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2022-05-03 23:31:19 +00:00
Collection classes: General List (GL), Allocated List (AL),
General Group (GG), Allocated Group (AG),
General String Table (GST), Allocated String Table (AST).
class GL;
typedef class GL *PGL;
A general purpose dynamically allocated array class. Data
elements must be all the same size. Clients may assume the
data elements are contiguous. I.e., if you have a pointer to
the iv'th element, incrementing the pointer will give you a pointer
to the (iv+1)th element.
class AL;
typedef class AL *PAL;
A list where indices don't change when items are added
or deleted. Clients may assume data elements are contiguous.
Note, however, that an element may be free. Call FFree to
determine if a particular item is free.
class GG;
typedef class GG *PGG;
A group: a collection of data objects of possibly different
sizes. If all your elements are the same size, use a GL.
class AG;
typedef class AG *PAG;
A group where indices don't change when items are added or
deleted. Entries can be free. Call FFree to determine
if an entry is free.
class GST;
typedef class GST *PGST;
A string table. Can also store a fixed size piece of "extra"
data for each string.
class AST;
typedef class AST *PAST;
An allocated string table. Like a string table, but indices
don't change when strings are added or deleted. Entries
can be free. Call FFree to determine if an entry is free.
fgrpNil - default options
fgrpShrink - shrink space allocated if its more than needed
Common methods
PGL GL::PglNew(long cb, long cvInit = 0);
PAL AL::PalNew(long cb, long cvInit = 0);
PGG GG::PggNew(long cvInit = 0, long cbInit = 0);
PAG AG::PagNew(long cvInit = 0, long cbInit = 0);
PGST GST::PgstNew(long cbExtra, long cstzInit = 0, long cchInit = 0);
PAST AST::PastNew(long cbExtra, long cstzInit = 0, long cchInit = 0);
These are static methods (not invoked from an object) that
allocate a new object of the appropriate class. For GL and
AL classes, cb is the size of the elements and cvInit is the
number of elements to reserve space for. For GST and AST, cbExtra
is the amount of extra data associated with each string. For
GG, AG, GST and AST, cvInit/cstzInit are how many entries to make room
for and cbInit/cchInit are the total number of bytes to allow for
these entries. These values are as in FEnsureSpace.
PGL GL::PglRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk);
PAL AL::PalRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk);
PGG GG::PggRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk);
PAG AG::PagRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk);
PGST GST::PgstRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk);
PAST AST::PastRead(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long cb, short *pbo, short *posk);
Static methods to read an object from disk. pbo and posk may be
nil. *pbo is set to the byte order of the object and *posk is
set to the osk (Operating System Kind) that wrote the object.
Use *pbo to do byte swapping after reading and *posk to do string
translation after reading.
bool GL::FWrite(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long *pcb = pvNil,
short bo = kboCur, short osk = koskCur);
bool AL::FWrite(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long *pcb = pvNil,
short bo = kboCur, short osk = koskCur);
bool GG::FWrite(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long *pcb = pvNil,
short bo = kboCur, short osk = koskCur);
bool AG::FWrite(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long *pcb = pvNil,
short bo = kboCur, short osk = koskCur);
bool GST::FWrite(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long *pcb = pvNil,
short bo = kboCur, short osk = koskCur);
bool AST::FWrite(PFIL pfil, FP fp, long *pcb = pvNil,
short bo = kboCur, short osk = koskCur);
Write the object to disk. If pcb is not nil, sets *pcb to the
amount of space used. If bo and osk are specified as something
different from kboCur and koskCur, these will adjust the byte
order and/or osk before writing the data. Obviously, client
managed data is not adjusted. REVIEW shonk: should strings
in an GST/AST be handled automatically.
long GL::CbOnFile(void);
long AL::CbOnFile(void);
long GG::CbOnFile(void);
long AG::CbOnFile(void);
long GST::CbOnFile(void);
long AST::CbOnFile(void);
Returns the amount of space required to write the object to
long GL::IvMac(void);
long AL::IvMac(void);
long GG::IvMac(void);
long AG::IvMac(void);
long GST::IstzMac(void);
long AST::IstzMac(void);
Returns the number of active items. For AL, AG and AST, this
is the lim of legal indices, not the number of non-free
void GL::Delete(long iv);
void AL::Delete(long iv);
void GG::Delete(long iv);
void AG::Delete(long iv);
void GST::Delete(long istz);
void AST::Delete(long istz);
Deletes the indicated element. For AL, AG and AST, indices of
remaining items don't change (ie, a hole is created). For the other
classes, items with larger indices "slide down" to fill the hole.
