using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Timeline; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; using Jukebox; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Networking; using HeavenStudio.Games; using HeavenStudio.InputSystem; namespace HeavenStudio { [RequireComponent(typeof(PlayableDirector), typeof(AudioSource))] public class JudgementManager : MonoBehaviour { enum Rank { Ng = 0, Ok = 1, Hi = 2 } public enum InputCategory : int { Normal = 0, Keep = 1, Aim = 2, Repeat = 3 // higher values are (will be) custom categories } [Serializable] public struct MedalInfo { public double beat; public string name; public double score; public bool cleared; } [Serializable] public struct InputInfo { public double beat; public double accuracyState; public double timeOffset; public float weight; public int category; } [Serializable] public struct JudgementInfo { public List inputs; public List medals; public double finalScore; public bool star, perfect; public DateTime time; } const string MessageAdd = "Also... "; static JudgementInfo judgementInfo; static RiqBeatmap playedBeatmap; public static void SetPlayInfo(JudgementInfo info, RiqBeatmap beatmap) { judgementInfo = info; playedBeatmap = beatmap; } [Header("Bar parameters")] [SerializeField] float barDuration; [SerializeField] float barRankWait; [SerializeField] float rankMusWait; [SerializeField] Color barColourNg, barColourOk, barColourHi; [SerializeField] Color numColourNg, numColourOk, numColourHi; [Header("Audio clips")] [SerializeField] AudioClip messageMid; [SerializeField] AudioClip messageLast; [SerializeField] AudioClip barLoop, barStop; [SerializeField] AudioClip rankNg, rankOk, rankHi; [SerializeField] AudioClip musNgStart, musOkStart, musHiStart; [SerializeField] AudioClip musNg, musOk, musHi; [SerializeField] AudioClip jglNg, jglOk, jglHi; [Header("References")] [SerializeField] TMP_Text header; [SerializeField] TMP_Text message0; [SerializeField] TMP_Text message1; [SerializeField] TMP_Text message2; [SerializeField] TMP_Text barText; [SerializeField] Slider barSlider; [SerializeField] TMP_Text epilogueMessage; [SerializeField] Image epilogueImage; [SerializeField] AspectRatioFitter epilogueFitter; [SerializeField] Sprite epilogueNg, epilogueOk, epilogueHi; [SerializeField] GameObject bg; [SerializeField] GameObject rankLogo; [SerializeField] TMP_Text justOk; [SerializeField] Animator rankAnim; [SerializeField] ParticleSystem okParticles1, okParticles2; [SerializeField] CanvasScaler scaler; [SerializeField] Animator canvasAnim; AudioSource audioSource; List usedCategories; float[] categoryInputs; double[] categoryScores; string msg0, msg1, msg2; float barTime = 0, barStartTime = float.MaxValue; Rank rank; bool twoMessage = false, barStarted = false, didRank = false, didEpilogue = false, subRank = false; public void PrepareJudgement() { bg.SetActive(false); rankLogo.SetActive(false); justOk.gameObject.SetActive(false); subRank = false; barText.text = "0"; barSlider.value = 0; barText.color = numColourNg; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourNg; string propSuffix = "ng"; if (judgementInfo.finalScore < Minigame.rankOkThreshold) { rank = Rank.Ng; propSuffix = "ng"; } else if (judgementInfo.finalScore < Minigame.rankHiThreshold) { rank = Rank.Ok; propSuffix = "ok"; } else { rank = Rank.Hi; propSuffix = "hi"; } GetCategoryInfo(); int firstCat = 0, secondCat = 0; double lastScore = 0; if (usedCategories.Count == 1) { twoMessage = false; if (playedBeatmap != null) { msg0 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcommon_{propSuffix}"]; } else { msg0 = rank switch { Rank.Ng => "Try harder next time.", Rank.Ok => "Eh. Passable.", _ => "Good rhythm.", }; } } else { switch (rank) { case Rank.Ok: // check if any category has a hi score foreach (int cat in usedCategories) { if (categoryScores[cat] > lastScore) { lastScore = categoryScores[cat]; firstCat = cat; } } SetOkMessages(firstCat, lastScore); break; case Rank.Ng: // find the first and second worst categories firstCat = -1; secondCat = -1; lastScore = double.MaxValue; foreach (int cat in usedCategories) { if (categoryScores[cat] < lastScore) { lastScore = categoryScores[cat]; firstCat = cat; } } lastScore = double.MaxValue; foreach (int cat in