Run repo through remapping script -- UNTESTED

This commit is contained in:
Progwml6 2014-02-05 19:45:49 -05:00
parent f48e4353af
commit 6572cecccd
230 changed files with 3699 additions and 3699 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ public class BOPBlockHelper
public static String getUniqueName(Block block)
return GameData.blockRegistry.func_148750_c(block);
return GameData.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(block);

View File

@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ public class BOPItemHelper
public static String getUniqueName(Item item)
return GameData.itemRegistry.func_148750_c(item);
return GameData.itemRegistry.getNameForObject(item);

View File

@ -45,24 +45,24 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
//TODO: buttonList
int i = (this.field_146294_l - 192) / 2;
int i = (this.width - 192) / 2;
byte b0 = 2;
this.field_146292_n.add(this.buttonNextPage = new GuiScreenBiomeBook.NextPageButton(1, i + 120, b0 + 154, true));
this.field_146292_n.add(this.buttonPreviousPage = new GuiScreenBiomeBook.NextPageButton(2, i + 38, b0 + 154, false));
this.buttonList.add(this.buttonNextPage = new GuiScreenBiomeBook.NextPageButton(1, i + 120, b0 + 154, true));
this.buttonList.add(this.buttonPreviousPage = new GuiScreenBiomeBook.NextPageButton(2, i + 38, b0 + 154, false));
//TODO: fontRendererObj
this.pageLinks.add(new PageLink(3, i + 41 + (field_146289_q.getStringWidth("Contents") / 2) + 7, b0 + 154, 0x6189CE, "Contents", 1, 2, 0));
this.pageLinks.add(new PageLink(3, i + 41 + (fontRendererObj.getStringWidth("Contents") / 2) + 7, b0 + 154, 0x6189CE, "Contents", 1, 2, 0));
for (PageLink link : pageLinks)
@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
//TODO: actionPerformed()
protected void func_146284_a(GuiButton button)
protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button)
//TODO: enabled
if (button.field_146124_l)
if (button.enabled)
if (button instanceof PageLink)
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
public void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height)
//TODO: minecraft
if (isDrawing) this.field_146297_k.getTextureManager().bindTexture(biomeBookTexture);
if (isDrawing);
isDrawing = false;
@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
private void updatePageButtons()
int currentPage = getCurrentPage();
int bookTotalPages = BOPReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, "field_146476_w", "field_146476_w");
int bookTotalPages = BOPReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, "bookTotalPages", "bookTotalPages");
this.buttonNextPage.field_146125_m = currentPage < bookTotalPages - 1;
this.buttonPreviousPage.field_146125_m = currentPage > 0;
this.buttonNextPage.visible = currentPage < bookTotalPages - 1;
this.buttonPreviousPage.visible = currentPage > 0;
for (PageLink link : pageLinks)
@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
public void addLinks()
NBTTagList pages = BOPReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, "field_146483_y", "field_146483_y");
NBTTagList pages = BOPReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, "bookPages", "bookPages");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<link>(.+?)</link>");
for (int pageNo = 0; pageNo < pages.tagCount(); pageNo++)
String pageText = pages.func_150307_f(pageNo);
String pageText = pages.getStringTagAt(pageNo);
String[] lineSplitText = pageText.split("(?<=[\\n])");
for (int line = 0; line < lineSplitText.length; line++)
@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
String originalLinkString = "<link>" + originalLinkText + "</link>";
int i = (this.field_146294_l - 192) / 2;
int i = (this.width - 192) / 2;
byte b0 = 2;
//TODO: fontRendererObj
this.pageLinks.add(new PageLink(3 + pageLinks.size(), i + 34 + field_146289_q.getStringWidth(lineText.split(originalLinkString)[0]), b0 + 31 + (line * 9), 0x6189CE, linkText, pageNo, 0, linkedPage));
this.pageLinks.add(new PageLink(3 + pageLinks.size(), i + 34 + fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(lineText.split(originalLinkString)[0]), b0 + 31 + (line * 9), 0x6189CE, linkText, pageNo, 0, linkedPage));
lineText = lineText.replace(originalLinkString , StringUtils.repeat(" ", linkText.length()));
@ -165,17 +165,17 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
pages.func_150304_a(pageNo, new NBTTagString(StringUtils.join(lineSplitText)));
BOPReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, pages, "field_146483_y", "field_146483_y");
BOPReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, pages, "bookPages", "bookPages");
public int getCurrentPage()
return BOPReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, "field_146484_x", "field_146484_x");
return BOPReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, "currPage", "currPage");
public void setCurrentPage(int pageNo)
BOPReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, pageNo, "field_146484_x", "field_146484_x");
BOPReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(GuiScreenBook.class, this, pageNo, "currPage", "currPage");
@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
//TODO: drawButton()
public void func_146112_a(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY)
public void drawButton(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY)
//TODO: drawButton
if (this.field_146125_m)
if (this.visible)
//TODO: xPosition yPosition xPosition width yPosition height
boolean isHovering = mouseX >= this.field_146128_h && mouseY >= this.field_146129_i && mouseX < this.field_146128_h + this.field_146120_f && mouseY < this.field_146129_i + this.field_146121_g;
boolean isHovering = mouseX >= this.xPosition && mouseY >= this.yPosition && mouseX < this.xPosition + this.width && mouseY < this.yPosition + this.height;
GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
int k = 0;
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
//TODO: xPosition yPosition
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.field_146128_h, this.field_146129_i, k, l, 23, 13);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, k, l, 23, 13);
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
public PageLink(int id, int xPosition, int yPosition, int colour, String text, int displayPage, int displayType, int pageNumber)
//TODO: fontRendererObj
super(id, xPosition, yPosition, field_146289_q.getStringWidth(text.replaceAll("\\P{InBasic_Latin}", "")), 12, "");
super(id, xPosition, yPosition, fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(text.replaceAll("\\P{InBasic_Latin}", "")), 12, "");
this.colour = colour;
this.text = text;
@ -248,27 +248,27 @@ public class GuiScreenBiomeBook extends GuiScreenBook
(displayType == 2 && getCurrentPage() >= displayPage);
//TODO: enabled
this.field_146124_l = display;
this.enabled = display;
//TODO: drawButton
this.field_146125_m = display;
this.visible = display;
//TODO: drawButton()
public void func_146112_a(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY)
public void drawButton(Minecraft minecraft, int mouseX, int mouseY)
//TODO: drawButton
if (this.field_146125_m)
if (this.visible)
//TODO: xPosition yPosition xPosition width yPosition height
boolean isHovering = mouseX >= this.field_146128_h && mouseY >= this.field_146129_i && mouseX < this.field_146128_h + this.field_146120_f && mouseY < this.field_146129_i + this.field_146121_g;
boolean isHovering = mouseX >= this.xPosition && mouseY >= this.yPosition && mouseX < this.xPosition + this.width && mouseY < this.yPosition + this.height;
GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
String moddedText = isHovering ? "" + EnumChatFormatting.UNDERLINE + text : text;
//TODO: fontRendererObj xPosition yPosition
this.drawCenteredString(field_146289_q, moddedText, field_146128_h, field_146129_i, colour);
this.drawCenteredString(fontRendererObj, moddedText, xPosition, yPosition, colour);

