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2022-05-03 23:31:19 +00:00
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
String manipulation.
WARNING: Must be in a fixed (pre-loaded) seg on Mac.
#include "util.h"
#include "chtrans.h"
const achar vrgchHex[] = PszLit("0123456789ABCDEF");
Constructor for a string based on another string.
STN::STN(STN &stnSrc)
AssertPo(&stnSrc, 0);
CopyPb(stnSrc._rgch, _rgch, (stnSrc.Cch() + 2) * size(achar));
Constructor for a string based on an sz.
STN::STN(PSZ pszSrc)
long cch = LwBound(CchSz(pszSrc), 0, kcchMaxStn + 1);
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcchMaxStn + 1);
CopyPb(pszSrc, _rgch + 1, cch * size(achar));
_rgch[0] = (achar)cch;
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
Assignment of one string to another.
STN & STN::operator=(STN &stnSrc)
AssertPo(&stnSrc, 0);
CopyPb(stnSrc._rgch, _rgch, (stnSrc.Cch() + 2) * size(achar));
return *this;
Set the string to the given array of characters.
void STN::SetRgch(achar *prgchSrc, long cch)
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchSrc, cch * size(achar));
if (cch > kcchMaxStn)
cch = kcchMaxStn;
if (cch > 0)
CopyPb(prgchSrc, _rgch + 1, cch * size(achar));
cch = 0; // for safety
_rgch[0] = (achar)cch;
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
Put the zero terminated short character string into the STN.
void STN::SetSzs(PSZS pszsSrc)
#ifdef UNICODE
#ifdef WIN
//REVIEW shonk: is this correct?
long cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszsSrc, -1,
_rgch + 1, kcchMaxStn);
AssertIn(cch, 1, kcchMaxStn + 1);
_rgch[0] = (achar)(cch - 1);
_rgch[cch] = 0;
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement
#endif //MAC
#else //!UNICODE
#endif //UNICODE
Delete (at most) cch characters starting at position ich.
void STN::Delete(long ich, long cch)
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcbMax);
long cchCur = Cch();
if (!FIn(ich, 0, cchCur))
Assert(ich == cchCur, "Bad character position to delete from");
if (ich + cch >= cchCur)
// delete to the end of the string
_rgch[0] = (achar)ich;
_rgch[ich + 1] = 0;
BltPb(_rgch + ich + cch + 1, _rgch + ich + 1,
(cchCur - ich - cch) * size(achar));
_rgch[0] = (achar)(cchCur - cch);
_rgch[cchCur - cch + 1] = 0;
Append some characters to the end of the string.
bool STN::FAppendRgch(achar *prgchSrc, long cch)
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchSrc, cch * size(achar));
bool fRet = fTrue;
long cchCur = Cch();
if (cch > kcchMaxStn - cchCur)
cch = kcchMaxStn - cchCur;
fRet = fFalse;
if (cch > 0)
CopyPb(prgchSrc, _rgch + cchCur + 1, cch * size(achar));
_rgch[0] = (achar)(cchCur + cch);
_rgch[cchCur + cch + 1] = 0;
return fRet;
Insert some characters into the middle of a string.
bool STN::FInsertRgch(long ich, achar *prgchSrc, long cch)
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchSrc, cch * size(achar));
bool fRet = fTrue;
long cchCur = Cch();
ich = LwBound(ich, 0, cchCur + 1);
if (cch > kcchMaxStn - ich)
cchCur = ich;
cch = kcchMaxStn - ich;
fRet = fFalse;
else if (cch > kcchMaxStn - cchCur)
cchCur = kcchMaxStn - cch - ich;
fRet = fFalse;
Assert(cchCur + cch <= kcchMaxStn, 0);
if (cch > 0)
if (cchCur > ich)
BltPb(_rgch + ich + 1, _rgch + ich + cch + 1,
(cchCur - ich) * size(achar));
CopyPb(prgchSrc, _rgch + ich + 1, cch * size(achar));
_rgch[0] = (achar)(cchCur + cch);
_rgch[cchCur + cch + 1] = 0;
return fRet;
Test whether the given rgch is equal to this string. This does bytewise
compare - not user level comparison.
bool STN::FEqualRgch(achar *prgch, long cch)
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch, cch * size(achar));
return cch == Cch() && FEqualRgb(_rgch + 1, prgch, cch * size(achar));
Do user level string equality testing with the options given in grfstn.
