using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using HeavenStudio.Util; namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_DoubleDate { public class Football : SuperCurveObject { private DoubleDate game; private SuperCurveObject.Path path; private double pathStartBeat = double.MinValue; private Conductor conductor; private GameObject shadow; void Awake() { game = DoubleDate.instance; conductor = Conductor.instance; } void Update() { double beat = conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble; double height = 0f; if (pathStartBeat > double.MinValue) { Vector3 pos = GetPathPositionFromBeat(path, Math.Max(beat, pathStartBeat), out height, pathStartBeat); transform.position = pos; float rot = GetPathValue("rot"); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z - (rot * Time.deltaTime * (1f/conductor.pitchedSecPerBeat))); } shadow.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, (float) Math.Min(transform.position.y - height, game.floorHeight), transform.position.z); shadow.transform.localScale = * Mathf.Clamp(((transform.position.y) - game.shadowDepthScaleMin) / (game.shadowDepthScaleMax - game.shadowDepthScaleMin), 0f, 1f); } public void Init(double beat) { game.ScheduleInput(beat, 1.5f, InputType.STANDARD_DOWN, Just, Miss, Empty); path = game.GetPath("FootBallInNoHit"); // there's a second path for footballs that hit the weasels, use that if the weasels haven't been hit recently UpdateLastRealPos(); pathStartBeat = beat - 1f; Vector3 pos = GetPathPositionFromBeat(path, pathStartBeat, pathStartBeat); transform.position = pos; gameObject.SetActive(true); shadow = game.MakeDropShadow(); shadow.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, Mathf.Min(game.floorHeight, transform.position.y - offset.y), transform.position.z); shadow.SetActive(true); } void Just(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) { if (state >= 1f || state <= -1f) { UpdateLastRealPos(); pathStartBeat = conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble; path = game.GetPath("FootBallNg" + (state > 0 ? "Late" : "Early")); SoundByte.PlayOneShot("miss"); game.Kick(false); GetComponent().sortingOrder = 8; BeatAction.New(this, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble + 4f, delegate { Destroy(gameObject); }), }); return; } Hit(); BeatAction.New(this, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble + 1f, delegate { shadow.SetActive(false); GetComponent().sortingOrder = -5; transform.localScale *= 0.25f; path = game.GetPath("FootBallFall"); UpdateLastRealPos(); pathStartBeat = conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble + 1f; }), new BeatAction.Action(conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble + 12f, delegate { Destroy(gameObject); }), }); } void Hit() { UpdateLastRealPos(); pathStartBeat = conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble; path = game.GetPath("FootBallJust"); game.Kick(true, true, jump: true); SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("doubleDate/footballKick"); } void Miss(PlayerActionEvent caller) { if (conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble > game.lastHitWeasel + 2.25f) { path = game.GetPath("FootBallIn"); float impact = GetPointTimeByTag(path, "impact"); if (impact > 0) { GetComponent().sortingOrder = 8; SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("doubleDate/weasel_hit", pathStartBeat + impact); SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("doubleDate/weasel_scream", pathStartBeat + impact); game.MissKick(pathStartBeat + impact, true); } } BeatAction.New(this, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble + 5f, delegate { Destroy(gameObject); }), }); } void Empty(PlayerActionEvent caller) { } private void OnDestroy() { if (shadow != null) { Destroy(shadow); } } } }