View File

@ -42,29 +42,29 @@ public class StartupWarningGUI extends GuiScreen
//TODO: buttonList
//TODO: buttonList
this.field_146292_n.add(new GuiButton(0, this.field_146294_l / 2 - 175, this.field_146295_m - 48, 350, 20, I18n.getStringParams("OK")));
this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, this.width / 2 - 175, this.height - 48, 350, 20, I18n.getStringParams("OK")));
//TODO: buttonList
this.field_146292_n.add(new GuiButton(1, this.field_146294_l / 2 - 175, this.field_146295_m - 24, 350, 20, I18n.getStringParams("Cancel")));
this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(1, this.width / 2 - 175, this.height - 24, 350, 20, I18n.getStringParams("Cancel")));
//TODO: onGuiClosed()
public void func_146281_b()
public void onGuiClosed()
//TODO: actionPerformed()
protected void func_146284_a(GuiButton button)
protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button)
//TODO: enabled
if (button.field_146124_l)
if (button.enabled)
//TODO: id
if (button.field_146127_k == 0)
if ( == 0)
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ public class StartupWarningGUI extends GuiScreen
//TODO: displayGuiScreen()
//TODO: id
if (button.field_146127_k == 1)
if ( == 1)
@ -91,23 +91,23 @@ public class StartupWarningGUI extends GuiScreen
public void drawScreen(int x, int y, float renderPartialTicks)
//TODO: drawDefaultBackground()
//TODO: fontRendererObj width
this.drawCenteredString(this.field_146289_q, "" + RED + "Biomes O' Plenty uses a custom worldtype for its biomes. When creating a world, it", this.field_146294_l / 2, 82, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.field_146289_q, "" + RED + "may be enabled by clicking the 'World Type' button under 'More World Options'", this.field_146294_l / 2, 94, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.field_146289_q, "" + RED + "until it displays 'Biomes O' Plenty'.", this.field_146294_l / 2, 106, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "" + RED + "Biomes O' Plenty uses a custom worldtype for its biomes. When creating a world, it", this.width / 2, 82, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "" + RED + "may be enabled by clicking the 'World Type' button under 'More World Options'", this.width / 2, 94, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "" + RED + "until it displays 'Biomes O' Plenty'.", this.width / 2, 106, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.field_146289_q, "" + RED + "The worldtype can be used on servers by changing the 'level-type' in", this.field_146294_l / 2, 132, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.field_146289_q, "" + RED + " to 'BIOMESOP' (without quotes)", this.field_146294_l / 2, 144, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "" + RED + "The worldtype can be used on servers by changing the 'level-type' in", this.width / 2, 132, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "" + RED + " to 'BIOMESOP' (without quotes)", this.width / 2, 144, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.field_146289_q, "" + DARK_RED + "This message will only display once.", this.field_146294_l / 2, 168, 0xFFFFFF);
this.drawCenteredString(this.fontRendererObj, "" + DARK_RED + "This message will only display once.", this.width / 2, 168, 0xFFFFFF);
GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
// width x, y, u, v, width, height
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.field_146294_l / 2 - 168 / 2, 0, 0, 0, 168, 80);
this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.width / 2 - 168 / 2, 0, 0, 0, 168, 80);
super.drawScreen(x, y, renderPartialTicks);

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class ModelBird extends ModelBase
int z = MathHelper.floor_double(entity.posZ);
//TODO: isAirBlock()
if (!(entity.posY <= entity.prevPosY && entity.worldObj.func_147437_c(x, y - 1, z)))
if (!(entity.posY <= entity.prevPosY && entity.worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y - 1, z)))
WingRight.rotateAngleZ = MathHelper.cos(f2 * 1.7F) * (float)Math.PI * 0.25F;
WingLeft.rotateAngleZ = -WingRight.rotateAngleZ;

View File

@ -25,32 +25,32 @@ public class RenderUtils
tessellator.setNormal(0.0F, -1F, 0.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceYNeg getIcon()
renderblocks.func_147768_a(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.func_149691_a(0, meta));
renderblocks.renderFaceYNeg(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getIcon(0, meta));
tessellator.setNormal(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceYPos getIcon()
renderblocks.func_147806_b(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.func_149691_a(1, meta));
renderblocks.renderFaceYPos(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getIcon(1, meta));
tessellator.setNormal(0.0F, 0.0F, -1F);
//TODO: renderFaceZNeg getIcon()
renderblocks.func_147761_c(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.func_149691_a(2, meta));
renderblocks.renderFaceZNeg(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getIcon(2, meta));
tessellator.setNormal(0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceZPos getIcon()
renderblocks.func_147734_d(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.func_149691_a(3, meta));
renderblocks.renderFaceZPos(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getIcon(3, meta));
tessellator.setNormal(-1F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceXNeg getIcon()
renderblocks.func_147798_e(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.func_149691_a(4, meta));
renderblocks.renderFaceXNeg(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getIcon(4, meta));
tessellator.setNormal(1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceXPos getIcon()
renderblocks.func_147764_f(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.func_149691_a(5, meta));
renderblocks.renderFaceXPos(block, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, block.getIcon(5, meta));
GL11.glTranslatef(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F);

View File

@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ public class BambooRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
public boolean renderWorldBlock(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int modelId, RenderBlocks renderer)
//TODO: setBlockBounds
block.func_149676_a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
block.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
//TODO: colorMultiplier
int l = block.func_149720_d(world, x, y, z);
int l = block.colorMultiplier(world, x, y, z);
float f = (float)(l >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f1 = (float)(l >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f2 = (float)(l & 255) / 255.0F;
@ -57,48 +57,48 @@ public class BambooRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
float f18 = f6 * f2;
float pixel = 0.0625F;
//TODO: getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
int m = block.func_149677_c(world, x, y, z);
int m = block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y, z);
//Need to make public: renderAllFaces, renderMinY, renderMaxY
//TODO: renderAllFaces shouldSideBeRendered()
if (renderer.field_147837_f || block.func_149646_a(world, x, y - 1, z, 0))
if (renderer.renderAllFaces || block.shouldSideBeRendered(world, x, y - 1, z, 0))
//TODO: renderMinY getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(renderer.field_147855_j > 0.0D ? m : block.func_149677_c(world, x, y - 1, z));
tessellator.setBrightness(renderer.renderMinY > 0.0D ? m : block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y - 1, z));
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(r, g, b);
//TODO: renderFaceYNeg getBlockIcon()
renderer.func_147768_a(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z, renderer.func_147793_a(block, world, x, y, z, 0));
renderer.renderFaceYNeg(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z, renderer.getBlockIcon(block, world, x, y, z, 0));
//TODO: renderAllFaces shouldSideBeRendered()
if (renderer.field_147837_f || block.func_149646_a(world, x, y + 1, z, 1))
if (renderer.renderAllFaces || block.shouldSideBeRendered(world, x, y + 1, z, 1))
//TODO: renderMaxY getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(renderer.field_147857_k < 1.0D ? m : block.func_149677_c(world, x, y + 1, z));
tessellator.setBrightness(renderer.renderMaxY < 1.0D ? m : block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y + 1, z));
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(f8, f12, f16);
//TODO: renderFaceYPos getBlockIcon()
renderer.func_147806_b(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z, renderer.func_147793_a(block, world, x, y, z, 1));
renderer.renderFaceYPos(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z, renderer.getBlockIcon(block, world, x, y, z, 1));
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(f9, f13, f17);
tessellator.addTranslation(0.0F, 0.0F, pixel);
//TODO: renderFaceZNeg getBlockIcon()
renderer.func_147761_c(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z + (pixel * 4), renderer.func_147793_a(block, world, x, y, z, 2));
renderer.renderFaceZNeg(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z + (pixel * 4), renderer.getBlockIcon(block, world, x, y, z, 2));
tessellator.addTranslation(0.0F, 0.0F, -pixel);
tessellator.addTranslation(0.0F, 0.0F, -pixel);
//TODO: renderFaceZPos getBlockIcon()
renderer.func_147734_d(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z - (pixel * 4), renderer.func_147793_a(block, world, x, y, z, 3));
renderer.renderFaceZPos(block, (double)x, (double)y, (double)z - (pixel * 4), renderer.getBlockIcon(block, world, x, y, z, 3));
tessellator.addTranslation(0.0F, 0.0F, pixel);
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(f10, f14, f18);
tessellator.addTranslation(pixel, 0.0F, 0.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceXNeg getBlockIcon()
renderer.func_147798_e(block, (double)x + (pixel * 4), (double)y, (double)z, renderer.func_147793_a(block, world, x, y, z, 4));
renderer.renderFaceXNeg(block, (double)x + (pixel * 4), (double)y, (double)z, renderer.getBlockIcon(block, world, x, y, z, 4));
tessellator.addTranslation(-pixel, 0.0F, 0.0F);
tessellator.addTranslation(-pixel, 0.0F, 0.0F);
//TODO: renderFaceXPos getBlockIcon()
renderer.func_147764_f(block, (double)x - (pixel * 4), (double)y, (double)z, renderer.func_147793_a(block, world, x, y, z, 5));
renderer.renderFaceXPos(block, (double)x - (pixel * 4), (double)y, (double)z, renderer.getBlockIcon(block, world, x, y, z, 5));
tessellator.addTranslation(pixel, 0.0F, 0.0F);

