using UnityEngine; public class RenderReplacementShaderToTexture : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] bool deleteChildren = true; [SerializeField] Shader replacementShader; [SerializeField] RenderTextureFormat renderTextureFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; [SerializeField] FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point; [SerializeField] int renderTextureDepth = 24; [SerializeField] CameraClearFlags cameraClearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color; [SerializeField] Color background =; [SerializeField] string targetTexture = "_RenderTexture"; private RenderTexture renderTexture; private new Camera camera; private void Start() { if (deleteChildren) { foreach (Transform t in transform) { DestroyImmediate(t.gameObject); } } Camera thisCamera = GetComponent(); // Create a render texture matching the main camera's current dimensions. renderTexture = new RenderTexture(thisCamera.pixelWidth, thisCamera.pixelHeight, renderTextureDepth, renderTextureFormat); renderTexture.filterMode = filterMode; // Surface the render texture as a global variable, available to all shaders. Shader.SetGlobalTexture(targetTexture, renderTexture); // Setup a copy of the camera to render the scene using the normals shader. GameObject copy = new GameObject("Camera" + targetTexture); camera = copy.AddComponent(); camera.CopyFrom(thisCamera); camera.transform.SetParent(transform); camera.targetTexture = renderTexture; camera.SetReplacementShader(replacementShader, "RenderType"); camera.depth = thisCamera.depth - 1; camera.clearFlags = cameraClearFlags; camera.backgroundColor = background; } }