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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo( "BezierSolution.Editor" )]
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo( "Assembly-CSharp-Editor" )]
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo( "Assembly-CSharp-Editor-firstpass" )]
namespace BezierSolution
[AddComponentMenu( "Bezier Solution/Bezier Spline" )]
[HelpURL( "https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityBezierSolution" )]
public partial class BezierSpline : MonoBehaviour, IEnumerable<BezierPoint>
internal List<BezierPoint> endPoints = new List<BezierPoint>(); // This is not readonly because otherwise BezierWalkers' "Simulate In Editor" functionality may break after recompilation
public int Count { get { return endPoints.Count; } }
public BezierPoint this[int index] { get { return endPoints[index]; } }
private float? m_length = null;
public float length
if( m_length == null )
m_length = GetLengthApproximately( 0f, 1f );
return m_length.Value;
[System.Obsolete( "Length is renamed to length" )]
public float Length { get { return length; } }
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
[UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs( "loop" )]
private bool m_loop = false;
public bool loop
get { return m_loop; }
if( m_loop != value )
m_loop = value;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
public bool drawGizmos = false;
public Color gizmoColor = Color.white;
[UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs( "m_gizmoSmoothness" )]
public int gizmoSmoothness = 4;
private static Material gizmoMaterial;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
[UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs( "Internal_AutoConstructMode" )]
private SplineAutoConstructMode m_autoConstructMode = SplineAutoConstructMode.None;
public SplineAutoConstructMode autoConstructMode
get { return m_autoConstructMode; }
if( m_autoConstructMode != value )
m_autoConstructMode = value;
if( value != SplineAutoConstructMode.None )
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.EndPointTransformChange | InternalDirtyFlags.ControlPointPositionChange;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
[UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs( "Internal_AutoCalculateNormals" )]
private bool m_autoCalculateNormals = false;
public bool autoCalculateNormals
get { return m_autoCalculateNormals; }
if( m_autoCalculateNormals != value )
m_autoCalculateNormals = value;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.NormalOffsetChange;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
[UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs( "Internal_AutoCalculatedNormalsAngle" )]
private float m_autoCalculatedNormalsAngle = 0f;
public float autoCalculatedNormalsAngle
get { return m_autoCalculatedNormalsAngle; }
if( m_autoCalculatedNormalsAngle != value )
m_autoCalculatedNormalsAngle = value;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.NormalOffsetChange;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private int m_autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount = 10;
public int autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount
get { return m_autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount; }
value = Mathf.Clamp( value, 0, 999 );
if( m_autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount != value )
m_autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount = value;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.NormalOffsetChange;
private EvenlySpacedPointsHolder m_evenlySpacedPoints = null;
public EvenlySpacedPointsHolder evenlySpacedPoints
if( m_evenlySpacedPoints == null )
m_evenlySpacedPoints = CalculateEvenlySpacedPoints( m_evenlySpacedPointsResolution, m_evenlySpacedPointsAccuracy );
return m_evenlySpacedPoints;
private PointCache m_pointCache = null;
public PointCache pointCache
if( m_pointCache == null )
m_pointCache = GeneratePointCache( resolution: m_pointCacheResolution );
return m_pointCache;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private float m_evenlySpacedPointsResolution = 10f;
public float evenlySpacedPointsResolution
get { return m_evenlySpacedPointsResolution; }
value = Mathf.Clamp( value, 1f, 999f );
if( m_evenlySpacedPointsResolution != value )
m_evenlySpacedPointsResolution = value;
m_evenlySpacedPoints = null;
dirtyFlags = InternalDirtyFlags.All;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private float m_evenlySpacedPointsAccuracy = 3f;
public float evenlySpacedPointsAccuracy
get { return m_evenlySpacedPointsAccuracy; }
value = Mathf.Clamp( value, 1f, 999f );
if( m_evenlySpacedPointsAccuracy != value )
m_evenlySpacedPointsAccuracy = value;
m_evenlySpacedPoints = null;
dirtyFlags = InternalDirtyFlags.All;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private int m_pointCacheResolution = 100;
public int pointCacheResolution
get { return m_pointCacheResolution; }
value = Mathf.Clamp( value, 10, 10000 );
if( m_pointCacheResolution != value )
m_pointCacheResolution = value;
m_pointCache = null;
dirtyFlags = InternalDirtyFlags.All;
public event SplineChangeDelegate onSplineChanged;
public int version { get; private set; }
internal InternalDirtyFlags dirtyFlags;
private void Awake()
private void OnTransformChildrenChanged()
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
private void LateUpdate()
internal void CheckDirty()
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
if( dirtyFlags != InternalDirtyFlags.None && endPoints.Count >= 2 )
DirtyFlags publishedDirtyFlags = DirtyFlags.None;
if( ( dirtyFlags & InternalDirtyFlags.ExtraDataChange ) == InternalDirtyFlags.ExtraDataChange )
publishedDirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.ExtraDataChanged;
if( ( dirtyFlags & ( InternalDirtyFlags.EndPointTransformChange | InternalDirtyFlags.ControlPointPositionChange ) ) != InternalDirtyFlags.None )
if( m_autoConstructMode == SplineAutoConstructMode.None )
publishedDirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.SplineShapeChanged;
switch( m_autoConstructMode )
case SplineAutoConstructMode.Linear: ConstructLinearPath(); break;
case SplineAutoConstructMode.Smooth1: AutoConstructSpline(); break;
case SplineAutoConstructMode.Smooth2: AutoConstructSpline2(); break;
// If a control point position was changed only, we've reverted that change by auto constructing the spline again
dirtyFlags &= ~InternalDirtyFlags.ControlPointPositionChange;
// If an end point's position was changed, then the spline's shape has indeed changed
if( ( dirtyFlags & InternalDirtyFlags.EndPointTransformChange ) == InternalDirtyFlags.EndPointTransformChange )
publishedDirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.SplineShapeChanged;
if( ( dirtyFlags & ( InternalDirtyFlags.NormalChange | InternalDirtyFlags.NormalOffsetChange | InternalDirtyFlags.EndPointTransformChange | InternalDirtyFlags.ControlPointPositionChange ) ) != InternalDirtyFlags.None )
if( !m_autoCalculateNormals )
// Normals are actually changed only when NormalChange flag is on
if( ( dirtyFlags & InternalDirtyFlags.NormalChange ) == InternalDirtyFlags.NormalChange )
publishedDirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.NormalsChanged;
if( m_autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount <= 0 )
AutoCalculateNormals( m_autoCalculatedNormalsAngle, calculateIntermediateNormals: false );
AutoCalculateNormals( m_autoCalculatedNormalsAngle, m_autoCalculatedIntermediateNormalsCount + 1, true );
// If an end point's only normal vector was changed, we've reverted that change by auto calculating the normals again
dirtyFlags &= ~InternalDirtyFlags.NormalChange;
// If an end point's position or normal calculation offset was changed, then the spline's normals have indeed changed
if( ( dirtyFlags & ( InternalDirtyFlags.NormalOffsetChange | InternalDirtyFlags.EndPointTransformChange | InternalDirtyFlags.ControlPointPositionChange ) ) != InternalDirtyFlags.None )
publishedDirtyFlags |= DirtyFlags.NormalsChanged;
if( ( publishedDirtyFlags & DirtyFlags.SplineShapeChanged ) == DirtyFlags.SplineShapeChanged )
m_length = null;
m_evenlySpacedPoints = null;
m_pointCache = null;
if( onSplineChanged != null )
onSplineChanged( this, publishedDirtyFlags );
catch( System.Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
dirtyFlags = InternalDirtyFlags.None;
public void Initialize( int endPointsCount )
if( endPointsCount < 2 )
Debug.LogError( "Can't initialize spline with " + endPointsCount + " point(s). At least 2 points are needed" );
// Destroy current end points
GetComponentsInChildren( endPoints );
for( int i = endPoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
DestroyImmediate( endPoints[i].gameObject );
// Create new end points
for( int i = 0; i < endPointsCount; i++ )
InsertNewPointAt( i );
public void Refresh()
GetComponentsInChildren( endPoints );
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].spline = this;
endPoints[i].index = i;
public BezierPoint InsertNewPointAt( int index )
if( index < 0 || index > endPoints.Count )
Debug.LogError( "Index " + index + " is out of range: [0," + endPoints.Count + "]" );
return null;
int prevCount = endPoints.Count;
BezierPoint point = new GameObject( "Point" ).AddComponent<BezierPoint>();
point.spline = this;
Transform parent = endPoints.Count == 0 ? transform : ( index == 0 ? endPoints[0].transform.parent : endPoints[index - 1].transform.parent );
int siblingIndex = index == 0 ? 0 : endPoints[index - 1].transform.GetSiblingIndex() + 1;
point.transform.SetParent( parent, false );
point.transform.SetSiblingIndex( siblingIndex );
if( endPoints.Count == prevCount ) // If spline isn't automatically Refresh()'ed
endPoints.Insert( index, point );
for( int i = index; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].index = i;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
return point;
public BezierPoint DuplicatePointAt( int index )
if( index < 0 || index >= endPoints.Count )
Debug.LogError( "Index " + index + " is out of range: [0," + ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) + "]" );
return null;
BezierPoint newPoint = InsertNewPointAt( index + 1 );
endPoints[index].CopyTo( newPoint );
return newPoint;
public void RemovePointAt( int index )
if( endPoints.Count <= 2 )
Debug.LogError( "Can't remove point: spline must consist of at least two points!" );
if( index < 0 || index >= endPoints.Count )
Debug.LogError( "Index " + index + " is out of range: [0," + endPoints.Count + ")" );
BezierPoint point = endPoints[index];
endPoints.RemoveAt( index );
for( int i = index; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].index = i;
DestroyImmediate( point.gameObject );
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
public void SwapPointsAt( int index1, int index2 )
if( index1 == index2 )
if( index1 < 0 || index1 >= endPoints.Count || index2 < 0 || index2 >= endPoints.Count )
Debug.LogError( "Indices must be in range [0," + ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) + "]" );
BezierPoint point1 = endPoints[index1];
BezierPoint point2 = endPoints[index2];
int point1SiblingIndex = point1.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
int point2SiblingIndex = point2.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
Transform point1Parent = point1.transform.parent;
Transform point2Parent = point2.transform.parent;
