[Windows 95 Params] WndTitle = Microsoft 3D Movie Maker Setup WndMess = Starting Microsoft 3D Movie Maker Setup ... TmpDirSize = 1400 TmpDirName = ~msstexp CmdLine = acmsetup /Z 3dmsetup.dll /T setup.stf /S %s %s DrvWinClass = Stuff-Shell Require31 = This application requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows. InsertCDMsg = Please hold down the SHIFT key while you insert the 3D Movie Maker disc in your CD-ROM drive. Wait 5 seconds, and then click OK. InsertDiskMsg = Please insert your disk. [Windows 95 Files] setup\acmsetup.exe = acmsetup.exe setup\acmsetup.hlp = acmsetup.hlp setup\mssetup.dll = mssetup.dll setup\setup.inf = setup.inf setup\setup.stf = setup.stf setup\3dmsetup.dll = 3dmsetup.dll [NT3.51 Intel Params] WndTitle = Microsoft 3D Movie Maker Setup WndMess = Starting Microsoft 3D Movie Maker Setup ... TmpDirSize = 1400 TmpDirName = ~msstexp CmdLine = acmsetup /Z 3dmsetup.dll /T setup.stf /S %s %s DrvWinClass = Stuff-Shell Require31 = This application requires a newer version of Microsoft Windows. InsertCDMsg = Please hold down the SHIFT key while you insert the 3D Movie Maker disc in your CD-ROM drive. Wait 5 seconds, and then click OK. InsertDiskMsg = Please insert your disk. [NT3.51 Intel Files] setup\acmsetup.exe = acmsetup.exe setup\acmsetup.hlp = acmsetup.hlp setup\mssetup.dll = mssetup.dll setup\setup.inf = setup.inf setup\setup.stf = setup.stf setup\3dmsetup.dll = 3dmsetup.dll