Glee Club Resprite (#433)

* sheet wip

* mor sprite

* anim and sheet

* more stuff

* oops oops

* sheet done
This commit is contained in:
ev 2023-05-23 20:01:23 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2c1394feb6
commit e2bfa9c322
6 changed files with 307 additions and 130 deletions

View File

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View File

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m_CycleOffset: 0
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: -0.018
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: -0.018
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: -0.009
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: -0.009
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ AnimationClip:
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: {x: 0.124, y: 0.04, z: 0}
value: {x: 0.177, y: -0.084, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335
value: {x: 0.192, y: 0.04, z: 0}
value: {x: 0.226, y: -0.084, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667
value: {x: 0.192, y: 0.04, z: 0}
value: {x: 0.226, y: -0.084, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ AnimationClip:
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: 0.124
value: 0.177
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335
value: 0.192
value: 0.226
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667
value: 0.192
value: 0.226
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ AnimationClip:
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0
value: 0.04
value: -0.084
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.033333335
value: 0.04
value: -0.084
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.06666667
value: 0.04
value: -0.084
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
value: {x: 0.044, y: 0, z: 0}
time: 0.083333336
value: {x: 0.049, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
value: {x: 0.044, y: 0, z: 0}
time: 0.15
value: {x: 0.049, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ AnimationClip:
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value: {fileID: 1804354818921194779, guid: 909e2b476c181ce418f35af7044aae9b, type: 3}
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- time: 0.083333336
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- time: 0.21666667
- time: 0.15
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attribute: m_Sprite
path: Sprite
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ AnimationClip:
m_AdditiveReferencePoseClip: {fileID: 0}
m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0
m_StartTime: 0
m_StopTime: 0.23333333
m_StopTime: 0.16666667
m_OrientationOffsetY: 0
m_Level: 0
m_CycleOffset: 0
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
value: 0.044
time: 0.083333336
value: 0.049
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
value: 0.044
time: 0.15
value: 0.049
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: {x: -0.014, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
outWeight: {x: 0.33333334, y: 0.33333334, z: 0.33333334}
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time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: {x: -0.014, y: 0, z: 0}
inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ AnimationClip:
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value: {fileID: 8814694472927883107, guid: 909e2b476c181ce418f35af7044aae9b, type: 3}
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- time: 0.21666667
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attribute: m_Sprite
path: Sprite
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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m_AdditiveReferencePoseTime: 0
m_StartTime: 0
m_StopTime: 0.23333333
m_StopTime: 0.16666667
m_OrientationOffsetY: 0
m_Level: 0
m_CycleOffset: 0
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: -0.014
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
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time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: -0.014
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.11666667
time: 0.083333336
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ AnimationClip:
inWeight: 0.33333334
outWeight: 0.33333334
- serializedVersion: 3
time: 0.21666667
time: 0.15
value: 0
inSlope: Infinity
outSlope: Infinity

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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time: 0.083333336
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inSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
outSlope: {x: Infinity, y: Infinity, z: Infinity}
tangentMode: 0
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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tangentMode: 0
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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tangentMode: 0
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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tangentMode: 103
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ AnimationClip:
outWeight: 0.33333334
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value: 0.036
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outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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value: 0.016
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@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ AnimationClip:
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value: 0.016
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outSlope: Infinity
tangentMode: 103