package biomesoplenty.integration.tatg; import java.util.Random; import ttftcuts.atg.api.IGenMod; public class GenModAbyss implements IGenMod { private static final double smooth = 0.4; // how much double height vs how much int height private static final int cutoff = 45; // top of the shelves private static final double slopefactor = 0.12; // 1/slopefactor blocks of real height shifts from "height" to "abyss" level. @Override public int modify(int height, Random random, double rawHeight) { double heightmix = height * (1-smooth) + ( rawHeight*256 ) * smooth; double factor = Math.min(1,Math.max(0, (cutoff-heightmix)*slopefactor)); double abyss = rawHeight*rawHeight; return Math.max(5, (int)Math.round( (factor * abyss + (1-factor) * rawHeight) *256 ) ); } @Override public double noiseFactor() { return 150.0; } }