View File

@ -60,22 +60,22 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: blockAccess
IBlockAccess world = renderer.field_147845_a;
IBlockAccess world = renderer.blockAccess;
//TODO: getBlockIconFromSide()
IIcon icon = renderer.func_147777_a(block, 1);
IIcon icon = renderer.getBlockIconFromSide(block, 1);
//Need to make public: overrideBlockTexture
//TODO: hasOverrideBlockTexture()
if (renderer.func_147744_b())
if (renderer.hasOverrideBlockTexture())
//TODO: overrideBlockTexture
icon = renderer.field_147840_d;
icon = renderer.overrideBlockTexture;
float cf = 1.0F;
//TODO: colorMUltiplier()
int cl = block.func_149720_d(world, x, y, z);
int cl = block.colorMultiplier(world, x, y, z);
float c1 = (cl >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float c2 = (cl >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float c3 = (cl & 255) / 255.0F;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
l = l * l * 42317861L + l * 11L;
int i1 = (int)(l >> 16 & 3L);
//TODO: getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(block.func_149677_c(world, x, y, z));
tessellator.setBrightness(block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y, z));
float f1 = (float)x + 0.5F;
float f2 = (float)z + 0.5F;
float f3 = (float)(i1 & 1) * 0.5F * (float)(1 - i1 / 2 % 2 * 2);
@ -121,20 +121,20 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: blockAccess
IBlockAccess world = renderer.field_147845_a;
IBlockAccess world = renderer.blockAccess;
//TODO: getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata()
IIcon icon = renderer.func_147787_a(block, 1, 13);
IIcon icon = renderer.getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata(block, 1, 13);
//TODO: hasOverrideBlockTexture()
if (renderer.func_147744_b())
if (renderer.hasOverrideBlockTexture())
//TODO: overrideBlockTexture
icon = renderer.field_147840_d;
icon = renderer.overrideBlockTexture;
float cf = 1.0F;
//TODO: colorMultiplier()
int cl = block.func_149720_d(world, x, y, z);
int cl = block.colorMultiplier(world, x, y, z);
float c1 = (cl >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float c2 = (cl >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float c3 = (cl & 255) / 255.0F;
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
l = l * l * 42317861L + l * 11L;
int i1 = (int)(l >> 16 & 3L);
//TODO: getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(block.func_149677_c(world, x, y, z));
tessellator.setBrightness(block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y, z));
float f1 = (float)x + 0.5F;
float f2 = (float)z + 0.5F;
float f3 = (float)(i1 & 1) * 0.5F * (float)(1 - i1 / 2 % 2 * 2);
@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: blockAccess
IBlockAccess world = renderer.field_147845_a;
IBlockAccess world = renderer.blockAccess;
//TODO: getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(par1Block.func_149677_c(world, par2, par3, par4));
tessellator.setBrightness(par1Block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, par2, par3, par4));
float f = 1.0F;
//TODO: colorMultiplier()
int l = par1Block.func_149720_d(world, par2, par3, par4);
int l = par1Block.colorMultiplier(world, par2, par3, par4);
float f1 = (l >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f2 = (l >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f3 = (l & 255) / 255.0F;
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
//TODO: getBlock()
if ((world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 8 || world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9) && world.func_147439_a(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"))
if ((world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 8 || world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9) && world.getBlock(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"))
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(f, f, f);
@ -231,25 +231,25 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 10 && world.func_147439_a(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("flowers"))
if (world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 10 && world.getBlock(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("flowers"))
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares() getIcon()
renderer.func_147765_a(par1Block.func_149691_a(0, world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4)), d0, d1 - 1, d2, 1.0F);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(par1Block.getIcon(0, world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4)), d0, d1 - 1, d2, 1.0F);
//TODO: getBlock()
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 8 && world.func_147439_a(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"))
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 8 && world.getBlock(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"))
renderBerryBush(d0, d1, d2, 1.0F, f1, f2, f3, renderer);
//TODO: getBlock()
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9 && world.func_147439_a(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"))
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9 && world.getBlock(par2, par3, par4) == BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"))
renderShrub(d0, d1, d2, 1.0F, f1, f2, f3, renderer);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares() getIcon()
renderer.func_147765_a(par1Block.func_149691_a(0, world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4)), d0, d1, d2, 1.0F);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(par1Block.getIcon(0, world.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4)), d0, d1, d2, 1.0F);
return true;
@ -259,29 +259,29 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata()
IIcon berryBush = renderer.func_147787_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 0, 8);
IIcon berryBush = renderer.getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 0, 8);
IIcon berryBushBerry = ((BlockBOPFoliage)BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage")).berryBushBerry;
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(par4 * par5, par4 * par6, par4 * par7);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(berryBush, par1, par2, par3, par4);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(berryBush, par1, par2, par3, par4);
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(par4, par4, par4);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(berryBushBerry, par1, par2, par3, par4);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(berryBushBerry, par1, par2, par3, par4);
private static void renderShrub(double par1, double par2, double par3, float par4, float par5, float par6, float par7, RenderBlocks renderer)
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata()
IIcon shrubLeaf = renderer.func_147787_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 0, 9);
IIcon shrubLeaf = renderer.getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 0, 9);
IIcon shrubBranch = ((BlockBOPFoliage)BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage")).shrubBranch;
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(par4 * par5, par4 * par6, par4 * par7);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(shrubLeaf, par1, par2, par3, par4);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(shrubLeaf, par1, par2, par3, par4);
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(par4, par4, par4);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(shrubBranch, par1, par2, par3, par4);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(shrubBranch, par1, par2, par3, par4);