bool STN::FEqualUserRgch(achar *prgch, long cch, ulong grfstn)
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch, cch * size(achar));
return ::FEqualUserRgch(Prgch(), Cch(), prgch, cch, grfstn);
Return the buffer size needed by GetData, or the block size needed
by STN::FWrite.
long STN::CbData(void)
return size(short) + (Cch() + 2) * size(achar);
Get the streamed data for the stn. pv should point to a buffer
CbData() bytes long.
void STN::GetData(void *pv)
AssertPvCb(pv, CbData());
short osk = koskCur;
CopyPb(&osk, pv, size(short));
CopyPb(_rgch, PvAddBv(pv, size(short)), (Cch() + 2) * size(achar));
Writes the string data to the given block starting at position ib.
bool STN::FWrite(PBLCK pblck, long ib)
AssertPo(pblck, 0);
long cbWrite = CbData();
long cbTot = pblck->Cb();
short osk = koskCur;
if (!FIn(ib, 0, cbTot - cbWrite + 1))
Bug("BLCK is not big enough");
return fFalse;
if (!pblck->FWriteRgb(&osk, size(osk), ib))
return fFalse;
if (!pblck->FWriteRgb(_rgch, cbWrite - size(short), ib + size(short)))
return fFalse;
return fTrue;
Set the string from the given data.
bool STN::FSetData(void *pv, long cbMax, long *pcbRead)
AssertIn(cbMax, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, cbMax);
long cch, ich, ibT, cbT;
wchar chw;
short osk;
ibT = 0;
if (cbMax < size(short) + ibT)
goto LFail;
CopyPb(pv, &osk, size(short));
ibT += size(short);
if (osk == koskCur)
// no translation needed - read the length prefix
if (cbMax < ibT + size(achar))
goto LFail;
CopyPb(PvAddBv(pv, ibT), &_rgch[0], size(achar));
ibT += size(achar);
cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
if (!FIn(cch, 0, kcchMaxStn + 1))
goto LFail;
// read the rest of the string
cbT = size(achar) * (cch + 1);
if (cbMax < ibT + cbT)
goto LFail;
CopyPb(PvAddBv(pv, ibT), _rgch + 1, cbT);
ibT += cbT;
// make sure the terminating zero is there
if (_rgch[cch + 1] != 0)
goto LFail;
goto LCheck;
switch (CbCharOsk(osk))
case size(schar):
if (ibT + 2 > cbMax)
goto LFail;
cch = (long)(byte)*(schar *)PvAddBv(pv, ibT++);
if (cch > kcchMaxStn || ibT + cch >= cbMax ||
*(schar *)PvAddBv(pv, ibT + cch) != 0)
goto LFail;
_rgch[0] = (achar)CchTranslateRgb(PvAddBv(pv, ibT), cch, osk,
_rgch + 1, kcchMaxStn);
ibT += cch + 1;
cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
goto LCheck;
case size(wchar):
if (ibT + 2 * size(wchar) > cbMax)
goto LFail;
CopyPb(PvAddBv(pv, ibT), &chw, size(wchar));
ibT += size(wchar);
if (osk == MacWin(koskUniWin, koskUniMac))
SwapBytesRgsw(&chw, 1);
cch = (long)(ushort)chw;
if (cch > kcchMaxStn || ibT + (cch + 1) * size(wchar) > cbMax)
goto LFail;
CopyPb(PvAddBv(pv, ibT + cch * size(wchar)), &chw, size(wchar));
if (chw != 0)
goto LFail;
_rgch[0] = (achar)CchTranslateRgb(PvAddBv(pv, ibT), cch * size(wchar),
osk, _rgch + 1, kcchMaxStn);
ibT += (cch + 1) * size(wchar);
cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
// make sure there aren't any other zeros.
for (ich = 1; ich <= cch; ich++)
if (_rgch[ich] == 0)
goto LFail;
if (pvNil != pcbRead)
*pcbRead = ibT;
else if (ibT != cbMax)
goto LFail;
return fTrue;
Warn("bad STN data");
return fFalse;
Read a string from a block.
