement(_Qb1(0), _cbEntry, ivSrc, ivTarget); AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Add an element to the end of the list. Returns the location in *piv. On failure, returns false and *piv is undefined. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FAdd(void *pv, long *piv) { AssertThis(0); AssertNilOrVarMem(piv); if (piv != pvNil) *piv = _ivMac; if (!FInsert(_ivMac, pv)) { TrashVar(piv); return fFalse; } return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Stack operation. Returns fFalse on stack underflow. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FPop(void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertNilOrPvCb(pv, _cbEntry); if (_ivMac == 0) { TrashPvCb(pv, _cbEntry); return fFalse; } if (pv != pvNil) Get(_ivMac - 1, pv); _ivMac--; TrashPvCb(_Qb1(LwMul(_ivMac, _cbEntry)), _cbEntry); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Set the number of elements. Used rarely (to add a block of elements at a time or to "zero out" a list. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FSetIvMac(long ivMacNew) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(ivMacNew, 0, kcbMax); long cb; if (ivMacNew > _ivMac) { if (ivMacNew > kcbMax / _cbEntry) { Bug("who's trying to allocate a list this big?"); return fFalse; } cb = LwMul(ivMacNew, _cbEntry); if (cb > _Cb1() && !_FEnsureSizes(cb, 0, fgrpNil)) return fFalse; TrashPvCb(_Qb1(LwMul(_ivMac, _cbEntry)), LwMul(ivMacNew - _ivMac, _cbEntry)); } #ifdef DEBUG else if (ivMacNew < _ivMac) { TrashPvCb(_Qb1(LwMul(ivMacNew, _cbEntry)), LwMul(_ivMac - ivMacNew, _cbEntry)); } #endif //DEBUG _ivMac = ivMacNew; AssertThis(0); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Make sure there is room for at least cvAdd additional entries. If fgrpShrink is set, will shrink the list if it has more than cvAdd available entries. ***************************************************************************/ bool GL::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, ulong grfgrp) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(cvAdd, 0, kcbMax); // limit the size of the list if (cvAdd > kcbMax / _cbEntry - _ivMac) { Bug("who's trying to allocate a list this big?"); return fFalse; } return _FEnsureSizes(LwMul(cvAdd + _ivMac, _cbEntry), 0, grfgrp); } /*************************************************************************** Allocate a new allocated list and ensure that it has space for cvInit elements. ***************************************************************************/ PAL AL::PalNew(long cb, long cvInit) { AssertIn(cb, 1, kcbMax); AssertIn(cvInit, 0, kcbMax); PAL pal; if ((pal = NewObj AL(cb)) == pvNil) return pvNil; if (cvInit > 0 && !pal->FEnsureSpace(cvInit, fgrpNil)) { ReleasePpo(&pal); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pal, 0); return pal; } /*************************************************************************** Read an allocated list from the block and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PAL AL::PalRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); PAL pal; /* the use of 4 for the cb is bogus, but _FRead overwrites the cb anyway */ if ((pal = NewObj AL(4)) == pvNil) goto LFail; if (!pal->_FRead(pblck, pbo, posk)) { ReleasePpo(&pal); LFail: TrashVar(pbo); TrashVar(posk); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pal, 0); return pal; } /*************************************************************************** Read an allocated list from file and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PAL AL::PalRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk) { BLCK blck(pfil, fp, cb); return PalRead(&blck, pbo, posk); } /*************************************************************************** Constructor for AL (allocated list) class. ***************************************************************************/ AL::AL(long cb) : GLB(cb) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } /*************************************************************************** Duplicate this AL. ***************************************************************************/ PAL AL::PalDup(void) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); PAL pal; if (pvNil == (pal = PalNew(_cbEntry))) return pvNil; if (!_FDup(pal, LwMul(_ivMac, _cbEntry), CbFromCbit(_ivMac))) ReleasePpo(&pal); else pal->_cvFree = _cvFree; AssertNilOrPo(pal, fobjAssertFull); return pal; } //Allocated list on file struct ALF { short bo; short osk; long cbEntry; long ivMac; long cvFree; }; const BOM kbomAlf = 0x5FC00000L; /*************************************************************************** Return the amount of space on file needed for the list. ***************************************************************************/ long AL::CbOnFile(void) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return size(ALF) + LwMul(_cbEntry, _ivMac) + CbFromCbit(_ivMac); } /*************************************************************************** Write the list to disk. ***************************************************************************/ bool AL::FWrite(PBLCK pblck, short bo, short osk) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertPo(pblck, 0); Assert(kboCur == bo || kboOther == bo, "bad bo"); AssertOsk(osk); ALF alf; alf.bo = kboCur; alf.osk = osk; alf.cbEntry = _cbEntry; alf.ivMac = _ivMac; alf.cvFree = _cvFree; if (kboOther == bo) { SwapBytesBom(&alf, kbomAlf); Assert(alf.bo == bo, "wrong bo"); Assert(alf.osk == osk, "osk not invariant under byte swapping"); } return _FWrite(pblck, &alf, size(alf), LwMul(_cbEntry, _ivMac), CbFromCbit(_ivMac)); } /*************************************************************************** Read allocated list data from the block. ***************************************************************************/ bool AL::_FRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertThis(0); AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); ALF alf; long cbT; long cb; bool fRet = fFalse; if (!pblck->FUnpackData()) goto LFail; cb = pblck->Cb(); if (cb < size(alf)) goto LBug; if (!pblck->FReadRgb(&alf, size(alf), 0)) goto LFail; if (pbo != pvNil) *pbo = alf.bo; if (posk != pvNil) *posk = alf.osk; if (alf.bo == kboOther) SwapBytesBom(&alf, kbomAlf); cb -= size(alf); cbT = alf.cbEntry * alf.ivMac; if (alf.bo != kboCur || alf.cbEntry <= 0 || alf.ivMac < 0 || cb != cbT + CbFromCbit(alf.ivMac) || alf.cvFree >= LwMax(1, alf.ivMac)) { LBug: Warn("file corrupt or not an AL"); goto LFail; } _cbEntry = alf.cbEntry; _ivMac = alf.ivMac; _cvFree = alf.cvFree; fRet = _FReadData(pblck, cbT, cb - cbT, size(alf)); LFail: TrashVarIf(!fRet, pbo); TrashVarIf(!fRet, posk); return fRet; } /*************************************************************************** Delete all entries in the AL. ***************************************************************************/ void AL::DeleteAll(void) { _ivMac = 0; _cvFree = 0; } /*************************************************************************** Returns whether the given element of the allocated list is free. ***************************************************************************/ bool AL::FFree(long iv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); return (iv < _ivMac) && !(*_Qgrfbit(iv) & Fbit(iv)); } /*************************************************************************** Make sure there is room for at least cvAdd additional entries. If fgrpShrink is set, will try to shrink the list if it has more than cvAdd available entries. ***************************************************************************/ bool AL::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, ulong grfgrp) { AssertIn(cvAdd, 0, kcbMax); AssertThis(0); // limit the size of the list cvAdd = LwMax(0, cvAdd - _cvFree); if (cvAdd > kcbMax / _cbEntry - _ivMac) { Bug("who's trying to allocate a list this big?"); return fFalse; } return _FEnsureSizes(LwMul(cvAdd + _ivMac, _cbEntry), CbFromCbit(cvAdd + _ivMac), grfgrp); } /*************************************************************************** Add an element to the list. ***************************************************************************/ bool AL::FAdd(void *pv, long *piv) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertPvCb(pv, _cbEntry); AssertNilOrVarMem(piv); long iv; if (_cvFree > 0) { /* find the first free one */ byte grfbit; byte *qgrfbit, *qrgb; for (qgrfbit = qrgb = _Qgrfbit(0); *qgrfbit == 0xFF; qgrfbit++) ; iv = (qgrfbit - qrgb) * 8; for (grfbit = *qgrfbit; grfbit & 1; iv++, grfbit >>= 1) ; _cvFree--; } else { if (!FEnsureSpace(1, fgrpNil)) { TrashVar(piv); return fFalse; } iv = _ivMac++; } AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); /* mark the item used */ *_Qgrfbit(iv) |= Fbit(iv); Assert(!FFree(iv), "why is this marked free?"); Put(iv, pv); if (piv != pvNil) *piv = iv; AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Delete element iv from an allocated list. ***************************************************************************/ void AL::Delete(long iv) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "already free!"); // trash the thing TrashPvCb(QvGet(iv), _cbEntry); *_Qgrfbit(iv) &= ~Fbit(iv); _cvFree++; if (iv != _ivMac - 1) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return; } // the last element was deleted, find the new _ivMac if (_ivMac <= _cvFree) { // none left, just nuke everything _ivMac = _cvFree = 0; } else { // find the new _ivMac byte fbit; byte *qgrfbit = _Qgrfbit(iv); while (iv >= 0) { fbit = Fbit(iv); if ((*qgrfbit & ((fbit << 1) - 1)) == 0) // check all bits from fbit on down { iv = (iv & ~0x0007L) - 1; qgrfbit--; } else if (!