endPoints[index1] = point2;
endPoints[index2] = point1;
point1.index = index2;
point2.index = index1;
if( point1Parent != point2Parent )
point1.transform.SetParent( point2Parent, true );
point2.transform.SetParent( point1Parent, true );
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2SiblingIndex );
point2.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point1SiblingIndex );
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
public void ChangePointIndex( int previousIndex, int newIndex )
ChangePointIndex( previousIndex, newIndex, null );
internal void ChangePointIndex( int previousIndex, int newIndex, string undo )
if( previousIndex == newIndex )
if( previousIndex < 0 || previousIndex >= endPoints.Count || newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= endPoints.Count )
Debug.LogError( "Indices must be in range [0," + ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) + "]" );
BezierPoint point1 = endPoints[previousIndex];
BezierPoint point2 = endPoints[newIndex];
if( undo != null )
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( point1.transform.parent, undo );
if( previousIndex < newIndex )
for( int i = previousIndex; i < newIndex; i++ )
endPoints[i] = endPoints[i + 1];
for( int i = previousIndex; i > newIndex; i-- )
endPoints[i] = endPoints[i - 1];
endPoints[newIndex] = point1;
Transform point2Parent = point2.transform.parent;
if( point1.transform.parent != point2Parent )
if( undo != null )
UnityEditor.Undo.SetTransformParent( point1.transform, point2Parent, undo );
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( point2Parent, undo );
point1.transform.SetParent( point2Parent, true );
int point2SiblingIndex = point2.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
if( previousIndex < newIndex )
if( point1.transform.GetSiblingIndex() < point2SiblingIndex )
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2SiblingIndex );
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2SiblingIndex + 1 );
if( point1.transform.GetSiblingIndex() < point2SiblingIndex )
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2SiblingIndex - 1 );
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2SiblingIndex );
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2.transform.GetSiblingIndex() );
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].index = i;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
public void InvertSpline()
InvertSpline( null );
internal void InvertSpline( string undo )
// In Editor, this.endPoints will change at each for-iteration due to OnTransformChildrenChanged
// but we need the list to be immutable while this function is being executed
List<BezierPoint> endPoints = new List<BezierPoint>( this.endPoints );
for( int i = endPoints.Count / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
BezierPoint point1 = endPoints[i];
BezierPoint point2 = endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1 - i];
int point1SiblingIndex = point1.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
int point2SiblingIndex = point2.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
Transform point1Parent = point1.transform.parent;
Transform point2Parent = point2.transform.parent;
if( undo != null )
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( point1Parent, undo );
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( point2Parent, undo );
if( point1Parent != point2Parent )
if( undo != null )
UnityEditor.Undo.SetTransformParent( point1.transform, point2Parent, undo );
UnityEditor.Undo.SetTransformParent( point2.transform, point1Parent, undo );
point1.transform.SetParent( point2Parent, true );
point2.transform.SetParent( point1Parent, true );
point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point2SiblingIndex );
point2.transform.SetSiblingIndex( point1SiblingIndex );
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
if( undo != null )
UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject( endPoints[i], undo );
// Swap control points
Vector3 precedingControlPointLocalPosition = endPoints[i].precedingControlPointLocalPosition;
endPoints[i].precedingControlPointLocalPosition = endPoints[i].followingControlPointLocalPosition;
endPoints[i].followingControlPointLocalPosition = precedingControlPointLocalPosition;
endPoints[i].index = i;
this.endPoints = endPoints;
dirtyFlags |= InternalDirtyFlags.All;
public Vector3 GetPoint( float normalizedT )
if( !m_loop )
if( normalizedT <= 0f )
return endPoints[0].position;
else if( normalizedT >= 1f )
return endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].position;
// 2nd conditions isn't 'else if' because in rare occasions, floating point precision issues may arise; e.g. for normalizedT = -0.0000000149,
// incrementing the value by 1 results in perfect 1.0000000000 with no mantissa
if( normalizedT < 0f )
normalizedT += 1f;
if( normalizedT >= 1f )
normalizedT -= 1f;
float t = normalizedT * ( m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) );
BezierPoint startPoint, endPoint;
int startIndex = (int) t;
int endIndex = startIndex + 1;
if( endIndex == endPoints.Count )
endIndex = 0;
startPoint = endPoints[startIndex];
endPoint = endPoints[endIndex];
float localT = t - startIndex;
float oneMinusLocalT = 1f - localT;
return oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * startPoint.position +
3f * oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * localT * startPoint.followingControlPointPosition +
3f * oneMinusLocalT * localT * localT * endPoint.precedingControlPointPosition +
localT * localT * localT * endPoint.position;
public Vector3 GetTangent( float normalizedT )
if( !m_loop )
if( normalizedT <= 0f )
