Added null check for the sacrificial focus

This commit is contained in:
Adubbz 2013-07-14 20:03:06 +10:00
parent eda7eec385
commit 6cd2d191e2
1 changed files with 88 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -79,111 +79,114 @@ public class BlockBOPGlass extends Block
ItemStack equippedItem = player.getCurrentEquippedItem();
Random rand = new Random();
if (equippedItem.itemID == Items.soulManipulator.get().itemID)
if (equippedItem != null)
if (equippedItem.getItemDamage() == 0)
if (equippedItem.itemID == Items.soulManipulator.get().itemID)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2)
if (equippedItem.getItemDamage() == 0)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2)
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 1));
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 1));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1, 2);
return true;
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1, 2);
return true;
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 3)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 2));
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().sndManager.playSound("mob.villager.idle", (float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 0.5F, (float) z + 0.5F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1, 2);
return true;
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 3)
else if (equippedItem.getItemDamage() == 1)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1)
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 2));
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().sndManager.playSound("mob.villager.idle", (float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 0.5F, (float) z + 0.5F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1, 2);
return true;
else if (equippedItem.getItemDamage() == 1)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 0));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x + 1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x -1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z + 1));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z - 1));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 2, 2);
return true;
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 3)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 0));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 1, z));
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().sndManager.playSound("mob.wither.death", (float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 0.5F, (float) z + 0.5F, 5.0F, 10.0F);
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().sndManager.playSound("mob.enderdragon.growl", (float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 0.5F, (float) z + 0.5F, 5.0F, 1.0F);
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityDragon(world));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1, 2);
Entity entitytnt = new EntityTNTPrimed(world);
world.createExplosion(entitytnt, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z, 10.0F, true);
return true;
if (equippedItem.getItemDamage() == 2)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (player.dimension != 1)
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x + 1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x -1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z + 1));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z - 1));
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 0));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 3, 2);
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x + 1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x -1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z + 1));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z - 1));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 2, 2);
return true;
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 3)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 0));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 1, z));
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().sndManager.playSound("mob.wither.death", (float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 0.5F, (float) z + 0.5F, 5.0F, 10.0F);
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().sndManager.playSound("mob.enderdragon.growl", (float) x + 0.5F, (float) y + 0.5F, (float) z + 0.5F, 5.0F, 1.0F);
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityDragon(world));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 1, 2);
Entity entitytnt = new EntityTNTPrimed(world);
world.createExplosion(entitytnt, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z, 10.0F, true);
return true;
if (equippedItem.getItemDamage() == 2)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2)
if (checkAltarStructreIntegrity(world, x, y, z))
if (player.dimension != 1)
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x + 1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x -1, y + 2, z));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z + 1));
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityLightningBolt(world, x, y + 2, z - 1));
if (!player.capabilities.isCreativeMode)
player.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, new ItemStack(Items.soulManipulator.get(), 1, 0));
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 3, 2);
return true;