using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using HeavenStudio.Util; using HeavenStudio.InputSystem; using Jukebox; namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders { using static Minigames; public static class NtrRockersLoader { public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller) { return new Minigame("rockers", "Rockers", "EB4C94", false, false, new List() { new GameAction("intervalStart", "Start Interval") { defaultLength = 8f, resizable = true, preFunction = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; Rockers.PreInterval(e.beat, e.length, e["auto"], e["moveCamera"], e["movePass"]); }, parameters = new List() { new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to JJ Rocker."), new Param("movePass", true, "Move Camera (Pass Turn)", "Toggle if the camera should move to Soshi if Auto Pass Turn is enabled."), new Param("auto", true, "Auto Pass Turn", "Toggle if the turn should be passed automatically at the end of the start interval.") }, }, new GameAction("riff", "Riff") { defaultLength = 1f, resizable = true, parameters = new List() { new Param("respond", true, "Respond", "Toggle if this guitar riff will have to be responded to by Soshi (the player)."), new Param("1JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 2, offsetToC: false), "E2 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("2JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 0, 2, offsetToC: false), "A2 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("3JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 5, 3, offsetToC: false), "D3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("4JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 10, 3, offsetToC: false), "G3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("5JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 2, 3, offsetToC: false), "B3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("6JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 4, offsetToC: false), "E4 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("sampleJJ", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, Rockers.GetSample, "pitchSampleJJ"), "Premade Sample (JJ)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."), new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("gcJJ", false, "Glee Club Guitar (JJ)", "Toggle if JJ should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS."), new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 2, offsetToC: false), "E2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("2S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 0, 2, offsetToC: false), "A2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("3S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 5, 3, offsetToC: false), "D3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("4S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 10, 3, offsetToC: false), "G3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("5S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 2, 3, offsetToC: false), "B3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("6S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 4, offsetToC: false), "E4 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("sampleS", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, Rockers.GetSample, "pitchSampleS"), "Premade Sample (Soshi)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."), new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("gcS", false, "Glee Club Guitar (Soshi)", "Toggle if Soshi should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS.") } }, new GameAction("bend", "Bend") { defaultLength = 1f, resizable = true, parameters = new List() { new Param("respond", true, "Respond", "Toggle if this guitar bend will have to be responded to by Soshi (the player)."), new Param("1JJ", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 1), "Pitch Bend (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current riff will be pitchbent."), new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Integer(-EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, EntityTypes.Note.maxSemitones, 1), "Pitch Bend (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current riff will be pitchbent."), }, }, new GameAction("prepare", "Prepare") { function = delegate { Rockers.instance.Mute(eventCaller.currentEntity["who"]); }, defaultLength = 0.5f, parameters = new List() { new Param("who", Rockers.WhoMutes.JJ, "Target", "Set who will prepare. Soshi is only affected by this event in auto-play.") } }, new GameAction("unPrepare", "Unprepare") { function = delegate { Rockers.instance.UnMute(eventCaller.currentEntity["who"]); }, defaultLength = 0.5f, parameters = new List() { new Param("who", Rockers.WhoMutes.JJ, "Target", "Set who will unprepare. Soshi is only affected by this event in auto-play.") } }, new GameAction("passTurn", "Pass Turn") { preFunction = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; Rockers.PrePassTurn(e.beat, e["moveCamera"]); }, parameters = new List { new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to Soshi.") }, preFunctionLength = 1 }, new GameAction("cmon", "C'mon!") { function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; Rockers.instance.DefaultCmon(e.beat, new int[4] { e["JJ1"], e["JJ2"], e["JJ3"], e["JJ4"], }, new int[4] { e["pJJ1"], e["pJJ2"], e["pJJ3"], e["pJJ4"], }, new int[4] { e["S1"], e["S2"], e["S3"], e["S4"], }, new int[4] { e["pS1"], e["pS2"], e["pS3"], e["pS4"], }, e["moveCamera"] ); }, defaultLength = 11, parameters = new List() { new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to the middle."), new