return 3f * ( endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition - endPoints[0].position );
else if( normalizedT >= 1f )
int index = endPoints.Count - 1;
return 3f * ( endPoints[index].position - endPoints[index].precedingControlPointPosition );
if( normalizedT < 0f )
normalizedT += 1f;
if( normalizedT >= 1f )
normalizedT -= 1f;
float t = normalizedT * ( m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) );
BezierPoint startPoint, endPoint;
int startIndex = (int) t;
int endIndex = startIndex + 1;
if( endIndex == endPoints.Count )
endIndex = 0;
startPoint = endPoints[startIndex];
endPoint = endPoints[endIndex];
float localT = t - startIndex;
float oneMinusLocalT = 1f - localT;
return 3f * oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * ( startPoint.followingControlPointPosition - startPoint.position ) +
6f * oneMinusLocalT * localT * ( endPoint.precedingControlPointPosition - startPoint.followingControlPointPosition ) +
3f * localT * localT * ( endPoint.position - endPoint.precedingControlPointPosition );
public Vector3 GetNormal( float normalizedT )
if( !m_loop )
if( normalizedT <= 0f )
return endPoints[0].normal;
else if( normalizedT >= 1f )
return endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].normal;
if( normalizedT < 0f )
normalizedT += 1f;
if( normalizedT >= 1f )
normalizedT -= 1f;
float t = normalizedT * ( m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) );
int startIndex = (int) t;
int endIndex = startIndex + 1;
if( endIndex == endPoints.Count )
endIndex = 0;
float localT = t - startIndex;
Vector3[] intermediateNormals = endPoints[startIndex].intermediateNormals;
if( intermediateNormals != null && intermediateNormals.Length > 0 )
localT *= intermediateNormals.Length - 1;
int localStartIndex = (int) localT;
return ( localStartIndex < intermediateNormals.Length - 1 ) ? Vector3.LerpUnclamped( intermediateNormals[localStartIndex], intermediateNormals[localStartIndex + 1], localT - localStartIndex ) : intermediateNormals[localStartIndex];
Vector3 startNormal = endPoints[startIndex].normal;
Vector3 endNormal = endPoints[endIndex].normal;
Vector3 normal = Vector3.LerpUnclamped( startNormal, endNormal, localT );
if( normal.y == 0f && normal.x == 0f && normal.z == 0f )
// Don't return Vector3.zero as normal
normal = Vector3.LerpUnclamped( startNormal, endNormal, localT > 0.01f ? ( localT - 0.01f ) : ( localT + 0.01f ) );
if( normal.y == 0f && normal.x == 0f && normal.z == 0f )
normal = Vector3.up;
return normal;
public BezierPoint.ExtraData GetExtraData( float normalizedT )
return GetExtraData( normalizedT, defaultExtraDataLerpFunction );
public BezierPoint.ExtraData GetExtraData( float normalizedT, ExtraDataLerpFunction lerpFunction )
if( !m_loop )
if( normalizedT <= 0f )
return endPoints[0].extraData;
else if( normalizedT >= 1f )
return endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].extraData;
if( normalizedT < 0f )
normalizedT += 1f;
if( normalizedT >= 1f )
normalizedT -= 1f;
float t = normalizedT * ( m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) );
int startIndex = (int) t;
int endIndex = startIndex + 1;
if( endIndex == endPoints.Count )
endIndex = 0;
return lerpFunction( endPoints[startIndex].extraData, endPoints[endIndex].extraData, t - startIndex );
public float GetLengthApproximately( float startNormalizedT, float endNormalizedT, float accuracy = 50f )
if( endNormalizedT < startNormalizedT )
float temp = startNormalizedT;
startNormalizedT = endNormalizedT;
endNormalizedT = temp;
if( startNormalizedT < 0f )
startNormalizedT = 0f;
if( endNormalizedT > 1f )
endNormalizedT = 1f;
float step = AccuracyToStepSize( accuracy ) * ( endNormalizedT - startNormalizedT );
float length = 0f;
Vector3 prevPoint = GetPoint( startNormalizedT );
for( float i = startNormalizedT + step; i < endNormalizedT; i += step )
Vector3 thisPoint = GetPoint( i );
length += Vector3.Distance( thisPoint, prevPoint );
prevPoint = thisPoint;
length += Vector3.Distance( prevPoint, GetPoint( endNormalizedT ) );
return length;
public Segment GetSegmentAt( float normalizedT )
if( !m_loop )
if( normalizedT <= 0f )
return new Segment( endPoints[0], endPoints[1], 0f );
else if( normalizedT >= 1f )
return new Segment( endPoints[endPoints.Count - 2], endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1], 1f );
if( normalizedT < 0f )
normalizedT += 1f;
if( normalizedT >= 1f )
normalizedT -= 1f;
float t = normalizedT * ( m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) );
int startIndex = (int) t;
int endIndex = startIndex + 1;
if( endIndex == endPoints.Count )
endIndex = 0;
return new Segment( endPoints[startIndex], endPoints[endIndex], t - startIndex );
[System.Obsolete( "GetNearestPointIndicesTo is renamed to GetSegmentAt" )]
public Segment GetNearestPointIndicesTo( float normalizedT )
return GetSegmentAt( normalizedT );
public Vector3 FindNearestPointTo( Vector3 worldPos, float accuracy = 100f, int secondPassIterations = 7, float secondPassExtents = 0.025f )
float normalizedT;
return FindNearestPointTo( worldPos, out normalizedT, accuracy, secondPassIterations, secondPassExtents );
public Vector3 FindNearestPointTo( Vector3 worldPos, out float normalizedT, float accuracy = 100f, int secondPassIterations = 7, float secondPassExtents = 0.025f )
Vector3 result = Vector3.zero;
normalizedT = -1f;
float step = AccuracyToStepSize( accuracy );
float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
for( float i = 0f; i < 1f; i += step )
Vector3 thisPoint = GetPoint( i );
float thisDistance = ( worldPos - thisPoint ).sqrMagnitude;
if( thisDistance < minDistance )
minDistance = thisDistance;
result = thisPoint;
normalizedT = i;
// Do a second pass near the current normalizedT using binary search
