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2022-05-03 23:31:19 +00:00
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Integer, rectangle and point utilities.
WARNING: Must be in a fixed (pre-loaded) seg on Mac.
#include "util.h"
Calculates the GCD of two longs.
long LwGcd(long lw1, long lw2)
return LuGcd(LwAbs(lw1), LwAbs(lw2));
Calculates the GCD of two unsigned longs.
ulong LuGcd(ulong lu1, ulong lu2)
//Euclidean algorithm - keep mod'ing until we hit zero
if (lu1 == 0)
// if both are zero, return 1.
return lu2 == 0 ? 1 : lu2;
for (;;)
lu2 %= lu1;
if (lu2 == 0)
return lu1 == 0 ? 1 : lu1;
lu1 %= lu2;
if (lu1 == 0)
return lu2;
Sort the two longs so the smaller is in *plw1.
void SortLw(long *plw1, long *plw2)
if (*plw1 > *plw2)
long lwT = *plw1;
*plw1 = *plw2;
*plw2 = lwT;
#ifndef MC_68020 //68020 version in utilmc.asm
#ifndef IN_80386 //80386 version inline in utilint.h
Multiply lw by lwMul and divide by lwDiv without losing precision.
long LwMulDiv(long lw, long lwMul, long lwDiv)
Assert(lwDiv != 0, "divide by zero error");
double dou;
dou = (double)lw * lwMul / lwDiv;
Assert(dou <= klwMax && dou >= klwMin, "overflow in LwMulDiv");
return (long)dou;
Return the quotient and set *plwRem to the remainder when (lw * lwMul)
is divided by lwDiv.
long LwMulDivMod(long lw, long lwMul, long lwDiv, long *plwRem)
Assert(lwDiv != 0, "moding by 0");
double dou;
dou = (double)lw * lwMul;
*plwRem = (long)(dou % lwDiv);
dou /= lwDiv;
Assert(dou <= klwMax && dou >= klwMin, "overflow in LwMulDiv");
return (long)dou;
#endif //IN_80386
Multiply two longs to get a 64 bit (signed) result.
void MulLw(long lw1, long lw2, long *plwHigh, ulong *pluLow)
#ifdef IN_80386
mov eax,lw1
imul lw2
mov ebx,plwHigh
mov [ebx],edx
mov ebx,pluLow
mov [ebx],eax
#else //!IN_80386
double dou;
bool fNeg;
fNeg = 0 > (dou = (double)lw1 * lw2);
if (fNeg)
dou = -dou;
*plwHigh = (long)(dou / ((double)0x10000 * 0x10000));
*pluLow = dou - *plwHigh * ((double)0x10000 * 0x10000);
if (fNeg)
if (*pluLow == 0)
*plwHigh = -*plwHigh;
*pluLow = -*pluLow;
*plwHigh = ~*plwHigh;
#endif //!IN_80386
Multiply lu by luMul and divide by luDiv without losing precision.
ulong LuMulDiv(ulong lu, ulong luMul, ulong luDiv)
Assert(luDiv != 0, "divide by zero error");
#ifdef IN_80386
//REVIEW shonk: this will fault on overflow!
mov eax,lu
mul luMul
div luDiv
mov lu,eax
return lu;
#else //!IN_80386
double dou;
dou = (double)lu * luMul / luDiv;
Assert(dou <= kluMax && dou >= 0, "overflow in LuMulDiv");
return (ulong)dou;
#endif //!IN_80386
Multiply two unsigned longs to get a 64 bit (unsigned) result.
void MulLu(ulong lu1, ulong lu2, ulong *pluHigh, ulong *pluLow)
#ifdef IN_80386
mov eax,lu1
mul lu2
mov ebx,pluHigh
mov [ebx],edx
mov ebx,pluLow
mov [ebx],eax
#else //!IN_80386
double dou;
dou = (double)lu1 * lu2;
*pluHigh = (ulong)(dou / ((double)0x10000 * 0x10000));
*pluLow = dou - *pluHigh * ((double)0x10000 * 0x10000);
#endif //!IN_80386
#endif //!MC_68020
Does a multiply and divide without losing precision, rounding away from
zero during the divide.
long LwMulDivAway(long lw, long lwMul, long lwDiv)
Assert(lwDiv != 0, "divide by zero error");
long lwT, lwRem;
lwT = LwMulDivMod(lw, lwMul, lwDiv, &lwRem);
if (lwRem != 0)
//divide wasn't exact
if (lwT < 0)
return lwT;
Does a multiply and divide without losing precision, rounding away from
zero during the divide.