Param("JJ1", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG5, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ1"), "Premade Sample 1 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."), new Param("pJJ1", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 1 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("JJ2", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG5, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ2"), "Premade Sample 2 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."), new Param("pJJ2", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 2 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("JJ3", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG5, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ3"), "Premade Sample 3 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 3rd riff."), new Param("pJJ3", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 3 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("JJ4", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordA, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ4"), "Premade Sample 4 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."), new Param("pJJ4", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 4 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S1", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG, Rockers.GetSample, "pS1"), "Premade Sample 1 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."), new Param("pS1", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 1 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S2", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG, Rockers.GetSample, "pS2"), "Premade Sample 2 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."), new Param("pS2", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 2 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S3", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordG, Rockers.GetSample, "pS3"), "Premade Sample 3 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 3rd riff."), new Param("pS3", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 3 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S4", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordA, Rockers.GetSample, "pS4"), "Premade Sample 4 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."), new Param("pS4", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 4 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), } }, new GameAction("lastOne", "Last One!") { function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; Rockers.instance.DefaultLastOne(e.beat, new int[3] { e["JJ1"], e["JJ2"], e["JJ3"], }, new int[3] { e["pJJ1"], e["pJJ2"], e["pJJ3"], }, new int[3] { e["S1"], e["S2"], e["S3"], }, new int[3] { e["pS1"], e["pS2"], e["pS3"], }, e["moveCamera"] ); }, defaultLength = 7, parameters = new List() { new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to the middle."), new Param("JJ1", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ1"), "Premade Sample 1 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."), new Param("pJJ1", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 1 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("JJ2", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ2"), "Premade Sample 2 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."), new Param("pJJ2", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 2 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("JJ3", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, Rockers.GetSample, "pJJ3"), "Premade Sample 3 (JJ)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."), new Param("pJJ3", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 3 (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S1", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, Rockers.GetSample, "pS1"), "Premade Sample 1 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 1st riff."), new Param("pS1", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 1 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S2", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, Rockers.GetSample, "pS2"), "Premade Sample 2 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the 2nd riff."), new Param("pS2", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 2 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("S3", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, Rockers.GetSample, "pS3"), "Premade Sample 3 (Soshi)", "Set the sample to use for the final riff."), new Param("pS3", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones 3 (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), } }, new GameAction("count", "Count") { parameters = new List() { new Param("count", Rockers.CountIn.One, "Type", "Set the number to be said.") }, preFunction = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; float offSet = 0; switch (e["count"]) { case 1: offSet = 0.028f; break; case 2: case 3: offSet = 0.033f; break; case 4: offSet = 0.034f; break; } SoundByte.PlayOneShot($"games/rockers/count/count{e["count"]}", e.beat, 1, 1, false, null, offSet); } }, new GameAction("voiceLine", "Together Voice Line") { parameters = new List() { new Param("cmon", true, "C'mon!", "Toggle if the \"C'mon!\" voiceline should be used. If unchecked, it uses the \"Last One!