// Credit: https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#projections
if( secondPassIterations > 0 )
float minT = normalizedT - secondPassExtents;
float maxT = normalizedT + secondPassExtents;
for( int i = 0; i < secondPassIterations; i++ )
float leftT = ( minT + normalizedT ) * 0.5f;
float rightT = ( maxT + normalizedT ) * 0.5f;
Vector3 leftPoint = GetPoint( leftT );
Vector3 rightPoint = GetPoint( rightT );
float leftDistance = ( worldPos - leftPoint ).sqrMagnitude;
float rightDistance = ( worldPos - rightPoint ).sqrMagnitude;
if( leftDistance < minDistance && leftDistance < rightDistance )
minDistance = leftDistance;
result = leftPoint;
maxT = normalizedT;
normalizedT = leftT;
else if( rightDistance < minDistance && rightDistance < leftDistance )
minDistance = rightDistance;
result = rightPoint;
minT = normalizedT;
normalizedT = rightT;
minT = leftT;
maxT = rightT;
return result;
public Vector3 FindNearestPointToLine( Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, float accuracy = 100f, int secondPassIterations = 7, float secondPassExtents = 0.025f )
Vector3 pointOnLine;
float normalizedT;
return FindNearestPointToLine( lineStart, lineEnd, out pointOnLine, out normalizedT, accuracy, secondPassIterations, secondPassExtents );
public Vector3 FindNearestPointToLine( Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, out Vector3 pointOnLine, out float normalizedT, float accuracy = 100f, int secondPassIterations = 7, float secondPassExtents = 0.025f )
Vector3 result = Vector3.zero;
pointOnLine = Vector3.zero;
normalizedT = -1f;
float step = AccuracyToStepSize( accuracy );
// Find closest point on line
// Credit: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/61f92bd79ae862c4465d35270f9d1d57befd1761/Editor/Mono/HandleUtility.cs#L115-L128
Vector3 lineDirection = lineEnd - lineStart;
float length = lineDirection.magnitude;
Vector3 normalizedLineDirection = lineDirection;
if( length > .000001f )
normalizedLineDirection /= length;
float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
for( float i = 0f; i < 1f; i += step )
Vector3 thisPoint = GetPoint( i );
// Find closest point on line
// Credit: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/61f92bd79ae862c4465d35270f9d1d57befd1761/Editor/Mono/HandleUtility.cs#L115-L128
Vector3 closestPointOnLine = lineStart + normalizedLineDirection * Mathf.Clamp( Vector3.Dot( normalizedLineDirection, thisPoint - lineStart ), 0f, length );
float thisDistance = ( closestPointOnLine - thisPoint ).sqrMagnitude;
if( thisDistance < minDistance )
minDistance = thisDistance;
result = thisPoint;
pointOnLine = closestPointOnLine;
normalizedT = i;
// Do a second pass near the current normalizedT using binary search
// Credit: https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#projections
if( secondPassIterations > 0 )
float minT = normalizedT - secondPassExtents;
float maxT = normalizedT + secondPassExtents;
for( int i = 0; i < secondPassIterations; i++ )
float leftT = ( minT + normalizedT ) * 0.5f;
float rightT = ( maxT + normalizedT ) * 0.5f;
Vector3 leftPoint = GetPoint( leftT );
Vector3 rightPoint = GetPoint( rightT );
Vector3 leftClosestPointOnLine = lineStart + normalizedLineDirection * Mathf.Clamp( Vector3.Dot( normalizedLineDirection, leftPoint - lineStart ), 0f, length );
Vector3 rightClosestPointOnLine = lineStart + normalizedLineDirection * Mathf.Clamp( Vector3.Dot( normalizedLineDirection, rightPoint - lineStart ), 0f, length );
float leftDistance = ( leftClosestPointOnLine - leftPoint ).sqrMagnitude;
float rightDistance = ( rightClosestPointOnLine - rightPoint ).sqrMagnitude;
if( leftDistance < minDistance && leftDistance < rightDistance )
minDistance = leftDistance;
result = leftPoint;
pointOnLine = leftClosestPointOnLine;
maxT = normalizedT;
normalizedT = leftT;
else if( rightDistance < minDistance && rightDistance < leftDistance )
minDistance = rightDistance;
result = rightPoint;
pointOnLine = rightClosestPointOnLine;
minT = normalizedT;
normalizedT = rightT;
minT = leftT;
maxT = rightT;
return result;
// Credit: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/27138
public Vector3 MoveAlongSpline( ref float normalizedT, float deltaMovement, int accuracy = 3 )
float constant = deltaMovement / ( ( m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) ) * accuracy );
for( int i = 0; i < accuracy; i++ )
normalizedT += constant / GetTangent( normalizedT ).magnitude;
return GetPoint( normalizedT );
public void ConstructLinearPath()
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].handleMode = BezierPoint.HandleMode.Free;
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
if( i < endPoints.Count - 1 )
Vector3 midPoint = ( endPoints[i].position + endPoints[i + 1].position ) * 0.5f;
endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = midPoint;
endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = midPoint;
Vector3 midPoint = ( endPoints[i].position + endPoints[0].position ) * 0.5f;
endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = midPoint;
endPoints[0].precedingControlPointPosition = midPoint;
// Credit: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/31859/Draw-a-Smooth-Curve-through-a-Set-of-2D-Points-wit
public void AutoConstructSpline()
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].handleMode = BezierPoint.HandleMode.Mirrored;
int n = endPoints.Count - 1;
if( n == 1 )
endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition = ( 2 * endPoints[0].position + endPoints[1].position ) / 3f;
endPoints[1].precedingControlPointPosition = 2 * endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition - endPoints[0].position;
