
213 lines
5.6 KiB

buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
name = "forge"
url = ""
dependencies {
classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.1-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
apply plugin: 'maven'
// define the properties file
ext.configFile = file ""
configFile.withReader {
// read config. it shall from now on be referenced as simply config or as project.config
def prop = new Properties()
project.ext.config = new ConfigSlurper().parse prop
group = "com.github.glitchfiend.biomesoplenty"
version = config.mod_version
archivesBaseName = "BiomesOPlenty"
minecraft {
version = config.minecraft_version + "-" + config.forge_version // grab latest forge
mappings = "snapshot_nodoc_20151214"
// add some stuff to the version
version = "${config.minecraft_version}-${config.mod_version}.${System.getenv().BUILD_NUMBER}"
def commonManifest = {
attributes 'FMLCorePlugin': 'biomesoplenty.common.asm.BOPLoadingPlugin'
attributes 'FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod': 'true'
attributes 'ForceLoadAsMod': true
attributes 'FMLAT': 'biomesoplenty_at.cfg'
jar {
manifest commonManifest
classifier = 'universal'
processResources {
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
include '**/*.info'
include '**/*.properties'
// replaces
expand ([
'modid': project.archivesBaseName,
'mod_version': project.config.mod_version,
'minecraft_version': project.config.minecraft_version,
'build_number': project.config.build_number
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
exclude '**/*.info'
exclude '**/*.properties'
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.tasks.JenkinsChangelog
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.common.Constants
task changelog(type: JenkinsChangelog) {
def buildNumber = "${System.getenv().BUILD_NUMBER}"
serverRoot = ''
jobName = 'BiomesOPlenty'
authName = 'console_script';
authPassword = 'dc6d48ca20a474beeac280a9a16a926e';
targetBuild = buildNumber.toString();
output = 'build/libs/' + project.getName() + '-' + project.version + '-changelog.txt';
task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.allJava
from (sourceSets.main.output) {
include 'LICENSE.txt'
classifier = 'sources'
task deobfJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.output
manifest commonManifest
classifier = 'deobf'
task listOutputs << {
//This is needed by the Groovy Postbuild to append labels for each build used in the changelog.
println "Output files:"
println "--------------------"
def list = []
def dir = new File("build/libs/")
if (dir.exists()) {
dir.eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
//Add each file to the list
list << file
//Print the names of all of the output files
list.each {
println it.getName()
println "--------------------"
artifacts {
archives changelog.output
archives sourcesJar
archives deobfJar
uploadArchives {
dependsOn 'build'
repositories {
if (project.hasProperty("filesmaven")) {'Publishing to files server')
mavenDeployer {
configuration = configurations.deployJars
repository(url: project.filesmaven.url) {
authentication(userName: project.filesmaven.username, privateKey: project.filesmaven.key)
// This is just the pom data for the maven repo
pom {
groupId =
version = project.version
artifactId = project.archivesBaseName
project {
name project.archivesBaseName
packaging 'jar'
description 'Biomes O Plenty'
url ''
scm {
url ''
connection 'scm:git:git://'
developerConnection ''
issueManagement {
system 'github'
url ''
licenses {
license {
name 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Public License'
url ''
distribution 'repo'
developers {
developer {
id 'Adubbz'
name 'Adubbz'
roles { role 'developer' }
developer {
id 'Amnet'
name 'Amnet'
roles { role 'developer' }
developer {
id 'Forstride'
name 'Forstride'
roles { role 'developer' }
developer {
id 'ted80'
name 'ted80'
roles { role 'developer' }
} else {'Publishing to repo folder')
mavenDeployer {
pom.version = "${project.minecraft.version}-${project.version}"
repository(url: 'file://localhost/' + project.file('repo').getAbsolutePath())