\" voiceline."), }, preFunction = delegate { SoundByte.PlayOneShot(eventCaller.currentEntity["cmon"] ? "games/rockers/Cmon" : "games/rockers/LastOne", eventCaller.currentEntity.beat); } }, new GameAction("prepareTogether", "Custom Together Prepare") { function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; Rockers.instance.TogetherPrepare(e.beat, e["cmon"] == (int)Rockers.VoiceLineSelection.Cmon, e["cmon"] == (int)Rockers.VoiceLineSelection.None, e["muteBeat"], e["middleBeat"], e["moveCamera"]); }, defaultLength = 3f, parameters = new List() { new Param("cmon", Rockers.VoiceLineSelection.Cmon, "Voiceline", "Set the voiceline to be used."), new Param("muteBeat", new EntityTypes.Integer(0, 30, 2), "Mute Beat", "Set how many beats from the start of this event the rockers will prepare prepare."), new Param("middleBeat", new EntityTypes.Integer(0, 30, 2), "Go-to-middle Beat", "Set how many beats from the start of this event the rockers will go to the middle."), new Param("moveCamera", true, "Move Camera", "Toggle if the camera should move to the middle.") } }, new GameAction("riffTogether", "Custom Together Riff") { resizable = true, parameters = new List() { new Param("1JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 2, offsetToC: false), "E2 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("2JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 0, 2, offsetToC: false), "A2 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("3JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 5, 3, offsetToC: false), "D3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("4JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 10, 3, offsetToC: false), "G3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("5JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 2, 3, offsetToC: false), "B3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("6JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 4, offsetToC: false), "E4 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("sampleJJ", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, Rockers.GetSample, "pitchSampleJJ"), "Premade Sample (JJ)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."), new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("gcJJ", false, "Glee Club Guitar (JJ)", "Toggle if JJ should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS."), new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 2, offsetToC: false), "E2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("2S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 0, 2, offsetToC: false), "A2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("3S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 5, 3, offsetToC: false), "D3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("4S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 10, 3, offsetToC: false), "G3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("5S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 2, 3, offsetToC: false), "B3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("6S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 4, offsetToC: false), "E4 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("sampleS", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, Rockers.GetSample, "pitchSampleS"), "Premade Sample (Soshi)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."), new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("gcS", false, "Glee Club Guitar (Soshi)", "Toggle if Soshi should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS.") } }, new GameAction("riffTogetherEnd", "Custom Together End Riff") { resizable = true, parameters = new List() { new Param("1JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 2, offsetToC: false), "E2 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("2JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 0, 2, offsetToC: false), "A2 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("3JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 5, 3, offsetToC: false), "D3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("4JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 10, 3, offsetToC: false), "G3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("5JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 2, 3, offsetToC: false), "B3 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("6JJ", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 4, offsetToC: false), "E4 String (JJ)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("sampleJJ", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, Rockers.GetSample, "pitchSampleJJ"), "Premade Sample (JJ)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."), new Param("pitchSampleJJ", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones (JJ)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("gcJJ", false, "Glee Club Guitar (JJ)", "Toggle if JJ should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS."), new Param("1S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 2, offsetToC: false), "E2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("2S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 0, 2, offsetToC: false), "A2 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("3S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 5, 3, offsetToC: false), "D3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("4S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 10, 3, offsetToC: false), "G3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("5S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 2, 3, offsetToC: false), "B3 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("6S", new EntityTypes.Note(-1, 24, 0, 7, 4, offsetToC: false), "E4 String (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones up the current string will be pitched. If this is left at -1, this string will not play."), new Param("sampleS", new EntityTypes.NoteSampleDropdown(Rockers.PremadeSamples.None, Rockers.GetSample, "pitchSampleS"), "Premade Sample (Soshi)", "Set if this riff should use a premade sample."), new Param("pitchSampleS", new EntityTypes.Note(offsetToC: false), "Sample Semitones (Soshi)", "Set how many semitones the premade sample should be pitched up."), new Param("gcS", false, "Glee Club Guitar (Soshi)", "Toggle if Soshi should use the same guitar as in the Glee Club guitar lessons in DS.") } }, }, new List() { "ntr", "repeat" }, "ntrrockers", "en", new List() { "en" } ); } } } namespace HeavenStudio.Games { using Scripts_Rockers; public class Rockers : Minigame { public enum PremadeSamples { None, BendG5, BendC6, ChordA, ChordAsus4, ChordBm, ChordCSharpm7, ChordDmaj7, ChordDmaj9, ChordFSharp5, ChordG, ChordG5, ChordGdim7, ChordGm, NoteASharp4, NoteA5, PracticeChordD, Remix6ChordA, Remix10ChordD, Remix10ChordFSharpm, DoremiChordA7, DoremiChordAm7, DoremiChordC, DoremiChordC7, DoremiChordCadd9, DoremiChordDm, DoremiChordDm7, DoremiChordEm, DoremiChordF, DoremiChordFadd9, DoremiChordFm, DoremiChordG, DoremiChordG7, DoremiChordGm, DoremiChordGsus4, DoremiNoteA2, DoremiNoteE2 } public static readonly Dictionary NoteSamples = new() { { PremadeSamples.None, new NoteSample() }, { PremadeSamples.BendG5, new("rockers/BendG5", 10, 5) }, { PremadeSamples.BendC6, new("rockers/BendC6", 3, 6) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordA, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordA", 0, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordAsus4, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordAsus4", 0, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordBm, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordBm", 2, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordCSharpm7, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordC#m7", 4, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj7, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordDmaj7", 5, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordDmaj9, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordDmaj9", 5, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordFSharp5, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordF#5", 9, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordG, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordG", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordG5, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordG5", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordGdim7, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordGdim7", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.ChordGm, new("rockers/rocker/rockerChordGm", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.NoteASharp4, new("rockers/rocker/rockerNoteA#4", 1, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.NoteA5, new("rockers/rocker/rockerNoteA5", 0, 5) }, { PremadeSamples.PracticeChordD, new("rockers/rocker/rockerPracticeChordD", 5, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.Remix6ChordA, new("rockers/rocker/rockerRemix6ChordA", 0, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.Remix10ChordD, new("rockers/rocker/rockerRemix10ChordD", 5, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.Remix10ChordFSharpm, new("rockers/rocker/rockerRemix10ChordF#m", 9, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordA7, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordA7", 0, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordAm7, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordAm7", 0, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordC, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordC", 3, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordC7, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordC7", 3, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordCadd9, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordCadd9", 3, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordDm, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordDm", 5, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordDm7, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordDm7", 5, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordEm, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordEm", 7, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordF, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordF", 8, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordFadd9, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordFadd9", 8, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordFm, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordFm", 8, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordG, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordG", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordG7, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordG7", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordGm, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordGm", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiChordGsus4, new("rockers/doremi/doremiChordGsus4", 10, 4) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiNoteA2, new("rockers/doremi/doremiNoteA2", 0, 2) }, { PremadeSamples.DoremiNoteE2, new("rockers/doremi/doremiNoteE2", 7, 2) }, }; public static NoteSample GetSample(object sampleEnum) { return NoteSamples[sampleEnum]; } public static NoteSample GetSample(int sampleIndex) { return NoteSamples[(PremadeSamples)sampleIndex]; } public enum WhoMutes { JJ, Soshi, Both } public enum CountIn { One = 1, Two = 2, Three = 3, Four = 4 } public enum VoiceLineSelection { Cmon, LastOne, None } public static Rockers instance; [Header("Rockers")] public RockersRocker JJ; public RockersRocker Soshi; [Header("Input")] [SerializeField] RockersInput rockerInputRef; [SerializeField] RockerBendInput rockerBendInputRef; private float lastTargetCameraX = 