Vector3[] rhs;
if( m_loop )
rhs = new Vector3[n + 1];
rhs = new Vector3[n];
for( int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++ )
rhs[i] = 4 * endPoints[i].position + 2 * endPoints[i + 1].position;
rhs[0] = endPoints[0].position + 2 * endPoints[1].position;
if( !m_loop )
rhs[n - 1] = ( 8 * endPoints[n - 1].position + endPoints[n].position ) * 0.5f;
rhs[n - 1] = 4 * endPoints[n - 1].position + 2 * endPoints[n].position;
rhs[n] = ( 8 * endPoints[n].position + endPoints[0].position ) * 0.5f;
// Get first control points
int rhsLength = rhs.Length;
Vector3[] controlPoints = new Vector3[rhsLength]; // Solution vector
float[] tmp = new float[rhsLength]; // Temp workspace
float b = 2f;
controlPoints[0] = rhs[0] / b;
for( int i = 1; i < rhsLength; i++ ) // Decomposition and forward substitution
float val = 1f / b;
tmp[i] = val;
b = ( i < rhsLength - 1 ? 4f : 3.5f ) - val;
controlPoints[i] = ( rhs[i] - controlPoints[i - 1] ) / b;
for( int i = 1; i < rhsLength; i++ )
controlPoints[rhsLength - i - 1] -= tmp[rhsLength - i] * controlPoints[rhsLength - i]; // Backsubstitution
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
// First control point
endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = controlPoints[i];
if( m_loop )
endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = 2 * endPoints[i + 1].position - controlPoints[i + 1];
// Second control point
if( i < n - 1 )
endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = 2 * endPoints[i + 1].position - controlPoints[i + 1];
endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = ( endPoints[n].position + controlPoints[n - 1] ) * 0.5f;
if( m_loop )
float controlPointDistance = Vector3.Distance( endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition, endPoints[0].position );
Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize( endPoints[n].position - endPoints[1].position );
endPoints[0].precedingControlPointPosition = endPoints[0].position + direction * controlPointDistance;
endPoints[0].followingControlPointLocalPosition = -endPoints[0].precedingControlPointLocalPosition;
// Credit: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3526940/how-to-create-a-cubic-bezier-curve-when-given-n-points-in-3d
public void AutoConstructSpline2()
// This method doesn't work well with 2 end poins
if( endPoints.Count == 2 )
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].handleMode = BezierPoint.HandleMode.Mirrored;
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
Vector3 pMinus1, p1, p2;
if( i == 0 )
if( m_loop )
pMinus1 = endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].position;
pMinus1 = endPoints[0].position;
pMinus1 = endPoints[i - 1].position;
if( m_loop )
p1 = endPoints[( i + 1 ) % endPoints.Count].position;
p2 = endPoints[( i + 2 ) % endPoints.Count].position;
if( i < endPoints.Count - 2 )
p1 = endPoints[i + 1].position;
p2 = endPoints[i + 2].position;
else if( i == endPoints.Count - 2 )
p1 = endPoints[i + 1].position;
p2 = endPoints[i + 1].position;
p1 = endPoints[i].position;
p2 = endPoints[i].position;
endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = endPoints[i].position + ( p1 - pMinus1 ) / 6f;
if( i < endPoints.Count - 1 )
endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = p1 - ( p2 - endPoints[i].position ) / 6f;
else if( m_loop )
endPoints[0].precedingControlPointPosition = p1 - ( p2 - endPoints[i].position ) / 6f;
// Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14241741/2373034
// Alternative approach: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25458216/2373034
public void AutoCalculateNormals( float normalAngle = 0f, int smoothness = 10, bool calculateIntermediateNormals = false )
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
Vector3 tangent = new Vector3(), rotatedNormal = new Vector3();
smoothness = Mathf.Max( 1, smoothness );
float _1OverSmoothness = 1f / smoothness;
if( smoothness <= 1 )
calculateIntermediateNormals = false;
// Calculate initial point's normal using Frenet formula
Segment segment = new Segment( endPoints[0], endPoints[1], 0f );
Vector3 tangent1 = segment.GetTangent( 0f ).normalized;
Vector3 tangent2 = segment.GetTangent( 0.025f ).normalized;
Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross( tangent2, tangent1 ).normalized;
if( Mathf.Approximately( cross.sqrMagnitude, 0f ) ) // This is not a curved spline but rather a straight line
cross = Vector3.Cross( tangent2, ( tangent2.x != 0f || tangent2.z != 0f ) ? Vector3.up : Vector3.forward );
// prevNormal stores the unrotated normal whereas endpoints[index].normal stores the rotated normal
Vector3 prevNormal = Vector3.Cross( cross, tangent1 ).normalized;
endPoints[0].normal = Quaternion.AngleAxis( normalAngle + endPoints[0].autoCalculatedNormalAngleOffset, tangent1 ) * prevNormal;
// Calculate other points' normals by iteratively (smoothness) calculating normals between the previous point and the next point
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
if( i < endPoints.Count - 1 )
segment = new Segment( endPoints[i], endPoints[i + 1], 0f );
else if( m_loop )
segment = new Segment( endPoints[i], endPoints[0], 0f );
Vector3[] intermediateNormals = null;
if( !calculateIntermediateNormals )
segment.point1.intermediateNormals = null;
intermediateNormals = segment.point1.intermediateNormals;
if( intermediateNormals == null || intermediateNormals.Length != smoothness + 1 )
segment.point1.intermediateNormals = intermediateNormals = new Vector3[smoothness + 1];
intermediateNormals[0] = segment.point1.normal;
float normalAngle1 = normalAngle + segment.point1.autoCalculatedNormalAngleOffset;
float normalAngle2 = normalAngle + segment.point2.autoCalculatedNormalAngleOffset;
