using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using HeavenStudio.InputSystem; using static JSL; namespace HeavenStudio { public class PlayerInput { //Clockwise public const int UP = 0; public const int RIGHT = 1; public const int DOWN = 2; public const int LEFT = 3; /////////////////////////////// ////TEMPORARY JSL FUNCTIONS//// /////////////////////////////// static int jslDevicesFound = 0; static int jslDevicesConnected = 0; static int[] jslDeviceHandles; static List inputDevices; public static int InitInputControllers() { inputDevices = new List(); //Keyboard setup InputKeyboard keyboard = new InputKeyboard(); keyboard.SetPlayer(1); keyboard.InitializeController(); inputDevices.Add(keyboard); //end Keyboard setup //JoyShock setup Debug.Log("Flushing possible JoyShocks..."); DisconnectJoyshocks(); jslDevicesFound = JslConnectDevices(); if (jslDevicesFound > 0) { jslDeviceHandles = new int[jslDevicesFound]; jslDevicesConnected = JslGetConnectedDeviceHandles(jslDeviceHandles, jslDevicesFound); if (jslDevicesConnected < jslDevicesFound) { Debug.Log("Found " + jslDevicesFound + " JoyShocks, but only " + jslDevicesConnected + " are connected."); } else { Debug.Log("Found " + jslDevicesFound + " JoyShocks."); Debug.Log("Connected " + jslDevicesConnected + " JoyShocks."); } foreach (int i in jslDeviceHandles) { Debug.Log("Setting up JoyShock: ( Handle " + i + ", type " + JslGetControllerType(i) + " )"); InputJoyshock joyshock = new InputJoyshock(i); joyshock.InitializeController(); joyshock.SetPlayer(inputDevices.Count + 1); inputDevices.Add(joyshock); } } else { Debug.Log("No JoyShocks found."); } //end JoyShock setup //TODO: XInput setup (boo) //end XInput setup return inputDevices.Count; } public static int GetNumControllersConnected() { return inputDevices.Count; } public static List GetInputControllers() { return inputDevices; } public static InputController GetInputController(int player) { //select input controller that has player field set to player //this will return the first controller that has that player number in the case of controller pairs (eg. Joy-Cons) //so such controllers should have a reference to the other controller in the pair foreach (InputController i in inputDevices) { if (i.GetPlayer() == player) { return i; } } return null; } public static int GetInputControllerId(int player) { //select input controller id that has player field set to player //this will return the first controller that has that player number in the case of controller pairs (eg. Joy-Cons) //so such controllers should have a reference to the other controller in the pair //controller IDs are determined by connection order (the Keyboard is always first) for (int i = 0; i < inputDevices.Count; i++) { if (inputDevices[i].GetPlayer() == player) { return i; } } return -1; } public static void UpdateInputControllers() { foreach (InputController i in inputDevices) { i.UpdateState(); } } public static void DisconnectJoyshocks() { if (jslDeviceHandles != null && jslDevicesConnected > 0 && jslDeviceHandles.Length > 0) { foreach (InputController i in inputDevices) { if (typeof(InputJoyshock) == i.GetType()) { InputJoyshock joy = (InputJoyshock)i; joy.DisconnectJoyshock(); } } } JslDisconnectAndDisposeAll(); jslDevicesFound = 0; jslDevicesConnected = 0; } // The autoplay isn't activated AND // The song is actually playing AND // The GameManager allows you to Input public static bool playerHasControl() { return !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput; } /*--------------------*/ /* MAIN INPUT METHODS */ /*--------------------*/ // BUTTONS //TODO: refactor for controller and custom binds, currently uses temporary button checks public static bool Pressed(bool includeDPad = false) { bool keyDown = GetInputController(1).GetButtonDown((int) InputController.ButtonsPad.PadE) || (includeDPad && GetAnyDirectionDown()); return keyDown && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput ; } public static bool PressedUp(bool includeDPad = false) { bool keyUp = GetInputController(1).GetButtonUp((int) InputController.ButtonsPad.PadE) || (includeDPad && GetAnyDirectionUp()); return keyUp && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput; } public static bool Pressing(bool includeDPad = false) { bool pressing = GetInputController(1).GetButton((int) InputController.ButtonsPad.PadE) || (includeDPad && GetAnyDirection()); return pressing && !GameManager.instance.autoplay && Conductor.instance.isPlaying && GameManager.instance.canInput; } public static bool AltPressed() { bool down = GetInputController(1).GetButtonDown((int) InputController.ButtonsPad.PadS); return down && playerHasControl(); } public static bool AltPressedUp() { bool up = GetInputController(1).GetButtonUp((int) InputController.ButtonsPad.PadS); return up && playerHasControl(); } public static bool AltPressing() { bool pressing = GetInputController(1).GetButton((int) InputController.ButtonsPad.PadS); return pressing && playerHasControl(); } //Directions public static bool GetAnyDirectionDown() { InputController c = GetInputController(1); return (c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection) UP) || c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection) DOWN) || c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection) LEFT) || c.GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection) RIGHT) ) && playerHasControl(); } public static bool GetAnyDirectionUp() { InputController c = GetInputController(1); return (c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection) UP) || c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection) DOWN) || c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection) LEFT) || c.GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection) RIGHT) ) && playerHasControl(); } public static bool GetAnyDirection() { InputController c = GetInputController(1); return (c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection) UP) || c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection) DOWN) || c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection) LEFT) || c.GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection) RIGHT) ) && playerHasControl(); } public static bool GetSpecificDirection(int direction) { return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirection((InputController.InputDirection) direction) && playerHasControl(); } public static bool GetSpecificDirectionDown(int direction) { return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirectionDown((InputController.InputDirection) direction) && playerHasControl(); } public static bool GetSpecificDirectionUp(int direction) { return GetInputController(1).GetHatDirectionUp((InputController.InputDirection) direction) && playerHasControl(); } } }