ulong LuMulDivAway(ulong lu, ulong luMul, ulong luDiv)
Assert(luDiv != 0, "divide by zero error");
ulong luT;
//get rid of common factors
if (1 < (luT = LuGcd(lu, luDiv)))
lu /= luT;
luDiv /= luT;
if (1 < (luT = LuGcd(luMul, luDiv)))
luMul /= luT;
luDiv /= luT;
return LuMulDiv(lu, luMul, luDiv) + (luDiv > 1);
Returns lwNum divided by lwDen rounded away from zero.
long LwDivAway(long lwNum, long lwDen)
Assert(lwDen != 0, "divide by zero");
//make sure lwDen is greater than zero
if (lwDen < 0)
lwDen = -lwDen;
lwNum = -lwNum;
if (lwNum < 0)
lwNum -= (lwDen - 1);
lwNum += (lwDen - 1);
return lwNum / lwDen;
Returns lwNum divided by lwDen rounded toward the closest integer.
long LwDivClosest(long lwNum, long lwDen)
Assert(lwDen != 0, "divide by zero");
//make sure lwDen is greater than zero
if (lwDen < 0)
lwDen = -lwDen;
lwNum = -lwNum;
if (lwNum < 0)
lwNum -= lwDen / 2;
lwNum += lwDen / 2;
return lwNum / lwDen;
Rounds lwSrc to a multiple of lwBase. The rounding is done away from
zero. Equivalent to LwDivAway(lwSrc, lwBase) * lwBase.
long LwRoundAway(long lwSrc, long lwBase)
Assert(lwBase != 0, "divide by zero");
//make sure lwBase is greater than zero
if (lwBase < 0)
lwBase = -lwBase;
if (lwSrc < 0)
lwSrc -= (lwBase - 1);
lwSrc += (lwBase - 1);
return lwSrc - (lwSrc % lwBase);
Rounds lwSrc to a multiple of lwBase. The rounding is done toward zero.
Equivalent to (lwSrc / lwBase) * lwBase.
long LwRoundToward(long lwSrc, long lwBase)
Assert(lwBase != 0, "divide by zero");
//make sure lwBase is greater than zero
if (lwBase < 0)
lwBase = -lwBase;
return lwSrc - (lwSrc % lwBase);
Rounds lwSrc to the closest multiple of lwBase.
Equivalent to LwDivClosest(lwSrc, lwBase) * lwBase.
long LwRoundClosest(long lwSrc, long lwBase)
Assert(lwBase != 0, "divide by zero");
//make sure lwBase is greater than zero
if (lwBase < 0)
lwBase = -lwBase;
if (lwSrc < 0)
lwSrc -= lwBase / 2;
lwSrc += lwBase / 2;
return lwSrc - (lwSrc % lwBase);
Returns fcmpGt, fcmpEq or fcmpLt according to whether (lwNum1 / lwDen2)
is greater than, equal to or less than (lwNum2 / lwDen2).
ulong FcmpCompareFracs(long lwNum1, long lwDen1, long lwNum2, long lwDen2)
long lwHigh1, lwHigh2; //must be signed
ulong luLow1, luLow2; //must be unsigned
MulLw(lwNum1, lwDen2, &lwHigh1, &luLow1);
MulLw(lwNum2, lwDen1, &lwHigh2, &luLow2);
if (lwHigh1 > lwHigh2)
return fcmpGt;
if (lwHigh1 < lwHigh2)
return fcmpLt;
// the high 32 bits are the same, so just compare the low 32 bits
// (as unsigned longs)
Assert(lwHigh1 == lwHigh2, 0);
if (luLow1 > luLow2)
return fcmpGt;
if (luLow1 < luLow2)
return fcmpLt;
return fcmpEq;
Adjusts an index after an edit. *piv is the index to adjust, iv is
the index where the edit occurred, cvIns is the number of things inserted
and cvDel is the number deleted. Returns true iff *piv is not in
(iv, iv + cvDel). If *piv is in this interval, mins *piv with iv + cvIns
and returns false.
bool FAdjustIv(long *piv, long iv, long cvIns, long cvDel)
AssertIn(iv, 0, kcbMax);
AssertIn(cvIns, 0, kcbMax);
AssertIn(cvDel, 0, kcbMax);
if (*piv <= iv)
return fTrue;
if (*piv < iv + cvDel)
*piv = LwMin(*piv, iv + cvIns);
return fFalse;
*piv += cvIns - cvDel;
return fTrue;
#ifdef DEBUG
Multiplies two longs. Asserts on overflow.