0; private float targetCameraX = 0; private double cameraMoveBeat = -1; private double endBeat = double.MaxValue; private static List queuedCameraEvents = new(); private List riffEvents = new List(); private List bendEvents = new List(); private List prepareBeatsJJ = new(); private struct QueuedInterval { public double beat; public float length; public bool moveCamera; public bool moveCameraPass; public bool autoPassTurn; } private static List queuedIntervals = new(); const int IATriggerDown = IAMAXCAT; const int IATriggerUp = IAMAXCAT + 1; static bool IA_PadTriggerDown(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Up, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Down, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Left, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Right, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.ButtonR, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.ButtonL, out dt); } static bool IA_BatonTriggerDown(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetBatonDown(InputController.ActionsBaton.Trigger, out dt); } static bool IA_TouchTriggerDown(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.ButtonR, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.ButtonL, out dt); } static bool IA_PadTriggerUp(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.Up, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.Down, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.Left, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.Right, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.ButtonR, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetPadUp(InputController.ActionsPad.ButtonL, out dt); } static bool IA_BatonTriggerUp(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetBatonUp(InputController.ActionsBaton.Trigger, out dt); } static bool IA_TouchTriggerUp(out double dt) { return PlayerInput.GetTouchUp(InputController.ActionsTouch.ButtonR, out dt) || PlayerInput.GetTouchUp(InputController.ActionsTouch.ButtonL, out dt); } public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_TriggerDown = new("NtrRockersBend", new int[] { IATriggerDown, IATriggerDown, IATriggerDown }, IA_PadTriggerDown, IA_TouchTriggerDown, IA_BatonTriggerDown); public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_TriggerUp = new("NtrRockersUnbend", new int[] { IATriggerUp, IATriggerUp, IATriggerUp }, IA_PadTriggerUp, IA_TouchTriggerUp, IA_PadTriggerUp); private void Awake() { instance = this; var tempEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("rockers", new string[] { "prepare" }); foreach (var tempEvent in tempEvents) { if (tempEvent["who"] != (int)WhoMutes.Soshi) prepareBeatsJJ.Add(tempEvent.beat); } riffEvents = GrabAllRiffEvents(); bendEvents = GrabAllBendEvents(); } private static List GrabAllRiffEvents() { var tempEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("rockers", new string[] { "riff" }); if (tempEvents.Count > 1) { tempEvents.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.beat.CompareTo(s2.beat)); double forbiddenLength = tempEvents[0].beat + tempEvents[0].length; List tempEvents2 = new List(); for (int i = 1; i < tempEvents.Count; i++) { if (tempEvents[i].beat > forbiddenLength) { tempEvents2.Add(tempEvents[i]); forbiddenLength = tempEvents[i].beat + tempEvents[i].length; } } tempEvents2.Add(tempEvents[0]); return tempEvents2; } else { return tempEvents; } } private static List GrabAllBendEvents() { var tempEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("rockers", new string[] { "bend" }); if (tempEvents.Count > 1) { tempEvents.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.beat.CompareTo(s2.beat)); double forbiddenLength = tempEvents[0].beat + tempEvents[0].length; List tempEvents2 = new List(); for (int i = 1; i < tempEvents.Count; i++) { if (tempEvents[i].beat > forbiddenLength) { tempEvents2.Add(tempEvents[i]); forbiddenLength = tempEvents[i].beat + tempEvents[i].length; } } tempEvents2.Add(tempEvents[0]); return tempEvents2; } else { return tempEvents; } } private static List GrabAllInputsBetween(double beat, double endBeat) { List hairEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("rockers", new string[] { "riff", "bend" }); List tempEvents = new(); foreach (var entity in hairEvents) { if (entity.beat >= beat && entity.beat < endBeat) { tempEvents.Add(entity); } } return tempEvents; } private RiqEntity GetLastIntervalBeforeBeat(double beat) { List intervalEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("rockers", new string[] { "intervalStart" }); if (intervalEvents.Count == 0) return null; var tempEvents = intervalEvents.FindAll(x => x.beat <= beat); tempEvents.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); return tempEvents[^1]; } private List GrabAllTogetherEvents(double beat) { var tempEvents = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("rockers", new string[] { "riffTogether", "riffTogetherEnd" }); var allEnds = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("gameManager", new string[] { "switchGame" }); allEnds.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //get the beat of the closest end event foreach (var end in allEnds) { if (end.datamodel.Split(2) == "rockers") continue; if (end.beat > beat) { endBeat = end.beat; break; } } if (tempEvents.Count > 0) { tempEvents.