View File

@ -20,116 +20,116 @@ public class GraveRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*5, 0, pixel*5, pixel*11, pixel*3, pixel*11);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*5, 0, pixel*5, pixel*11, pixel*3, pixel*11);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Base pole
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*6, pixel*3, pixel*6, pixel*10, pixel*11, pixel*10);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*6, pixel*3, pixel*6, pixel*10, pixel*11, pixel*10);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal bottom
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0, pixel*11, pixel*5, pixel*16, pixel*14, pixel*11);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0, pixel*11, pixel*5, pixel*16, pixel*14, pixel*11);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 1)
//Head vertical side 0
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*13, pixel*-2, pixel*5, pixel*16, pixel*8, pixel*11);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*13, pixel*-2, pixel*5, pixel*16, pixel*8, pixel*11);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head vertical side 1
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0, pixel*-2, pixel*5, pixel*3, pixel*8, pixel*11);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0, pixel*-2, pixel*5, pixel*3, pixel*8, pixel*11);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Cross vertical side 1
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*6, pixel*-3, pixel*7, pixel*10, pixel*14, pixel*9);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*6, pixel*-3, pixel*7, pixel*10, pixel*14, pixel*9);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal middle 0
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*-4, pixel*1, pixel*7, pixel*6, pixel*5, pixel*9);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*-4, pixel*1, pixel*7, pixel*6, pixel*5, pixel*9);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal middle 1
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*10, pixel*1, pixel*7, pixel*20, pixel*5, pixel*9);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*10, pixel*1, pixel*7, pixel*20, pixel*5, pixel*9);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal top
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0, pixel*8, pixel*5, pixel*16, pixel*11, pixel*11);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0, pixel*8, pixel*5, pixel*16, pixel*11, pixel*11);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 2)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*5, 0, pixel*5, pixel*11, pixel*3, pixel*11);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*5, 0, pixel*5, pixel*11, pixel*3, pixel*11);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Base pole
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*6, pixel*3, pixel*6, pixel*10, pixel*11, pixel*10);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*6, pixel*3, pixel*6, pixel*10, pixel*11, pixel*10);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal bottom
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*5, pixel*11, 0, pixel*11, pixel*14, pixel*16);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*5, pixel*11, 0, pixel*11, pixel*14, pixel*16);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 3)
//Head vertical side 0
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*5, pixel*-2, pixel*13, pixel*11, pixel*8, pixel*16);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*5, pixel*-2, pixel*13, pixel*11, pixel*8, pixel*16);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head vertical side 1
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*5, pixel*-2, 0, pixel*11, pixel*8, pixel*3);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*5, pixel*-2, 0, pixel*11, pixel*8, pixel*3);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Cross vertical side 1
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*7, pixel*-3, pixel*6, pixel*9, pixel*14, pixel*10);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*7, pixel*-3, pixel*6, pixel*9, pixel*14, pixel*10);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal middle 0
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*7, pixel*1, pixel*-4, pixel*9, pixel*5, pixel*6);
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*7, pixel*1, pixel*-4, pixel*9, pixel*5, pixel*6);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal middle 1
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*7, pixel*1, pixel*10, pixel*9, pixel*5, pixel*20);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*7, pixel*1, pixel*10, pixel*9, pixel*5, pixel*20);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//Head horizontal top
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(pixel*5, pixel*8, 0, pixel*11, pixel*11, pixel*16);
renderer.setRenderBounds(pixel*5, pixel*8, 0, pixel*11, pixel*11, pixel*16);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
return true;

View File

@ -29,29 +29,29 @@ public class PlantsRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
return renderCrossedSquares(block, x, y, z, renderer, true);
if (meta == 5)
//TODO: renderCrossedSquares
return renderer.func_147746_l(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderCrossedSquares(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 6)
return renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z, renderer);
if (meta == 7)
//TODO: renderBlockCrops
return renderer.func_147796_n(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 8)
//TODO: renderBlockCrops
return renderer.func_147796_n(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 9)
//TODO: renderBlockCrops
return renderer.func_147796_n(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 10)
//TODO: renderBlockCrops
return renderer.func_147796_n(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 11)
//TODO: renderBlockCrops
return renderer.func_147796_n(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 12)
return renderCrossedSquares(block, x, y, z, renderer, true);
if (meta == 13)
//TODO: renderBlockCrops
return renderer.func_147796_n(block, x, y, z);
return renderer.renderBlockCrops(block, x, y, z);
if (meta == 14)
return renderCrossedSquares(block, x, y, z, renderer, false);
@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ public class PlantsRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: blockAccess
IBlockAccess world = renderer.field_147845_a;
IBlockAccess world = renderer.blockAccess;
//TODO: getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(block.func_149677_c(world, x, y, z));
tessellator.setBrightness(block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y, z));
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
double d0 = x;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class PlantsRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
d2 += ((i1 >> 24 & 15L) / 15.0F - 0.5D) * 0.125D;
//TODO: renderCropBlocksImpl()
renderer.func_147795_a(block, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), d0, y - 0.0625F, d2);
renderer.renderBlockCropsImpl(block, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), d0, y - 0.0625F, d2);
return true;
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ public class PlantsRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
//TODO: blockAccess
IBlockAccess world = renderer.field_147845_a;
IBlockAccess world = renderer.blockAccess;
//TODO: getMixedBrightnessForBlock()
tessellator.setBrightness(block.func_149677_c(world, x, y, z));
tessellator.setBrightness(block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y, z));
float f = 1.0F;
//TODO: colorMultiplier()
int l = block.func_149720_d(world, x, y, z);
int l = block.colorMultiplier(world, x, y, z);
float f1 = (l >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f2 = (l >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f3 = (l & 255) / 255.0F;
@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ public class PlantsRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
if (meta == 14)
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(block.func_149691_a(0, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)), d0, d1, d2, 1.0F);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(block.getIcon(0, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)), d0, d1, d2, 1.0F);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(((BlockBOPPlant)BOPBlockHelper.get("plants")).reedbottom, d0, d1 - 1, d2, 1.0F);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(((BlockBOPPlant)BOPBlockHelper.get("plants")).reedbottom, d0, d1 - 1, d2, 1.0F);
//TODO: drawCrossedSquares()
renderer.func_147765_a(block.func_149691_a(0, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)), d0, d1, d2, 1.0F);
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(block.getIcon(0, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)), d0, d1, d2, 1.0F);
return true;