long LwMul(long lw1, long lw2)
if (lw1 == 0)
return 0;
Assert((lw1 * lw2) / lw1 == lw2, "overflow");
return lw1 * lw2;
Asserts that the lw is >= lwMin and < lwLim.
void AssertIn(long lw, long lwMin, long lwLim)
Assert(lw >= lwMin, "long too small");
Assert(lw < lwLim, "long too big");
#endif //DEBUG
Swap bytes in pv according to bom. bom consists of up to 16
2-bit opcodes (packed from hi bit to low bit). The high bit of
each opcode indicates a long field (1) or short field (0). The low
bit of each opcode indicates whether the bytes are to be swapped
in the field (1) or left alone (0).
void SwapBytesBom(void *pv, BOM bom)
byte b;
byte *pb = (byte *)pv;
Assert(size(short) == 2 && size(long) == 4, "code broken");
while (bom != 0)
if (bom & 0x80000000L)
// long field
AssertPvCb(pb, 4);
if (bom & 0x40000000L)
b = pb[3];
pb[3] = pb[0];
pb[0] = b;
b = pb[2];
pb[2] = pb[1];
pb[1] = b;
pb += 4;
// short field
AssertPvCb(pb, 2);
if (bom & 0x40000000L)
b = pb[1];
pb[1] = pb[0];
pb[0] = b;
pb += 2;
bom <<= 2;
Swap bytes within an array of short words.
void SwapBytesRgsw(void *psw, long csw)
AssertIn(csw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(psw, LwMul(csw, size(short)));
byte b;
byte *pb = (byte *)psw;
Assert(size(short) == 2, "code broken");
for ( ; csw > 0; csw--, pb += 2)
b = pb[1];
pb[1] = pb[0];
pb[0] = b;
Swap bytes within an array of long words.
void SwapBytesRglw(void *plw, long clw)
AssertIn(clw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(plw, LwMul(clw, size(long)));
byte b;
byte *pb = (byte *)plw;
Assert(size(long) == 4, "code broken");
for ( ; clw > 0; clw--, pb += 4)
b = pb[3];
pb[3] = pb[0];
pb[0] = b;
b = pb[2];
pb[2] = pb[1];
pb[1] = b;
#ifdef DEBUG
Asserts that the given BOM indicates a struct having cb/size(long) longs
to be swapped (so SwapBytesRglw can legally be used on an array of
void AssertBomRglw(BOM bom, long cb)
BOM bomT;
long clw;
clw = cb / size(long);
Assert(cb == clw * size(long), "cb is not a multiple of size(long)");
AssertIn(clw, 1, 17);
bomT = -1L << 2 * (16 - clw);
Assert(bomT == bom, "wrong bom");
Asserts that the given BOM indicates a struct having cb/size(short) shorts
to be swapped (so SwapBytesRgsw can legally be used on an array of
void AssertBomRgsw(BOM bom, long cb)
BOM bomT;
long csw;
csw = cb / size(short);
Assert(cb == csw * size(short), "cb is not a multiple of size(short)");
AssertIn(csw, 1, 17);
bomT = 0x55555555 << 2 * (16 - csw);
Assert(bomT == bom, "wrong bom");
#endif //DEBUG
Truncates a util point to a system point.
REVIEW shonk: should we assert on truncation? Should we truncate
on windows?
PT::operator PTS(void)
PTS pts;
MacWin(pts.h, pts.x) = SwTruncLw(xp);
MacWin(pts.v, pts.y) = SwTruncLw(yp);
return pts;
Copies a system point to a util point.
PT & PT::operator = (PTS &pts)
xp = MacWin(pts.h, pts.x);
yp = MacWin(pts.v, pts.y);
return *this;
Map a point from prcSrc coordinates to prcDst coordinates.
void PT::Map(RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst)
long dzpSrc, dzpDst;
if ((dzpDst = prcDst->Dxp()) == (dzpSrc = prcSrc->Dxp()))
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
xp += prcDst->xpLeft - prcSrc->xpLeft;
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
xp = prcDst->xpLeft + LwMulDiv(xp - prcSrc->xpLeft,
dzpDst, dzpSrc);
if ((dzpDst = prcDst->Dyp()) == (dzpSrc = prcSrc->Dyp()))
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
yp += prcDst->ypTop - prcSrc->ypTop;
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
yp = prcDst->ypTop + LwMulDiv(yp - prcSrc->ypTop,
dzpDst, dzpSrc);
Map a point from prcSrc coordinates to prcDst coordinates.