(*qgrfbit & fbit)) // check for the ith bit iv--; else break; } iv++; Assert(_cvFree >= _ivMac - iv, "everything is free!?"); _cvFree -= _ivMac - iv; _ivMac = iv; } AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } #ifdef DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Check the validity of an allocated list. ***************************************************************************/ void AL::AssertValid(ulong grfobj) { long cT, iv; AL_PAR::AssertValid(0); Assert(_Cb2() >= CbFromCbit(_ivMac), "flag area too small"); if (grfobj & fobjAssertFull) { for (cT = 0, iv = _ivMac; iv--; ) { if ((*_Qgrfbit(iv) & Fbit(iv)) == 0) cT++; } Assert(cT == _cvFree, "_cvFree is wrong"); } } #endif //DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Constructor for GGB class. ***************************************************************************/ GGB::GGB(long cbFixed, bool fAllowFree) { AssertIn(cbFixed, 0, kcbMax); _clocFree = fAllowFree ? 0 : cvNil; _cbFixed = cbFixed; // use some reasonable values for _cbMinGrow* - code can always set // set these to something else _cbMinGrow1 = LwMin(1024, 16 * cbFixed); _cbMinGrow2 = 16 * size(LOC); AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } /*************************************************************************** Duplicate the group. ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::_FDup(PGGB pggbDst) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertPo(pggbDst, fobjAssertFull); Assert(_cbFixed == pggbDst->_cbFixed, "why do these have different sized fixed portions?"); if (!GGB_PAR::_FDup(pggbDst, _bvMac, LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC)))) return fFalse; pggbDst->_bvMac = _bvMac; pggbDst->_clocFree = _clocFree; pggbDst->_cbFixed = _cbFixed; AssertPo(pggbDst, fobjAssertFull); return fTrue; } //group on file struct GGF { short bo; short osk; long ilocMac; long bvMac; long clocFree; long cbFixed; }; const BOM kbomGgf = 0x5FF00000L; /*************************************************************************** Return the amount of space on file needed for the group. ***************************************************************************/ long GGB::CbOnFile(void) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return size(GGF) + LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC)) + _bvMac; } /*************************************************************************** Write the group to disk. The client must ensure that the data in the GGB has the correct byte order (as specified by the bo). ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::FWrite(PBLCK pblck, short bo, short osk) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertPo(pblck, 0); Assert(kboCur == bo || kboOther == bo, "bad bo"); AssertOsk(osk); GGF ggf; bool fRet; ggf.bo = kboCur; ggf.osk = osk; ggf.ilocMac = _ivMac; ggf.bvMac = _bvMac; ggf.clocFree = _clocFree; ggf.cbFixed = _cbFixed; AssertBomRglw(kbomLoc, size(LOC)); if (kboOther == bo) { //swap the stuff SwapBytesBom(&ggf, kbomGgf); Assert(ggf.bo == bo, "wrong bo"); Assert(ggf.osk == osk, "osk not invariant under byte swapping"); SwapBytesRglw(_Qb2(0), LwMulDiv(_ivMac, size(LOC), size(long))); } fRet = _FWrite(pblck, &ggf, size(ggf), _bvMac, LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC))); if (kboOther == bo) { //swap the rgloc back SwapBytesRglw(_Qb2(0), LwMulDiv(_ivMac, size(LOC), size(long))); } return fRet; } /*************************************************************************** Read group data from disk. ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::_FRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertThis(0); AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); GGF ggf; long cbT; short bo; long cb; bool fRet = fFalse; if (!pblck->FUnpackData()) goto LFail; cb = pblck->Cb(); if (cb < size(ggf)) goto LBug; if (!pblck->FReadRgb(&ggf, size(ggf), 0)) goto LFail; if (pbo != pvNil) *pbo = ggf.bo; if (posk != pvNil) *posk = ggf.osk; if ((bo = ggf.bo) == kboOther) SwapBytesBom(&ggf, kbomGgf); cb -= size(ggf); cbT = ggf.ilocMac * size(LOC); if (ggf.bo != kboCur || ggf.bvMac < 0 || ggf.ilocMac < 0 || cb != cbT + ggf.bvMac || ggf.cbFixed < 0 || ggf.cbFixed >= kcbMax || (ggf.clocFree == cvNil) != (_clocFree == cvNil) || ggf.clocFree != cvNil && (ggf.clocFree < 0 || ggf.clocFree >= ggf.ilocMac)) { LBug: Warn("file corrupt or not a GGB"); goto LFail; } _ivMac = ggf.ilocMac; _bvMac = ggf.bvMac; _clocFree = ggf.clocFree; _cbFixed = ggf.cbFixed; fRet = _FReadData(pblck, cb - cbT, cbT, size(ggf)); AssertBomRglw(kbomLoc, size(LOC)); if (bo == kboOther && fRet) { // adjust the byte order on the loc's. SwapBytesRglw(_Qb2(0), LwMulDiv(_ivMac, size(LOC), size(long))); } LFail: TrashVarIf(!fRet, pbo); TrashVarIf(!fRet, posk); return fRet; } /*************************************************************************** Returns true iff the loc.bv is nil or iloc is out of range. ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::FFree(long iv) { AssertBaseThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, kcbMax); LOC *qloc; if (!FIn(iv, 0, _ivMac)) return fTrue; qloc = _Qloc(iv); Assert(FIn(qloc->bv, 0, _bvMac) && FIn(qloc->cb, LwMax(_cbFixed, 1), _bvMac - qloc->bv + 1) || 0 == qloc->cb && (0 == qloc->bv || bvNil == qloc->bv), "bad loc"); return bvNil == qloc->bv; } /*************************************************************************** Ensures that there is room to add at least cvAdd new entries with a total of cbAdd bytes (among the variable parts of the elements). If there is more than enough room and fgrpShrink is passed, the GST will shrink. ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, long cbAdd, ulong grfgrp) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(cvAdd, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cbAdd, 0, kcbMax); long clocAdd; if (cvNil == _clocFree) clocAdd = cvAdd; else clocAdd = LwMax(0, cvAdd - _clocFree); //we waste at most (size(long) - 1) bytes per element if (clocAdd > kcbMax / size(LOC) - _ivMac || cvAdd > (kcbMax / (_cbFixed + size(long) - 1)) - _bvMac || cbAdd > kcbMax - _bvMac - cvAdd * (_cbFixed + size(long) - 1)) { Bug("why is this group growing so large?"); return fFalse; } return _FEnsureSizes(_bvMac + cbAdd + LwMul(cvAdd, _cbFixed + size(long) - 1), LwMul(_ivMac + clocAdd, size(LOC)), grfgrp); } /*************************************************************************** Set the minimum that a GGB should grow by. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::SetMinGrow(long cvAdd, long cbAdd) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(cvAdd, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cbAdd, 0, kcbMax); _cbMinGrow1 = CbRoundToLong(cbAdd + LwMul(cvAdd, _cbFixed + size(long) - 1)); _cbMinGrow2 = LwMul(cvAdd, size(LOC)); } /*************************************************************************** Private api to remove a block of bytes. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::_RemoveRgb(long bv, long cb) { AssertBaseThis(0); AssertIn(bv, 0, _bvMac); AssertIn(cb, 1, _bvMac - bv + 1); Assert(cb == CbRoundToLong(cb), "cb not divisible by size(long)"); byte *qb; if (bv + cb < _bvMac) { qb = _Qb1(bv); BltPb(qb + cb, qb, _bvMac - bv - cb); _AdjustLocs(bv + 1, _bvMac + 1, -cb); } else _bvMac -= cb; TrashPvCb(_Qb1(_bvMac), cb); } /*************************************************************************** Private api to remove a block of bytes. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::_AdjustLocs(long bvMin, long bvLim, long dcb) { AssertBaseThis(0); AssertIn(bvMin, 0, _bvMac + 2); AssertIn(bvLim, bvMin, _bvMac + 2); AssertIn(dcb, -_bvMac, kcbMax); Assert((dcb % size(long)) == 0, "dcb not divisible by size(long)"); long cloc; LOC *qloc; if (FIn(_bvMac, bvMin, bvLim)) _bvMac += dcb; for (qloc = _Qloc(0), cloc = _ivMac; cloc > 0; cloc--, qloc++) { if (bvNil == qloc->bv) continue; if (FIn(qloc->bv, bvMin, bvLim)) qloc->bv += dcb; AssertIn(qloc->bv, 0, _bvMac); } } /*************************************************************************** Returns a volative pointer the the fixed sized data in the element. If pcbVar is not nil, fills *pcbVar with the size of the variable part. ***************************************************************************/ void *GGB::QvFixedGet(long iv, long *pcbVar) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(_cbFixed, 1, kcbMax); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertNilOrVarMem(pcbVar); LOC loc; loc = *_Qloc(iv); if (pcbVar != pvNil) *pcbVar = loc.cb - _cbFixed; AssertIn(loc.cb, _cbFixed, _bvMac - loc.bv + 1); return _Qb1(loc.bv); } /*************************************************************************** Lock the data and return a pointer to the fixed sized data. ***************************************************************************/ void *GGB::PvFixedLock(long iv, long *pcbVar) { AssertThis(0); Lock(); return QvFixedGet(iv, pcbVar); } /*************************************************************************** Get the fixed sized data for the element. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::GetFixed(long iv, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(_cbFixed, 1, kcbMax); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertPvCb(pv, _cbFixed); LOC loc; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertIn(loc.cb, _cbFixed, _bvMac - loc.bv + 1); CopyPb(_Qb1(loc.bv), pv, _cbFixed); } /*************************************************************************** Put the fixed sized data for the element. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::PutFixed(long iv, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(_cbFixed, 1, kcbMax); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertPvCb(pv, _cbFixed); LOC loc; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertIn(loc.cb, _cbFixed, _bvMac - loc.bv + 1); CopyPb(pv, _Qb1(loc.bv), _cbFixed); AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Return the length of the variable part of the iv'th element. ***************************************************************************/ long GGB::Cb(long iv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); return _Qloc(iv)->cb - _cbFixed; } /*************************************************************************** Return a volatile pointer to the variable part of the iv'th element. If pcb is not nil, sets *pcb to the length of the (variable part of the) item. ***************************************************************************/ void *GGB::QvGet(long iv, long *pcb) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertNilOrVarMem(pcb); LOC loc; loc = *_Qloc(iv); if (pcb != pvNil) *pcb = loc.cb - _cbFixed; AssertIn(loc.cb, _cbFixed, _bvMac - loc.bv + 1); return _Qb1(loc.bv + _cbFixed); } /*************************************************************************** Lock the data and return a pointer to the (variable part of the) iv'th item. If pcb is not nil, sets *pcb to the length of the (variable part of the) item. ***************************************************************************/ void *GGB::PvLock(long iv, long *pcb) { AssertThis(0); Lock(); return QvGet(iv, pcb); } /*************************************************************************** Copy the (variable part of the) iv'th element to pv. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::Get(long iv, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); LOC loc; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertPvCb(pv, loc.cb - _cbFixed); CopyPb(_Qb1(loc.bv + _cbFixed), pv, loc.cb - _cbFixed); } /*************************************************************************** Copy *pv to the (variable part of the) iv'th element. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::Put(long iv, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); LOC loc; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertPvCb(pv, loc.cb - _cbFixed); CopyPb(pv, _Qb1(loc.bv + _cbFixed), loc.cb - _cbFixed); } /*************************************************************************** Replace the (variable part of the) iv'th element with the stuff in pv (cb bytes worth). pv may be nil (effectively resizing the block). ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::FPut(long iv, long cb, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax); long cbCur = Cb(iv); if (cb > cbCur) { if (!FInsertRgb(iv, cbCur, cb - cbCur, pvNil)) return fFalse; } else if (cb < cbCur) DeleteRgb(iv, cb, cbCur - cb); if (pv != pvNil && cb > 0) { AssertPvCb(pv, cb); CopyPb(pv, QvGet(iv), cb); } AssertThis(0); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Get a portion of the element. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::GetRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertPvCb(pv, cb); LOC loc; bv += _cbFixed; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertIn(bv, _cbFixed, loc.cb); AssertIn(cb, 1, loc.cb - bv + 1); CopyPb(_Qb1(loc.bv + bv), pv, cb); } /*************************************************************************** Put a portion of the element. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::PutRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertPvCb(pv, cb); LOC loc; bv += _cbFixed; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertIn(bv, _cbFixed, loc.cb); AssertIn(cb, 1, loc.cb - bv + 1); CopyPb(pv, _Qb1(loc.bv + bv), cb); AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Remove a portion of element iv (can't be all of it). ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::DeleteRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); LOC loc; LOC *qloc; long cbDel; byte *qb; bv += _cbFixed; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertIn(bv, _cbFixed, loc.cb); AssertIn(cb, 1, loc.cb - bv + 1); if (bv + cb < loc.cb) { // shift usable stuff down qb = _Qb1(loc.bv + bv); BltPb(qb + cb, qb, loc.cb - bv - cb); } // determine the number of bytes to nuke cbDel = CbRoundToLong(loc.cb) - CbRoundToLong(loc.cb - cb); if (cbDel > 0) _RemoveRgb(loc.bv + loc.cb - cb, cbDel); qloc = _Qloc(iv); if (0 == (qloc->cb -= cb)) { Assert(_cbFixed == 0, "oops!"); qloc->bv = 0; //empty element } AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Insert cb new bytes at location bv into the iv'th element. pv may be nil. ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::FInsertRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "element free!"); AssertIn(cb, 1, kcbMax); LOC loc; long cbAdd; byte *qb; bv += _cbFixed; loc = *_Qloc(iv); AssertIn(bv, _cbFixed, loc.cb + 1); if (loc.cb == 0) loc.bv = _bvMac; // need to add this many bytes to _bvMac cbAdd = CbRoundToLong(loc.cb + cb) - CbRoundToLong(loc.cb); if (cbAdd > 0) { long bvT; if (!_FEnsureSizes(_bvMac + cbAdd, LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC)), fgrpNil)) return fFalse; // move later entries back bvT = loc.bv + CbRoundToLong(loc.cb); if (bvT < _bvMac) { qb = _Qb1(bvT); BltPb(qb, qb + cbAdd, _bvMac - bvT); _AdjustLocs(loc.bv + 1, _bvMac + 1, cbAdd); } else _bvMac += cbAdd; } // move data within this element if (bv < loc.cb) { qb = _Qb1(loc.bv + bv); BltPb(qb, qb + cb, loc.cb - bv); } if (pv != pvNil) { AssertPvCb(pv, cb); CopyPb(pv, _Qb1(loc.bv + bv), cb); } else TrashPvCb(_Qb1(loc.bv + bv), cb); //copy the entire loc in case loc.bv got set to _bvMac (if the item was empty) loc.cb += cb; *_Qloc(iv) = loc; AssertThis(0); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Move cb bytes from position bvSrc in ivSrc to position bvDst in ivDst. This can fail only because of the padding used for each entry (at most size(long) additional bytes will need to be