void *GL::QvGet(long iv);
void *AL::QvGet(long iv);
void *GG::QvGet(long iv);
void *AG::QvGet(long iv);
Returns a volatile pointer to the element. For GPs, iv must
be less than IvMac(). For GL and AL, iv must be <= IMac()
( == is allowed for convenience; don't access it!). For AL and AG,
the element may be free (call FFree to check).
void *GL::PvLock(long iv);
void *AL::PvLock(long iv);
void *GG::PvLock(long iv);
void *AG::PvLock(long iv);
Locks the data and returns a pointer to the iv'th element.
Same restrictions on iv as for QvGet(iv).
void GL::Lock(void);
void AL::Lock(void);
void GG::Lock(void);
void AG::Lock(void);
Locks the data.
void GL::Unlock(void);
void AL::Unlock(void);
void GG::Unlock(void);
void AG::Unlock(void);
Unlocks the data. Balances a call to PvLock() or Lock().
Locking is nestable.
void GL::Get(long iv, void *pv);
void AL::Get(long iv, void *pv);
void GG::Get(long iv, void *pv);
void AG::Get(long iv, void *pv);
Copies the iv'th item to *pv. Assumes pv points to a block
large enough to hold the item. iv must be less than IvMac().
For GG and AG, GetRgb is more useful.
void GL::Put(long iv, void *pv);
void AL::Put(long iv, void *pv);
void GG::Put(long iv, void *pv);
void AG::Put(long iv, void *pv);
The opposite of Get(iv, pv). Copies data from *pv to the iv'th
element. For GG and AG, see FPut and PutRgb.
bool GL::FAdd(void *pv, long *piv);
bool AL::FAdd(void *pv, long *piv);
bool GG::FAdd(long cb, void *pv, long *piv);
bool AG::FAdd(long cb, void *pv, long *piv);
Add a new element to the class. If piv is not nil, *piv is
set to the index of the new item. For GL and GG, the new item
is always the last. For AL and AG, the first free slot is used.
List specific methods
long GL::CbEntry(void);
Returns the size of each element of the list (as specified
in PglNew or as read from file in PglRead.
bool GL::FSetIvMac(long ivMacNew);
Changes the number of items active in the list. Rarely used.
bool GL::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, short grfgrp);
Ensure that there is room for at least cvAdd additional items.
To close up the list, use FEnsureSpace(0, fgrpShrink).
bool GL::FInsert(long iv, void *pv);
Inserts a new item into the list at location iv. Parameter
iv must be less than or equal to IvMac(). Moves later items
up to make room.
void Move(long ivSrc, long ivDst)
Moves the element at ivSrc to the ivDst position, shifting
everything in between.
bool GL::FPush(void *pv);
Appends the item to the end of the list. Equivalent to
FAdd(pv, pvNil).
bool GL::FPop(void *pv = pvNil);
If the list is empty, returns false (indicating stack underflow).
Otherwise, fetches the last item (if pv is not nil), deletes
the item, and returns true.
bool GL::FEnqueue(void *pv)
Equivalent to FInsert(0, pv).
bool GL::FDequeue(void *pv = pvNil);
Equivalent to FPop(pv).
Allocated List specific methods
long AL::CbEntry(void);
Returns the size of each element of the list (as specified
in PalNew or as read from file in PalRead.
bool AL::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, short grfgrp);
Ensure that there is room for at least cvAdd additional items.
To close up the allocated list use FEnsureSpace(0, fgrpShrink).
bool AL::FFree(long iv);
Indicates whether item iv is free. (This is fast). iv should
be less than IvMac().