usedCategories) { if (cat == firstCat) continue; if (categoryScores[cat] < lastScore) { lastScore = categoryScores[cat]; secondCat = cat; } } // only show one message if only one category fails twoMessage = categoryScores[secondCat] < Minigame.rankOkThreshold; if (playedBeatmap != null) { msg0 = msg1 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcat{firstCat}_ng"]; msg2 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcat{secondCat}_ng"]; } else { msg0 = msg1 = "Try harder next time."; msg2 = "Try harder next time."; } break; case Rank.Hi: // find the first and second best categories firstCat = -1; secondCat = -1; lastScore = 0; foreach (int cat in usedCategories) { if (categoryScores[cat] > lastScore) { lastScore = categoryScores[cat]; firstCat = cat; } } lastScore = 0; foreach (int cat in usedCategories) { if (cat == firstCat) continue; if (categoryScores[cat] > lastScore) { lastScore = categoryScores[cat]; secondCat = cat; } } // only show one message if only one category passes twoMessage = categoryScores[secondCat] >= Minigame.rankHiThreshold; if (playedBeatmap != null) { msg0 = msg1 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcat{firstCat}_hi"]; msg2 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcat{secondCat}_hi"]; } else { msg0 = msg1 = "Good rhythm."; msg2 = "Good rhythm."; } break; } } header.text = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["resultcaption"] : "Rhythm League Notes"; if (twoMessage) { message0.gameObject.SetActive(false); message1.gameObject.SetActive(true); message2.gameObject.SetActive(true); message1.text = " "; message2.text = " "; } else { message0.gameObject.SetActive(true); message1.gameObject.SetActive(false); message2.gameObject.SetActive(false); message0.text = " "; } string imagePath; string imageName; EntityTypes.Resource? imageResource; if (rank == Rank.Ng) { imageResource = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["epilogue_ng_res"] : null; } else if (rank == Rank.Ok) { imageResource = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["epilogue_ok_res"] : null; } else { imageResource = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["epilogue_hi_res"] : null; } if (imageResource != null) { imagePath = imageResource.Value.path; imageName =; try { string fsPath = RiqFileHandler.GetResourcePath(imageName, imagePath); // fetch the image using UnityWebRequest StartCoroutine(LoadImage(fsPath)); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { Debug.Log("image resource doesn't exist, using blank placeholder"); epilogueImage.sprite = rank switch { Rank.Ok => epilogueOk, Rank.Hi => epilogueHi, _ => epilogueNg }; epilogueFitter.aspectRatio = 16f / 9f; } } } void SetOkMessages(int cat, double score) { twoMessage = false; if (score >= Minigame.rankHiThreshold) { // just OK subRank = true; if (playedBeatmap != null) { msg0 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcat{cat}_hi"]; } else { msg0 = "Good rhythm."; } } else { if (playedBeatmap != null) { msg0 = playedBeatmap[$"resultcommon_ok"]; } else { msg0 = "Eh. Passable."; } } } void GetCategoryInfo() { int maxCat = 0; usedCategories = new(); if (playedBeatmap == null || == 0) { usedCategories.Add(0); return; } foreach (var section in { int cat = section["category"]; if (!usedCategories.Contains(cat)) { usedCategories.Add(cat); maxCat = Mathf.Max(maxCat, cat); } } usedCategories.Sort(); categoryInputs = new float[maxCat + 1]; categoryScores = new double[maxCat + 1]; foreach (var input in judgementInfo.inputs) { categoryInputs[input.category] += input.weight; categoryScores[input.category] += input.accuracyState * input.weight; } for (int i = 0; i < categoryScores.Length; i++) { if (categoryInputs[i] > 0) { categoryScores[i] /= categoryInputs[i]; } } } IEnumerator LoadImage(string path) { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture("file://" + path); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); if (www.