PT PT::PtMap(RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst)
PT pt = *this;
pt.Map(prcSrc, prcDst);
return pt;
Transform the xp and yp values according to grfpt. Negating comes
before transposition.
void PT::Transform(ulong grfpt)
long zp;
if (grfpt & fptNegateXp)
xp = -xp;
if (grfpt & fptNegateYp)
yp = -yp;
if (grfpt & fptTranspose)
zp = xp;
xp = yp;
yp = zp;
Check for equality, special casing empty.
bool RC::operator==(RC &rc)
if (FEmpty())
return rc.FEmpty();
return xpLeft == rc.xpLeft && ypTop == rc.ypTop &&
xpRight == rc.xpRight && ypBottom == rc.ypBottom;
Check for non-equality, special casing empty.
bool RC::operator!=(RC &rc)
if (FEmpty())
return !rc.FEmpty();
return xpLeft != rc.xpLeft || ypTop != rc.ypTop ||
xpRight != rc.xpRight || ypBottom != rc.ypBottom;
Unionize the rects.
void RC::Union(RC *prc1, RC *prc2)
*this = *prc1;
Unionize the rects.
void RC::Union(RC *prc)
// if a rect is empty, it shouldn't contribute to the union
if (!prc->FEmpty())
if (FEmpty())
*this = *prc;
xpLeft = LwMin(xpLeft, prc->xpLeft);
xpRight = LwMax(xpRight, prc->xpRight);
ypTop = LwMin(ypTop, prc->ypTop);
ypBottom = LwMax(ypBottom, prc->ypBottom);
Intersect the rects and return whether the result is non-empty.
bool RC::FIntersect(RC *prc1, RC *prc2)
xpLeft = LwMax(prc1->xpLeft, prc2->xpLeft);
xpRight = LwMin(prc1->xpRight, prc2->xpRight);
ypTop = LwMax(prc1->ypTop, prc2->ypTop);
ypBottom = LwMin(prc1->ypBottom, prc2->ypBottom);
if (FEmpty())
return fFalse;
return fTrue;
Intersect this rect with the given rect and return whether the result
is non-empty.
bool RC::FIntersect(RC *prc)
xpLeft = LwMax(xpLeft, prc->xpLeft);
xpRight = LwMin(xpRight, prc->xpRight);
ypTop = LwMax(ypTop, prc->ypTop);
ypBottom = LwMin(ypBottom, prc->ypBottom);
if (FEmpty())
return fFalse;
return fTrue;
Inset a rectangle (into another)
void RC::InsetCopy(RC *prc, long dxp, long dyp)
xpLeft = prc->xpLeft + dxp;
xpRight = prc->xpRight - dxp;
ypTop = prc->ypTop + dyp;
ypBottom = prc->ypBottom - dyp;
Inset a rectangle (in place)
void RC::Inset(long dxp, long dyp)
xpLeft += dxp;
xpRight -= dxp;
ypTop += dyp;
ypBottom -= dyp;
Map this rectangle through the two rectangles (from prcSrc
coordinates to prcDst coordinates). This cannot be either prcSrc
or prcDst.
void RC::Map(RC *prcSrc, RC *prcDst)
long dzpSrc, dzpDst;
if ((dzpDst = prcDst->Dxp()) == (dzpSrc = prcSrc->Dxp()))
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
xpLeft += prcDst->xpLeft - prcSrc->xpLeft;
xpRight += prcDst->xpLeft - prcSrc->xpLeft;
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
xpLeft = prcDst->xpLeft + LwMulDiv(xpLeft - prcSrc->xpLeft,
dzpDst, dzpSrc);
xpRight = prcDst->xpLeft + LwMulDiv(xpRight - prcSrc->xpLeft,
dzpDst, dzpSrc);
if ((dzpDst = prcDst->Dyp()) == (dzpSrc = prcSrc->Dyp()))
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
ypTop += prcDst->ypTop - prcSrc->ypTop;
ypBottom += prcDst->ypTop - prcSrc->ypTop;
AssertVar(dzpSrc > 0, "empty map rectangle", prcSrc);
ypTop = prcDst->ypTop + LwMulDiv(ypTop - prcSrc->ypTop,
dzpDst, dzpSrc);
ypBottom = prcDst->ypTop + LwMulDiv(ypBottom - prcSrc->ypTop,
dzpDst, dzpSrc);
Transform the xp and yp values according to grfpt. Negating comes
before transposition.
