package; import; import; import com.mojang.serialization.Codec; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.SharedSeedRandom; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import; public class OriginValleySurfaceBuilder extends SurfaceBuilder { protected long seed; protected AlphaOctavePerlinNoise sandNoise; protected AlphaOctavePerlinNoise gravelNoise; public OriginValleySurfaceBuilder(Codec p_i232124_1_) { super(p_i232124_1_); } public void apply(Random random, IChunk chunkIn, Biome biomeIn, int x, int z, int startHeight, double noise, BlockState defaultBlock, BlockState defaultFluid, int seaLevel, long seed, SurfaceBuilderConfig config) { this.apply(random, chunkIn, biomeIn, x, z, startHeight, noise, defaultBlock, defaultFluid, config.getTopMaterial(), config.getUnderMaterial(), config.getUnderwaterMaterial(), seaLevel); } protected void apply(Random random, IChunk chunkIn, Biome biomeIn, int x, int z, int startHeight, double noise, BlockState defaultBlock, BlockState defaultFluid, BlockState top, BlockState middle, BlockState bottom, int sealevel) { BlockState topState = top; BlockState middleState = middle; BlockPos.Mutable mutable = new BlockPos.Mutable(); int placedDepth = -1; int grassDepth = (int)(noise / 3.0D + 3.0D + random.nextDouble() * 0.25D); int localX = x & 15; int localZ = z & 15; boolean gravelGen = gravelNoise.sample(x, 109.0134, z, 0.03125, 1, 0.03125) + random.nextDouble() * 0.2 > 3.0; boolean sandGen = sandNoise.sample(x, z, 0, 0.03125, 0.03125, 1) + random.nextDouble() * 0.2 > 0.0; for (int y = startHeight; y >= 0; --y) { mutable.set(localX, y, localZ); BlockState blockstate2 = chunkIn.getBlockState(mutable); if (blockstate2.isAir()) { placedDepth = -1; } else if ( { if (placedDepth == -1) { if (grassDepth <= 0) { topState = Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(); middleState = defaultBlock; } else if (y >= sealevel - 4 && y <= sealevel + 1) { topState = top; middleState = middle; if (gravelGen) { topState = Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(); middleState = Blocks.GRAVEL.defaultBlockState(); } if (sandGen) { topState = Blocks.SAND.defaultBlockState(); middleState = Blocks.SAND.defaultBlockState(); } } if (y < sealevel && (topState == null || topState.isAir())) { if (biomeIn.getTemperature(mutable.set(x, y, z)) < 0.15F) { topState = Blocks.ICE.defaultBlockState(); } else { topState = defaultFluid; } mutable.set(localX, y, localZ); } placedDepth = grassDepth; if (y >= sealevel - 1) { chunkIn.setBlockState(mutable, topState, false); } else { chunkIn.setBlockState(mutable, middleState, false); } } else if (placedDepth > 0) { --placedDepth; chunkIn.setBlockState(mutable, middleState, false); } } } } @Override public void initNoise(long seed) { // If the seed has changed, then re-initialize the noise. if (this.seed != seed || this.sandNoise == null || this.gravelNoise == null) { SharedSeedRandom random = new SharedSeedRandom(seed); this.sandNoise = new AlphaOctavePerlinNoise(random, 4); this.gravelNoise = new AlphaOctavePerlinNoise(random, 4); } this.seed = seed; } }