/* * Created by C.J. Kimberlin * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * * TERMS OF USE - EASING EQUATIONS * Open source under the BSD License. * Copyright (c)2001 Robert Penner * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * ============= Description ============= * * Below is an example of how to use the easing functions in the file. There is a getting function that will return the function * from an enum. This is useful since the enum can be exposed in the editor and then the function queried during Start(). * * EasingFunction.Ease ease = EasingFunction.Ease.EaseInOutQuad; * EasingFunction.EasingFunc func = GetEasingFunction(ease; * * float value = func(0, 10, 0.67f); * * EasingFunction.EaseingFunc derivativeFunc = GetEasingFunctionDerivative(ease); * * float derivativeValue = derivativeFunc(0, 10, 0.67f); */ using UnityEngine; namespace RhythmHeavenMania.Util { public static class EasingFunction { public enum Ease { Linear = 0, Instant, EaseInQuad, EaseOutQuad, EaseInOutQuad, EaseInCubic, EaseOutCubic, EaseInOutCubic, EaseInQuart, EaseOutQuart, EaseInOutQuart, EaseInQuint, EaseOutQuint, EaseInOutQuint, EaseInSine, EaseOutSine, EaseInOutSine, EaseInExpo, EaseOutExpo, EaseInOutExpo, EaseInCirc, EaseOutCirc, EaseInOutCirc, EaseInBounce, EaseOutBounce, EaseInOutBounce, EaseInBack, EaseOutBack, EaseInOutBack, EaseInElastic, EaseOutElastic, EaseInOutElastic, Spring, } private const float NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 = 0.693147181f; // // Easing functions // public static float Linear(float start, float end, float value) { return Mathf.Lerp(start, end, value); } public static float Instant(float start, float end, float value) { return Mathf.Lerp(end, end, value); } public static float Spring(float start, float end, float value) { value = Mathf.Clamp01(value); value = (Mathf.Sin(value * Mathf.PI * (0.2f + 2.5f * value * value * value)) * Mathf.Pow(1f - value, 2.2f) + value) * (1f + (1.2f * (1f - value))); return start + (end - start) * value; } public static float EaseInQuad(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * value * value + start; } public static float EaseOutQuad(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return -end * value * (value - 2) + start; } public static float EaseInOutQuad(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) return end * 0.5f * value * value + start; value--; return -end * 0.5f * (value * (value - 2) - 1) + start; } public static float EaseInCubic(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * value * value * value + start; } public static float EaseOutCubic(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return end * (value * value * value + 1) + start; } public static float EaseInOutCubic(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) return end * 0.5f * value * value * value + start; value -= 2; return end * 0.5f * (value * value * value + 2) + start; } public static float EaseInQuart(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * value * value * value * value + start; } public static float EaseOutQuart(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return -end * (value * value * value * value - 1) + start; } public static float EaseInOutQuart(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) return end * 0.5f * value * value * value * value + start; value -= 2; return -end * 0.5f * (value * value * value * value - 2) + start; } public static float EaseInQuint(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * value * value * value * value * value + start; } public static float EaseOutQuint(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return end * (value * value * value * value * value + 1) + start; } public static float EaseInOutQuint(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) return end * 0.5f * value * value * value * value * value + start; value -= 2; return end * 0.5f * (value * value * value * value * value + 2) + start; } public static float EaseInSine(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return -end * Mathf.Cos(value * (Mathf.PI * 0.5f)) + end + start; } public static float EaseOutSine(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * Mathf.Sin(value * (Mathf.PI * 0.5f)) + start; } public static float EaseInOutSine(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return -end * 0.5f * (Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * value) - 1) + start; } public static float EaseInExpo(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (value - 1)) + start; } public static float EaseOutExpo(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * value) + 1) + start; } public static float EaseInOutExpo(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) return end * 0.5f * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (value - 1)) + start; value--; return end * 0.5f * (-Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * value) + 2) + start; } public static float EaseInCirc(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return -end * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - value * value) - 1) + start; } public static float EaseOutCirc(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return end * Mathf.Sqrt(1 - value * value) + start; } public static float EaseInOutCirc(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) return -end * 0.5f * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - value * value) - 1) + start; value -= 2; return end * 0.5f * (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - value * value) + 1) + start; } public static float EaseInBounce(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; return