HeavenStudioPlus/Assets/Plugins/com.unity.uiextensions/Runtime/Scripts/Layout/CardUI/2D Cards/CardStack2D.cs

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2022-01-06 00:11:33 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Credit - ryanslikesocool
/// Sourced from - https://github.com/ryanslikesocool/Unity-Card-UI
/// </summary>
using System.Collections;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
public class CardStack2D : MonoBehaviour
private float cardMoveSpeed = 8f;
private float buttonCooldownTime = 0.125f;
private int cardZMultiplier = 32;
private bool useDefaultUsedXPos = true;
private int usedCardXPos = 1280;
private KeyCode leftButton = KeyCode.LeftArrow;
private KeyCode rightButton = KeyCode.RightArrow;
private Transform[] cards = null;
private int cardArrayOffset;
private Vector3[] cardPositions;
private int xPowerDifference;
///Static variables can be used across the scene if this script is in it.
///Thankfully it doesn't matter if another script attempts to use the variable and this script isn't in the scene.
public static bool canUseHorizontalAxis = true;
void Start()
///I've found that 9 is a good number for this.
///I wouldn't really recommend changing it, but go ahead if you want to.
xPowerDifference = 9 - cards.Length;
///This is optional, but makes it super easy to figure out the off screen position for cards.
///Unfortunately, it's only really useful if the cards are the same width.
if (useDefaultUsedXPos)
int cardWidth = (int)(cards[0].GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width);
usedCardXPos = (int)(Screen.width * 0.5f + cardWidth);
cardPositions = new Vector3[cards.Length * 2 - 1];
///This loop is for cards still in the stack.
for (int i = cards.Length; i > -1; i--)
if (i < cards.Length - 1)
cardPositions[i] = new Vector3(-Mathf.Pow(2, i + xPowerDifference) + cardPositions[i + 1].x, 0, cardZMultiplier * Mathf.Abs(i + 1 - cards.Length));
cardPositions[i] = Vector3.zero;
///This loop is for cards outside of the stack.
for (int i = cards.Length; i < cardPositions.Length; i++)
cardPositions[i] = new Vector3(usedCardXPos + 4 * (i - cards.Length), 0, -2 + -2 * (i - cards.Length));
void Update()
if (canUseHorizontalAxis)
///Controls for the cards.
if ((UIExtensionsInputManager.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") < 0 || UIExtensionsInputManager.GetKey(leftButton)) && cardArrayOffset > 0)
else if ((UIExtensionsInputManager.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") > 0 || UIExtensionsInputManager.GetKey(rightButton)) && cardArrayOffset < cards.Length - 1)
///This loop moves the cards. I know that none of my lerps are the "right way," but it looks much nicer.
for (int i = 0; i < cards.Length; i++)
cards[i].localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(cards[i].localPosition, cardPositions[i + cardArrayOffset], Time.deltaTime * cardMoveSpeed);
if (Mathf.Abs(cards[i].localPosition.x - cardPositions[i + cardArrayOffset].x) < 0.01f)
cards[i].localPosition = cardPositions[i + cardArrayOffset];
///This disables interaction with cards that are not on top of the stack.
if (cards[i].localPosition.x == 0)
cards[i].gameObject.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().interactable = true;
cards[i].gameObject.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().interactable = false;
///Stops the cards from scrolling super quickly if a button on the horizontal axis is held down.
IEnumerator ButtonCooldown()
canUseHorizontalAxis = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(buttonCooldownTime);
canUseHorizontalAxis = true;