bool STN::FRead(PBLCK pblck, long ib, long *pcbRead)
AssertPo(pblck, 0);
long cch, ich, ibT, cbT, cbMax;
short osk;
schar chs;
wchar chw;
byte rgb[kcbMaxDataStn];
if (!pblck->FUnpackData())
return fFalse;
cbMax = pblck->Cb();
ibT = ib;
if (cbMax < size(short) + ibT || !pblck->FReadRgb(&osk, size(short), ibT))
goto LFail;
ibT += size(short);
if (osk == koskCur)
// no translation needed - read the length prefix
if (cbMax < ibT + size(achar) ||
!pblck->FReadRgb(&_rgch[0], size(achar), ibT))
goto LFail;
ibT += size(achar);
cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
if (!FIn(cch, 0, kcchMaxStn + 1))
goto LFail;
// read the rest of the string
cbT = size(achar) * (cch + 1);
if (cbMax < ibT + cbT || !pblck->FReadRgb(_rgch + 1, cbT, ibT))
goto LFail;
ibT += cbT;
// make sure the terminating zero is there
if (_rgch[cch + 1] != 0)
goto LFail;
goto LCheck;
switch (CbCharOsk(osk))
case size(schar):
if (ibT + 2 > cbMax || !pblck->FReadRgb(&chs, 1, ibT++))
goto LFail;
cch = (long)(byte)chs;
if (cch > kcchMaxStn || ibT + cch >= cbMax ||
!pblck->FReadRgb(rgb, cch + 1, ibT) || rgb[cch] != 0)
goto LFail;
ibT += cch + 1;
_rgch[0] = (achar)CchTranslateRgb(rgb, cch, osk, _rgch + 1, kcchMaxStn);
cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
goto LCheck;
case size(wchar):
if (ibT + 2 * size(wchar) > cbMax ||
!pblck->FReadRgb(&chw, size(wchar), ibT))
goto LFail;
ibT += size(wchar);
if (osk == MacWin(koskUniWin, koskUniMac))
SwapBytesRgsw(&chw, 1);
cch = (long)(ushort)chw;
if (cch > kcchMaxStn || ibT + (cch + 1) * size(wchar) > cbMax ||
!pblck->FReadRgb(rgb, (cch + 1) * size(wchar), ibT) ||
((wchar *)rgb)[cch] != 0)
goto LFail;
ibT += (cch + 1) * size(wchar);
_rgch[0] = (achar)CchTranslateRgb(rgb, cch * size(wchar), osk,
_rgch + 1, kcchMaxStn);
cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
// make sure there aren't any other zeros.
for (ich = 1; ich <= cch; ich++)
if (_rgch[ich] == 0)
goto LFail;
if (pvNil != pcbRead)
*pcbRead = ibT;
else if (ibT != cbMax)
goto LFail;
return fTrue;
Warn("bad STN data or read failure");
return fFalse;
Get a zero terminated short string from this string.
void STN::GetSzs(PSZS pszs)
AssertPvCb(pszs, kcchTotSz);
#ifdef UNICODE
#ifdef WIN
long cchs = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, _rgch + 1, -1, pszs, kcchMaxSz,
pvNil, pvNil);
pszs[cchs] = 0;
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement
pszs[0] = 0;
#endif //MAC
#else //!UNICODE
CopyPb(_rgch + 1, pszs, Cch() + 1);
#endif //UNICODE
Format this string using the given template string and any additional
parameters (ala sprintf). All parameters are assumed to be 4 bytes long.
Returns false if the string ended up being too long to fit in an stn.
The following controls are supported:
%c (long)achar
%s pstn
%z psz
%d signed decimal (long)
%u unsigned decimal (long)
%x hex
%f long as a 4 character value: 'xxxx' (ala FTG and CTG values)
%% a percent sign
Supports the following options, in this order:
Argument reordering ('<', 0 based decimal number, '>')
Left justify ('-')
Explicit plus sign ('+')
Zero padding instead of space padding ('0')
Minimum field width (decimal number)
These all go between the '%' and the control letter. Note that argument
reordering affects everything after the reordered arg in the control
string. Eg, "%<1>d %<0>d %d %d" will use arguments in the order
{ 1, 0, 1, 2 }. If you just want to switch two arguments, the one
following needs a number also. So the above example would be
"%<1>d %<0>d %<2>d %d", producing { 1, 0, 2, 3 }.
WARNING: all arguments should be 4 bytes long.
bool STN::FFormat(PSTN pstnFormat, ...)
