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synced 2024-12-04 23:37:27 +00:00
* add pause menu assets * layout and animation for pause * make play mode prefab function re-assign unused class inheritance * remove filepath * don't init medals twice * remove PlayerActionObject * initial attempt at anti-note lock TODO: circumvent inputs clearing themselves making the functionality not work * properly implement input lock prevention * fix error on editor open * functional pause menu * bugfix * make unpausing not reset current play statistics * serialize initializer components in inspector instead of procedurally generating * sanity check * note for fade * make flashes in the camera prefabs instead of in world space remove / reorganize script files address issue #411 * fix bug with perfect campaign make minigame transitions hide the game canvas adjust animation of the song credits textbox * fully functional intro scene (placeholder for future title screen) refactored entire game loading procedure re-organized some files * add interaction query to disclaimer text * reword legal * anchor section medals to section display more tempo change placement controls * operation order bugfix * prep for future ratings and stats * loading text * autoload opening scene * splash screen adjustments added setting to force enable splash screen * adjust setting entry
295 lines
11 KiB
295 lines
11 KiB
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using DG.Tweening;
using TMPro;
using HeavenStudio.Common;
namespace HeavenStudio
public class GlobalGameManager : MonoBehaviour
public static GlobalGameManager instance { get; set; }
[SerializeField] Image fadeImage;
[SerializeField] TMP_Text loadingText;
public static string buildTime = "00/00/0000 00:00:00";
public static bool discordDuringTesting = false;
static string loadedScene;
static string lastLoadedScene;
static AsyncOperation asyncLoad;
public static string levelLocation;
public static bool officialLevel;
public static bool IsFirstBoot = false;
public static int CustomScreenWidth = 1280;
public static int CustomScreenHeight = 720;
public static readonly (int width, int height)[] DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES = new[] { (1280, 720), (1920, 1080), (2560, 1440), (3840, 2160)};
public static readonly string[] DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES_STRING = new[] { "1280x720", "1920x1080", "2560x1440", "3840x2160", "Custom" };
public static int ScreenSizeIndex = 0;
public static float MasterVolume = 0.8f;
public static int currentDspSize = 512;
public static int currentSampleRate = 44100;
public static readonly int[] DSP_BUFFER_SIZES =
128, 256, 340, 480, 512, 1024
public static readonly int[] SAMPLE_RATES =
22050, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000,
public static RenderTexture GameRenderTexture;
public static RenderTexture OverlayRenderTexture;
public enum Scenes : int
SplashScreen = 0,
Menu = 1,
Editor = 2,
Game = 3
public static void Init()
loadedScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
ScreenSizeIndex = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionIndex;
CustomScreenWidth = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionWidth;
CustomScreenHeight = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionHeight;
if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.dspSize == 0)
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.dspSize = 512;
if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.sampleRate == 0)
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.sampleRate = 44100;
currentDspSize = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.dspSize;
currentSampleRate = PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.sampleRate;
ChangeAudioSettings(currentDspSize, currentSampleRate);
if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.isFullscreen)
Screen.SetResolution(Display.main.systemWidth, Display.main.systemHeight, FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow);
Screen.fullScreen = true;
Screen.fullScreen = false;
QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames = 1;
Starpelly.OS.ChangeWindowTitle("Heaven Studio UNITYEDITOR ");
buildTime = "(EDITOR) " + System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
Starpelly.OS.ChangeWindowTitle("Heaven Studio (INDEV) " + Application.buildGUID.Substring(0, 8));
buildTime = Application.buildGUID.Substring(0, 8) + " " + AppInfo.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
public void Awake()
instance = this;
loadingText.enabled = false;
private void Update()