end - EaseOutBounce(0, end, d - value) + start; } public static float EaseOutBounce(float start, float end, float value) { value /= 1f; end -= start; if (value < (1 / 2.75f)) { return end * (7.5625f * value * value) + start; } else if (value < (2 / 2.75f)) { value -= (1.5f / 2.75f); return end * (7.5625f * (value) * value + .75f) + start; } else if (value < (2.5 / 2.75)) { value -= (2.25f / 2.75f); return end * (7.5625f * (value) * value + .9375f) + start; } else { value -= (2.625f / 2.75f); return end * (7.5625f * (value) * value + .984375f) + start; } } public static float EaseInOutBounce(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; if (value < d * 0.5f) return EaseInBounce(0, end, value * 2) * 0.5f + start; else return EaseOutBounce(0, end, value * 2 - d) * 0.5f + end * 0.5f + start; } public static float EaseInBack(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; value /= 1; float s = 1.70158f; return end * (value) * value * ((s + 1) * value - s) + start; } public static float EaseOutBack(float start, float end, float value) { float s = 1.70158f; end -= start; value = (value) - 1; return end * ((value) * value * ((s + 1) * value + s) + 1) + start; } public static float EaseInOutBack(float start, float end, float value) { float s = 1.70158f; end -= start; value /= .5f; if ((value) < 1) { s *= (1.525f); return end * 0.5f * (value * value * (((s) + 1) * value - s)) + start; } value -= 2; s *= (1.525f); return end * 0.5f * ((value) * value * (((s) + 1) * value + s) + 2) + start; } public static float EaseInElastic(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; float p = d * .3f; float s; float a = 0; if (value == 0) return start; if ((value /= d) == 1) return start + end; if (a == 0f || a < Mathf.Abs(end)) { a = end; s = p / 4; } else { s = p / (2 * Mathf.PI) * Mathf.Asin(end / a); } return -(a * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (value -= 1)) * Mathf.Sin((value * d - s) * (2 * Mathf.PI) / p)) + start; } public static float EaseOutElastic(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; float p = d * .3f; float s; float a = 0; if (value == 0) return start; if ((value /= d) == 1) return start + end; if (a == 0f || a < Mathf.Abs(end)) { a = end; s = p * 0.25f; } else { s = p / (2 * Mathf.PI) * Mathf.Asin(end / a); } return (a * Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * value) * Mathf.Sin((value * d - s) * (2 * Mathf.PI) / p) + end + start); } public static float EaseInOutElastic(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; float p = d * .3f; float s; float a = 0; if (value == 0) return start; if ((value /= d * 0.5f) == 2) return start + end; if (a == 0f || a < Mathf.Abs(end)) { a = end; s = p / 4; } else { s = p / (2 * Mathf.PI) * Mathf.Asin(end / a); } if (value < 1) return -0.5f * (a * Mathf.Pow(2, 10 * (value -= 1)) * Mathf.Sin((value * d - s) * (2 * Mathf.PI) / p)) + start; return a * Mathf.Pow(2, -10 * (value -= 1)) * Mathf.Sin((value * d - s) * (2 * Mathf.PI) / p) * 0.5f + end + start; } // // These are derived functions that the motor can use to get the speed at a specific time. // // The easing functions all work with a normalized time (0 to 1) and the returned value here // reflects that. Values returned here should be divided by the actual time. // // TODO: These functions have not had the testing they deserve. If there is odd behavior around // dash speeds then this would be the first place I'd look. public static float LinearD(float start, float end, float value) { return end - start; } public static float EaseInQuadD(float start, float end, float value) { return 2f * (end - start) * value; } public static float EaseOutQuadD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return -end * value - end * (value - 2); } public static float EaseInOutQuadD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) { return end * value; } value--; return end * (1 - value); } public static float EaseInCubicD(float start, float end, float value) { return 3f * (end - start) * value * value; } public static float EaseOutCubicD(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return 3f * end * value * value; } public static float EaseInOutCubicD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) { return (3f / 2f) * end * value * value; } value -= 2; return (3f / 2f) * end * value * value; } public static float EaseInQuartD(float start, float end, float value) { return 4f * (end - start) * value * value * value; } public static float EaseOutQuartD(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return -4f * end * value * value * value; } public static float EaseInOutQuartD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) { return 2f * end * value * value * value; } value -= 2; return -2f * end * value * value * value; } public static float EaseInQuintD(float start, float end, float value) { return 5f * (end - start) * value * value * value * value; } public static float EaseOutQuintD(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return 5f * end * value * value * value * value; } public static float EaseInOutQuintD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) { return (5f / 2f) * end * value * value * value * value; } value -= 2; return (5f / 2f) * end * value * value * value * value; } public static float EaseInSineD(float start, float end, float value) { return (end - start) * 0.5f * Mathf.PI * Mathf.Sin(0.5f * Mathf.PI * value); } public static float EaseOutSineD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return (Mathf.PI * 0.5f) * end * Mathf.Cos(value * (Mathf.PI * 0.5f)); } public static float