BLOCKS: Pebbles: Small rocks scattered around forest biomes. Pinecone: Pinecone that grows under spruce and fir leaves. Origin Blocks: Planks, Gravel, Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Bricks, Block of Diamond, Block of Gold, Block of Iron, Lapis Lazuli Block. Alpha Essence Ore: Found in the Promised Land. Requires an Amethyst pickaxe to mine. Omega Essence Ore: Found in the Nether. Requires an Amethyst pickaxe to mine. --- ITEMS: Alpha Essence: Mined from Alpha Essence Ore. Used to turn certain blocks into their Origin counterparts. Omega Essence: Mined from Omega Essence Ore. Used to turn Origin blocks back to their normal counterparts. --- UNDERGROUND BIOMES (If possible): Crystal Caverns: Purple, translucent crystals growing around the cavern. Flooded Caverns: Lots of water springs and ponds. Overgrown Caverns: Vines hanging from the ceiling, small shrubs, and lots of mushrooms.