AssertPo(pstnFormat, 0);
return FFormatRgch(pstnFormat->Prgch(), pstnFormat->Cch(),
(ulong *)(&pstnFormat + 1));
See comments for STN::FFormat
bool STN::FFormatSz(PSZ pszFormat, ...)
return FFormatRgch(pszFormat, CchSz(pszFormat), (ulong *)(&pszFormat + 1));
Core routine for sprintf functionality.
bool STN::FFormatRgch(achar *prgchFormat, long cchFormat, ulong *prgluData)
AssertIn(cchFormat, 0, kcchMaxStn + 1);
AssertPvCb(prgchFormat, cchFormat * size(achar));
//Data Write Order - these dwo values are pcode for when to add what
dwoPadFirst = 0x0321,
dwoPadSecond = 0x0312,
dwoPadLast = 0x0132
achar *pchOut, *pchOutLim;
achar *pchIn, *pchInLim;
long cch;
long cchMin;
long ivArg;
ulong lu, luRad;
achar ch;
achar rgchT[kcchMaxStn];
achar *prgchTerm;
achar chSign, chPad;
ulong dwo;
PSTN pstn;
bool fRet = fFalse;
pchInLim = (pchIn = prgchFormat) + cchFormat;
pchOutLim = (pchOut = _rgch + 1) + kcchMaxStn;
ivArg = 0;
while (pchIn < pchInLim && pchOut < pchOutLim)
if ((ch = *pchIn++) != ChLit('%'))
*pchOut++ = ch;
//pre-fetch the next character
if (pchIn >= pchInLim)
goto LBug;
ch = *pchIn++;
if (ch == ChLit('%'))
*pchOut++ = ChLit('%');
dwo = dwoPadFirst;
chSign = 0;
chPad = kchSpace;
if (ch == ChLit('<'))
ivArg = 0;
for (;;)
if (ch < ChLit('0') || ch > ChLit('9'))
ivArg = ivArg * 10 + ch - ChLit('0');
//pre-fetch the next character
if (pchIn >= pchInLim)
goto LBug;
ch = *pchIn++;
if (ch != ChLit('>'))
goto LBug;
//get qualifiers (print sign, left justify, etc)
for (;;)
switch (ch)
goto LGetCchMin;
case ChLit('-'):
dwo = dwoPadLast;
case ChLit('+'):
chSign = ChLit('+');
case ChLit('0'):
chPad = ChLit('0');
dwo = dwoPadSecond;
//pre-fetch the next character
if (pchIn >= pchInLim)
goto LBug;
ch = *pchIn++;
cchMin = 0;
for (;;)
if (ch < ChLit('0') || ch > ChLit('9'))
cchMin = cchMin * 10 + ch - ChLit('0');
//pre-fetch the next character
if (pchIn >= pchInLim)
goto LBug;
ch = *pchIn++;
//code after the switch assumes that prgchTerm points to the
//characters to add to the stream and cch is the number of characters
AssertPvCb(prgluData, LwMul(ivArg + 1, size(ulong)));
lu = prgluData[ivArg++];
prgchTerm = rgchT;
switch (ch)
case ChLit('c'):
rgchT[0] = (achar)lu;
cch = 1;
case ChLit('s'):
pstn = (PSTN)lu;
AssertPo(pstn, 0);
prgchTerm = pstn->Prgch();
cch = pstn->Cch();
case ChLit('z'):
AssertSz((achar *)lu);
prgchTerm = (achar *)lu;
cch = CchSz(prgchTerm);
case ChLit('f'):
for (cch = 4; cch-- > 0; lu >>= 8)
ch = (achar)(byte)lu;
if (0 == ch)
ch = 1;
rgchT[cch] = ch;
cch = 4;
case ChLit('x'):
//if cchMin is not 0, don't make it longer than cchMin
if (cchMin > 0 && cchMin < 8)
lu &= (1L << (cchMin * 4)) - 1;
luRad = 16;
goto LUnsigned;
case ChLit('d'):
if ((long)lu < 0)
chSign = ChLit('-');
lu = -(long)lu;
luRad = 10;
goto LUnsigned;
case ChLit('u'):
luRad = 10;
prgchTerm = rgchT + CvFromRgv(rgchT);
cch = 0;
*--prgchTerm = vrgchHex[lu % luRad];
lu /= luRad;
while (lu != 0);
Bug("bad format string");
goto LFail;
//set cchMin to the number of characters to pad
cchMin = LwMax(0, cchMin - cch - (chSign != 0));
if (pchOutLim - pchOut <= cch + cchMin + (chSign != 0))
//overflowed the output buffer
goto LFail;
//arrange the sign, padding and rgch according to dwo