for( int j = 1; j <= smoothness; j++ )
float localT = j * _1OverSmoothness;
tangent = segment.GetTangent( localT ).normalized;
prevNormal = Vector3.Cross( tangent, Vector3.Cross( prevNormal, tangent ).normalized ).normalized;
if( calculateIntermediateNormals )
float _normalAngle = Mathf.LerpUnclamped( normalAngle1, normalAngle2, localT );
intermediateNormals[j] = rotatedNormal = ( _normalAngle == 0f ) ? prevNormal : ( Quaternion.AngleAxis( _normalAngle, tangent ) * prevNormal );
if( !calculateIntermediateNormals )
rotatedNormal = ( normalAngle2 == 0f ) ? prevNormal : ( Quaternion.AngleAxis( normalAngle2, tangent ) * prevNormal );
if( i < endPoints.Count - 1 )
endPoints[i + 1].normal = rotatedNormal;
if( !calculateIntermediateNormals )
if( rotatedNormal != -endPoints[0].normal )
endPoints[0].normal = ( endPoints[0].normal + rotatedNormal ).normalized;
// In a looping spline, the first end point's normal value is a special case because the initial value that we've assigned to it
// might end up vastly different from the final rotatedNormal that we've found. To accommodate to this change, we'll find the
// angle difference between these two values and gradually apply that difference to the first end point's intermediate normals
Vector3 initialNormal0 = endPoints[0].normal;
float normal0DeltaAngle = Vector3.Angle( initialNormal0, rotatedNormal );
if( Mathf.Abs( normal0DeltaAngle ) > 5f )
// Vector3.SignedAngle: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/61f92bd79ae862c4465d35270f9d1d57befd1761/Runtime/Export/Math/Vector3.cs#L316-L328
// The function itself isn't available on Unity 5.6 so its source code is copy&pasted here
float cross_x = initialNormal0.y * rotatedNormal.z - initialNormal0.z * rotatedNormal.y;
float cross_y = initialNormal0.z * rotatedNormal.x - initialNormal0.x * rotatedNormal.z;
float cross_z = initialNormal0.x * rotatedNormal.y - initialNormal0.y * rotatedNormal.x;
normal0DeltaAngle *= Mathf.Sign( tangent.x * cross_x + tangent.y * cross_y + tangent.z * cross_z );
segment = new Segment( endPoints[0], endPoints[1], 0f );
intermediateNormals = endPoints[0].intermediateNormals;
endPoints[0].normal = intermediateNormals[0] = rotatedNormal;
for( int j = 1; j < smoothness; j++ )
float localT = j * _1OverSmoothness;
intermediateNormals[j] = Quaternion.AngleAxis( Mathf.LerpUnclamped( normal0DeltaAngle, 0f, localT ), segment.GetTangent( localT ).normalized ) * intermediateNormals[j];
// Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9k97JemYbM
public EvenlySpacedPointsHolder CalculateEvenlySpacedPoints( float resolution = 10f, float accuracy = 3f )
int segmentCount = m_loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 );
List<float> evenlySpacedPoints = new List<float>( segmentCount + Mathf.CeilToInt( segmentCount * resolution * 1.25f ) );
// Calculate each spline segment's approximate length and store it temporarily in the list so that
// we won't have to calculate the same value twice in the 2nd loop. We'll remove these length values
// from the list at the end of the operation
float estimatedSplineLength = 0f;
for( int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++ )
BezierPoint point1 = endPoints[i];
BezierPoint point2 = ( i < endPoints.Count - 1 ) ? endPoints[i + 1] : endPoints[0];
float controlNetLength = Vector3.Distance( point1.position, point1.followingControlPointPosition ) + Vector3.Distance( point1.followingControlPointPosition, point2.precedingControlPointPosition ) + Vector3.Distance( point2.precedingControlPointPosition, point2.position );
float estimatedCurveLength = Vector3.Distance( point1.position, point2.position ) + controlNetLength * 0.5f;
estimatedSplineLength += estimatedCurveLength;
evenlySpacedPoints.Add( estimatedCurveLength );
float averageSegmentLength = estimatedSplineLength / segmentCount;
float distanceBetweenEvenlySpacedPoints = averageSegmentLength / resolution;
float remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint = distanceBetweenEvenlySpacedPoints;
float totalLength = 0f;
Vector3 previousPoint = endPoints[0].position;
evenlySpacedPoints.Add( 0f );
for( int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++ )
Segment segment = new Segment( endPoints[i], ( i < endPoints.Count - 1 ) ? endPoints[i + 1] : endPoints[0], 0f );
float estimatedCurveLength = evenlySpacedPoints[i];
float tMultiplier = 1f / ( resolution * accuracy * ( estimatedCurveLength / averageSegmentLength ) );
float t = 0, previousT = 0f;
while( t < 1f )
t += tMultiplier;
if( t > 1f )
t = 1f;
Vector3 point = segment.GetPoint( t );
float distanceToPreviousPoint = Vector3.Distance( previousPoint, point );
while( distanceToPreviousPoint >= remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint )
float newEvenlySpacedPointLocalT = previousT + ( t - previousT ) * ( remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint / distanceToPreviousPoint );
evenlySpacedPoints.Add( segment.GetNormalizedT( newEvenlySpacedPointLocalT ) );
//distanceToPreviousPoint -= remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint;
distanceToPreviousPoint = Vector3.Distance( segment.GetPoint( newEvenlySpacedPointLocalT ), point );
remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint = distanceBetweenEvenlySpacedPoints;
totalLength += distanceBetweenEvenlySpacedPoints;
previousT = newEvenlySpacedPointLocalT;
remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint -= distanceToPreviousPoint;
previousT = t;
previousPoint = point;
totalLength += distanceBetweenEvenlySpacedPoints - remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint;
// If the last calculated evenly spaced point is too close to the final point (t=1f), remove it.
