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2022-05-03 23:31:19 +00:00
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT License. */
Author: ShonK
Project: Kauai
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Data movement routines.
WARNING: Must be in a fixed (pre-loaded) seg on Mac.
#include "util.h"
Fill a block with a specific byte value.
void FillPb(void *pv, long cb, byte b)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, cb);
#ifdef IN_80386
// Setup the registers for using REP STOS instruction to set memory.
// NOTE: Alignment does not effect the speed of STOS.
// edi -> memory to set
// eax = value to store in destination
// direction flag is clear for auto-increment
mov edi,pv
mov al,b
// set the longs
mov ecx,cb
shr ecx,2
jz LBytes
shl eax,8
mov al,b
mov ebx,eax
shl eax,16
mov ax,bx
rep stosd
// set the extra bytes
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3
rep stosb
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb;
for (pb = (byte *)pv; cb != 0; cb--)
*pb++ = b;
#endif //!IN_80386
Clear a block.
void ClearPb(void *pv, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, cb);
#ifdef IN_80386
// Setup the registers for using REP STOS instruction to set memory.
// NOTE: Alignment does not effect the speed of STOS.
// edi -> memory to set
// eax = value to store in destination
// direction flag is clear for auto-increment
mov edi,pv
xor eax,eax
// clear the longs
mov ecx,cb
shr ecx,2
rep stosd
// clear the extra bytes
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3
rep stosb
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb;
for (pb = (byte *)pv; cb != 0; cb--)
*pb++ = 0;
#endif //!IN_80386
Reverse a block. Useful for exchanging two blocks or avoiding
void ReversePb(void *pv, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, cb);
#ifdef IN_80386
// esi - high end of block
// edi - low end of block
// ecx - number of bytes to swap
mov edi,pv
mov esi,edi
add esi,cb
mov ecx,cb
shr ecx,1
or ecx,ecx
jz LDone
dec esi
mov al,[edi]
mov bl,[esi]
mov [edi],bl
mov [esi],al
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz LLoop
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb1, *pb2;
byte b;
for (pb2 = (pb1 = (byte *)pv) + cb - 1; pb1 < pb2; )
b = *pb1;
*pb1++ = *pb2;
*pb2-- = b;
#endif //!IN_80386
Reverse a list of shorts.
void ReverseRgsw(void *pv, long csw)
AssertIn(csw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, csw * size(short));
#ifdef IN_80386
// esi - high end of block
// edi - low end of block
// ecx - number of shorts to swap
mov edi,pv
mov esi,edi
mov ecx,csw
shl ecx,1
add esi,ecx
shr ecx,2
or ecx,ecx
jz LDone
sub esi,2
mov ax,[edi]
mov bx,[esi]
mov [edi],bx
mov [esi],ax
add edi,2
dec ecx
jnz LLoop
#else //!IN_80386
long *psw1, *psw2;
long sw;
for (psw2 = (psw1 = (short *)pv) + csw - 1; psw1 < psw2; )
sw = *psw1;
*psw1++ = *psw2;
*psw2-- = sw;
#endif //!IN_80386
Reverse a list of longs.
void ReverseRglw(void *pv, long clw)
AssertIn(clw, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, clw * size(long));
#ifdef IN_80386
// esi - high end of block
// edi - low end of block
// ecx - number of longs to swap
mov edi,pv
mov esi,edi
mov ecx,clw
shl ecx,2
add esi,ecx
shr ecx,3
or ecx,ecx
jz LDone
sub esi,4
mov eax,[edi]
mov ebx,[esi]
mov [edi],ebx
mov [esi],eax
add edi,4
dec ecx
jnz LLoop
#else //!IN_80386
long *plw1, *plw2;
long lw;
for (plw2 = (plw1 = (long *)pv) + clw - 1; plw1 < plw2; )
lw = *plw1;
*plw1++ = *plw2;
*plw2-- = lw;
#endif //!IN_80386
Swap two adjacent blocks of size cb1 and cb2 respectively.
