# Heaven Studio+ (WIP) A tool to create playable Rhythm Heaven custom remixes, with many customization options.
This is an **UNOFFICIAL** fork of Heaven Studio, made to incorporate a wider range of fangames.


[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ![image](https://github.com/RHeavenStudioPlus/HeavenStudioPlus/assets/43734252/c32ef9a3-2fd1-40df-b088-968950b2adab) ## Prebuilt Binaries There are currently no plans for stable or alpha releases. ### Nightly builds These builds include experimental new features that target future major releases. - [Windows](https://nightly.link/RHeavenStudioPlus/HeavenStudioPlus/workflows/build/main/StandaloneWindows64-build.zip) - [Linux](https://nightly.link/RHeavenStudioPlus/HeavenStudioPlus/workflows/build/main/StandaloneLinux64-build.zip) - [MacOS](https://nightly.link/RHeavenStudioPlus/HeavenStudioPlus/workflows/build/main/StandaloneOSX-build.zip) #### Important Notes: - On MacOS and Linux builds you may [experience bugs with audio-related tasks](https://github.com/RHeavenStudio/HeavenStudio/issues/72), but in most cases Heaven Studio+ works perfectly. ## Self-Building Heaven Studio+ is made in [Unity 2021.3.21](https://unity.com/releases/editor/whats-new/2021.3.21), and programmed with [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/). (Outdated) Build Instructions: [BUILD.md](https://github.com/RHeavenStudioPlus/HeavenStudioPlus/blob/master/BUILD.md) ## Other information Rhythm Heaven is the intellectual property of Nintendo. This program is NOT endorsed nor sponsored in any way by Nintendo. All used properties of Nintendo (such as names, audio, graphics, etc.) in this software are not intended to maliciously infringe trademark rights. All other trademarks and assets are property of their respective owners. This is a free community project available for others to use and contribute to, without charge. Source code is licensed under the MIT license.