//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // X-PostProcessing Library // https://github.com/QianMo/X-PostProcessing-Library // Copyright (C) 2020 QianMo. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shader "Hidden/X-PostProcessing/PixelizeLed" { SubShader { Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always Pass { HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex VertDefault #pragma fragment Frag #include "../../../Shaders/StdLib.hlsl" #include "../../../Shaders/XPostProcessing.hlsl" half4 _Params; half4 _BackgroundColor; #define _PixelSize _Params.x #define _PixelRatio _Params.y #define _LedRadius _Params.z float2 RectPixelizeUV(half2 uv) { float pixelScale = 1.0 / _PixelSize; //除以缩放系数,在向上取整,再乘以缩放系数,得到分段UV float2 coord = half2(pixelScale * floor(uv.x / (pixelScale)), (pixelScale * _PixelRatio ) * floor(uv.y / (pixelScale *_PixelRatio))); return coord; } float4 Frag(VaryingsDefault i) : SV_Target { // 实现矩形像素效果 float2 uv = RectPixelizeUV(i.texcoord); float4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MainTex, sampler_MainTex, uv); // 计算矩形像素坐标 half2 coord = i.texcoord * half2(_PixelSize, _PixelSize / _PixelRatio); // 横纵坐标强度渐变 half ledX = abs(sin(coord.x * 3.1415)) * 1.5; half ledY = abs(sin(coord.y * 3.1415)) * 1.5; // 求解LedValue half ledValue = ledX * ledY; // led半径校正 half radius = step(ledValue, _LedRadius); //最终颜色 = 基础led颜色 + 渐变led颜色 + 背景颜色 color = ((1 - radius) * color) + ((color * ledValue) * radius) + radius * (1- ledValue)* _BackgroundColor; return color; } ENDHLSL } } }