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2022-05-03 23:31:19 +00:00
Chunky file API.
class CFL;
typedef class CFL *PCFL;
A chunky file.
class CGE;
An auto class to enumerate over a subgraph of a chunky file.
It is illegal to assign a cge to another cge.
typedef ulong CTG;
A chunk type. These should all be registered in ctg.h.
typedef ulong CNO;
A chunk number. These are assigned by the chunky code when a
chunk is created. It is possible to create a chunk with a given
cno, but this is generally not a good thing to do as doing so will
overwrite any existing chunk with that cno.
struct CKI;
A struct consisting of a ctg and cno. Identifies a chunk within
a chunky file.
typedef ulong CHID;
A child id. When adding a child to a chunk, you can specify an
id by which you will refer to the child (in the context of the
parent). These are preserved when chunks are copied to other
files (while cno's may not be).
struct KID;
A struct consisting of a CKI and a CHID. Identifies a child chunk.
ulong grfcfl;
A group of flags indicating chunky file options.
ulong fcflNil; // default options
ulong fcflWriteEnable; // open with write permissions
ulong fcflTemp; // make it a temp chunky file
ulong fcflMark; // mark the chunky file (see below)
ulong fcflAddToExtra; // forces added chunks to be in a temp file
// (until FSave is called).
ulong fcflFull; // debug only - may be passed to AssertObj to
// do a full check of the chunky file
Chunky files have both a mark flag and an open count. See file.txt for
a description of how these work.
If a chunky file is opened read-only, or if fcflAddToExtra is specified
at open or create time, then chunks are added to a temp file associated
with the chunky file. When the chunky file is then saved, all chunk data
is put in the same file.
Opening a chunky file with write permissions (and without fAddToExtra),
then adding chunks to the file invalidates the file until it is saved
(the index is trashed on disk until it is saved). Closing a chunky file
does _not_ automatically save it.
The chunks in a CFL form an acyclic directed graph. Ie, a chunk can own
other ("child") chunks. Child chunks may be owned by more than one chunk
and may themselves own chunks. It is illegal to create a cycle, where a
chunk is a direct or indirect descendent of itself.
REVIEW shonk: assert and check for cycles.
CFL static methods
PCFL CFL::PcflFirst(void);
Chunky files form a linked list. This returns the first chunky file
in the linked list.
PCFL CFL::PcflFromFni(FNI *pfni);
If the file indicated by *pfni is open as a chunky file, this returns
a pointer to the CFL. Otherwise it returns pNil.
PCFL CFL::PcflOpen(FNI *pfni, ulong grfcfl);
Attempts to open the indicated file as a chunky file. grfcfl may
include fcflWriteEnable, fcflAddToExtra, fcflMark. fcflTemp is
illegal. If the file is already open as a chunky file, this ensures
that the permissions are high enough and increments the open count.
This should be balanced with a call to pcfl->Close(). Specifying
fcflMark causes the cfl to be marked (but not the underlying fil).
Returns pNil on failure.
PCFL CFL::PcflCreate(FNI *pfni, ulong grfcfl);
Creates and opens the indicated file as a chunk file (asserts that it
isn't already open) and sets the open count to 1. Assumes
fcflWriteEnable. fcflMark is legal. Use fcflTemp to create a temp
chunky file, which will be automatically deleted when it is closed.
Returns pNil on failure.
void CFL::ClearMarks(void);
Clears the mark flag on all chunky files. See discussion under
void CFL::CloseUnmarked(void);
Closes all chunky files that are not marked and have zero open count.
See discussion under concepts.
CFL methods
PCFL CFL::Next(void);
Returns the next chunky file (in the linked list).
void CFL::Open(void);
Increment the open count, nothing more.
void CFL::Close(void);
Decrements the open count. If the cfl is not marked and the
open count becomes zero, the cfl is closed.
bool CFL::FSave(CTG ctgCreator, FNI *pfni = pNil);
Saves the chunky file. Passing pNil (or the current fni of the CFL)
for pfni does a normal save. Passing any other fni does a save as
(the original file still exists). Note: if you do a save as, but
added chunks to the file and had it open for writing, the original
file may be corrupt. Adding chunks to a file opened for writing
corrupts the file until it is saved.
void CFL::Mark(void);
Set the mark flag.
void CFL::SetTemp(bool f);
Set whether the chunky file is a temp file. Temp files are
automatically deleted when they are closed.
bool CFL::FTemp(void);
Return whether the chunky file is a temp file.
void CFL::GetFni(FNI *pfni);
Get the file name.
bool CFL::FFind(CTG ctg, CNO cno, FLO *pflo);
Look for the chunk and fill in *pflo with the location of its data.
