Rapandrasmus ac1804a901
Space Soccer Improvements (#382)
* SupahScrollSetUp

* Scrolls now, with issues, also added a flames animation

* Started implementing new multiple space kickers

* bg recolor space soccer

* Recolorable dots!

* we circular motitating n shit

* ReAdded Enter and exit stuff

* I despise unexplainable bugs

* The balls are so buggy 😱

* Trying to fix someting

* Fixed Scroll Stutter

* Fixed a whiff bug

* Updated sounds and added ease event for space kickers

* Fixed some bugs

* Changed some names

* new option for quiz show random presses

* Board meeting bug fixes

* Testing Curve stuff

* Converted all code to use new curves, need to fix all issues

* Playing around with keypoint values, will probably expose them so someone else can mess with them

* curves be like

* Fixed stuff


* Fixed clappy trio stuff

* Added player move event

* Almost fixed, just need to fix wonkiness with high kick toe

* Fixed da bug

* Board meeting and quiz show tweaks

* Fix for board meeting and enter/exit presets for space soccer

* Stop ball added

* Updated how scroll works
2023-04-26 12:43:35 +00:00

185 lines
4.3 KiB

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