Slaith ebeea121ed Moved all minigame initialization to Awake()
I just moved everything that was in start to awake. There are a few other changes I made, like using init functions rather than awake in scripts that depended on something that was initialized in another script's awake (to make sure things always happen in the right order), as well as some other stuff in some specific minigames
2022-03-25 19:08:46 -07:00

512 lines
19 KiB

using HeavenStudio.Util;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering; //don't ask
namespace HeavenStudio.Games
// none yet
using Scripts_FanClub;
public class FanClub : Minigame
public enum IdolBopType {
public enum IdolAnimations {
// userdata here
public GameObject Arisa;
public ParticleSystem idolClapEffect;
public GameObject spectator;
public GameObject spectatorAnchor;
// end userdata
//arisa's animation controller
private Animator idolAnimator;
private List<GameObject> Spectators;
public NtrIdolFan Player;
//bop-type animations
public GameEvent bop = new GameEvent();
public GameEvent specBop = new GameEvent();
public GameEvent noBop = new GameEvent();
public GameEvent noSpecBop = new GameEvent();
private bool responseToggle = false;
private static float wantHais = Single.MinValue;
private static float wantKamone = Single.MinValue;
private static float wantBigReady = Single.MinValue;
//game scene
public static FanClub instance;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
Spectators = new List<GameObject>();
idolAnimator = Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>();
// procedurally spawning the spectators
// from middle of viewport:
// |========A========|
// f==f==f==0==p==f==f
// f==f==f==0==0==f==f==f
//spawn 12, the 4th is our player (idx 3)
Vector3 origin = spectatorAnchor.transform.localPosition;
int sortOrigin = spectatorAnchor.GetComponent<SortingGroup>().sortingOrder;
Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z);
spawnPos.x -= RADIUS * 2 * 3;
for (int i = 0; i < FAN_COUNT; i++)
GameObject mobj = Instantiate(spectator, spectatorAnchor.transform.parent);
NtrIdolFan fan = mobj.GetComponent<NtrIdolFan>();
mobj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(spawnPos.x, spawnPos.y, spawnPos.z);
mobj.GetComponent<SortingGroup>().sortingOrder = i + sortOrigin;
if (i == 3)
Player = fan;
Player.player = true;
//prepare spawn point of next spectator
spawnPos.x += RADIUS * 2;
if (i == 2)
spawnPos.x += RADIUS * 2;
if (i == 8)
spawnPos.x += RADIUS * 4;
if (i == 5)
spawnPos = new Vector3(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z);
spawnPos.x -= RADIUS * 2 * 4 - RADIUS;
spawnPos.y -= RADIUS;
// spawnPos.z -= RADIUS/4;
const int FAN_COUNT = 12;
const float RADIUS = 1.3f;
public override void OnGameSwitch(float beat)
if (wantHais != Single.MinValue)
wantHais = Single.MinValue;
if (wantKamone != Single.MinValue)
wantKamone = Single.MinValue;
if (wantBigReady != Single.MinValue)
wantBigReady = Single.MinValue;
private void Update()
if (Conductor.instance.ReportBeat(ref bop.lastReportedBeat, bop.startBeat % 1))
if (Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= bop.startBeat && Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats < bop.startBeat + bop.length)
if (!(Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= noBop.startBeat && Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats < noBop.startBeat + noBop.length))
idolAnimator.Play("IdolBeat", 0, 0);
if (Conductor.instance.ReportBeat(ref specBop.lastReportedBeat, specBop.startBeat % 1))
if (Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= specBop.startBeat && Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats < specBop.startBeat + specBop.length)
if (!(Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= noSpecBop.startBeat && Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats < noSpecBop.startBeat + noSpecBop.length))
public void Bop(float beat, float length, int target = (int) IdolBopType.Both)
if (target == (int) IdolBopType.Both || target == (int) IdolBopType.Idol)
bop.length = length;
bop.startBeat = beat;
if (target == (int) IdolBopType.Both || target == (int) IdolBopType.Spectators)
SpecBop(beat, length);
public void SpecBop(float beat, float length)
specBop.length = length;
specBop.startBeat = beat;
private void DisableBop(float beat, float length)
noBop.length = length;
noBop.startBeat = beat;
private void DisableSpecBop(float beat, float length)
noSpecBop.length = length;
noSpecBop.startBeat = beat;
public void PlayAnim(float beat, float length, int type)
noBop.length = length;
noBop.startBeat = beat;