while (dwo != 0)
switch (dwo & 0x0F)
case 1: //add padding
for ( ; cchMin > 0; cchMin--)
*pchOut++ = chPad;
case 2: //add the sign
if (chSign != 0)
*pchOut++ = chSign;
case 3: //add the text
CopyPb(prgchTerm, pchOut, cch * size(achar));
pchOut += cch;
BugVar("bad dwo value", &dwo);
dwo >>= 4;
Assert(pchOut <= pchOutLim, "bad logic above - overflowed the rgch");
fRet = pchIn == pchInLim;
cch = pchOut - _rgch - 1;
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcchMaxStn + 1);
_rgch[0] = (achar)cch;
_rgch[cch + 1] = 0;
return fRet;
Parses the STN as a number. If lwBase is 0, automatically determines
the base as one of 10, 8 or 16 (as in standard C) and allows leading
spaces, '+' and '-' signs, and trailing spaces. Doesn't deal with
bool STN::FGetLw(long *plw, long lwBase)
AssertIn(lwBase, 0, 36);
Assert(lwBase != 1, "base can't be 1");
long lwDigit;
achar ch;
bool fNegative = fFalse;
PSZ psz = Psz();
if (lwBase < 2)
for ( ; ; psz++)
switch (*psz)
case ChLit('-'):
fNegative = !fNegative;
case ChLit('+'):
case kchSpace:
*plw = 0;
if (*psz == 0)
goto LFail;
//determine the base if lwBase is zero
if (0 == lwBase)
//determine the base
if (ChLit('0') == psz[0])
if (ChLit('x') == psz[0] || ChLit('X') == psz[0])
lwBase = 16;
lwBase = 8;
lwBase = 10;
while (0 != (ch = *psz++))
if (FIn(ch, ChLit('0'), ChLit('9') + 1))
lwDigit = ch - ChLit('0');
if (FIn(ch, ChLit('A'), ChLit('Z') + 1))
ch += ChLit('a') - ChLit('A');
else if (!FIn(ch, ChLit('a'), ChLit('z') + 1))
// not a letter, so only spaces should follow
for ( ; ch != 0; ch = *psz++)
if (ch != kchSpace)
goto LFail;
lwDigit = ch - ChLit('a') + 10;
if (lwDigit > lwBase)
return fFalse;
*plw = *plw * lwBase + lwDigit;
if (fNegative)
*plw = -*plw;
return fTrue;
Doubles any backslash characters in the string and replaces " literals
with \".
bool STN::FExpandControls(void)
achar rgch[kcchMaxStn];
achar *pchSrc, *pchDst, *pchLim, ch;
long cch;
bool fAny;
bool fRet = fFalse;
fAny = fFalse;
pchSrc = Psz();
pchDst = rgch;
pchLim = pchDst + kcchMaxStn;
for (cch = Cch(); cch-- > 0; )
if (pchDst >= pchLim)
goto LFail;
ch = *pchSrc++;
switch (ch)
case kchTab:
ch = ChLit('t');
goto LExpand;
case kchReturn:
ch = ChLit('n');
goto LExpand;
case ChLit('\\'):
case ChLit('"'):
if (pchDst + 1 >= pchLim)
goto LFail;
*pchDst++ = ChLit('\\');
fAny = fTrue;
*pchDst++ = ch;
fRet = fTrue;
if (fAny)
SetRgch(rgch, pchDst - rgch);
return fRet;
#ifdef DEBUG
Assert the validity of a STN.
void STN::AssertValid(ulong grf)
achar *pch;
long cch = (long)(uchar)_rgch[0];
AssertIn(cch, 0, kcchMaxStn + 1);
Assert(_rgch[cch + 1] == 0, "missing termination byte");
for (pch = _rgch + 1; *pch != 0; pch++)
Assert(pch - _rgch == cch + 1, "internal null characters");
#endif //DEBUG
Check the validity of an st (make sure no zeros are in it).
bool FValidSt(PST pst)
achar *pch;
long cch = (long)(uchar)pst[0];
if (!FIn(cch, 0, kcchMaxSt + 1))
return fFalse;
AssertPvCb(pst, (cch + kcchExtraSt) * size(achar));
for (pch = PrgchSt(pst); cch > 0 && *pch != 0; cch--, pch++)
return (cch == 0);
Check the validity of an stz
bool FValidStz(PSTZ pstz)
return FValidSt(pstz) && 0 == PszStz(pstz)[CchSt(pstz)];
Find the length of a zero terminated string.