void SwapBlocks(void *pv, long cb1, long cb2)
AssertIn(cb1, 0, kcbMax);
AssertIn(cb2, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv, cb1 + cb2);
ReversePb(pv, cb1);
ReversePb(PvAddBv(pv, cb1), cb2);
ReversePb(pv, cb1 + cb2);
Swap the contents of two blocks of the same size.
void SwapPb(void *pv1, void *pv2, long cb)
AssertPvCb(pv1, cb);
AssertPvCb(pv2, cb);
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
#ifdef IN_80386
// edi -> memory to swap, first pointer
// esi -> memory to swap, second pointer
mov edi,pv1
mov esi,pv2
mov ecx,cb
shr ecx,2
jz LBytes
mov eax,[edi]
mov ebx,[esi]
mov [edi],ebx
mov [esi],eax
add edi,4
add esi,4
dec ecx
jnz LLongLoop;
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3
jz LDone
mov al,[edi]
mov bl,[esi]
mov [edi],bl
mov [esi],al
inc edi
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz LByteLoop
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb1 = (byte *)pv1;
byte *pb2 = (byte *)pv2;
byte b;
Assert(pb1 + cb <= pb2 || pb2 + cb <= pb1, "blocks overlap");
while (cb-- > 0)
b = *pb1;
*pb1++ = *pb2;
*pb2++ = b;
#endif //!IN_80386
Move the entry at ivSrc to be immediately before the element that is
currently at ivTarget. If ivTarget > ivSrc, the entry actually ends
up at (ivTarget - 1) and the entry at ivTarget doesn't move. If
ivTarget < ivSrc, the entry ends up at ivTarget and the entry at
ivTarget moves to (ivTarget + 1). Everything in between is shifted
appropriately. prgv is the array of elements and cbElement is the
size of each element.
void MoveElement(void *prgv, long cbElement, long ivSrc, long ivTarget)
AssertIn(cbElement, 0, kcbMax);
AssertIn(ivSrc, 0, kcbMax);
AssertIn(ivTarget, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(prgv, LwMul(cbElement, ivSrc + 1));
AssertPvCb(prgv, LwMul(cbElement, ivTarget));
if (ivTarget == ivSrc || ivTarget == ivSrc + 1)
//swap the blocks
if (ivSrc < ivTarget)
SwapBlocks(PvAddBv(prgv, LwMul(ivSrc, cbElement)),
cbElement, LwMul(ivTarget - 1 - ivSrc, cbElement));
SwapBlocks(PvAddBv(prgv, LwMul(ivTarget, cbElement)),
LwMul(ivSrc - ivTarget, cbElement), cbElement);
Check for equality of two blocks.
bool FEqualRgb(void *pv1, void *pv2, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv1, cb);
AssertPvCb(pv2, cb);
#ifdef IN_80386
bool fRet;
// edi -> memory to compare, first pointer
// esi -> memory to compare, second pointer
xor eax,eax //assume false return
mov edi,pv1
mov esi,pv2
// compare longs
mov ecx,cb // (ecx) = length in bytes
shr ecx,2 // (ecx) = length in longs
repe cmpsd // compare longs
jnz LDone // mismatch, go report
// compare extra bytes
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3 // (ecx) = length mod 4
repe cmpsb // compare odd bytes
jnz LDone // mismatch, go report
inc eax // successful compare
mov fRet,eax
return fRet;
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb1 = (byte *)pv1;
byte *pb2 = (byte *)pv2;
while (cb != 0 && *pb1++ == *pb2++)
return cb == 0;
#endif //!IN_80386
Compare the two buffers byte for byte and return a the number of bytes
that match.
long CbEqualRgb(void *pv1, void *pv2, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv1, cb);
AssertPvCb(pv2, cb);
#ifdef IN_80386
byte *pb;
// edi -> memory to swap, first pointer
// esi -> memory to swap, second pointer
mov edi,pv1
mov esi,pv2
// compare extra bytes.