Group specific methods
bool GG::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, long cbAdd, short grfgrp);
bool AG::FEnsureSpace(long cvAdd, long cbAdd, short grfgrp);
Make sure there is room for at least cvAdd additional items,
using cbAdd bytes of space. To close up the group
use FEnsureSpace(0, 0, fgrpShrink).
bool GG::FInsert(long iv, long cb, void *pv);
Inserts an item of size cb into the group. pv may be nil.
bool GG::FPut(long iv, long cb, void *pv);
bool AG::FPut(long iv, long cb, void *pv);
Replaces the item with new data of the given length. pv may
be nil, in which case this effectively resizes the element.
long GG::Cb(long iv);
long AG::Cb(long iv);
Returns the length of the item.
void GG::GetRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv);
void AG::GetRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv);
Fetches a section of data from the given element. bv is the offset
of the data into the element, cb is the amount of data to copy
and pv is the destination.
void GG::PutRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv);
void AG::PutRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv);
The inverse of GetRgb.
void GG::DeleteRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb);
void AG::DeleteRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb);
Deletes a portion of the given element. Deletes bytes [bv, bv+cb).
bool GG::FInsertRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv);
bool AG::FInsertRgb(long iv, long bv, long cb, void *pv);
Inserts cb new bytes before byte bv of the element. pv may be nil.
bool AG::FFree(long iv);
Indicates whether item iv is free. (This is fast). iv should
be less than IvMac().
String Table specific methods
bool GST::FEnsureSpace(long cstzAdd, long cchAdd, short grfgrp);
bool AST::FEnsureSpace(long cstzAdd, long cchAdd, short grfgrp);
Make sure there is room for at least cstzAdd additional strings,
using cchAdd bytes of space. To close up the string table
use FEnsureSpace(0, 0, fgrpShrink).
bool GST::FInsertRgch(long istz, char *prgch, long cch, void *pvExtra);
bool GST::FInsertStz(long istz, char *pstz, void *pvExtra);
bool GST::FInsertSt(long istz, char *pst, void *pvExtra);
bool GST::FInsertSz(long istz, char *psz, void *pvExtra);
Insert a new string at location istz. pvExtra may be nil.
bool GST::FAddRgch(char *prgch, long cch, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool GST::FAddStz(char *pstz, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool GST::FAddSt(char *pst, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool GST::FAddSz(char *psz, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool AST::FAddRgch(char *prgch, long cch, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool AST::FAddStz(char *pstz, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool AST::FAddSt(char *pst, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
bool AST::FAddSz(char *psz, void *pvExtra, long *pistz);
Append a string to the string table. pistz may be nil. If not,
*pistz is set the index of the new string. pvExtra may be nil.
void GST::GetExtra(long istz, void *pv);
void AST::GetExtra(long istz, void *pv);
Fill pv with the extra data for the string. Asserts that cbExtra
is > 0.
void GST::PutExtra(long istz, void *pv);
void AST::PutExtra(long istz, void *pv);
Set the extra data for the string. Asserts that cbExtra is > 0.
void GST::GetStz(long istz, char *pstz);
void GST::GetSt(long istz, char *pst);
void GST::GetSz(long istz, char *psz);
void AST::GetStz(long istz, char *pstz);
void AST::GetSt(long istz, char *pst);
void AST::GetSz(long istz, char *psz);
Get the istz'th string. pstz/pst/psz must point to a buffer at least
kcbMaxStz/kcbMaxSt/kcbMaxSz bytes long.
bool GST::FPutRgch(long istz, char *prgch, long cch);
bool GST::FPutStz(long istz, char *pstz);
bool GST::FPutSt(long istz, char *pst);
bool GST::FPutSz(long istz, char *psz);
bool AST::FPutRgch(long istz, char *prgch, long cch);
bool AST::FPutStz(long istz, char *pstz);
bool AST::FPutSt(long istz, char *pst);
bool AST::FPutSz(long istz, char *psz);
Replace the istz'th string.
bool GST::FFindStz(char *pstz, long *pistz, ulong grfstb = fstbNil);
bool GST::FFindSt(char *pst, long *pistz, ulong grfstb = fstbNil);
bool GST::FFindSz(char *psz, long *pistz, ulong grfstb = fstbNil);
bool AST::FFindStz(char *pstz, long *pistz, ulong grfstb = fstbNil);
bool AST::FFindSt(char *pst, long *pistz, ulong grfstb = fstbNil);
bool AST::FFindSz(char *psz, long *pistz, ulong grfstb = fstbNil);
Finds the given string in the string table. If fstbSorted is specified,
and this is an GST, a binary search is performed. If the string is
not found, false is returned. If the string is not found and this is
an GST and fstbSorted was specified, *pistz will be filled with where
the string should be inserted to maintain the sorting. In other cases,
if the string is not found, *pistz is filled with IstzMac().
bool AST::FFree(long istz);
Indicates whether item istz is free. (This is fast). istz should
be less than IstzMac().