void RC::Transform(ulong grfpt)
long zp;
if (grfpt & fptNegateXp)
zp = xpLeft;
xpLeft = -xpRight;
xpRight = -zp;
if (grfpt & fptNegateYp)
zp = ypTop;
ypTop = -ypBottom;
ypBottom = -zp;
if (grfpt & fptTranspose)
zp = xpLeft;
xpLeft = ypTop;
ypTop = zp;
zp = xpRight;
xpRight = ypBottom;
ypBottom = zp;
Move a rectangle (into another)
void RC::OffsetCopy(RC *prc, long dxp, long dyp)
xpLeft = prc->xpLeft + dxp;
xpRight = prc->xpRight + dxp;
ypTop = prc->ypTop + dyp;
ypBottom = prc->ypBottom + dyp;
Move a rectangle (in place)
void RC::Offset(long dxp, long dyp)
xpLeft += dxp;
xpRight += dxp;
ypTop += dyp;
ypBottom += dyp;
Move the rectangle so the top left is (0, 0).
void RC::OffsetToOrigin(void)
xpRight -= xpLeft;
ypBottom -= ypTop;
xpLeft = ypTop = 0;
Move this rectangle so it is centered over *prcBase.
void RC::CenterOnRc(RC *prcBase)
long dxp = Dxp();
long dyp = Dyp();
xpLeft = (prcBase->xpLeft + prcBase->xpRight - dxp) / 2;
xpRight = xpLeft + dxp;
ypTop = (prcBase->ypTop + prcBase->ypBottom - dyp) / 2;
ypBottom = ypTop + dyp;
Centers this rectangle on (xp, yp).
void RC::CenterOnPt(long xp, long yp)
long dxp = Dxp();
long dyp = Dyp();
xpLeft = xp - dxp / 2;
xpRight = xpLeft + dxp;
ypTop = yp - dyp / 2;
ypBottom = ypTop + dyp;
Center this rectangle over *prcBase. If it doesn't fit inside *prcBase,
scale it down so it does.
void RC::SqueezeIntoRc(RC *prcBase)
if (Dxp() <= prcBase->Dxp() && Dyp() <= prcBase->Dyp())
Scale this rectangle proportionally (and translate it) so it is centered
on *prcBase and as large as possible but still inside *prcBase.
void RC::StretchToRc(RC *prcBase)
long dxp = Dxp();
long dyp = Dyp();
long dxpBase = prcBase->Dxp();
long dypBase = prcBase->Dyp();
if (dxp <= 0 || dyp <= 0)
Bug("empty rc to stretch");
if (FcmpCompareFracs(dxp, dyp, dxpBase, dypBase) & fcmpLt)
// height dominated
dxp = LwMulDiv(dxp, dypBase, dyp);
dyp = dypBase;
// width dominated
dyp = LwMulDiv(dyp, dxpBase, dxp);
dxp = dxpBase;
xpRight = xpLeft + dxp;
ypBottom = ypTop + dyp;
Determine if the given point is in the rectangle
bool RC::FPtIn(long xp, long yp)
return xp >= xpLeft && xp < xpRight &&
yp >= ypTop && yp < ypBottom;
Pin the point to the rectangle.
void RC::PinPt(PT *ppt)
ppt->xp = LwBound(ppt->xp, xpLeft, xpRight);
ppt->yp = LwBound(ppt->yp, ypTop, ypBottom);
Pin this rectangle to the given one.
void RC::PinToRc(RC *prc)
long dxp, dyp;
dxp = LwMax(LwMin(0, prc->xpRight - xpRight), prc->xpLeft - xpLeft);
dyp = LwMax(LwMin(0, prc->ypBottom - ypBottom), prc->ypTop - ypTop);
if (dxp != 0 || dyp != 0)
Offset(dxp, dyp);
Copies a system rectangle to a util rectangle.
RC & RC::operator = (RCS &rcs)
xpLeft = (long)rcs.left;
xpRight = (long)rcs.right;
ypTop = (long);
ypBottom = (long)rcs.bottom;
return *this;
Truncates util rectangle to a system rectangle.
REVIEW shonk: should we assert on truncation?
