/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT License. */ /***************************************************************************** * * SHARED.CHT * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1995. * All Rights reserved. * ****************************************************************************** * * Module Intent * * Contains objects shared between Socrates Building and Studio chunks; e.g., * Map. * ****************************************************************************** * * Revision History: Created 06/26/95 by *****. * * 06/27/95 ***** Added Map and shared cursors. * *****************************************************************************/ // Include and initialized chunky macros. #define PACKALL #include "kidgs.chh" STARTCHUNKY // IDs #include "stdiodef.h" #include "buildgob.h" #include "sharedef.h" #include "balloons.chh" #include "helpbook.h" #include "projmain.h" // Include shared object scripts. #include "biopage.chh" #include "sharutil.chh" #include "util.cht" #include "cursors.cht" #include "map.cht" // Get the help topics that describe the actors from here -- for now only // REVIEW: Need a way to integrate these into HELP.CHK? The only ugly thing // is that the building will have to load help from the studio and vice versa. #include "sharhelp.cht" #include "biopage.cht" #include "portbmp.cht"