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.ConnectionError) { Debug.Log(www.error); epilogueImage.sprite = rank switch { Rank.Ok => epilogueOk, Rank.Hi => epilogueHi, _ => epilogueNg }; epilogueFitter.aspectRatio = 16f / 9f; } else { Texture2D texture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www); epilogueImage.sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); epilogueImage.preserveAspect = true; epilogueFitter.aspectRatio = (float)texture.width / (float)texture.height; } } public void ShowMessage0() { if (twoMessage) return; audioSource.PlayOneShot(messageLast); message0.text = msg0; } public void ShowMessage1() { if (!twoMessage) return; audioSource.PlayOneShot(messageMid); // message1.text = "message line 1"; message1.text = msg1; } public void ShowMessage2() { if (!twoMessage) return; audioSource.PlayOneShot(messageLast); // message2.text = "message line 2"; message2.text = MessageAdd + msg2; } public void StartBar() { audioSource.clip = barLoop; audioSource.Play(); barStartTime = Time.time; barTime = (float)judgementInfo.finalScore * barDuration; barStarted = true; } public void ShowRank() { rankLogo.SetActive(true); // bg.SetActive(true); if (rank == Rank.Ng) { rankAnim.Play("Ng"); audioSource.PlayOneShot(rankNg); } else if (rank == Rank.Ok) { rankAnim.Play("Ok"); if (subRank) { justOk.gameObject.SetActive(true); justOk.text = "...but, just"; } audioSource.PlayOneShot(rankOk); } else { rankAnim.Play("Hi"); audioSource.PlayOneShot(rankHi); } } public void StartRankMusic() { if (rank == Rank.Ng) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(musNgStart); audioSource.clip = musNg; audioSource.loop = true; audioSource.PlayScheduled(AudioSettings.dspTime + musNgStart.length); } else if (rank == Rank.Ok) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(musOkStart); audioSource.clip = musOk; audioSource.loop = true; audioSource.PlayScheduled(AudioSettings.dspTime + musOkStart.length); } else { audioSource.PlayOneShot(musHiStart); audioSource.clip = musHi; audioSource.loop = true; audioSource.PlayScheduled(AudioSettings.dspTime + musHiStart.length); } didRank = true; } private void Start() { audioSource = GetComponent(); } private IEnumerator WaitAndRank() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(barRankWait); ShowRank(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(rankMusWait); StartRankMusic(); } private void Update() { float w = Screen.width / 1920f; float h = Screen.height / 1080f; scaler.scaleFactor = Mathf.Min(w, h); InputController currentController = PlayerInput.GetInputController(1); if (currentController.GetLastButtonDown() > 0) { if (didRank && !didEpilogue) { // start the sequence for epilogue okParticles1.Stop(); okParticles2.Stop(); canvasAnim.Play("EpilogueOpen"); audioSource.Stop(); if (rank == Rank.Ng) { epilogueMessage.text = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["epilogue_ng"] : "Try Again picture"; audioSource.PlayOneShot(jglNg); } else if (rank == Rank.Ok) { epilogueMessage.text = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["epilogue_ok"] : "OK picture"; audioSource.PlayOneShot(jglOk); } else { epilogueMessage.text = playedBeatmap != null ? playedBeatmap["epilogue_hi"] : "Superb picture"; audioSource.PlayOneShot(jglHi); } didEpilogue = true; } else if (didEpilogue) { audioSource.Stop(); RiqFileHandler.ClearCache(); GlobalGameManager.LoadScene("Title", 0.35f, 0.5f); } else if (barStarted) { barTime = Time.time - barStartTime; } } if (barStarted) { float t = Time.time - barStartTime; if (t >= barTime) { barStarted = false; audioSource.Stop(); audioSource.PlayOneShot(barStop); barText.text = ((int)(judgementInfo.finalScore * 100)).ToString(); barSlider.value = (float)judgementInfo.finalScore; if (rank == Rank.Ng) { barText.color = numColourNg; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourNg; } else if (rank == Rank.Ok) { barText.color = numColourOk; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourOk; } else { barText.color = numColourHi; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourHi; } StartCoroutine(WaitAndRank()); } else { float v = t / barTime * (float)judgementInfo.finalScore; barText.text = ((int)(v * 100)).ToString(); barSlider.value = v; if (v < Minigame.rankOkThreshold) { barText.color = numColourNg; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourNg; } else if (v < Minigame.rankHiThreshold) { barText.color = numColourOk; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourOk; } else { barText.color = numColourHi; barSlider.fillRect.GetComponent().color = barColourHi; } } } } } }