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2022-05-03 23:31:19 +00:00
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Base classes. All classes should be derived from BASE.
BLL is a base class for singly linked lists.
#ifndef BASE_H
#define BASE_H
Run-time class determination support. Each class, FOO, that uses this
needs a constant, kclsFOO, defined somewhere (preferably with the class
declaration) and needs FOO_PAR defined to be the class' parent class.
kclsFOO should be 'FOO' if FOO is at most 4 characters long and should
consist of a unique string of 4 lowercase characters if FOO is longer
than 4 characters. Eg, kclsSCEG is 'SCEG', but kclsSTUDIO is 'stdo'.
RTCLASS_DEC goes in the class definition.
RTCLASS(FOO) goes in the .cpp file.
#define RTCLASS_DEC \
public: static bool FWouldBe(long cls); \
public: virtual bool FIs(long cls); \
public: virtual long Cls(void);
#define RTCLASS_INLINE(foo) \
public: static bool FWouldBe(long cls) \
{ \
if (kcls##foo == cls) return fTrue; \
return foo##_PAR::FWouldBe(cls); \
} \
public: virtual bool FIs(long cls) { return FWouldBe(cls); } \
public: virtual long Cls(void) { return kcls##foo; }
#define RTCLASS(foo) \
bool foo::FWouldBe(long cls) \
{ \
if (kcls##foo == cls) return fTrue; \
return foo##_PAR::FWouldBe(cls); \
} \
bool foo::FIs(long cls) { return FWouldBe(cls); } \
long foo::Cls(void) { return kcls##foo; }
Debugging aids - for finding lost memory and asserting the validity
of objects.
#ifdef DEBUG
void AssertUnmarkedObjs(void);
#define MarkMemObj(po) \
if ((po) != pvNil) \
{ (po)->MarkMemStub(); } \
else (void)0
#define NewObj new(__szsFile, __LINE__)
void UnmarkAllObjs(void);
const ulong fobjNil = 0x00000000L;
const ulong fobjNotAllocated = 0x40000000L;
const ulong fobjAllocated = 0x20000000L;
const ulong fobjAssertFull = 0x10000000L;
extern long vcactSuspendAssertValid;
extern long vcactAVSave;
extern long vcactAV;
inline void SuspendAssertValid(void)
if (0 == vcactSuspendAssertValid++)
vcactAVSave = vcactAV;
vcactAV = 0;
inline void ResumeAssertValid(void)
if (0 == --vcactSuspendAssertValid)
vcactAV = vcactAVSave;
#define AssertPo(po, grf) \
if ((po) != 0) \
{ \
if (vcactAV > 0) \
{ \
vcactAV--; \
(po)->AssertValid(grf); \
vcactAV++; \
} \
} \
else \
#define AssertNilOrPo(po, grf) \
if ((po) != 0 && vcactAV > 0) \
{ \
vcactAV--; \
(po)->AssertValid(grf); \
vcactAV++; \
} \
else (void)0
#define AssertBasePo(po, grf) \
if ((po) != 0) \
{ \
if (vcactAV > 0) \
{ \
vcactAV--; \
(po)->BASE::AssertValid(grf); \
vcactAV++; \
} \
} \
else \
#define AssertThis(grf) \
if (vcactAV > 0) \
{ \
vcactAV--; \
this->AssertValid(grf); \
vcactAV++; \
} \
else (void)0
#define AssertBaseThis(grf) \
if (vcactAV > 0) \
{ \
vcactAV--; \
this->BASE::AssertValid(grf); \
vcactAV++; \
} \
else (void)0
#define MARKMEM public: virtual void MarkMem(void);
#define ASSERT public: void AssertValid(ulong grf);
#define NOCOPY(cls) \
private: \
cls & cls::operator= (cls &robj) \
{ __AssertOnCopy(); return *this; }
void __AssertOnCopy(void);
void MarkUtilMem(void);
#else //!DEBUG
#define SuspendAssertValid()
#define ResumeAssertValid()
#define AssertUnmarkedObjs()
#define MarkMemObj(po)
#define NewObj new
#define UnmarkAllObjs()
#define AssertPo(po, grf)
#define AssertNilOrPo(po, grf)
#define AssertBasePo(po, grf)
#define AssertThis(grf)
#define AssertBaseThis(grf)
#define MARKMEM
#define ASSERT
#define NOCOPY(cls)
#define MarkUtilMem()
#endif //!DEBUG
Macro to release an object and clear the pointer to it.
#define ReleasePpo(ppo) \
if (*(ppo) != pvNil) \
{ \
(*(ppo))->Release(); \
*(ppo) = pvNil; \
} \
else (void)0
Base class. Any instances allocated using NewObj (as opposed to being
on the stack) are guaranteed to be zero'ed out. Also provides reference
counting and debug lost memory checks.
#define kclsBASE 'BASE'
class BASE
Debug( long _lwMagic; )
long _cactRef;
#ifdef DEBUG
void *operator new(size_t cb, schar *pszsFile, long lwLine);
void operator delete(void *pv);
void MarkMemStub(void);
#else //!DEBUG
void *operator new(size_t cb);
#ifdef WIN
void operator delete(void *pv);
#endif //WIN
#endif //!DEBUG
virtual ~BASE(void)
{ AssertThis(0); }
virtual void AddRef(void);
virtual void Release(void);
long CactRef(void)
{ return _cactRef; }
Base linked list
#define BLL_DEC(cls,rtn) \
public: class cls *rtn(void) { return (class cls *)BLL::PbllNext(); }
typedef class BLL *PBLL;
#define BLL_PAR BASE
#define kclsBLL 'BLL'
class BLL : public BLL_PAR
PBLL _pbllNext;
PBLL *_ppbllPrev;
void _Attach(void *ppbllPrev);
PBLL PbllNext(void) { return _pbllNext; }
#endif //!BASE_H