IEnumerator LoadSceneAsync(string scene, float fadeOut)
//TODO: create flow mem loading icon
asyncLoad = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(scene);
while (!asyncLoad.isDone)
yield return null;
//TODO: fade out flow mem loading icon
instance.loadingText.enabled = false;
instance.fadeImage.DOFade(0, fadeOut).OnComplete(() =>
IEnumerator ForceFadeAsync(float hold, float fadeOut)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(hold);
instance.loadingText.enabled = false;
instance.fadeImage.DOFade(0, fadeOut).OnComplete(() =>
public static void BasicCheck()
if (FindGGM() == null)
// load the global game manager prefab
GameObject ggm = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/GlobalGameManager") as GameObject);
public static GameObject FindGGM()
if (instance != null)
return instance.gameObject;
return null;
public static void LoadScene(string scene, float fadeIn = 0.35f, float fadeOut = 0.35f)
if (scene == loadedScene)
lastLoadedScene = loadedScene;
loadedScene = scene;
instance.fadeImage.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
instance.fadeImage.DOFade(1, fadeIn).OnComplete(() =>
instance.StartCoroutine(instance.LoadSceneAsync(scene, fadeOut));
instance.loadingText.enabled = true;
public static void ForceFade(float fadeIn, float hold, float fadeOut)
instance.fadeImage.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
instance.loadingText.enabled = false;
instance.fadeImage.DOFade(1, fadeIn).OnComplete(() =>
instance.StartCoroutine(instance.ForceFadeAsync(hold, fadeOut));
public static void WindowFullScreen()
if (!Screen.fullScreen)
// Set the resolution to the display's current resolution
Screen.SetResolution(Display.main.systemWidth, Display.main.systemHeight, FullScreenMode.FullScreenWindow);
Screen.fullScreen = true;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.isFullscreen = true;
Screen.SetResolution(1280, 720, FullScreenMode.Windowed);
Screen.fullScreen = false;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.isFullscreen = false;
public static void ChangeScreenSize()
FullScreenMode mode = Screen.fullScreenMode;
if (ScreenSizeIndex == DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES_STRING.Length - 1)
Screen.SetResolution(CustomScreenWidth, CustomScreenHeight, mode);
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionWidth = CustomScreenWidth;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionHeight = CustomScreenHeight;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionIndex = DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES_STRING.Length - 1;
Screen.SetResolution(DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES[ScreenSizeIndex].width, DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES[ScreenSizeIndex].height, mode);
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionWidth = DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES[ScreenSizeIndex].width;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionHeight = DEFAULT_SCREEN_SIZES[ScreenSizeIndex].height;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.resolutionIndex = ScreenSizeIndex;
public static void ResetGameRenderTexture()
// keep 16:9 aspect ratio
int width = Screen.width;
int height = Screen.height;
if (width / 16f > height / 9f)
width = (int)(height / 9f * 16f);
height = (int)(width / 16f * 9f);
GameRenderTexture.width = width;
GameRenderTexture.height = height;
OverlayRenderTexture.width = (int)(width * 1.5f);
OverlayRenderTexture.height = (int)(height * 1.5f);
public static void ChangeMasterVolume(float value)
MasterVolume = value;
AudioListener.volume = MasterVolume;
public static void ChangeAudioSettings(int dspSize, int sampleRate)
// don't reset audio if no changes are done
AudioConfiguration config = AudioSettings.GetConfiguration();
if (dspSize == config.dspBufferSize && sampleRate == config.sampleRate) return;
currentDspSize = dspSize;
currentSampleRate = sampleRate;
config.dspBufferSize = currentDspSize;
config.sampleRate = currentSampleRate;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.dspSize = currentDspSize;
PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.sampleRate = currentSampleRate;
public static void UpdateDiscordStatus(string details, bool editor = false, bool updateTime = false)
if (discordDuringTesting || !Application.isEditor)
if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.discordRPCEnable)
DiscordRPC.DiscordRPC.UpdateActivity(editor ? "In Editor " : "Playing ", details, updateTime);
Debug.Log("Discord status updated");
void OnApplicationQuit()
Debug.Log("Disconnecting JoyShocks...");