EaseInOutSineD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return end * 0.5f * Mathf.PI * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * value); } public static float EaseInExpoD(float start, float end, float value) { return (10f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * (end - start) * Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * (value - 1))); } public static float EaseOutExpoD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; return 5f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * end * Mathf.Pow(2f, 1f - 10f * value); } public static float EaseInOutExpoD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) { return 5f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * end * Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * (value - 1)); } value--; return (5f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * end) / (Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * value)); } public static float EaseInCircD(float start, float end, float value) { return ((end - start) * value) / Mathf.Sqrt(1f - value * value); } public static float EaseOutCircD(float start, float end, float value) { value--; end -= start; return (-end * value) / Mathf.Sqrt(1f - value * value); } public static float EaseInOutCircD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= .5f; end -= start; if (value < 1) { return (end * value) / (2f * Mathf.Sqrt(1f - value * value)); } value -= 2; return (-end * value) / (2f * Mathf.Sqrt(1f - value * value)); } public static float EaseInBounceD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; return EaseOutBounceD(0, end, d - value); } public static float EaseOutBounceD(float start, float end, float value) { value /= 1f; end -= start; if (value < (1 / 2.75f)) { return 2f * end * 7.5625f * value; } else if (value < (2 / 2.75f)) { value -= (1.5f / 2.75f); return 2f * end * 7.5625f * value; } else if (value < (2.5 / 2.75)) { value -= (2.25f / 2.75f); return 2f * end * 7.5625f * value; } else { value -= (2.625f / 2.75f); return 2f * end * 7.5625f * value; } } public static float EaseInOutBounceD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; if (value < d * 0.5f) { return EaseInBounceD(0, end, value * 2) * 0.5f; } else { return EaseOutBounceD(0, end, value * 2 - d) * 0.5f; } } public static float EaseInBackD(float start, float end, float value) { float s = 1.70158f; return 3f * (s + 1f) * (end - start) * value * value - 2f * s * (end - start) * value; } public static float EaseOutBackD(float start, float end, float value) { float s = 1.70158f; end -= start; value = (value) - 1; return end * ((s + 1f) * value * value + 2f * value * ((s + 1f) * value + s)); } public static float EaseInOutBackD(float start, float end, float value) { float s = 1.70158f; end -= start; value /= .5f; if ((value) < 1) { s *= (1.525f); return 0.5f * end * (s + 1) * value * value + end * value * ((s + 1f) * value - s); } value -= 2; s *= (1.525f); return 0.5f * end * ((s + 1) * value * value + 2f * value * ((s + 1f) * value + s)); } public static float EaseInElasticD(float start, float end, float value) { return EaseOutElasticD(start, end, 1f - value); } public static float EaseOutElasticD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; float p = d * .3f; float s; float a = 0; if (a == 0f || a < Mathf.Abs(end)) { a = end; s = p * 0.25f; } else { s = p / (2 * Mathf.PI) * Mathf.Asin(end / a); } return (a * Mathf.PI * d * Mathf.Pow(2f, 1f - 10f * value) * Mathf.Cos((2f * Mathf.PI * (d * value - s)) / p)) / p - 5f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * a * Mathf.Pow(2f, 1f - 10f * value) * Mathf.Sin((2f * Mathf.PI * (d * value - s)) / p); } public static float EaseInOutElasticD(float start, float end, float value) { end -= start; float d = 1f; float p = d * .3f; float s; float a = 0; if (a == 0f || a < Mathf.Abs(end)) { a = end; s = p / 4; } else { s = p / (2 * Mathf.PI) * Mathf.Asin(end / a); } if (value < 1) { value -= 1; return -5f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * a * Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * value) * Mathf.Sin(2 * Mathf.PI * (d * value - 2f) / p) - a * Mathf.PI * d * Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * value) * Mathf.Cos(2 * Mathf.PI * (d * value - s) / p) / p; } value -= 1; return a * Mathf.PI * d * Mathf.Cos(2f * Mathf.PI * (d * value - s) / p) / (p * Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * value)) - 5f * NATURAL_LOG_OF_2 * a * Mathf.Sin(2f * Mathf.PI * (d * value - s) / p) / (Mathf.Pow(2f, 10f * value)); } public static float SpringD(float start, float end, float value) { value = Mathf.Clamp01(value); end -= start; // Damn... Thanks http://www.derivative-calculator.net/ // TODO: And it's a little bit wrong return end * (6f * (1f - value) / 5f + 1f) * (-2.2f * Mathf.Pow(1f - value, 1.2f) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * value * (2.5f * value * value * value + 0.2f)) + Mathf.Pow(1f - value, 2.2f) * (Mathf.PI * (2.5f * value * value * value + 0.2f) + 7.5f * Mathf.PI * value * value * value) * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * value * (2.5f * value * value * value + 0.2f)) + 1f) - 6f * end * (Mathf.Pow(1 - value, 2.2f) * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * value * (2.5f * value * value * value + 0.2f)) + value / 5f); } public delegate float Function(float s, float e, float v); /// /// Returns the function associated to the easingFunction enum. This value returned should be cached as it allocates memory /// to return. /// /// The enum associated with the easing function. /// The easing function public static Function GetEasingFunction(Ease easingFunction) { if (easingFunction == Ease.Instant) { return Instant; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInQuad) { return EaseInQuad; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutQuad) { return EaseOutQuad; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutQuad) { return EaseInOutQuad; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInCubic) { return EaseInCubic; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutCubic) { return EaseOutCubic; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutCubic) { return EaseInOutCubic; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInQuart) { return EaseInQuart; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutQuart) { return EaseOutQuart; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutQuart) { return EaseInOutQuart; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInQuint) { return EaseInQuint; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutQuint) { return EaseOutQuint; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutQuint) { return EaseInOutQuint; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInSine) { return EaseInSine; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutSine) { return EaseOutSine; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutSine) { return EaseInOutSine; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInExpo) { return EaseInExpo; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutExpo) { return EaseOutExpo; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutExpo) { return EaseInOutExpo; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInCirc) { return EaseInCirc; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutCirc) { return EaseOutCirc; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutCirc) { return EaseInOutCirc; } if (easingFunction == Ease.Linear) { return Linear; } if (easingFunction == Ease.Spring) { return Spring; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInBounce) { return EaseInBounce; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutBounce) { return EaseOutBounce; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutBounce) { return EaseInOutBounce; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInBack) { return EaseInBack; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutBack) { return EaseOutBack; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutBack) { return EaseInOutBack; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInElastic) { return EaseInElastic; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutElastic) { return EaseOutElastic; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutElastic) { return EaseInOutElastic; } return null; } /// /// Gets the derivative function of the appropriate easing function. If you use an easing function for position then this /// function can get you the speed at a given time (normalized). /// /// /// The derivative function public static Function GetEasingFunctionDerivative(Ease easingFunction) { if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInQuad) { return EaseInQuadD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutQuad) { return EaseOutQuadD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutQuad) { return EaseInOutQuadD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInCubic) { return EaseInCubicD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutCubic) { return EaseOutCubicD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutCubic) { return EaseInOutCubicD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInQuart) { return EaseInQuartD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutQuart) { return EaseOutQuartD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutQuart) { return EaseInOutQuartD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInQuint) { return EaseInQuintD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutQuint) { return EaseOutQuintD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutQuint) { return EaseInOutQuintD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInSine) { return EaseInSineD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutSine) { return EaseOutSineD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutSine) { return EaseInOutSineD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInExpo) { return EaseInExpoD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutExpo) { return EaseOutExpoD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutExpo) { return EaseInOutExpoD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInCirc) { return EaseInCircD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutCirc) { return EaseOutCircD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutCirc) { return EaseInOutCircD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.Linear) { return LinearD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.Spring) { return SpringD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInBounce) { return EaseInBounceD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutBounce) { return EaseOutBounceD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutBounce) { return EaseInOutBounceD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInBack) { return EaseInBackD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutBack) { return EaseOutBackD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutBack) { return EaseInOutBackD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInElastic) { return EaseInElasticD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseOutElastic) { return EaseOutElasticD; } if (easingFunction == Ease.EaseInOutElastic) { return EaseInOutElasticD; } return null; } } }