View File

@ -20,51 +20,51 @@ public class SmallBlockRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
if (meta == 0)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.374F, 0.0F, 0.374F, 0.626F, 1.0F, 0.626F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.374F, 0.0F, 0.374F, 0.626F, 1.0F, 0.626F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 1)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.187F, 0.0F, 0.187F, 0.813F, 1.0F, 0.813F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.187F, 0.0F, 0.187F, 0.813F, 1.0F, 0.813F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 3)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.374F, 0.374F, 0.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F, 1.0F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.374F, 0.374F, 0.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F, 1.0F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 4)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.0F, 0.374F, 0.374F, 1.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.0F, 0.374F, 0.374F, 1.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 5)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.187F, 0.187F, 0.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F, 1.0F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.187F, 0.187F, 0.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F, 1.0F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
else if (meta == 6)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.0F, 0.187F, 0.187F, 1.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.0F, 0.187F, 0.187F, 1.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
//TODO: renderStandardBlock
renderer.func_147784_q(block, x, y, z);
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
return true;
@ -80,43 +80,43 @@ public class SmallBlockRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
if (metadata == 0)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.374F, 0.0F, 0.374F, 0.626F, 1.0F, 0.626F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.374F, 0.0F, 0.374F, 0.626F, 1.0F, 0.626F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);
else if (metadata == 1)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.187F, 0.0F, 0.187F, 0.813F, 1.0F, 0.813F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.187F, 0.0F, 0.187F, 0.813F, 1.0F, 0.813F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);
else if (metadata == 3)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.374F, 0.374F, 0.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F, 1.0F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.374F, 0.374F, 0.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F, 1.0F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);
else if (metadata == 4)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.0F, 0.374F, 0.374F, 1.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.0F, 0.374F, 0.374F, 1.0F, 0.626F, 0.626F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);
else if (metadata == 5)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.187F, 0.187F, 0.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F, 1.0F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.187F, 0.187F, 0.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F, 1.0F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);
else if (metadata == 6)
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.0F, 0.187F, 0.187F, 1.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.0F, 0.187F, 0.187F, 1.0F, 0.813F, 0.813F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);
//TODO: setRenderBounds
renderer.func_147782_a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
RenderUtils.renderStandardInvBlock(renderer, block, metadata);

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class ItemFlowerBand extends ItemArmor
//TODO: public void getSubItems(Item item, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void func_150895_a(Item item, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubItems(Item item, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < flowerBandTypes.length; ++i)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class BiomeGenAlps extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F);
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ public class BiomeGenAlps extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public class BiomeGenArctic extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
@ -46,26 +46,26 @@ public class BiomeGenArctic extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11176526;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11903827;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BiomeGenBambooForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(1.2F, 0.9F);
@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ public class BiomeGenBambooForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
public void func_150573_a(World p_150573_1_, Random p_150573_2_, Block[] p_150573_3_, byte[] p_150573_4_, int p_150573_5_, int p_150573_6_, double p_150573_7_)
public void genTerrainBlocks(World p_150573_1_, Random p_150573_2_, Block[] p_150573_3_, byte[] p_150573_4_, int p_150573_5_, int p_150573_6_, double p_150573_7_)
this.topBlock = Blocks.dirt;
this.field_150604_aj = 2;
this.func_150560_b(p_150573_1_, p_150573_2_, p_150573_3_, p_150573_4_, p_150573_5_, p_150573_6_, p_150573_7_);
this.genBiomeTerrain(p_150573_1_, p_150573_2_, p_150573_3_, p_150573_4_, p_150573_5_, p_150573_6_, p_150573_7_);
@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ public class BiomeGenBambooForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
double d0 = field_150606_ad.func_151601_a((double)p_150558_1_ * 0.0225D, (double)p_150558_3_ * 0.0225D);
double d0 = plantNoise.func_151601_a((double)p_150558_1_ * 0.0225D, (double)p_150558_3_ * 0.0225D);
return d0 < -0.7D ? 13949781 : (d0 < -0.3 ? 12311892 : 10739795);
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
double d0 = field_150606_ad.func_151601_a((double)x * 0.0225D, (double)z * 0.0225D);
double d0 = plantNoise.func_151601_a((double)x * 0.0225D, (double)z * 0.0225D);
return d0 < -0.7D ? 13949781 : (d0 < -0.3 ? 12311892 : 10739795);

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class BiomeGenBayou extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.9F);
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ public class BiomeGenBayou extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ public class BiomeGenBayou extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 9154411;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11591816;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenBog extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F);
@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ public class BiomeGenBog extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ public class BiomeGenBog extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 14193503;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 14345593;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class BiomeGenBorealForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.6F, 0.7F);
@ -85,26 +85,26 @@ public class BiomeGenBorealForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 10467185;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 13225573;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BiomeGenBrushland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 0.05F);
@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ public class BiomeGenBrushland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 13222271;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11716223;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenCanyon extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.4F);
@ -73,26 +73,26 @@ public class BiomeGenCanyon extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11123300;
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 11123300;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class BiomeGenChaparral extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.4F);
@ -93,19 +93,19 @@ public class BiomeGenChaparral extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 12638301;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenCherryBlossomGrove extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F);
@ -84,26 +84,26 @@ public class BiomeGenCherryBlossomGrove extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10747818;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10747818;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenConiferousForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.5F);
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ public class BiomeGenConiferousForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class BiomeGenConiferousForestSnow extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.0F, 0.5F);
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ public class BiomeGenConiferousForestSnow extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class BiomeGenCrag extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 0.0F);
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ public class BiomeGenCrag extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 12, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 12, 2);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenDeadForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.2F, 0.8F);
@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ public class BiomeGenDeadForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 12362085;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 12362085;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenDeadSwamp extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F);
@ -81,26 +81,26 @@ public class BiomeGenDeadSwamp extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 6713420;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 6713420;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BiomeGenDeciduousForest extends BOPBiome
//this.func_150570_a(biomeHeight); Not set?
//this.setHeight(biomeHeight); Not set?
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F);
@ -74,26 +74,26 @@ public class BiomeGenDeciduousForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 12695369;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 12896570;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class BiomeGenDunes extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ public class BiomeGenDunes extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class BiomeGenFen extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.4F, 0.4F);
@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ public class BiomeGenFen extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ public class BiomeGenFen extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 12240001;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 13547897;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class BiomeGenFlowerField extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.6F, 0.7F);
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ public class BiomeGenFlowerField extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ public class BiomeGenFlowerField extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7390273;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7390273;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class BiomeGenFrostForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
@ -70,26 +70,26 @@ public class BiomeGenFrostForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11261628;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11261628;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenGrassland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.7F);
@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ public class BiomeGenGrassland extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ public class BiomeGenGrassland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 8379261;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 8379261;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BiomeGenGrove extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.4F, 0.8F);
@ -87,26 +87,26 @@ public class BiomeGenGrove extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 5341009;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 6396257;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BiomeGenHeathland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.1F);
@ -88,26 +88,26 @@ public class BiomeGenHeathland extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 13550967;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11454081;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class BiomeGenHighland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.5F);
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ public class BiomeGenHighland extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BiomeGenJadeCliffs extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.1F);
@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ public class BiomeGenJadeCliffs extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ public class BiomeGenJadeCliffs extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 8168808;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 9096298;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class BiomeGenLavenderFields extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.6F, 0.7F);
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ public class BiomeGenLavenderFields extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10601325;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10601325;
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ public class BiomeGenLavenderFields extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class BiomeGenLushDesert extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(1.0F, 0.3F);
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ public class BiomeGenLushDesert extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);
@ -113,17 +113,17 @@ public class BiomeGenLushDesert extends BOPBiome
int y = random.nextInt(53) + 75;
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
Block block= world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block= world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && (block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone) || block == BOPBlockHelper.get("redRock")))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, Blocks.flowing_water, 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.flowing_water, 0, 2);
public void func_150573_a(World p_150573_1_, Random p_150573_2_, Block[] p_150573_3_, byte[] p_150573_4_, int p_150573_5_, int p_150573_6_, double p_150573_7_)
public void genTerrainBlocks(World p_150573_1_, Random p_150573_2_, Block[] p_150573_3_, byte[] p_150573_4_, int p_150573_5_, int p_150573_6_, double p_150573_7_)
if (p_150573_7_ > 1.75D)
@ -139,6 +139,6 @@ public class BiomeGenLushDesert extends BOPBiome
this.field_150604_aj = 0;
this.func_150560_b(p_150573_1_, p_150573_2_, p_150573_3_, p_150573_4_, p_150573_5_, p_150573_6_, p_150573_7_);
this.genBiomeTerrain(p_150573_1_, p_150573_2_, p_150573_3_, p_150573_4_, p_150573_5_, p_150573_6_, p_150573_7_);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenLushSwamp extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 1.0F);
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ public class BiomeGenLushSwamp extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenMapleWoods extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.2F, 0.8F);
@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ public class BiomeGenMapleWoods extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class BiomeGenMarsh extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.9F);
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ public class BiomeGenMarsh extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 12, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 12, 2);