RC::operator RCS(void)
RCS rcs;
rcs.left = SwTruncLw(xpLeft);
rcs.right = SwTruncLw(xpRight); = SwTruncLw(ypTop);
rcs.bottom = SwTruncLw(ypBottom);
return rcs;
Return the area of the rectangle.
long RC::LwArea(void)
if (FEmpty())
return 0;
return LwMul(xpRight - xpLeft, ypBottom - ypTop);
Return whether this rectangle fully contains *prc.
bool RC::FContains(RC *prc)
return prc->FEmpty() ||
prc->xpLeft >= xpLeft && prc->xpRight <= xpRight &&
prc->ypTop >= ypTop && prc->ypBottom <= ypBottom;
Imagine *prcSrc divided into a crcWidth by crcHeight grid. This sets
this rc to the (ircWidth, ircHeight) cell of the grid. prcSrc cannot
be equal to this.
void RC::SetToCell(RC *prcSrc, long crcWidth, long crcHeight,
long ircWidth, long ircHeight)
AssertIn(crcWidth, 1, kcbMax);
AssertIn(crcHeight, 1, kcbMax);
AssertIn(ircWidth, 0, crcWidth);
AssertIn(ircHeight, 0, crcHeight);
Assert(this != prcSrc, "this can't be prcSrc");
xpLeft = prcSrc->xpLeft + LwMulDiv(prcSrc->Dxp(), ircWidth, crcWidth);
xpRight = prcSrc->xpLeft + LwMulDiv(prcSrc->Dxp(), ircWidth + 1, crcWidth);
ypTop = prcSrc->ypTop + LwMulDiv(prcSrc->Dyp(), ircHeight, crcHeight);
ypBottom = prcSrc->ypTop + LwMulDiv(prcSrc->Dyp(), ircHeight + 1, crcHeight);
Determines which cell the given (xp, yp) is in. This is essentially
the inverse of SetToCell.
bool RC::FMapToCell(long xp, long yp, long crcWidth, long crcHeight,
long *pircWidth, long *pircHeight)
AssertIn(crcWidth, 1, kcbMax);
AssertIn(crcHeight, 1, kcbMax);
if (!FPtIn(xp, yp))
return fFalse;
*pircWidth = LwMulDiv(xp - xpLeft, crcWidth, Dxp());
*pircHeight = LwMulDiv(yp - ypTop, crcHeight, Dyp());
return fTrue;
#ifdef DEBUG
Asserts the validity of a fraction.
void RAT::AssertValid(ulong grf)
AssertIn(_lwDen, 1, klwMax);
long lwGcd = LwGcd(_lwNum, _lwDen);
Assert(lwGcd == 1, "fraction not in lowest terms");
#endif //DEBUG
Constructor for the master clock.
_tsBaseSys = MacWin(TickCount(), timeGetTime());
_tsBaseApp = 0;
_luScale = kluTimeScaleNormal;
Return the current application time.
ulong USAC::TsCur(void)
ulong dtsSys = TsCurrentSystem() - _tsBaseSys;
if (_luScale != kluTimeScaleNormal)
ulong luHigh;
MulLu(dtsSys, _luScale, &luHigh, &dtsSys);
dtsSys = LwHighLow(SuLow(luHigh), SuHigh(dtsSys));
return _tsBaseApp + dtsSys;
Scale the time.
void USAC::Scale(ulong luScale)
ulong tsSys, dts;
if (luScale == _luScale)
// set the _tsBaseSys and _tsBaseApp to now and set _luScale to luScale.
tsSys = TsCurrentSystem();
dts = tsSys - _tsBaseSys;
if (_luScale != kluTimeScaleNormal)
ulong luHigh;
MulLu(dts, _luScale, &luHigh, &dts);
dts = LwHighLow(SuLow(luHigh), SuHigh(dts));
_tsBaseApp += dts;
_tsBaseSys = tsSys;
_luScale = luScale;
Set the DVER structure.
void DVER::Set(short swCur, short swBack)
_swBack = swBack;
_swCur = swCur;
Determines if the DVER structure is compatible with (swCur and swMin).
Asserts that 0 <= swMin <= swCur.
bool DVER::FReadable(short swCur, short swMin)
AssertIn(_swBack, 0, _swCur + 1);
AssertIn(_swCur, 0, kswMax);
AssertIn(swMin, 0, swCur + 1);
AssertIn(swCur, 0, kswMax);
return _swCur >= swMin && _swBack <= swCur;