using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace NaughtyBezierCurves { public class BezierCurve3D : MonoBehaviour { // Serializable Fields [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The color used to render the curve")] private Color curveColor =; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The color used to render the start point of the curve")] private Color startPointColor =; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The color used to render the end point of the curve")] private Color endPointColor =; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The number of segments that the curve has. Affects calculations and performance")] private int sampling = 25; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private List keyPoints = new List(); [SerializeField] [Range(0f, 1f)] float normalizedTime = 0.5f; // Properties public int Sampling { get { return this.sampling; } set { this.sampling = value; } } public List KeyPoints { get { return this.keyPoints; } } public int KeyPointsCount { get { return this.KeyPoints.Count; } } // Public Methods /// /// Adds a key point at the end of the curve /// /// The new key point public BezierPoint3D AddKeyPoint() { return this.AddKeyPointAt(this.KeyPointsCount); } /// /// Add a key point at a specified index /// /// The index at which the key point will be added /// The new key point public BezierPoint3D AddKeyPointAt(int index) { BezierPoint3D newPoint = new GameObject("Point " + this.KeyPoints.Count, typeof(BezierPoint3D)).GetComponent(); newPoint.Curve = this; newPoint.transform.parent = this.transform; newPoint.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; if (this.KeyPointsCount == 0 || this.KeyPointsCount == 1) { newPoint.LocalPosition =; } else { if (index == 0) { newPoint.Position = (this.KeyPoints[0].Position - this.KeyPoints[1].Position).normalized + this.KeyPoints[0].Position; } else if (index == this.KeyPointsCount) { newPoint.Position = (this.KeyPoints[index - 1].Position - this.KeyPoints[index - 2].Position).normalized + this.KeyPoints[index - 1].Position; } else { newPoint.Position = BezierCurve3D.GetPointOnCubicCurve(0.5f, this.KeyPoints[index - 1], this.KeyPoints[index]); } } this.KeyPoints.Insert(index, newPoint); return newPoint; } /// /// Removes a key point at a specified index /// /// The index of the key point that will be removed /// true - if the point was removed, false - otherwise public bool RemoveKeyPointAt(int index) { if (this.KeyPointsCount < 2) { return false; } var point = this.KeyPoints[index]; this.KeyPoints.RemoveAt(index); Destroy(point.gameObject); return true; } /// /// Evaluates a position along the curve at a specified normalized time [0, 1] /// /// The normalized length at which we want to get a position [0, 1] /// The evaluated Vector3 position public Vector3 GetPoint(float time) { // The evaluated points is between these two points BezierPoint3D startPoint; BezierPoint3D endPoint; float timeRelativeToSegment; this.GetCubicSegment(time, out startPoint, out endPoint, out timeRelativeToSegment); return BezierCurve3D.GetPointOnCubicCurve(timeRelativeToSegment, startPoint, endPoint); } public Quaternion GetRotation(float time, Vector3 up) { BezierPoint3D startPoint; BezierPoint3D endPoint; float timeRelativeToSegment; this.GetCubicSegment(time, out startPoint, out endPoint, out timeRelativeToSegment); return BezierCurve3D.GetRotationOnCubicCurve(timeRelativeToSegment, up, startPoint, endPoint); } public Vector3 GetTangent(float time) { BezierPoint3D startPoint; BezierPoint3D endPoint; float timeRelativeToSegment; this.GetCubicSegment(time, out startPoint, out endPoint, out timeRelativeToSegment); return BezierCurve3D.GetTangentOnCubicCurve(timeRelativeToSegment, startPoint, endPoint); } public Vector3 GetBinormal(float time, Vector3 up) { BezierPoint3D startPoint; BezierPoint3D endPoint; float timeRelativeToSegment; this.GetCubicSegment(time, out startPoint, out endPoint, out timeRelativeToSegment); return BezierCurve3D.GetBinormalOnCubicCurve(timeRelativeToSegment, up, startPoint, endPoint); } public Vector3 GetNormal(float time, Vector3 up) { BezierPoint3D startPoint; BezierPoint3D endPoint; float timeRelativeToSegment; this.GetCubicSegment(time, out startPoint, out endPoint, out timeRelativeToSegment); return BezierCurve3D.GetNormalOnCubicCurve(timeRelativeToSegment, up, startPoint, endPoint); } public float GetApproximateLength() { float length = 0; int subCurveSampling = (this.Sampling / (this.KeyPointsCount - 1)) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < this.KeyPointsCount - 1; i++) { length += BezierCurve3D.GetApproximateLengthOfCubicCurve(this.KeyPoints[i], this.KeyPoints[i + 1], subCurveSampling); } return length; } public void GetCubicSegment(float time, out BezierPoint3D startPoint, out BezierPoint3D endPoint, out float timeRelativeToSegment) { startPoint = null; endPoint = null; timeRelativeToSegment = 0f; float subCurvePercent = 0f; float totalPercent = 0f; float approximateLength = this.GetApproximateLength(); int subCurveSampling = (this.Sampling / (this.KeyPointsCount - 1)) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < this.KeyPointsCount - 1; i++) { subCurvePercent = BezierCurve3D.GetApproximateLengthOfCubicCurve(this.KeyPoints[i], this.KeyPoints[i + 1], subCurveSampling) / approximateLength; if (subCurvePercent + totalPercent > time) { startPoint = this.KeyPoints[i]; endPoint = this.KeyPoints[i + 1]; break; } totalPercent += subCurvePercent; } if (endPoint == null) { // If the evaluated point is very near to the end of the curve we are in the last segment startPoint = this.KeyPoints[this.KeyPointsCount - 2]; endPoint = this.KeyPoints[this.KeyPointsCount - 1]; // We remove the percentage of the last sub-curve totalPercent -= subCurvePercent; } timeRelativeToSegment = (time - totalPercent) / subCurvePercent; } public static Vector3 GetPointOnCubicCurve(float time, BezierPoint3D startPoint, BezierPoint3D endPoint) { return GetPointOnCubicCurve(time, startPoint.Position, endPoint.Position, startPoint.RightHandlePosition, endPoint.LeftHandlePosition); } public static Vector3 GetPointOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, Vector3 startTangent, Vector3 endTangent) { float t = time; float u = 1f - t; float t2 = t * t; float u2 = u * u; float u3 = u2 * u; float t3 = t2 * t; Vector3 result = (u3) * startPosition + (3f * u2 * t) * startTangent + (3f * u * t2) * endTangent + (t3) * endPosition; return result; } public static Quaternion GetRotationOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 up, BezierPoint3D startPoint, BezierPoint3D endPoint) { return GetRotationOnCubicCurve(time, up, startPoint.Position, endPoint.Position, startPoint.RightHandlePosition, endPoint.LeftHandlePosition); } public static Quaternion GetRotationOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 up, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, Vector3 startTangent, Vector3 endTangent) { Vector3 tangent = GetTangentOnCubicCurve(time, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); Vector3 normal = GetNormalOnCubicCurve(time, up, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); return Quaternion.LookRotation(tangent, normal); } public static Vector3 GetTangentOnCubicCurve(float time, BezierPoint3D startPoint, BezierPoint3D endPoint) { return GetTangentOnCubicCurve(time, startPoint.Position, endPoint.Position, startPoint.RightHandlePosition, endPoint.LeftHandlePosition); } public static Vector3 GetTangentOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, Vector3 startTangent, Vector3 endTangent) { float t = time; float u = 1f - t; float u2 = u * u; float t2 = t * t; Vector3 tangent = (-u2) * startPosition + (u * (u - 2f * t)) * startTangent - (t * (t - 2f * u)) * endTangent + (t2) * endPosition; return tangent.normalized; } public static Vector3 GetBinormalOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 up, BezierPoint3D startPoint, BezierPoint3D endPoint) { return GetBinormalOnCubicCurve(time, up, startPoint.Position, endPoint.Position, startPoint.RightHandlePosition, endPoint.LeftHandlePosition); } public static Vector3 GetBinormalOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 up, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, Vector3 startTangent, Vector3 endTangent) { Vector3 tangent = GetTangentOnCubicCurve(time, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Cross(up, tangent); return binormal.normalized; } public static Vector3 GetNormalOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 up, BezierPoint3D startPoint, BezierPoint3D endPoint) { return GetNormalOnCubicCurve(time, up, startPoint.Position, endPoint.Position, startPoint.RightHandlePosition, endPoint.LeftHandlePosition); } public static Vector3 GetNormalOnCubicCurve(float time, Vector3 up, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, Vector3 startTangent, Vector3 endTangent) { Vector3 tangent = GetTangentOnCubicCurve(time, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); Vector3 binormal = GetBinormalOnCubicCurve(time, up, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(tangent, binormal); return normal.normalized; } public static float GetApproximateLengthOfCubicCurve(BezierPoint3D startPoint, BezierPoint3D endPoint, int sampling) { return GetApproximateLengthOfCubicCurve(startPoint.Position, endPoint.Position, startPoint.RightHandlePosition, endPoint.LeftHandlePosition, sampling); } public static float GetApproximateLengthOfCubicCurve(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, Vector3 startTangent, Vector3 endTangent, int sampling) { float length = 0f; Vector3 fromPoint = GetPointOnCubicCurve(0f, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); for (int i = 0; i < sampling; i++) { float time = (i + 1) / (float)sampling; Vector3 toPoint = GetPointOnCubicCurve(time, startPosition, endPosition, startTangent, endTangent); length += Vector3.Distance(fromPoint, toPoint); fromPoint = toPoint; } return length; } // Protected Methods protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos() { if (this.KeyPointsCount > 1) { // Draw the curve Vector3 fromPoint = this.GetPoint(0f); for (int i = 0; i < this.Sampling; i++) { float time = (i + 1) / (float)this.Sampling; Vector3 toPoint = this.GetPoint(time); // Draw segment Gizmos.color = this.curveColor; Gizmos.DrawLine(fromPoint, toPoint); fromPoint = toPoint; } // Draw the start and the end of the curve indicators Gizmos.color = this.startPointColor; Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.KeyPoints[0].Position, 0.05f); Gizmos.color = this.endPointColor; Gizmos.DrawSphere(this.KeyPoints[this.KeyPointsCount - 1].Position, 0.05f); // Draw the point at the normalized time Vector3 point = this.GetPoint(this.normalizedTime); Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawSphere(point, 0.025f); Vector3 tangent = this.GetTangent(this.normalizedTime); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(point, point + tangent / 2f); Vector3 binormal = this.GetBinormal(this.normalizedTime, Vector3.up); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(point, point + binormal / 2f); Vector3 normal = this.GetNormal(this.normalizedTime, Vector3.up); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(point, point + normal / 2f); } } } }