View File

@ -88,26 +88,26 @@ public class BiomeGenMeadow extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 6533741;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 6533741;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class BiomeGenMoor extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 1.0F);
@ -82,26 +82,26 @@ public class BiomeGenMoor extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 6394725;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 6394725;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class BiomeGenMountain extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.1F);
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ public class BiomeGenMountain extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenMysticGrove extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ public class BiomeGenMysticGrove extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 6934491;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7397529;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BiomeGenOminousWoods extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F);
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ public class BiomeGenOminousWoods extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 4145489;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 4145489;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class BiomeGenOriginValley extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F);
@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ public class BiomeGenOriginValley extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 10682207;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 3866368;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class BiomeGenOutback extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.05F);
@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ public class BiomeGenOutback extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 2, 2);

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class BiomeGenPasture extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.4F);
@ -58,26 +58,26 @@ public class BiomeGenPasture extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 13166666;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 13166666;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenPrairie extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.9F, 0.6F);
@ -85,26 +85,26 @@ public class BiomeGenPrairie extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 13165952;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11395195;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BiomeGenQuagmire extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F);
@ -78,26 +78,26 @@ public class BiomeGenQuagmire extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 10390377;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10390377;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BiomeGenRainforest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 2.0F);
@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ public class BiomeGenRainforest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ public class BiomeGenRainforest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 1759340;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 1368687;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class BiomeGenRedwoodForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.4F);
@ -85,17 +85,17 @@ public class BiomeGenRedwoodForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
public void func_150573_a(World p_150573_1_, Random p_150573_2_, Block[] p_150573_3_, byte[] p_150573_4_, int p_150573_5_, int p_150573_6_, double p_150573_7_)
public void genTerrainBlocks(World p_150573_1_, Random p_150573_2_, Block[] p_150573_3_, byte[] p_150573_4_, int p_150573_5_, int p_150573_6_, double p_150573_7_)
if (p_150573_7_ > 1.75D)
@ -109,6 +109,6 @@ public class BiomeGenRedwoodForest extends BOPBiome
this.field_150604_aj = 2;
this.func_150560_b(p_150573_1_, p_150573_2_, p_150573_3_, p_150573_4_, p_150573_5_, p_150573_6_, p_150573_7_);
this.genBiomeTerrain(p_150573_1_, p_150573_2_, p_150573_3_, p_150573_4_, p_150573_5_, p_150573_6_, p_150573_7_);

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class BiomeGenSacredSprings extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new BiomeGenBase.SpawnListEntry(EntityJungleSpider.class, 12, 6, 6));
@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ public class BiomeGenSacredSprings extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
double d0 = field_150606_ad.func_151601_a((double)p_150558_1_ * 0.0225D, (double)p_150558_3_ * 0.0225D);
double d0 = plantNoise.func_151601_a((double)p_150558_1_ * 0.0225D, (double)p_150558_3_ * 0.0225D);
return d0 < -0.1D ? 39285 : 39259;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
double d0 = field_150606_ad.func_151601_a((double)x * 0.0225D, (double)z* 0.0225D);
double d0 = plantNoise.func_151601_a((double)x * 0.0225D, (double)z* 0.0225D);
return d0 < -0.1D ? 39285 : 39259;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenSeasonalForest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F);
@ -79,26 +79,26 @@ public class BiomeGenSeasonalForest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11781186;
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 12502092;
// return 12502595;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenShield extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.8F);
@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ public class BiomeGenShield extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 6586168;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7902787;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenShrubland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.6F, 0.05F);
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ public class BiomeGenShrubland extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenSilkglades extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.5F, 0.9F);
@ -87,26 +87,26 @@ public class BiomeGenSilkglades extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 13420973;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 14146486;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BiomeGenSludgepit extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F);
@ -85,26 +85,26 @@ public class BiomeGenSludgepit extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7627817;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 9539892;

View File

@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ public class BiomeGenSpruceWoods extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class BiomeGenTemperateRainforest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F);
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ public class BiomeGenTemperateRainforest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ public class BiomeGenTemperateRainforest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11981671;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 12311907;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class BiomeGenThicket extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.6F, 0.2F);
@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ public class BiomeGenThicket extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 11049591;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10854765;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class BiomeGenTimber extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.8F);
@ -74,26 +74,26 @@ public class BiomeGenTimber extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 10923366;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 11049817;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class BiomeGenTropicalRainforest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(1.2F, 0.9F);
@ -96,19 +96,19 @@ public class BiomeGenTropicalRainforest extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 11002176;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public class BiomeGenTropicalRainforest extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 8970560;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class BiomeGenTropics extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(2.0F, 2.0F);
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ public class BiomeGenTropics extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 6, 2);

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BiomeGenTundra extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.2F, 0.8F);
@ -84,26 +84,26 @@ public class BiomeGenTundra extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 8, 2);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 11371606;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 12543566;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ public class BiomeGenVolcano extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class BiomeGenWasteland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ public class BiomeGenWasteland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return 10330232;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 10067541;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class BiomeGenWetland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 0.9F);
@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ public class BiomeGenWetland extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 10, 2);
@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ public class BiomeGenWetland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 5935967;
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeFoliageColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 5215831;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class BiomeGenWoodland extends BOPBiome
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(1.7F, 0.2F);
@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ public class BiomeGenWoodland extends BOPBiome
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 0, 2);

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class BiomeGenPromisedLandForest extends BOPBiome //implements IWCFog
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7925125;

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class BiomeGenPromisedLandPlains extends BOPBiome //implements IWCFog
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7925125;

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public class BiomeGenPromisedLandSwamp extends BOPBiome //implements IWCFog
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int x, int y, int z)
public int getBiomeGrassColor(int x, int y, int z)
return 7925125;

View File

@ -20,30 +20,30 @@ public class BlockAsh extends Block
public BlockAsh()
//TODO: Material.sand
//TODO: this.setHardness
this.setHarvestLevel("shovel", 0);
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundSandFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
//TODO: blockIcon
this.field_149761_L = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:ashblock");
this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:ashblock");
//TODO: getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool
public AxisAlignedBB func_149668_a(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
float yOffset = 0.125F;
return AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().getAABB(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 1 - yOffset, z + 1);
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ public class BlockAsh extends Block
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
if (random.nextInt(2) == 0)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class BlockAsh extends Block
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ public class BlockAsh extends Block
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
return BOPItemHelper.get("misc");
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return 1;