allocated). ***************************************************************************/ bool GGB::FMoveRgb(long ivSrc, long bvSrc, long ivDst, long bvDst, long cb) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(ivSrc, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(ivSrc), "element free!"); AssertIn(ivDst, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(ivDst), "element free!"); AssertIn(bvSrc, 0, Cb(ivSrc) + 1); AssertIn(cb, 0, Cb(ivSrc) + 1 - bvSrc); AssertIn(bvDst, 0, Cb(ivDst) + 1); LOC *qloc; LOC locSrc, locDst; long cbMove, cbT; locSrc = *_Qloc(ivSrc); locDst = *_Qloc(ivDst); // determine the number of bytes to resize by cbT = (CbRoundToLong(locDst.cb + cb) - CbRoundToLong(locDst.cb)) - (CbRoundToLong(locSrc.cb) - CbRoundToLong(locSrc.cb - cb)); if (cbT > 0) { Assert(cb % size(long) != 0, "why are we here when cb is a multiple of size(long)?"); if (!_FEnsureSizes(_bvMac + cbT, LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC)), fgrpNil)) return fFalse; } //move most of the bytes cbMove = LwRoundToward(cb, size(long)); AssertIn(cb, cbMove, cbMove + size(long)); if (cbMove > 0) { long bv1 = locSrc.bv + bvSrc + _cbFixed; long bv2 = locDst.bv + bvDst + _cbFixed; qloc = _Qloc(ivSrc); if (0 == (qloc->cb -= cbMove)) { Assert(_cbFixed == 0, "what?"); qloc->bv = 0; } qloc = _Qloc(ivDst); if (qloc->cb == 0) { Assert(_cbFixed == 0, "what?"); bv2 = qloc->bv = _bvMac; } qloc->cb += cbMove; if (bv1 < bv2) { SwapBlocks(_Qb1(bv1), cbMove, bv2 - bv1 - cbMove); _AdjustLocs(locSrc.bv + 1, locDst.bv + 1, -cbMove); } else { SwapBlocks(_Qb1(bv2), bv1 - bv2, cbMove); _AdjustLocs(locDst.bv + 1, locSrc.bv + 1, cbMove); } AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } //move the last few bytes if (cb > cbMove) { byte rgb[size(long)]; GetRgb(ivSrc, bvSrc, cb - cbMove, rgb); DeleteRgb(ivSrc, bvSrc, cb - cbMove); AssertDo(FInsertRgb(ivDst, bvDst + cbMove, cb - cbMove, rgb), "logic error caused failure"); } AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Append the variable data of ivSrc to ivDst, and delete ivSrc. NOTE: this is kind of goofy. The only time FMoveRgb could possibly fail if we just do the naive thing (FMoveRgb the entire var data, then delete the source element) is if _cbFixed is not a multiple of size(long). ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::Merge(long ivSrc, long ivDst) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(ivSrc, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(ivSrc), "element free!"); AssertIn(ivDst, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(ivDst), "element free!"); Assert(ivSrc != ivDst, "can't merge an element with itself!"); long cb, cbMove, bv; byte rgb[size(long)]; cb = Cb(ivSrc); cbMove = LwRoundToward(cb, size(long)); if (cb > cbMove) GetRgb(ivSrc, cbMove, cb - cbMove, rgb); //get the tail bytes bv = Cb(ivDst); if (cbMove > 0) { //move the main section AssertDo(FMoveRgb(ivSrc, 0, ivDst, bv, cbMove), "why did FMoveRgb fail?"); } //delete the source item Delete(ivSrc); if (ivSrc < ivDst) ivDst--; if (cb > cbMove) { //insert the remaining few bytes - there should already be room //for these AssertDo(FInsertRgb(ivDst, bv + cbMove, cb - cbMove, rgb), "why did FInsertRgb fail?"); } AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } #ifdef DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Validate a group. ***************************************************************************/ void GGB::AssertValid(ulong grfobj) { LOC loc; long iloc; long cbTot, clocFree; GGB_PAR::AssertValid(grfobj); AssertIn(_ivMac, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(_bvMac, 0, kcbMax); Assert(_Cb1() >= _bvMac, "group area too small"); Assert(_Cb2() >= LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC)), "rgloc area too small"); Assert(_clocFree == cvNil || _clocFree == 0 || _clocFree > 0 && _clocFree < _ivMac, "_clocFree is wrong"); AssertIn(_cbFixed, 0, kcbMax); if (grfobj & fobjAssertFull) { for (clocFree = cbTot = iloc = 0; iloc < _ivMac; iloc++) { loc = *_Qloc(iloc); if (bvNil == loc.bv) { Assert(iloc < _ivMac - 1, "Last element free"); Assert(loc.cb == 0, "bad cb in free loc"); clocFree++; continue; } AssertIn(loc.cb, _cbFixed, _bvMac + 1); AssertIn(loc.bv, 0, _bvMac); Assert(loc.cb > 0 || loc.bv == 0, "zero sized item doesn't have zero bv"); loc.cb = CbRoundToLong(loc.cb); Assert(loc.bv + loc.cb <= _bvMac, "loc extends past _bvMac"); cbTot += loc.cb; } Assert(cbTot == _bvMac, "group wrong size"); Assert(clocFree == _clocFree || _clocFree == cvNil && clocFree == 0, "bad _clocFree"); } } #endif //DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Allocate a new group with room for at least cvInit elements containing at least cbInit bytes worth of (total) space. ***************************************************************************/ PGG GG::PggNew(long cbFixed, long cvInit, long cbInit) { AssertIn(cbFixed, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cvInit, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cbInit, 0, kcbMax); PGG pgg; if ((pgg = NewObj