switch (type)
case (int) IdolAnimations.Bop:
idolAnimator.Play("IdolBeat", -1, 0);
case (int) IdolAnimations.PeaceVocal:
idolAnimator.Play("IdolPeace", -1, 0);
case (int) IdolAnimations.Peace:
idolAnimator.Play("IdolPeaceNoSync", -1, 0);
case (int) IdolAnimations.Clap:
idolAnimator.Play("IdolCrap", -1, 0);
case (int) IdolAnimations.Call:
BeatAction.New(Arisa, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolCall0", -1, 0); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.75f, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolCall1", -1, 0); }),
case (int) IdolAnimations.Response:
idolAnimator.Play("IdolResponse", -1, 0);
case (int) IdolAnimations.Jump:
case (int) IdolAnimations.Dab:
idolAnimator.Play("IdolDab", -1, 0);
private void DoIdolJump(float beat)
private void DoIdolClaps()
if (!responseToggle)
idolAnimator.Play("IdolCrap", -1, 0);
private void DoIdolResponse()
if (responseToggle)
idolAnimator.Play("IdolResponse", -1, 0);
const float HAIS_LENGTH = 4.5f;
public void CallHai(float beat, bool noSound = false, int type = 0)
if (!noSound)
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] {
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_hai_1_jp", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_hai_2_jp", beat + 1f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_hai_3_jp", beat + 2f),
Prepare(beat + 3f);
responseToggle = false;
DisableBop(beat, 8f);
DisableSpecBop(beat + 2.5f, 5f);
Prepare(beat + 4f);
Prepare(beat + 5f);
Prepare(beat + 6f);
BeatAction.New(Arisa, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolPeace", -1, 0);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1f, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolPeace", -1, 0);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2f, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolPeace", -1, 0);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3f, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolPeaceNoSync"); PlayPrepare(); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 4f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 4f); DoIdolClaps();}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 5f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 5f); DoIdolClaps();}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 6f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 6f); DoIdolClaps();}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 7f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 7f); DoIdolClaps();}),
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] {
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_hai_jp", beat + 4f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_hai_jp", beat + 5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_hai_jp", beat + 6f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_hai_jp", beat + 7f),
public static void WarnHai(float beat, bool noSound = false, int type = 0)
wantHais = beat;
if (noSound) return;
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] {
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_hai_1_jp", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_hai_2_jp", beat + 1f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_hai_3_jp", beat + 2f),
}, forcePlay:true);
public void ContinueHais(float beat, int type = 0)
CallHai(beat, true, type);
const float CALL_LENGTH = 2.5f;
public void CallKamone(float beat, bool noSound = false, int type = 0, bool doJump = false)
if (!noSound)
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] {
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_ka_jp", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_mo_jp", beat + 0.5f, offset: 0.07407407f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_ne_jp", beat + 1f, offset: 0.07407407f),
responseToggle = true;
DisableBop(beat, doJump ? 6.25f : 5.25f);
DisableSpecBop(beat + 0.5f, 6f);
Prepare(beat + 1f);
Prepare(beat + 2.5f);
Prepare(beat + 3f, 2);
Prepare(beat + 4f, 1);
BeatAction.New(Arisa, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolCall0", -1, 0); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.75f, delegate { Arisa.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("IdolCall1", -1, 0); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1f, delegate { PlayPrepare(); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2f, delegate { PlayLongClap(beat + 2f); DoIdolResponse(); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3f, delegate { DoIdolResponse(); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.5f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 3.5f); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 4f, delegate { PlayChargeClap(beat + 4f); DoIdolResponse(); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 5f, delegate { PlayJump(beat + 5f);