// The space between last 3 evenly spaced points won't really be even but the difference will be
// negligible when resolution isn't too small
if( remainingDistanceToEvenlySpacedPoint >= distanceBetweenEvenlySpacedPoints * 0.5f )
evenlySpacedPoints.RemoveAt( evenlySpacedPoints.Count - 1 );
evenlySpacedPoints.Add( 1f );
// Remove spline segment lengths from list (which were temporarily stored there)
evenlySpacedPoints.RemoveRange( 0, segmentCount );
return new EvenlySpacedPointsHolder( this, totalLength, evenlySpacedPoints.ToArray() );
public PointCache GeneratePointCache( PointCacheFlags cachedData = PointCacheFlags.All, int resolution = 100 )
return GeneratePointCache( evenlySpacedPoints, defaultExtraDataLerpFunction, cachedData, resolution );
public PointCache GeneratePointCache( EvenlySpacedPointsHolder lookupTable, ExtraDataLerpFunction extraDataLerpFunction, PointCacheFlags cachedData = PointCacheFlags.All, int resolution = 100 )
if( cachedData == PointCacheFlags.None )
return new PointCache( null, null, null, null, null, false );
if( lookupTable == null )
lookupTable = evenlySpacedPoints;
if( resolution < 2 )
resolution = 2;
Vector3[] positions = null, normals = null, tangents = null, bitangents = null;
BezierPoint.ExtraData[] extraDatas = null;
if( ( cachedData & PointCacheFlags.Positions ) == PointCacheFlags.Positions )
positions = new Vector3[resolution];
if( ( cachedData & PointCacheFlags.Normals ) == PointCacheFlags.Normals )
normals = new Vector3[resolution];
if( ( cachedData & PointCacheFlags.Tangents ) == PointCacheFlags.Tangents )
tangents = new Vector3[resolution];
if( ( cachedData & PointCacheFlags.Bitangents ) == PointCacheFlags.Bitangents )
bitangents = new Vector3[resolution];
if( ( cachedData & PointCacheFlags.ExtraDatas ) == PointCacheFlags.ExtraDatas )
extraDatas = new BezierPoint.ExtraData[resolution];
float indexMultiplier = 1f / ( resolution - 1 );
for( int i = 0; i < resolution; i++ )
Segment segment = GetSegmentAt( lookupTable.GetNormalizedTAtPercentage( i * indexMultiplier ) );
if( positions != null )
positions[i] = segment.GetPoint();
if( normals != null )
normals[i] = segment.GetNormal().normalized;
if( tangents != null )
tangents[i] = segment.GetTangent().normalized;
if( bitangents != null )
Vector3 normal = ( normals != null ) ? normals[i] : segment.GetNormal().normalized;
Vector3 tangent = ( tangents != null ) ? tangents[i] : segment.GetTangent().normalized;
bitangents[i] = Vector3.Cross( normal, tangent );
if( extraDatas != null )
extraDatas[i] = segment.GetExtraData( extraDataLerpFunction );
return new PointCache( positions, normals, tangents, bitangents, extraDatas, loop );
public void ClearIntermediateNormals()
for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ )
endPoints[i].intermediateNormals = null;
private float AccuracyToStepSize( float accuracy )
if( accuracy <= 0f )
return 0.2f;
return Mathf.Clamp( 1f / accuracy, 0.001f, 0.2f );
// Renders the spline gizmo during gameplay
// Credit: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/GL.html
private void OnRenderObject()
if( !drawGizmos || endPoints.Count < 2 )
if( !gizmoMaterial )
Shader shader = Shader.Find( "Hidden/Internal-Colored" );
gizmoMaterial = new Material( shader ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave };
gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_SrcBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha );
gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_DstBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha );
gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_Cull", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Off );
gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_ZWrite", 0 );
gizmoMaterial.SetPass( 0 );
GL.Begin( GL.LINES );
GL.Color( gizmoColor );
Vector3 lastPos = endPoints[0].position;
float gizmoStep = 1f / ( endPoints.Count * Mathf.Clamp( gizmoSmoothness, 1, 30 ) );
for( float i = gizmoStep; i < 1f; i += gizmoStep )
GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z );
lastPos = GetPoint( i );
GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z );
GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z );
lastPos = GetPoint( 1f );
GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z );
IEnumerator<BezierPoint> IEnumerable<BezierPoint>.GetEnumerator()
return endPoints.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return endPoints.GetEnumerator();
[ContextMenu( "Invert Spline" )]
private void InvertSplineContextMenu()
InvertSpline( "Invert spline" );
internal void Reset()
for( int i = endPoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
UnityEditor.Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate( endPoints[i].gameObject );
Initialize( 2 );
endPoints[0].localPosition = Vector3.back;
endPoints[1].localPosition = Vector3.forward;
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( endPoints[0].gameObject, "Initialize Spline" );
UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( endPoints[1].gameObject, "Initialize Spline" );
UnityEditor.Selection.activeTransform = endPoints[0].transform;
} |