using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Rellac.Windows { /// /// Script to handle expanding and restoring a window to/from screen size /// public class GUIWindowExpander : GUIPointerObject { private const float MaxTimeForDoubleClick = 0.5f; /// /// Window to apply expand effect to /// [Tooltip("")] [SerializeField] private RectTransform parentWindow = null; /// /// Expander is locked and unusable /// [Tooltip("")] [SerializeField] private bool isLocked = false; /// /// Allows you to double click this target image to minimise/maximise /// [Tooltip("Allows you to double click this target image to minimise/maximise")] [SerializeField] private bool doubleClick = true; /// /// Fires when window starts restoring to a smaller size /// public UnityEvent onMinimised = null; /// /// Fires when window starts expanding /// public UnityEvent onMaximised = null; private bool isMaximised = false; private bool doAction = false; private Vector2 initialPosition; private Vector2 initialMinAnchor; private Vector2 initialMaxAnchor; private Vector2 initialSize; private Vector2 initialPivot = * -1; private Vector2 targetPosition; private Vector2 targetSize; private int numClicks; void Start() { onPointerDown.AddListener(parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling); onPointerDown.AddListener(TryDoubleClick); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (doAction) { // Lerp to position & size parentWindow.sizeDelta = Vector2.MoveTowards(parentWindow.sizeDelta, targetSize, Time.deltaTime * 10000); parentWindow.anchoredPosition = Vector2.MoveTowards(parentWindow.anchoredPosition, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime * 5000); // reached target if (parentWindow.sizeDelta == targetSize && parentWindow.anchoredPosition == targetPosition) { doAction = false; if (isMaximised) { // set to a full stretched rect parentWindow.anchorMin =; parentWindow.anchorMax =; parentWindow.sizeDelta =; parentWindow.anchoredPosition =; if (onMaximised != null) { onMaximised.Invoke(); } } else { // just invoke the event for a minimised window if (onMinimised != null) { onMinimised.Invoke(); } } } } } /// /// Toggle interactivity of expander /// /// is interactive public void SetIsLocked(bool input) { isLocked = input; parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling(); } /// /// Set window to fill screen /// public void MaximiseWindow() { if (isLocked) return; initialPosition = parentWindow.anchoredPosition; initialMinAnchor = parentWindow.anchorMin; initialMaxAnchor = parentWindow.anchorMax; initialSize = parentWindow.sizeDelta; initialPivot = parentWindow.pivot; parentWindow.SetPivot( * 0.5f); targetPosition =; targetSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height); isMaximised = true; doAction = true; parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling(); } /// /// Set window to small size /// public void MinimiseWindow() { if (isLocked) return; parentWindow.anchorMin = initialMinAnchor; parentWindow.anchorMax = initialMaxAnchor; parentWindow.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height); if (initialPivot != * -1) { parentWindow.SetPivot(initialPivot); } targetPosition = initialPosition; targetSize = initialSize; isMaximised = false; doAction = true; parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling(); } /// /// Do a click for attempting to expand by double click /// public void TryDoubleClick() { parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling(); if (isLocked || !doubleClick) return; numClicks++; if (numClicks == 1) { Invoke("ResetDoubleClick", MaxTimeForDoubleClick); } else if (numClicks >= 2) { Invoke("Swap", 0.1f); // wait in case we're interrupting a mover } } /// /// Swap between minimised and maximised /// public void Swap() { if (isMaximised) { MinimiseWindow(); } else { MaximiseWindow(); } } private void ResetDoubleClick() { numClicks = 0; } } }