if (doJump)
DoIdolJump(beat + 5f);
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] {
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_ka_jp", beat + 2f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_mo_jp", beat + 3.5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_ne_jp", beat + 4f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/crowd_hey_jp", beat + 5f),
public static void WarnKamone(float beat, bool noSound = false, int type = 0)
wantKamone = beat;
if (noSound) return;
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] {
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_ka_jp", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_mo_jp", beat + 0.5f, offset: 0.07407407f),
new MultiSound.Sound("fanClub/arisa_ne_jp", beat + 1f, offset: 0.07407407f),
}, forcePlay:true);
public void ContinueKamone(float beat, int type = 0, bool doJump = false)
CallKamone(beat, true, type, doJump);
const float BIGCALL_LENGTH = 2.75f;
public void CallBigReady(float beat, bool noSound = false)
if (!noSound)
DisableSpecBop(beat, 3.75f);
Prepare(beat + 1.5f);
Prepare(beat + 2f);
PlayAnimationAll("FanBigReady", onlyOverrideBop: true);
BeatAction.New(this.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1.5f, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanBigReady", onlyOverrideBop: true); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2f, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanBigReady", onlyOverrideBop: true); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2.5f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 2.5f);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3f, delegate { PlayOneClap(beat + 3f);}),
public static void WarnBigReady(float beat, bool noSound = false)
wantBigReady = beat;
if (noSound) return;
public void ContinueBigReady(float beat)
CallBigReady(beat, true);
public void Prepare(float beat, int type = 0)
Player.AddHit(beat, type);
private void PlayAnimationAll(string anim, bool noPlayer = false, bool doForced = false, bool onlyOverrideBop = false)
for (int i = 0; i < Spectators.Count; i++)
if (i == 3 && noPlayer)
if (!Spectators[i].GetComponent<Animator>().IsAnimationNotPlaying() && !doForced)
if (onlyOverrideBop)
string clipName = Spectators[i].GetComponent<Animator>().GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.name;
if (clipName == "FanBeat" || clipName == "NoPose")
private void BopAll(bool noPlayer = false, bool doForced = false)
for (int i = 0; i < Spectators.Count; i++)
if (i == 3 && noPlayer)
string clipName = Spectators[i].GetComponent<Animator>().GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.name;
if (!Spectators[i].GetComponent<Animator>().IsAnimationNotPlaying() && !doForced)
if (clipName == "FanBeat" || clipName == "NoPose")
private void PlayPrepare()
for (int i = 0; i < Spectators.Count; i++)
if (Spectators[i].GetComponent<NtrIdolFan>().IsJumping())
private void PlayOneClap(float beat)
BeatAction.New(this.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanClap", true, true);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.25f, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanFree", true);}),
private void PlayLongClap(float beat)
BeatAction.New(this.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanClap", true, true);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1f, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanFree", true);}),
private void PlayChargeClap(float beat)
BeatAction.New(this.gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanClap", true, true);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.1f, delegate { PlayAnimationAll("FanClapCharge", true, true);}),
private void StartJump(int idx, float beat)
Spectators[idx].GetComponent<NtrIdolFan>().jumpStartTime = beat;
BeatAction.New(Spectators[idx], new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { Spectators[idx].GetComponent<Animator>().Play("FanJump", -1, 0);}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 1f, delegate { Spectators[idx].GetComponent<Animator>().Play("FanPrepare", -1, 0);}),
private void PlayJump(float beat)
for (int i = 0; i < Spectators.Count; i++)
if (i == 3)
StartJump(i, beat);
public void AngerOnMiss()
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
if (i == 3)
Spectators[i].GetComponent<NtrIdolFan>().MakeAngry(i > 3);