mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 06:17:31 +00:00
* i love the blue bear * launch party beginning * fork lifter fixes * whiff strum guitar + snekky * rockers score miss fix * splashdown tweak * auto dispense and inactive dispense iteration 1 * fixed some auto dispense bugs * another small fix * auto dispense + miss stuff * fixed mr game and watch being slow boy * no log * monk fix * bg launch aprt * coint oss layer thing * tap troupe and double date fixes * fixing spaceball line * extended cheer reaers bg * upbeat constant * fixed uglyness * Gomenasai * fix lines 2 * tram and pauline new sprite --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
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25 KiB
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Blue: 1062269810732555972
BlueLine: -9042170184064539081
Body: -3560064968627218467
BodyWithArm: -4927946823433664293
BowTie: 3828587110549504312
Circle: -5156793050639147693
ClosedHand: 5131767080117870207
Green: 8647338324503476925
GreenLine: -5227375104380722487
GreenStar: -8181666410504954602
Happy: 6110253017641452992
Hold: -1762085704228125515
Impact: 4407728521909085744
LOL: -5941161254981692672
LeftArm0: -9026163962924897797
LeftArm1: -4273869372216412706
LeftArm2: -7042769613541943922
Line: 5226593634641200439
Neutral: 147607938180305327
OkHand: 4700340230035605756
Okay: -6592633296647391623
OpenHand: 7900643908323380991
PartyPopper: 4955306556500271638
Pink: -1059424943838716558
PinkLine: 3792442525062466833
Red: 816175741428972422
RedLine: -6496916516615256959
RedStar: 1172231600249791410
RightArm: 7610000092950350382
SonicWaves: -3549055555932706852
Spit: -6278200987685570407
Ugh: -2828566827714411145
Unused: 8640930121710291624
WavyLine: 639579161685108914
White: 7484638988400074012
WhiteLin: -4850809862675842122
WhiteLine: 7434857099519838704
WhiteStar: -6953182587044513800
YellowStar: -7766779695147229891
pSDRemoveMatte: 0
pSDShowRemoveMatteOption: 0
assetBundleName: rvllegs/common