View File

@ -35,24 +35,24 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
public BlockBOPAppleLeaves()
//TODO: Material.leaves
super(Material.field_151584_j, false);
super(Material.leaves, false);
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setLightOpacity()
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[3][4];
@ -83,33 +83,33 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return textures[(!func_149662_c() ? 0 : 1)][meta & 3];
return textures[(!isOpaqueCube() ? 0 : 1)][meta & 3];
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return Blocks.leaves.func_149662_c();
return Blocks.leaves.isOpaqueCube();
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
list.add(new ItemStack(block, 1, 0));
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.func_147466_a(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
double d0 = x + random.nextFloat();
double d1 = y - 0.05D;
@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
//TODO: breakBlock()
public void func_149749_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
byte radius = 1;
int bounds = radius + 1;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; ++k)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + i, y + j, z + k);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + i, y + j, z + k);
if (block.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
if ((meta & 3) < 3)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, ++meta, 3);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, ++meta, 3);
if ((meta & 8) != 0/* && (meta & 4) == 0*/)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
for (j2 = -b0; j2 <= b0; ++j2)
//TODO: world.getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
if (block != null && block.canSustainLeaves(world, x + l1, y + i2, z + j2))
@ -273,21 +273,21 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
private void removeLeaves(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: onBlockActivated
public boolean func_149727_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitVecX, float hitVecY, float hitVecZ)
public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitVecX, float hitVecY, float hitVecZ)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if ((meta & 3) == 3)
//TODO: setBlock
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, meta - 3, 3);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, meta - 3, 3);
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
@ -304,28 +304,28 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("saplings"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("saplings"));
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return 0;
//TODO: quantityDropped()
public int func_149745_a(Random random)
public int quantityDropped(Random random)
return random.nextInt(20) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
//TODO: dropBlockAsItemWithChance()
public void func_149690_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -333,19 +333,19 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
if (world.rand.nextInt(20) == 0)
//TODO: getItemDropped()
Item item = this.func_149650_a(metadata, world.rand, fortune);
Item item = this.getItemDropped(metadata, world.rand, fortune);
//TODO:dropBlockAsItem_do damageDropped()
this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(item, 1, this.func_149692_a(metadata)));
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(item, 1, this.damageDropped(metadata)));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
if ((metadata & 3) == 3) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
if ((metadata & 3) == 3) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
else if ((metadata & 3) == 2 && world.rand.nextInt(16) == 0) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
else if ((metadata & 3) == 2 && world.rand.nextInt(16) == 0) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
else if ((metadata & 3) == 1 && world.rand.nextInt(48) == 0) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
else if ((metadata & 3) == 1 && world.rand.nextInt(48) == 0) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
else if ((metadata & 3) == 0 && world.rand.nextInt(80) == 0) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
else if ((metadata & 3) == 0 && world.rand.nextInt(80) == 0) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(, 1, 0));
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public class BlockBOPAppleLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO shouldSideBeRendered
public boolean func_149646_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return true;

View File

@ -47,26 +47,26 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
public BlockBOPColorizedLeaves(ColourizedLeafCategory cat)
//TODO: Material.leaves
super(Material.field_151584_j, false);
super(Material.leaves, false);
this.category = cat;
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setLightOpacity()
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[3][leaves.length];
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: getBlockColor()
public int func_149635_D()
public int getBlockColor()
double temperature = 0.5D;
double humidity = 1.0D;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: getRenderColor()
public int func_149741_i(int par1)
public int getRenderColor(int par1)
switch (par1)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: colorMultiplier()
public int func_149720_d(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public int colorMultiplier(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int var6 = 0;
int var7 = 0;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
for (int var10 = -1; var10 <= 1; ++var10)
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
int var11 = world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x + var10, z + var9).func_150571_c(x + var10, y, z + var9);
int var11 = world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x + var10, z + var9).getBiomeFoliageColor(x + var10, y, z + var9);
var6 += (var11 & 16711680) >> 16;
var7 += (var11 & 65280) >> 8;
var8 += var11 & 255;
@ -146,24 +146,24 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int metadata)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int metadata)
int type = getTypeFromMeta(metadata) + (category.ordinal() * 4);
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return textures[(!func_149662_c() ? 0 : 1)][type >= leaves.length ? 0 : type];
return textures[(!isOpaqueCube() ? 0 : 1)][type >= leaves.length ? 0 : type];
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return Blocks.leaves.func_149662_c();
return Blocks.leaves.isOpaqueCube();
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.func_147466_a(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
double d0 = x + random.nextFloat();
double d1 = y - 0.05D;
@ -188,12 +188,12 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
//TODO: breakBlock()
public void func_149749_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
byte radius = 1;
int bounds = radius + 1;
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; ++k)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + i, y + j, z + k);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + i, y + j, z + k);
if (block.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
for (j2 = -b0; j2 <= b0; ++j2)
//TODO: world.getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
if (block != null && block.canSustainLeaves(world, x + l1, y + i2, z + j2))
@ -336,36 +336,36 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
private void removeLeaves(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("colorizedSaplings"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("colorizedSaplings"));
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return getTypeFromMeta(meta) + category.ordinal() * 4;
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return getTypeFromMeta(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));
//TODO: quantityDropped()
public int func_149745_a(Random random)
public int quantityDropped(Random random)
return random.nextInt(20) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO shouldSideBeRendered
public boolean func_149646_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return true;

View File

@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
public BlockBOPColorizedSapling()
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[saplings.length];
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= saplings.length)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < saplings.length; ++i) {
list.add(new ItemStack(block, 1, i));
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: canPlaceBlockOnSide
public boolean func_149707_d(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean canPlaceBlockOnSide(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z);
switch (meta)
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: canBlockStay()
public boolean func_149718_j(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block soil = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block soil = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) != 1)
return (world.getFullBlockLightValue(x, y, z) >= 8 || world.canBlockSeeTheSky(x, y, z)) &&
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (!world.isRemote)
@ -171,26 +171,26 @@ public class BlockBOPColorizedSapling extends BlockSapling
if (obj != null)
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
if (!((WorldGenerator)obj).generate(world, random, x, y, z))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, meta, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, meta, 2);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta & TYPES;
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) & TYPES;

View File

@ -26,28 +26,28 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
public BlockBOPCoral()
//TODO: Material.water
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
float f = 0.4F;
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, 0.8F, 0.5F + f);
this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, 0.8F, 0.5F + f);
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[coral.length];
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return 1;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < coral.length; ++i)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
switch (metadata)
@ -109,22 +109,22 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
public void func_149695_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
super.func_149695_a(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 0 && world.func_147439_a(x, y + 1, z) != this)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 0 && world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z) != this)
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 3, 2);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1 && world.func_147439_a(x, y + 1, z) != this)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1 && world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z) != this)
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z) == this)
if (world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == this)
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 2, 2);
@ -133,30 +133,30 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 0 || world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1 || world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2)
//TODO: getBlock()
for (int i = 1; world.func_147439_a(x, y + i, z) == this; i++)
for (int i = 1; world.getBlock(x, y + i, z) == this; i++)
//TODO: canBlockStay()
if (!this.func_149718_j(world, x, y + i, z))
if (!this.canBlockStay(world, x, y + i, z))
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem()
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y + i, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y + i, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y + i, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y + i, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y + i, z, Blocks.water, 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y + i, z, Blocks.water, 0, 2);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.func_147439_a(x, y, z) != this)
if (world.getBlock(x, y, z) != this)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, Blocks.water, 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.water, 0, 2);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
if (meta < 3)
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ public class BlockBOPCoral extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: isBlockReplaceable
public boolean func_149742_c(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 10) return true;