HQ CFL::HqGet(CTG ctg, CNO cno);
Read the chunk into an hq. Returns hqNil if there is no such
chunk or on memory failure.
bool CFL::FAdd(long cb, CTG ctg, CNO *pcno, FLO *pflo);
Adds a chunk to the file. Fills in *pcno with the cno for the
chunk and fills in *pflo with the space on file allocated for
the chunk.
bool CFL::FAddPv(void *pv, long cb, CTG ctg, CNO *pcno);
bool CFL::FAddHq(HQ hq, CTG ctg, CNO *pcno);
Adds a chunk to the file and writes the data from the pv or hq into
it. Fills in *pcno with the cno for the chunk. pv can only be nil
if cb is zero.
bool CFL::FAddChild(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar, CHID chid,
long cb, CTG ctg, CNO *pcno, FLO *pflo);
bool CFL::FAddChildPv(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar, CHID chid,
void *pv, long cb, CTG ctg, CNO *pcno);
bool CFL::FAddChildHq(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar, CHID chid,
HQ hq, CTG ctg, CNO *pcno);
These atomize the adding of a chunk and adopting the new chunk by
(ctgPar, cnoPar).
bool CFL::FPut(long cb, CTG ctg, CNO cno, FLO *pflo);
Replaces (or creates) the indicated chunk. Use this with caution.
You may be nuking an existing chunk by calling this. Preserves
any existing children of the node.
bool CFL::FPutPv(void *pv, long cb, CTG ctg, CNO cno);
bool CFL::FPutHq(HQ hq, CTG ctg, CNO cno);
Replaces (or creates) the indicated chunk with the data in pv or hq.
Use this with caution. You may be nuking an existing chunk by
calling this. Preserves any existing children of the node. pv can
only be nil if cb is zero.
bool CFL::FCopy(CTG ctgSrc, CNO cnoSrc, PCFL pcflDst, CNO *pcnoDst);
Copies a chunk from one file to another. If the chunk has already
been copied, the actual data is not copied again, but the child
sub-graph is verified (new descendents will be copied) and names
of the chunks in the graph are verified.
void CFL::Delete(CTG ctg, CNO cno);
Deletes a chunk. It is illegal to call this on a child chunk.
It should only be called on top level chunks. This deletes
(or decrements reference counts of) descendents of the chunk.
bool CFL::FAdoptChild(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar,
CTG ctgChild, CNO cnoChild, CHID chid = 0);
Makes (ctgChild, cnoChild) a child of (ctgPar, cnoPar) with the
given chid value. If it already is a child with this chid value,
this does nothing. Note that a chunk may be a child of another
chunk multiple times (with different chid values).
void DeleteChild(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar,
CTG ctgChild, CNO cnoChild, CHID chid);
Deletes (ctgChild, cnoChild, chid) as a child of (ctgPar, cnoPar).
If the child is no longer a child of any chunks, it is deleted from
the cfl. This deletes (or decrements reference counts of)
descendents of the child.
bool CFL::FSetName(CTG ctg, CNO cno, char *pstz);
Sets the name of the chunk. If pstz is pNil, makes the name empty.
bool CFL::FGetName(CTG ctg, CNO cno, char *pstz);
Gets the name of the chunk. Returns fFalse iff the name is empty.
long CFL::Ccki(void);
Returns the number of chunks in the file.
bool CFL::FGetCki(long icki, CKI *pcki);
Gets a cki for the icki'th chunk. Returns false if icki is too big.
long CFL::CckiCtg(CTG ctg);
Returns the number of chunks of type ctg in the file.
bool CFL::FGetCkiCtg(CTG ctg, long icki, CKI *pcki);
Gets a cki for the icki'th chunk of type ctg. Returns false if icki
is too big.
long CFL::Ckid(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar);
Returns the number of children of the given chunk.
bool CFL::FGetKid(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar, long ikid, KID *pkid);
Gets a kid for the ikid'th child of (ctgPar, cnoPar).
Returns false if ikid is too big.
bool CFL::FGetKidChid(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar, CHID chid, KID *pkid);
Gets a kid for the first child of (ctgPar, cnoPar) with given chid.
bool CFL::FGetKidChidCtg(CTG ctgPar, CNO cnoPar,
CHID chid, CTG ctg, KID *pkid);
Gets a kid for the first child of (ctgPar, cnoPar) with given chid
and ctg.
CGE methods
void CGE::Init(PCFL pcfl, CTG ctg, CNO cno);
This initializes an enumeration and must be called before
GrfcgeNextKid is called. The enumeration is over the given
node and all of its descendents.
bool CGE::FNextKid(KID *pkid, CKI *pckiPar,
ulong *pgrfcgeOut, ulong grfcgeIn);
Fetches the next node in the graph enumeration. Returns fFalse
iff the enumeration is done (there are no more nodes). Generally,
parent nodes are returned twice (once with fcgePre and again
with fcgePost). Nodes without children are returned only once
(with both fcgePre and fcgePost set). The new node is put in
*pkid, and the node's parent (if the node is not the root of the
enumeration) is put in *pckiPar. pckiPar may be nil.
If fcgeSkipToSib is passed in (in the grfcgeIn parameter), skips all
children and the upward touch of the last node returned.
The value of *pgrfcge on return can contain any combination of:
fcgePre, fcgePost, fcgeError, fcgeRoot. These have the following
fcgePre: haven't traversed the node's children yet
fcgePost: have already traversed the children (or there aren't
any children)
fcgeError: a memory error occurred; may be set in conjunction
with other flags
fcgeRoot: *pkid is valid (except the chid value); *pckiPar is
invalid; the node is the root of the enumeration