package forestry.api.fuels; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; public class EngineBronzeFuel { /** * Item that is valid fuel for a biogas engine. */ public final Fluid liquid; /** * Power produced by this fuel per work cycle of the engine. */ public final int powerPerCycle; /** * How many work cycles a single "stack" of this type lasts. */ public final int burnDuration; /** * By how much the normal heat dissipation rate of 1 is multiplied when using this fuel type. */ public final int dissipationMultiplier; public EngineBronzeFuel(Fluid liquid, int powerPerCycle, int burnDuration, int dissipationMultiplier) { this.liquid = liquid; this.powerPerCycle = powerPerCycle; this.burnDuration = burnDuration; this.dissipationMultiplier = dissipationMultiplier; } }