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3 // (ecx) = length mod 4
repe cmpsb // compare odd bytes
jnz LMiss // mismatch, go report how far we got
// compare longs
mov ecx,cb // (ecx) = length in bytes
shr ecx,2 // (ecx) = length in longs
repe cmpsd // compare longs
jz LHit // matched all the way
// esi (and edi) points to the long after the one which caused the
// mismatch. Back up 1 long and find the byte. Since we know the
// long didn't match, we can assume one of the bytes won't.
sub esi,4 // back up
sub edi,4 // back up
mov ecx,5 // ensure that ecx doesn't count out
repe cmpsb // find mismatch byte
// esi points to the byte after the one that did not match.
dec esi
dec edi
mov pb,edi
return pb - (byte *)pv1;
// We matched all the way to the end.
return cb;
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb1 = (byte *)pv1;
byte *pb2 = (byte *)pv2;
for ( ; cb-- > 0 && *pb1 == *pb2; pb1++, pb2++)
return pb1 - (byte *)pv1;
#endif //!IN_80386
Compare the two buffers byte for byte and return an fcmp indicating
their relationship to each other.
ulong FcmpCompareRgb(void *pv1, void *pv2, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv1, cb);
AssertPvCb(pv2, cb);
long cbMatch = CbEqualRgb(pv1, pv2, cb);
AssertIn(cbMatch, 0, cb + 1);
if (cb == cbMatch)
return fcmpEq;
return ((byte *)pv1)[cbMatch] < ((byte *)pv2)[cbMatch] ? fcmpLt : fcmpGt;
Copy data without overlap.
void CopyPb(void *pv1, void *pv2, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv1, cb);
AssertPvCb(pv2, cb);
Assert((byte *)pv1 + cb <= (byte *)pv2 || (byte *)pv2 + cb <= (byte *)pv1,
"blocks overlap");
#ifdef IN_80386
// Setup the registers for using REP MOVS instruction to move memory.
// esi -> memory to move
// edi -> destination of move
// direction flag is clear for auto-increment
mov esi,pv1
mov edi,pv2
// move the longs
mov ecx,cb
shr ecx,2
rep movsd
// move the extra bytes
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3
rep movsb
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb1 = (byte *)pv1;
byte *pb2 = (byte *)pv2;
while (cb-- != 0)
*pb2++ = *pb1++;
#endif //!IN_80386
Copy data with possible overlap.
void BltPb(void *pv1, void *pv2, long cb)
AssertIn(cb, 0, kcbMax);
AssertPvCb(pv1, cb);
AssertPvCb(pv2, cb);
#ifdef IN_80386
// Setup the registers for using REP MOVS instruction to move memory.
// esi -> memory to move
// edi -> destination of move
// direction flag is clear for auto-increment
mov esi,pv1
mov edi,pv2
mov ecx,cb
cmp esi,edi
ja LForward // if source > destination
je LDone // if source == destination
// source < destination, see if they overlap
mov eax,edi
sub eax,esi
cmp ecx,eax
jbe LForward
// they overlap with source < destination, so have to do a backward copy
add esi,ecx
add edi,ecx
dec esi
dec edi
// move the extra bytes
and ecx,3
rep movsb
// move the longs
mov ecx,cb
shr ecx,2
jz LDone
sub esi,3
sub edi,3
rep movsd
jmp LDone
// move the longs
shr ecx,2
rep movsd
// move the extra bytes
mov ecx,cb
and ecx,3
rep movsb
#else //!IN_80386
byte *pb1 = (byte *)pv1;
byte *pb2 = (byte *)pv2;
if (pb1 > pb2)
while (cb-- != 0)
*pb2++ = *pb1++;
pb1 += cb;
pb2 += cb;
while (cb-- != 0)
*--pb2 = *--pb1;
#endif //!IN_80386