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.beat.CompareTo(s2.beat)); List tempEvents2 = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < tempEvents.Count; i++) { if (tempEvents[i].beat > beat) { tempEvents2.Add(tempEvents[i]); } } List tempEvents3 = new List(); double forbiddenLength = tempEvents2[0].beat + tempEvents2[0].length; tempEvents3.Add(tempEvents2[0]); for (int i = 1; i < tempEvents2.Count; i++) { if (tempEvents2[i].beat > forbiddenLength) { tempEvents3.Add(tempEvents2[i]); } } List tempEvents4 = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < tempEvents3.Count; i++) { if (tempEvents3[i].beat < endBeat) { tempEvents4.Add(tempEvents3[i]); } } return tempEvents4; } return tempEvents; } struct QueuedPassTurn { public double beat; public bool moveCamera; } private static List passedTurns = new List(); private void Start() { if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_BasicPressing)) { Soshi.Mute(); } } private void OnDestroy() { if (queuedCameraEvents.Count > 0) queuedCameraEvents.Clear(); foreach (var evt in scheduledInputs) { evt.Disable(); } } public override void OnGameSwitch(double beat) { if (queuedIntervals.Count > 0) { foreach (var interval in queuedIntervals) { StartInterval(interval.beat, interval.length, beat, interval.autoPassTurn, interval.moveCameraPass); } queuedIntervals.Clear(); } } private void Update() { var cond = Conductor.instance; if (cond.isPlaying && !cond.isPaused) { if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_BasicPress)) { Soshi.Mute(); } if (PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch && PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_FlickRelease) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_FlickRelease)) { // todo: strum Soshi.StrumStringsLast(false, false, true); } if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_BasicRelease)) { if (PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch) { Soshi.UnHold(); } else if (!IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_FlickRelease)) { Soshi.UnHold(); } } if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_TriggerDown) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_TriggerDown)) { Soshi.BendUp(Soshi.lastBendPitch); } if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_TriggerUp) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_TriggerUp)) { Soshi.BendDown(); } if (queuedCameraEvents.Count > 0) { foreach (var cameraEvent in queuedCameraEvents) { MoveCamera(cameraEvent); } queuedCameraEvents.Clear(); } if (passedTurns.Count > 0) { foreach (var turn in passedTurns) { StandalonePassTurn(turn.beat, turn.moveCamera); } passedTurns.Clear(); } float normalizedBeat = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(cameraMoveBeat, 1f); if (normalizedBeat >= 0f && normalizedBeat <= 1f) { Util.EasingFunction.Function func = Util.EasingFunction.GetEasingFunction(Util.EasingFunction.Ease.EaseInOutQuad); float newX = func(lastTargetCameraX, targetCameraX, normalizedBeat); GameCamera.AdditionalPosition = new Vector3(newX, 0, 0); } } } public void DefaultLastOne(double beat, int[] JJSamples, int[] JJPitches, int[] SoshiSamples, int[] SoshiPitches, bool moveCamera) { SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("rockers/lastOne"); if (moveCamera) { lastTargetCameraX = GameCamera.AdditionalPosition.x; targetCameraX = 0; cameraMoveBeat = beat + 2; } BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2, delegate { if (JJ.together || Soshi.together) return; JJ.PrepareTogether(true); Soshi.PrepareTogether(GameManager.instance.autoplay); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[0]), JJPitches[0]); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3.5f, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 4.5f, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[1]), JJPitches[1]); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 5f, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 6, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[2]), JJPitches[2]); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 6.5f, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), }); RockersInput riffComp = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 3, GetSample(SoshiSamples[0]), SoshiPitches[0]); ScheduleInput(beat, 3.5f, InputAction_TriggerDown, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); RockersInput riffComp2 = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp2.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 4.5f, GetSample(SoshiSamples[1]), SoshiPitches[1]); ScheduleInput(beat, 5f, InputAction_TriggerDown, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); RockersInput riffComp3 = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp3.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 6, GetSample(SoshiSamples[2]), SoshiPitches[2]); ScheduleInput(beat, 6.5f, InputAction_TriggerDown, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); } public void DefaultCmon(double beat, int[] JJSamples, int[] JJPitches, int[] SoshiSamples, int[] SoshiPitches, bool moveCamera) { SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("rockers/cmon"); if (moveCamera) { lastTargetCameraX = GameCamera.AdditionalPosition.x; targetCameraX = 0; cameraMoveBeat = beat + 2; } BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2, delegate { if (JJ.together || Soshi.together) return; JJ.PrepareTogether(true); Soshi.PrepareTogether(GameManager.instance.autoplay); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 3, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[0]), JJPitches[0]); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 4, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 4.5f, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[1]), JJPitches[1]); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 5.5f, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 6, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[2]), JJPitches[2]); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 6.5, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 7, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(false, new int[6], GetSample(JJSamples[3]), JJPitches[3], false, true); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + 10, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }), }); RockersInput riffComp = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 3, GetSample(SoshiSamples[0]), SoshiPitches[0]); ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, 4, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); RockersInput riffComp2 = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp2.