package thaumcraft.api.aspects; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; public class Aspect { String tag; Aspect[] components; int color; private String chatcolor; ResourceLocation image; int blend; /** * Use this constructor to register your own aspects. * @param tag the key that will be used to reference this aspect, as well as its latin display name * @param color color to display the tag in * @param components the aspects this one is formed from * @param image ResourceLocation pointing to a 32x32 icon of the aspect * @param blend GL11 blendmode (1 or 771). Used for rendering nodes. Default is 1 */ public Aspect(String tag, int color, Aspect[] components, ResourceLocation image, int blend) { if (aspects.containsKey(tag)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(tag+" already registered!"); this.tag = tag; this.components = components; this.color = color; this.image = image; this.blend = blend; aspects.put(tag, this); } /** * Shortcut constructor I use for the default aspects - you shouldn't be using this. */ public Aspect(String tag, int color, Aspect[] components) { this(tag,color,components,new ResourceLocation("thaumcraft","textures/aspects/"+tag.toLowerCase()+".png"),1); } /** * Shortcut constructor I use for the default aspects - you shouldn't be using this. */ public Aspect(String tag, int color, Aspect[] components, int blend) { this(tag,color,components,new ResourceLocation("thaumcraft","textures/aspects/"+tag.toLowerCase()+".png"),blend); } /** * Shortcut constructor I use for the primal aspects - * you shouldn't use this as making your own primal aspects will break all the things. */ public Aspect(String tag, int color, String chatcolor, int blend) { this(tag,color,(Aspect[])null, blend); this.setChatcolor(chatcolor); } public int getColor() { return color; } public String getName() { return WordUtils.capitalizeFully(tag); } public String getLocalizedDescription() { return StatCollector.translateToLocal("tc.aspect."+tag); } public String getTag() { return tag; } public void setTag(String tag) { this.tag = tag; } public Aspect[] getComponents() { return components; } public void setComponents(Aspect[] components) { this.components = components; } public ResourceLocation getImage() { return image; } public static Aspect getAspect(String tag) { return aspects.get(tag); } public int getBlend() { return blend; } public void setBlend(int blend) { this.blend = blend; } public boolean isPrimal() { return getComponents()==null || getComponents().length!=2; } /////////////////////////////// public static ArrayList getPrimalAspects() { ArrayList primals = new ArrayList(); Collection pa = aspects.values(); for (Aspect aspect:pa) { if (aspect.isPrimal()) primals.add(aspect); } return primals; } public static ArrayList getCompoundAspects() { ArrayList compounds = new ArrayList(); Collection pa = aspects.values(); for (Aspect aspect:pa) { if (!aspect.isPrimal()) compounds.add(aspect); } return compounds; } public String getChatcolor() { return chatcolor; } public void setChatcolor(String chatcolor) { this.chatcolor = chatcolor; } /////////////////////////////// public static LinkedHashMap aspects = new LinkedHashMap(); //PRIMAL public static final Aspect AIR = new Aspect("aer",0xffff7e,"e",1); public static final Aspect EARTH = new Aspect("terra",0x56c000,"2",1); public static final Aspect FIRE = new Aspect("ignis",0xff5a01,"c",1); public static final Aspect WATER = new Aspect("aqua",0x3cd4fc,"3",1); public static final Aspect ORDER = new Aspect("ordo",0xd5d4ec,"7",1); public static final Aspect ENTROPY = new Aspect("perditio",0x404040,"8",771); //SECONDARY TODO public static final Aspect VOID = new Aspect("vacuos",0x888888, new Aspect[] {AIR, ENTROPY},771); public static final Aspect LIGHT = new Aspect("lux",0xfff663, new Aspect[] {AIR, FIRE}); public static final Aspect ENERGY = new Aspect("potentia",0xc0ffff, new Aspect[] {ORDER, FIRE}); public static final Aspect MOTION = new Aspect("motus",0xcdccf4, new Aspect[] {AIR, ORDER}); public static final Aspect STONE = new Aspect("saxum",0x808080, new Aspect[] {EARTH, EARTH}); public static final Aspect LIFE = new Aspect("victus",0xde0005, new Aspect[] {WATER, EARTH}); public static final Aspect WEATHER = new Aspect("tempestas",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {AIR, WATER}); public static final Aspect ICE = new Aspect("gelum",0xe1ffff, new