GG(cbFixed)) == pvNil) return pvNil; if ((cvInit > 0 || cbInit > 0) && !pgg->FEnsureSpace(cvInit, cbInit, fgrpNil)) { ReleasePpo(&pgg); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pgg, fobjAssertFull); return pgg; } /*************************************************************************** Read a group from a block and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PGG GG::PggRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); PGG pgg; if ((pgg = NewObj GG(0)) == pvNil) goto LFail; if (!pgg->_FRead(pblck, pbo, posk)) { ReleasePpo(&pgg); LFail: TrashVar(pbo); TrashVar(posk); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pgg, fobjAssertFull); return pgg; } /*************************************************************************** Read a group from file and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PGG GG::PggRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk) { BLCK blck(pfil, fp, cb); return PggRead(&blck, pbo, posk); } /*************************************************************************** Duplicate this GG. ***************************************************************************/ PGG GG::PggDup(void) { AssertThis(0); PGG pgg; if (pvNil == (pgg = PggNew(_cbFixed))) return pvNil; if (!_FDup(pgg)) ReleasePpo(&pgg); AssertNilOrPo(pgg, 0); return pgg; } /*************************************************************************** Insert an element into the group. ***************************************************************************/ bool GG::FInsert(long iv, long cb, void *pv, void *pvFixed) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac + 1); byte *qb; LOC loc; LOC *qloc; cb += _cbFixed; loc.cb = cb; loc.bv = cb == 0 ? 0 : _bvMac; cb = CbRoundToLong(cb); if (!_FEnsureSizes(_bvMac + cb, LwMul(_ivMac + 1, size(LOC)), fgrpNil)) return fFalse; // make room for the entry qloc = _Qloc(iv); if (iv < _ivMac) BltPb(qloc, qloc + 1, LwMul(_ivMac - iv, size(LOC))); *qloc = loc; if (pvNil != pv && cb > 0) { AssertPvCb(pv, cb - _cbFixed); qb = _Qb1(loc.bv); TrashPvCb(qb, _cbFixed); CopyPb(pv, qb + _cbFixed, loc.cb - _cbFixed); TrashPvCb(qb + loc.cb, cb - loc.cb); } else TrashPvCb(_Qb1(loc.bv), cb); if (pvNil != pvFixed) { Assert(_cbFixed > 0, "why is pvFixed not nil?"); AssertPvCb(pvFixed, _cbFixed); qb = _Qb1(loc.bv); CopyPb(pvFixed, qb, _cbFixed); } _bvMac += cb; _ivMac++; AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Takes cv entries from pggSrc at ivSrc and inserts (a copy of) them into this GG at ivDst. ***************************************************************************/ bool GG::FCopyEntries(PGG pggSrc, long ivSrc, long ivDst, long cv) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertPo(pggSrc, 0); AssertIn(cv, 0, pggSrc->IvMac() + 1); AssertIn(ivSrc, 0, pggSrc->IvMac() + 1 - cv); AssertIn(ivDst, 0, _ivMac + 1); long cb, cbFixed, iv, ivLim; LOC loc; byte *pb; if ((cbFixed = pggSrc->CbFixed()) != CbFixed()) { Bug("Groups have different fixed sizes"); return fFalse; } if (pggSrc == this) { Bug("Cant insert from same group"); return fFalse; } cb = 0; for (iv = ivSrc, ivLim = ivSrc + cv; iv < ivLim; iv++) cb += pggSrc->Cb(iv); if (!FEnsureSpace(cv, cb)) return fFalse; pggSrc->Lock(); for (iv = ivSrc; iv < ivLim; iv++) { loc = *pggSrc->_Qloc(iv); pb = pggSrc->_Qb1(loc.bv); AssertDo(FInsert(ivDst + iv - ivSrc, loc.cb - cbFixed, pb + cbFixed, cbFixed == 0 ? pvNil : pb), 0); } pggSrc->Unlock(); AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Append an element to the group. ***************************************************************************/ bool GG::FAdd(long cb, long *piv, void *pv, void *pvFixed) { AssertThis(0); AssertNilOrVarMem(piv); if (piv != pvNil) *piv = _ivMac; if (!FInsert(_ivMac, cb, pv, pvFixed)) { TrashVar(piv); return fFalse; } return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Delete an element from the group. ***************************************************************************/ void GG::Delete(long iv) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); LOC *qloc; LOC loc; qloc = _Qloc(iv); loc = *qloc; if (iv < --_ivMac) BltPb(qloc + 1, qloc, LwMul(_ivMac - iv, size(LOC))); TrashPvCb(_Qloc(_ivMac), size(LOC)); if (loc.cb > 0) _RemoveRgb(loc.bv, CbRoundToLong(loc.cb)); AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } /*************************************************************************** Move the entry at ivSrc to be immediately before the element that is currently at ivTarget. If ivTarget > ivSrc, the entry actually ends up at (ivTarget - 1) and the entry at ivTarget doesn't move. If ivTarget < ivSrc, the entry ends up at ivTarget and the entry at ivTarget moves to (ivTarget + 1). Everything in between is shifted appropriately. ivTarget is allowed to be equal to IvMac(). ***************************************************************************/ void GG::Move(long ivSrc, long ivTarget) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(ivSrc, 0, _ivMac); AssertIn(ivTarget, 0, _ivMac + 