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 4.5f, GetSample(SoshiSamples[1]), SoshiPitches[1]); ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, 5.5f, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); RockersInput riffComp3 = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp3.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 6, GetSample(SoshiSamples[2]), SoshiPitches[2]); ScheduleInput(beat, 6.5f, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); RockersInput riffComp4 = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp4.Init(false, new int[6], beat, 7, GetSample(SoshiSamples[3]), SoshiPitches[3], true); ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, 10, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); } public void TogetherPrepare(double beat, bool cmon, bool muteSound, float muteBeat, float goToMiddleBeat, bool moveCamera) { List togetherEvents = GrabAllTogetherEvents(beat); if (togetherEvents.Count == 0) return; if (!muteSound) SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame(cmon ? "rockers/Cmon" : "rockers/LastOne"); List actions = new List(); if (moveCamera) { lastTargetCameraX = GameCamera.AdditionalPosition.x; targetCameraX = 0; cameraMoveBeat = beat + goToMiddleBeat; } BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat + goToMiddleBeat, delegate { if (JJ.together || Soshi.together) return; JJ.PrepareTogether(goToMiddleBeat == muteBeat); Soshi.PrepareTogether(goToMiddleBeat == muteBeat && GameManager.instance.autoplay); }), new BeatAction.Action(beat + muteBeat, delegate { if (goToMiddleBeat == muteBeat) return; if (JJ.together || Soshi.together) return; Mute((int)WhoMutes.Both); }), }); for (int i = 0; i < togetherEvents.Count; i++) { var e = togetherEvents[i]; if (togetherEvents[i].datamodel == "rockers/riffTogether") { actions.Add(new BeatAction.Action(e.beat, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(e["gcJJ"], new int[6] { e["1JJ"], e["2JJ"], e["3JJ"], e["4JJ"], e["5JJ"], e["6JJ"], }, GetSample(e["sampleJJ"]), e["pitchSampleJJ"]); })); actions.Add(new BeatAction.Action(e.beat + e.length, delegate { JJ.Mute(); })); RockersInput riffComp = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp.Init(e["gcS"], new int[6] { e["1S"], e["2S"], e["3S"], e["4S"], e["5S"], e["6S"] }, beat, e.beat - beat, GetSample(e["sampleS"]), e["pitchSampleS"]); if (e.length <= 0.5f) ScheduleInput(beat, e.beat - beat + e.length, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); else ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, e.beat - beat + e.length, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); } else { actions.Add(new BeatAction.Action(e.beat, delegate { JJ.StrumStrings(e["gcJJ"], new int[6] { e["1JJ"], e["2JJ"], e["3JJ"], e["4JJ"], e["5JJ"], e["6JJ"], }, GetSample(e["sampleJJ"]), e["pitchSampleJJ"], false, true); })); actions.Add(new BeatAction.Action(e.beat + e.length, delegate { JJ.Mute(); })); RockersInput riffComp = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp.Init(e["gcS"], new int[6] { e["1S"], e["2S"], e["3S"], e["4S"], e["5S"], e["6S"] }, beat, e.beat - beat, GetSample(e["sampleS"]), e["pitchSampleS"], true); if (e.length <= 0.5f) ScheduleInput(beat, e.beat - beat + e.length, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); else ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, e.beat - beat + e.length, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); break; } } BeatAction.New(instance, actions); } public static void PreInterval(double beat, float length, bool autoPassTurn, bool moveCamera, bool movePass) { if (GameManager.instance.currentGame == "rockers") { if (moveCamera) instance.MoveCamera(beat - 1); instance.StartInterval(beat, length, beat, autoPassTurn, movePass); } else { queuedIntervals.Add(new QueuedInterval() { beat = beat, length = length, autoPassTurn = autoPassTurn, moveCamera = moveCamera, moveCameraPass = movePass }); } if (moveCamera) queuedCameraEvents.Add(beat - 1); } private void MoveCamera(double beat) { lastTargetCameraX = GameCamera.AdditionalPosition.x; targetCameraX = JJ.transform.localPosition.x; cameraMoveBeat = beat; } public void StartInterval(double beat, float length, double gameSwitchBeat, bool autoPassTurn, bool moveCamera) { List relevantInputs = GrabAllInputsBetween(beat, beat + length); List riffUsedBeats = new List(); List bendUsedBeats = new(); foreach (var input in relevantInputs) { if (input.datamodel == "rockers/riff") { RiqEntity foundEvent = riffEvents.Find(x => x.beat == input.beat); if ((foundEvent == null || (riffUsedBeats.Count > 0 && riffUsedBeats.Contains((float)foundEvent.beat))) && riffEvents.Count > 1) continue; riffUsedBeats.Add(input.beat); if (input.beat >= gameSwitchBeat) { BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(input.beat, delegate { Riff(input.beat, input.length, new int[] { input["1JJ"], input["2JJ"], input["3JJ"], input["4JJ"], input["5JJ"], input["6JJ"], }, input["gcJJ"], input["sampleJJ"], input["pitchSampleJJ"], !input["respond"]); }) }); } } else { if (riffEvents.Count == 0) continue; RiqEntity foundEvent = bendEvents.Find(x => x.beat == input.beat); if ((foundEvent == null || (bendUsedBeats.Count > 0 && bendUsedBeats.Contains((float)foundEvent.beat))) && bendEvents.Count > 1) continue; RiqEntity riffEventToCheck = riffEvents.Find(x => input.beat >= x.beat && input.beat < x.beat + x.length); if (riffEventToCheck == null) continue; bendUsedBeats.Add(beat); if (input.beat >= gameSwitchBeat) { BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(input.beat, delegate { Bend(input.beat, input.length, input["1JJ"]); }) }); } } } BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { if (GameManager.instance.autoplay) Soshi.UnHold(); if (JJ.together || Soshi.together) { JJ.ReturnBack(); if (prepareBeatsJJ.Count > 0 && prepareBeatsJJ.Contains(beat)) JJ.Mute(false); Soshi.ReturnBack(); } }), }); if (autoPassTurn && beat + (length * 2) > gameSwitchBeat) PassTurn(beat + length, moveCamera, beat, length); } public void Riff(double beat, float length, int[] pitches, bool gleeClubJJ, int sampleJJ, int sampleTonesJJ, bool noRespond) { JJ.StrumStrings(gleeClubJJ, pitches, GetSample(sampleJJ), sampleTonesJJ, noRespond); BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat + length, delegate { JJ.Mute(); }) }); /* if (noRespond) return; crHandlerInstance.AddEvent(beat, length, "riff", new List() { new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("gleeClub", gleeClubPlayer), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("1", pitchesPlayer[0]), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("2", pitchesPlayer[1]), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("3", pitchesPlayer[2]), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("4", pitchesPlayer[3]), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("5", pitchesPlayer[4]), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("6", pitchesPlayer[5]), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("sample", sampleSoshi), new CallAndResponseHandler.CallAndResponseEventParam("sampleTones", sampleTonesSoshi) }); */ } public void Bend(double beat, float length, int pitchJJ) { JJ.BendUp(pitchJJ); BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat + length, delegate { JJ.BendDown(); }) }); } public void Mute(int whoMutes) { if (whoMutes is (int)WhoMutes.JJ or (int)WhoMutes.Both) { JJ.Mute(); } if (whoMutes is (int)WhoMutes.Soshi or (int)WhoMutes.Both) { if (GameManager.instance.autoplay) Soshi.Mute(); } } public void UnMute(int whoMutes) { if (whoMutes is (int)WhoMutes.JJ or (int)WhoMutes.Both) { JJ.UnHold(true); } if (whoMutes is (int)WhoMutes.Soshi or (int)WhoMutes.Both) { if (GameManager.instance.autoplay) Soshi.UnHold(true); } } public static void PrePassTurn(double beat, bool moveCamera) { if (GameManager.instance.currentGame == "rockers") { instance.StandalonePassTurn(beat, moveCamera); } else { passedTurns.Add(new QueuedPassTurn { beat = beat, moveCamera = moveCamera }); } } private void StandalonePassTurn(double beat, bool moveCamera) { RiqEntity lastInterval = GetLastIntervalBeforeBeat(beat); if (lastInterval == null) return; PassTurn(beat, moveCamera, lastInterval.beat, lastInterval.length); } private void PassTurn(double beat, bool moveCamera, double intervalStartBeat, float intervalLength) { var relevantInputs = GrabAllInputsBetween(intervalStartBeat, intervalStartBeat + intervalLength); if (relevantInputs.Count > 0) { BeatAction.New(instance, new List() { new BeatAction.Action(beat - 1, delegate { if (moveCamera) { lastTargetCameraX = GameCamera.AdditionalPosition.x; targetCameraX = Soshi.transform.localPosition.x; cameraMoveBeat = beat - 1; } }), new BeatAction.Action(beat -0.25, delegate { List riffUsedBeats = new List(); List bendUsedBeats = new(); foreach (var crEvent in relevantInputs) { if (!crEvent["respond"]) continue; double relativeBeat = crEvent.beat - intervalStartBeat; if (crEvent.datamodel == "rockers/riff") { RiqEntity foundEvent = riffEvents.Find(x => x.beat == crEvent.beat); if ((foundEvent == null || (riffUsedBeats.Count > 0 && riffUsedBeats.Contains((float)foundEvent.beat))) && riffEvents.Count > 1) continue; riffUsedBeats.Add(crEvent.beat); RockersInput riffComp = Instantiate(rockerInputRef, transform); riffComp.Init(crEvent["gcS"], new int[6] { crEvent["1S"], crEvent["2S"], crEvent["3S"], crEvent["4S"], crEvent["5S"], crEvent["6S"] }, beat, relativeBeat, GetSample(crEvent["sampleS"]), crEvent["pitchSampleS"]); if (crEvent.length > 0.5f) ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, relativeBeat + crEvent.length, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); else ScheduleInput(beat, relativeBeat + crEvent.length, InputAction_BasicPress, JustMute, MuteMiss, Empty); } else { if (riffEvents.Count == 0) continue; RiqEntity foundEvent = bendEvents.Find(x => x.beat == crEvent.beat); if ((foundEvent == null || (bendUsedBeats.Count > 0 && bendUsedBeats.Contains((float)foundEvent.beat))) && bendEvents.Count > 1) continue; RiqEntity riffEventToCheck = riffEvents.Find(x => crEvent.beat >= x.beat && crEvent.beat < x.beat + x.length); if (riffEventToCheck == null) continue; bendUsedBeats.Add(beat); RockerBendInput bendComp = Instantiate(rockerBendInputRef, transform); bendComp.Init(crEvent["1S"], beat, relativeBeat); ScheduleAutoplayInput(beat, relativeBeat + crEvent.length, InputAction_TriggerUp, JustUnBend, UnBendMiss, Empty); } } }), new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { JJ.UnHold(); }) }); } } private void JustMute(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) { Soshi.Mute(); } private void MuteMiss(PlayerActionEvent caller) { JJ.Miss(); } private void JustUnBend(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state) { Soshi.BendDown(); } private void UnBendMiss(PlayerActionEvent caller) { JJ.Miss(); } private void Empty(PlayerActionEvent caller) { } } }