long CchSz(PSZ psz)
//WARNING: don't call AssertSz, since AssertSz calls CchSz!
achar *pch;
for (pch = psz; *pch != 0; pch++)
Assert(pch - psz <= kcchMaxSz, "sz too long");
AssertPvCb(psz, (pch - psz + 1) * size(achar));
return pch - psz;
Do string equality testing. This does byte-wise comparison for
internal (non-user) use only!
bool FEqualRgch(achar *prgch1, long cch1, achar *prgch2, long cch2)
AssertIn(cch1, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch1, cch1 * size(achar));
AssertIn(cch2, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch2, cch2 * size(achar));
return cch1 == cch2 && FEqualRgb(prgch1, prgch2, cch1 * size(achar));
Do string comparison for sorting. This is byte-wise for internal
(non-user) sorting only! The sorting is byte-order independent.
fcmpLt means that string 1 is less than string 2.
ulong FcmpCompareRgch(achar *prgch1, long cch1, achar *prgch2, long cch2)
AssertIn(cch1, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch1, cch1 * size(achar));
AssertIn(cch2, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch2, cch2 * size(achar));
long ich, cbTot, cbMatch;
if (cch1 < cch2)
return fcmpLt;
if (cch1 > cch2)
return fcmpGt;
cbTot = cch1 * size(achar);
cbMatch = CbEqualRgb(prgch1, prgch2, cbTot);
AssertIn(cbMatch, 0, cbTot + 1);
if (cbTot == cbMatch)
return fcmpEq;
ich = cbMatch / size(achar);
Assert(prgch1[ich] != prgch2[ich], 0);
return prgch1[ich] < prgch2[ich] ? fcmpLt : fcmpGt;
User level equality testing of strings.
bool FEqualUserRgch(achar *prgch1, long cch1, achar *prgch2, long cch2,
ulong grfstn)
AssertIn(cch1, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch1, cch1 * size(achar));
AssertIn(cch2, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch2, cch2 * size(achar));
long cchBuf;
achar rgch1[kcchMaxStn];
achar rgch2[kcchMaxStn];
//REVIEW shonk: implement for real
if (!(grfstn & fstnIgnoreCase))
return cch1 == cch2 && FEqualRgb(prgch1, prgch2, cch1 * size(achar));
if (cch1 != cch2)
return fFalse;
while (cch1 > 0)
cchBuf = LwMin(kcchMaxStn, cch1);
CopyPb(prgch1, rgch1, cchBuf * size(achar));
CopyPb(prgch2, rgch2, cchBuf * size(achar));
#ifdef WIN
CharUpperBuff(rgch1, cchBuf);
CharUpperBuff(rgch2, cchBuf);
#else //!WIN
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement
#endif //!WIN
if (!FEqualRgb(rgch1, rgch2, cchBuf * size(achar)))
return fFalse;
prgch1 += cchBuf;
prgch2 += cchBuf;
cch1 -= cchBuf;
return fTrue;
Do user level string comparison with the given options.
ulong FcmpCompareUserRgch(achar *prgch1, long cch1, achar *prgch2, long cch2,
ulong grfstn)
AssertIn(cch1, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch1, cch1 * size(achar));
AssertIn(cch2, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgch2, cch2 * size(achar));
#ifdef WIN
long lw;
lw = CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
(grfstn & fstnIgnoreCase) ? NORM_IGNORECASE : 0,
prgch1, cch1, prgch2, cch2);
switch (lw)
case 1:
return fcmpLt;
case 2:
return fcmpEq;
case 3:
return fcmpGt;
Bug("why did CompareString fail?");
return FcmpCompareRgch(prgch1, cch1, prgch2, cch2);
#else //!WIN
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement for real
return FcmpCompareRgch(prgch1, cch1, prgch2, cch2);
#endif //!WIN
Map an array of short characters to upper case equivalents.
void UpperRgchs(schar *prgchs, long cchs)
AssertIn(cchs, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchs, cchs);
long ichs;
static bool _fInited;
if (!_fInited)
for (ichs = 0; ichs < 256; ichs++)
_mpchschsUpper[ichs] = (byte)ichs;
UppercaseText(_mpchschsUpper, 256, smSystemScript),
CharUpperBuffA(_mpchschsUpper, 256));
_fInited = fTrue;
for ( ; cchs-- != 0; prgchs++)
*prgchs = _mpchschsUpper[(byte)*prgchs];
Map an array of characters to lower case equivalents.