Aspect[] {WATER, ORDER}); public static final Aspect CRYSTAL = new Aspect("vitreus",0x80ffff, new Aspect[] {STONE, WATER}); //TERTIARY TODO public static final Aspect DEATH = new Aspect("mortuus",0x887788, new Aspect[] {LIFE, ENTROPY}); public static final Aspect FLIGHT = new Aspect("volatus",0xe7e7d7, new Aspect[] {AIR, MOTION}); public static final Aspect DARKNESS = new Aspect("tenebrae",0x222222, new Aspect[] {VOID, LIGHT}); public static final Aspect SOUL = new Aspect("spiritus",0xebebfb, new Aspect[] {LIFE, DEATH}); public static final Aspect HEAL = new Aspect("sano",0xff2f34, new Aspect[] {LIFE, LIFE}); public static final Aspect TRAVEL = new Aspect("iter",0xe0585b, new Aspect[] {MOTION, EARTH}); public static final Aspect POISON = new Aspect("venenum",0x89f000, new Aspect[] {WATER, DEATH}); public static final Aspect ELDRITCH = new Aspect("alienis",0x805080, new Aspect[] {VOID, DARKNESS}); public static final Aspect MAGIC = new Aspect("praecantatio",0x9700c0, new Aspect[] {VOID, ENERGY}); public static final Aspect AURA = new Aspect("auram",0xffc0ff, new Aspect[] {MAGIC, AIR}); public static final Aspect TAINT = new Aspect("vitium",0x800080, new Aspect[] {MAGIC, ENTROPY}); public static final Aspect SEED = new Aspect("granum",0xeea16e, new Aspect[] {LIFE, EARTH}); public static final Aspect SLIME = new Aspect("limus",0x01f800, new Aspect[] {LIFE, WATER}); public static final Aspect PLANT = new Aspect("herba",0x01ac00, new Aspect[] {SEED, EARTH}); public static final Aspect TREE = new Aspect("arbor",0x876531, new Aspect[] {EARTH, PLANT}); public static final Aspect BEAST = new Aspect("bestia",0x9f6409, new Aspect[] {MOTION, LIFE}); public static final Aspect FLESH = new Aspect("corpus",0xee478d, new Aspect[] {DEATH,BEAST}); public static final Aspect UNDEAD = new Aspect("exanimis",0x3a4000, new Aspect[] {MOTION, DEATH}); public static final Aspect MIND = new Aspect("cognitio",0xffc2b3, new Aspect[] {EARTH, SOUL}); public static final Aspect SENSES = new Aspect("sensus",0x0fd9ff, new Aspect[] {AIR, SOUL}); public static final Aspect MAN = new Aspect("humanus",0xffd7c0, new Aspect[] {BEAST, MIND}); public static final Aspect CROP = new Aspect("messis",0xe1b371, new Aspect[] {SEED, MAN}); public static final Aspect HARVEST = new Aspect("meto",0xeead82, new Aspect[] {CROP, MAN}); public static final Aspect METAL = new Aspect("metallum",0xb5b5cd, new Aspect[] {STONE, ORDER}); public static final Aspect MINE = new Aspect("perfodio",0xdcd2d8, new Aspect[] {MAN, STONE}); public static final Aspect TOOL = new Aspect("instrumentum",0x4040ee, new Aspect[] {MAN, METAL}); public static final Aspect WEAPON = new Aspect("telum",0xc05050, new Aspect[] {TOOL, ENTROPY}); public static final Aspect ARMOR = new Aspect("tutamen",0x00c0c0, new Aspect[] {TOOL, EARTH}); public static final Aspect HUNGER = new Aspect("fames",0x9a0305, new Aspect[] {LIFE, VOID}); public static final Aspect GREED = new Aspect("lucrum",0xe6be44, new Aspect[] {MAN, HUNGER}); public static final Aspect CRAFT = new Aspect("fabrico",0x809d80, new Aspect[] {MAN,TOOL}); public static final Aspect CLOTH = new Aspect("pannus",0xeaeac2, new Aspect[] {TOOL, BEAST}); public static final Aspect MECHANISM = new Aspect("machina",0x8080a0, new Aspect[] {MOTION, TOOL}); public static final Aspect TRAP = new Aspect("vinculum",0x9a8080, new Aspect[] {MOTION, ENTROPY}); public static final Aspect EXCHANGE = new Aspect("permutatio",0x578357, new Aspect[] {MOTION, WATER}); // public static final Aspect LAVA = new Aspect("lava",0xe85729, new Aspect[] {EARTH, FIRE}); // public static final Aspect STEAM = new Aspect("steam",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {WATER, FIRE}); // public static final Aspect MUD = new Aspect("lutum",0x473423, new Aspect[] {WATER, EARTH}); // public static final Aspect SAND = new Aspect("sand",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {AIR, EARTH}); // public static final Aspect ASTRAL = new Aspect("Astral",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {VOID, DARKNESS}); // public static final Aspect HARM = new Aspect("Harm",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {ENTROPY, LIFE}); // public static final Aspect BIRD = new Aspect("Bird",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {BEAST, AIR}); // public static final Aspect FISH = new Aspect("Fish",0xFFFFFF, new Aspect[] {BEAST, WATER}); }