1); MoveElement(_Qloc(0), size(LOC), ivSrc, ivTarget); AssertThis(0); } /*************************************************************************** Swap two elements in a GG. ***************************************************************************/ void GG::Swap(long iv1, long iv2) { AssertThis(0); AssertIn(iv1, 0, _ivMac); AssertIn(iv2, 0, _ivMac); SwapPb(_Qloc(iv1), _Qloc(iv2), size(LOC)); AssertThis(0); } #ifdef DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Validate a group. ***************************************************************************/ void GG::AssertValid(ulong grfobj) { GG_PAR::AssertValid(grfobj); AssertVar(_clocFree == cvNil, "bad _clocFree in GG", &_clocFree); } #endif //DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Allocate a new allocated group with romm for at least cvInit elements containing at least cbInit bytes worth of (total) space. ***************************************************************************/ PAG AG::PagNew(long cbFixed, long cvInit, long cbInit) { AssertIn(cbFixed, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cvInit, 0, kcbMax); AssertIn(cbInit, 0, kcbMax); PAG pag; if ((pag = NewObj AG(cbFixed)) == pvNil) return pvNil; if ((cvInit > 0 || cbInit > 0) && !pag->FEnsureSpace(cvInit, cbInit, fgrpNil)) { ReleasePpo(&pag); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pag, fobjAssertFull); return pag; } /*************************************************************************** Read an allocated group from a block and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PAG AG::PagRead(PBLCK pblck, short *pbo, short *posk) { AssertPo(pblck, 0); AssertNilOrVarMem(pbo); AssertNilOrVarMem(posk); PAG pag; if ((pag = NewObj AG(0)) == pvNil) goto LFail; if (!pag->_FRead(pblck, pbo, posk)) { ReleasePpo(&pag); LFail: TrashVar(pbo); TrashVar(posk); return pvNil; } AssertPo(pag, fobjAssertFull); return pag; } /*************************************************************************** Read an allocated group from file and return it. ***************************************************************************/ PAG AG::PagRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk) { BLCK blck(pfil, fp, cb); return PagRead(&blck, pbo, posk); } /*************************************************************************** Duplicate this AG. ***************************************************************************/ PAG AG::PagDup(void) { AssertThis(0); PAG pag; if (pvNil == (pag = PagNew(_cbFixed))) return pvNil; if (!_FDup(pag)) ReleasePpo(&pag); AssertNilOrPo(pag, 0); return pag; } /*************************************************************************** Add an element to the allocated group. ***************************************************************************/ bool AG::FAdd(long cb, long *piv, void *pv, void *pvFixed) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax); AssertNilOrVarMem(piv); long iloc; byte *qb; LOC loc; LOC *qloc; cb += _cbFixed; AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax); if (0 < _clocFree) { //find the first free element qloc = _Qloc(0); for (iloc = 0; iloc < _ivMac; iloc++, qloc++) { if (qloc->bv == bvNil) break; } Assert(iloc < _ivMac - 1, "_clocFree wrong"); _clocFree--; } else iloc = _ivMac; if (iloc == _ivMac) _ivMac++; loc.cb = cb; loc.bv = cb == 0 ? 0 : _bvMac; cb = CbRoundToLong(cb); if (!_FEnsureSizes(_bvMac + cb, LwMul(_ivMac, size(LOC)), fgrpNil)) { if (iloc == _ivMac - 1) _ivMac--; else _clocFree++; TrashVar(piv); return fFalse; } // fill in the loc and copy the data *_Qloc(iloc) = loc; if (pv != pvNil) { AssertPvCb(pv, cb - _cbFixed); qb = _Qb1(loc.bv); TrashPvCb(qb , _cbFixed); CopyPb(pv, qb + _cbFixed, loc.cb - _cbFixed); TrashPvCb(qb + loc.cb, cb - loc.cb); } else TrashPvCb(_Qb1(loc.bv), cb); if (pvNil != pvFixed) { Assert(_cbFixed > 0, "why is pvFixed not nil?"); AssertPvCb(pvFixed, _cbFixed); qb = _Qb1(loc.bv); CopyPb(pvFixed, qb, _cbFixed); } _bvMac += cb; if (pvNil != piv) *piv = iloc; AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); return fTrue; } /*************************************************************************** Delete an element from the group. ***************************************************************************/ void AG::Delete(long iv) { AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); AssertIn(iv, 0, _ivMac); Assert(!FFree(iv), "entry already free!"); LOC *qloc; LOC loc; qloc = _Qloc(iv); loc = *qloc; if (iv == _ivMac - 1) { //move _ivMac back past any free entries on the end while (--_ivMac > 0 && (--qloc)->bv == bvNil) _clocFree--; TrashPvCb(_Qloc(_ivMac), LwMul(iv - _ivMac + 1, size(LOC))); } else { qloc->bv = bvNil; qloc->cb = 0; _clocFree++; } if (loc.cb > 0) _RemoveRgb(loc.bv, CbRoundToLong(loc.cb)); AssertThis(fobjAssertFull); } #ifdef DEBUG /*************************************************************************** Validate a group. ***************************************************************************/ void AG::AssertValid(ulong grfobj) { AG_PAR::AssertValid(grfobj); AssertIn(_clocFree, 0, LwMax(1, _ivMac)); } #endif //DEBUG