void LowerRgchs(schar *prgchs, long cchs)
AssertIn(cchs, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchs, cchs);
long ichs;
static bool _fInited;
if (!_fInited)
for (ichs = 0; ichs < 256; ichs++)
_mpchschsLower[ichs] = (byte)ichs;
LowercaseText(_mpchschsLower, 256, smSystemScript),
CharLowerBuffA(_mpchschsLower, 256));
_fInited = fTrue;
for ( ; cchs-- != 0; prgchs++)
*prgchs = _mpchschsLower[(byte)*prgchs];
Map an array of unicode characters to upper case equivalents.
void UpperRgchw(wchar *prgchw, long cchw)
AssertIn(cchw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchw, cchw * size(wchar));
#ifdef WIN
CharUpperBuffW(prgchw, cchw);
#else //!WIN
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement UpperRgchw
#endif //!WIN
Map an array of unicode characters to lower case equivalents.
void LowerRgchw(wchar *prgchw, long cchw)
AssertIn(cchw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchw, cchw * size(wchar));
AssertIn(cchw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgchw, cchw * size(wchar));
#ifdef WIN
CharLowerBuffW(prgchw, cchw);
#else //!WIN
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement UpperRgchw
#endif //!WIN
Translate text from the indicated source character set to koskCur.
long CchTranslateRgb(void *pvSrc, long cbSrc, short oskSrc,
achar *prgchDst, long cchMaxDst)
AssertPvCb(pvSrc, cbSrc);
AssertPvCb(prgchDst, cchMaxDst * size(achar));
long cchT;
#ifdef WIN
#ifdef UNICODE
switch (oskSrc)
return 0;
case koskSbWin:
case koskSbMac:
return MultiByteToWideChar(oskSrc == koskSbWin ? CP_ACP : CP_MACCP,
MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPSTR)pvSrc, cbSrc, prgchDst, cchMaxDst);
case koskUniMac:
if (cbSrc % size(wchar) != 0)
return 0;
cchT = cbSrc / size(wchar);
if (0 == cchMaxDst)
return cchT;
if (cchT > cchMaxDst)
return 0;
CopyPb(pvSrc, prgchDst, cchT * size(achar));
SwapBytesRgsw(prgchDst, cchT);
return cchT;
#else //!UNICODE
achar *pchSrc, *pchDst;
switch (oskSrc)
return 0;
case koskSbMac:
if (0 == cchMaxDst)
return cbSrc;
if (cbSrc > cchMaxDst)
return 0;
pchSrc = (achar *)pvSrc;
for (pchDst = prgchDst, cchT = cbSrc; cchT > 0; cchT--)
byte bT = (byte)*pchSrc++;
if (bT >= (byte)0x80)
*pchDst++ = _mpchschsMacToWin[bT - (byte)0x80];
*pchDst++ = (achar)bT;
return cbSrc;
case koskUniWin:
case koskUniMac:
if (cbSrc % size(wchar) != 0)
return 0;
// swap byte order
if (oskSrc == koskUniMac)
SwapBytesRgsw(pvSrc, cbSrc / size(wchar));
cchT = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)pvSrc, cbSrc / size(wchar),
prgchDst, cchMaxDst, pvNil, pvNil);
if (oskSrc == koskUniMac)
SwapBytesRgsw(pvSrc, cbSrc / size(wchar));
return cchT;
#endif //!UNICODE
#endif //WIN
#ifdef MAC
#ifdef UNICODE
long cchDst;
schar *pchsSrc;
achar *pchDst;
switch (oskSrc)
return 0;
case koskSbWin:
if (0 == cchMaxDst)
return cbSrc;
if (cbSrc > cchMaxDst)
return 0;
pchsSrc = (schar *)pvSrc;
for (pchDst = prgch, cchT = cbSrc; cchT > 0; cchT--)
*pchDst++ = (achar)(byte)*pchsSrc++;
return cbSrc;
case koskSbMac:
if (0 == cchMaxDst)
return cbSrc;
if (cbSrc > cchMaxDst)
return 0;
pchsSrc = (schar *)pvSrc;
for (pchDst = prgch, cchT = cbSrc; cchT > 0; cchT--)
pchsSrc = (schar *)pvSrc;
byte bT = (byte)*pchsSrc++;
if (bT >= (byte)0x80)
*pchDst++ = (achar)_mpchschsMacToWin[bT - (byte)0x80];
*pchDst++ = (achar)bT;
return cbSrc;
case koskUniWin:
if (cbSrc % size(wchar) != 0)
return 0;
cchT = cbSrc / size(wchar);
if (0 == cchMaxDst)
return cchT;
if (cchT > cchMaxDst)
return 0;
CopyPb(pvSrc, prgchDst, cchT * size(achar));
SwapBytesRgsw(prgchDst, cchT);
return cchT;
#else //!UNICODE
achar *pchSrc, *pchDst;
switch (oskSrc)
return fFalse;
case koskSbWin:
if (0 == cchMaxDst)
return cbSrc;
if (cbSrc > cchMaxDst)
return 0;
pchSrc = (achar *)pvSrc;
for (pchDst = prgchDst, cchT = cbSrc; cchT > 0; cchT--)
byte bT = (byte)*pchSrc++;
if (bT >= (byte)0x80)
*pchDst++ = _mpchschsWinToMac[bT - (byte)0x80];
*pchDst++ = (achar)bT;
return cbSrc;
case koskUniWin:
case koskUniMac:
RawRtn(); //REVIEW shonk: Mac: implement koskUniWin, koskUniMac -> koskSbMac
return 0;
#endif //!UNICODE
#endif //MAC
Translates a string between the current platform and another. If fToCur
is true, the translation is from osk to koskCur, otherwise from koskCur
to osk.
void TranslateRgch(achar *prgch, long cch, short osk, bool fToCur)
AssertPvCb(prgch, cch);
Assert(osk == koskMac || osk == koskWin,
"TranslateRgch can't handle this osk");
if (koskCur == osk)
#ifdef UNICODE
// for unicode, we just have to change the byte ordering
SwapBytesRgsw(prgch, cch);
#else //!UNICODE
achar *pmpchschs = MacWin(!fToCur, fToCur) ? _mpchschsMacToWin :
for ( ; cch > 0; cch--, prgch++)
if ((byte)*prgch >= (byte)0x80)
*prgch = pmpchschs[(byte)*prgch - (byte)0x80];
#endif //!UNICODE
Return the type of the character.
This must follow these implications:
fchBreak -> fchMayBreak
fchBreak -> fchControl
fchIgnore -> fchControl
REVIEW shonk: make GrfchFromCh handle all unicode characters.
ulong GrfchFromCh(achar ch)
switch ((uchar)ch)
case kchReturn:
return fchBreak | fchMayBreak | fchControl;
case kchLineFeed:
return fchIgnore | fchControl;
case kchTab:
return fchTab | fchMayBreak | fchControl;
case kchSpace:
return fchWhiteOverhang | fchMayBreak;
#ifdef REVIEW //shonk: implement correctly once we get the tables from MSKK.
#ifdef UNICODE
//REVIEW shonk: others? 148
case (uchar)',':
case (uchar)'.':
case (uchar)')':
case (uchar)']':
case (uchar)'}':
case (uchar)':':
case (uchar)';':
case (uchar)'?':
case (uchar)'!':
case (uchar)'.':
case (uchar)',':
return fchTestBreak;
#endif //UNICODE
#endif //REVIEW
case 0x7F:
return fchControl;
if ((uchar)ch < kchSpace)
return fchControl;
return fchNil;
#ifdef DEBUG
Validate an osk.
void AssertOsk(short osk)
switch (osk)
case koskSbMac:
case koskSbWin:
case koskUniMac:
case koskUniWin:
BugVar("bad osk", &osk);
Check the validity of an st (make sure no zeros are in it).
void AssertSt(PST pst)
Assert(FValidSt(pst), "bad st");
Check the validity of an stz.
void AssertStz(PSTZ pstz)
Assert(FValidStz(pstz), "bad stz");
Make sure the sz isn't too long.
void AssertSz(PSZ psz)
// CchSz does all the asserting we need
long cch = CchSz(psz);
Check the validity of an st, nil is allowed.
void AssertNilOrSt(PST pst)
if (pst != pvNil)
Check the validity of an stz, nil is allowed.
void AssertNilOrStz(PSTZ pstz)
if (pstz != pvNil)
Check the validity of an sz, nil is allowed.
void AssertNilOrSz(PSZ psz)
if (psz != pvNil)
#endif //DEBUG