View File

@ -38,28 +38,28 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
public BlockBOPFlower()
//TODO: Material.plants
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
float var4 = 0.2F;
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.5F - var4, 0.0F, 0.5F - var4, 0.5F + var4, var4 * 3.0F, 0.5F + var4);
this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - var4, 0.0F, 0.5F - var4, 0.5F + var4, var4 * 3.0F, 0.5F + var4);
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[plants.length];
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return RenderUtils.foliageModel;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState()
public void func_149719_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -108,49 +108,49 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
case 0:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.015625F, 1.0F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.015625F, 1.0F);
case 5:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.8F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.8F, 0.7F);
case 6:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.6F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.6F, 0.7F);
case 9:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.5F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.5F, 0.7F);
case 10:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
case 11:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
case 15:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.6F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.6F, 0.7F);
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 0.8F, 0.9F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 0.8F, 0.9F);
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < plants.length; ++i)
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
switch (metadata)
@ -237,28 +237,28 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
public void func_149695_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
super.func_149695_a(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == SUNFLOWERTOP && world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z) == this && world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z) != SUNFLOWERBOTTOM)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == SUNFLOWERTOP && world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == this && world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z) != SUNFLOWERBOTTOM)
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == SUNFLOWERBOTTOM && world.func_147439_a(x, y + 1, z) != this)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == SUNFLOWERBOTTOM && world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z) != this)
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (meta == SUNFLOWERTOP) {
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
if (meta == 14) return 13;
else return meta;
@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: harvestBlock()
public void func_149636_a(World world, EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z, int meta)
public void harvestBlock(World world, EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z, int meta)
super.func_149636_a(world, player, x, y, z, meta);
super.harvestBlock(world, player, x, y, z, meta);
ItemStack equippedItem = player.getCurrentEquippedItem();
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: isBlockReplaceable
public boolean func_149742_c(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 10) return true;

View File

@ -31,27 +31,27 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
public BlockBOPFlower2()
//TODO: Material.plants
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
float var4 = 0.2F;
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.5F - var4, 0.0F, 0.5F - var4, 0.5F + var4, var4 * 3.0F, 0.5F + var4);
this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - var4, 0.0F, 0.5F - var4, 0.5F + var4, var4 * 3.0F, 0.5F + var4);
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[plants2.length];
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return 1;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState()
public void func_149719_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 0.8F, 0.9F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 0.8F, 0.9F);
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 2)
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: harvestBlock()
public void func_149636_a(World world, EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z, int meta)
public void harvestBlock(World world, EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z, int meta)
//TODO: harvestBlock()
super.func_149636_a(world, player, x, y, z, meta);
super.harvestBlock(world, player, x, y, z, meta);
ItemStack equippedItem = player.getCurrentEquippedItem();
@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < plants2.length; ++i)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
switch (metadata)
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFlower2 extends BOPBlockWorldDecor
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta & 15;

View File

@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
float f = 0.4F;
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, 0.8F, 0.5F + f);
this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, 0.8F, 0.5F + f);
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[foliageTypes.length];
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < foliageTypes.length; ++i)
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
if (block == Blocks.air) return false;
@ -176,20 +176,20 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: canReplace()
public boolean func_149705_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, ItemStack itemStack)
public boolean canReplace(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, ItemStack itemStack)
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z) == Blocks.air) return false;
if (world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == Blocks.air) return false;
return (world.getFullBlockLightValue(x, y, z) >= 8 || world.canBlockSeeTheSky(x, y, z)) && this.isValidPosition(world, x, y, z, itemStack.getItemDamage());
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
int i = 5149489;
@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
this.dropIfCantStay(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(block, 1, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)));
@ -220,48 +220,48 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
public void dropIfCantStay(World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack stack)
//TODO: canReplace
if (!this.func_149705_a(world, x, y, z, 0, stack))
if (!this.canReplace(world, x, y, z, 0, stack))
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem()
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
public void func_149695_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
//TODO: getBlock()
dropIfCantStay(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(world.func_147439_a(x, y, z), 1, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)));
dropIfCantStay(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(world.getBlock(x, y, z), 1, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)));
int metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == GRASSBOTTOM)
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.func_147439_a(x, y + 1, z) != this)
if (world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z) != this)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, Blocks.tallgrass, 1, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.tallgrass, 1, 2);
//TODO: getBlock()
else if (!this.isValidPosition(world, x, y, z, metadata))
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem()
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y + 1, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y + 1, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y + 1, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y + 1, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y + 1, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y + 1, z);
super.func_149695_a(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: getBlockColor()
public int func_149635_D()
public int getBlockColor()
double var1 = 0.5D;
double var3 = 1.0D;
@ -299,35 +299,35 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: getRenderColor()
public int func_149741_i(int par1)
public int getRenderColor(int par1)
return ColorizerGrass.getGrassColor(0.5D, 1.0D);
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return RenderUtils.foliageModel;
//TODO: colorMultiplier()
public int func_149720_d(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public int colorMultiplier(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 9)
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
return world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x, z).func_150571_c(x, y, z);
return world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x, z).getBiomeFoliageColor(x, y, z);
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
return world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x, z).func_150558_b(x, y, z);
return world.getBiomeGenForCoords(x, z).getBiomeGrassColor(x, y, z);
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (meta == GRASSTOP) {
@ -338,14 +338,14 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
return null;
//TODO: getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool()
public AxisAlignedBB func_149633_g(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState()
public void func_149719_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -418,19 +418,19 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockTallGrass implements IShearable
//TODO: setBlockBounds()
this.func_149676_a(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
this.setBlockBounds(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
//TODO: onBlockActivated
public boolean func_149727_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitVecX, float hitVecY, float hitVecZ)
public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitVecX, float hitVecY, float hitVecZ)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (meta == 8)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, 4, 3);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, 4, 3);
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 0));

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
public BlockBOPGems()
//TODO: Material.rock
this.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 3, 0);
@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[types.length];
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
//TODO: getBlockHardness()
public float func_149712_f(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public float getBlockHardness(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return (metadata % 2 == 0) ? BOPItemHelper.get("gems") : Item.func_150898_a(this);
return (metadata % 2 == 0) ? BOPItemHelper.get("gems") : Item.getItemFromBlock(this);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
if (meta == 0)
@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
public int quantityDropped(int meta, int fortune, Random random)
//TODO: quantityDroppedWithBonus()
return (meta % 2 == 0) ? func_149679_a(fortune, random) : 1;
return (meta % 2 == 0) ? quantityDroppedWithBonus(fortune, random) : 1;
//TODO: quantityDroppedWithBonus()
public int func_149679_a(int bonus, Random random)
public int quantityDroppedWithBonus(int bonus, Random random)
//TODO: getItemForBlock() getItem()
if (bonus > 0 && Item.func_150898_a(this) != this.func_149650_a(0, random, bonus))
if (bonus > 0 && Item.getItemFromBlock(this) != this.getItemDropped(0, random, bonus))
int rnd = random.nextInt(bonus + 2) - 1;
@ -189,25 +189,25 @@ public class BlockBOPGems extends Block
//TODO: quantityDropped()
return this.func_149745_a(random) * (rnd + 1);
return this.quantityDropped(random) * (rnd + 1);
return this.func_149745_a(random);
return this.quantityDropped(random);
//TODO: dropBlockAsItemWithChance()
public void func_149690_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
//TODO: dropBlockAsItemWithChance()
super.func_149690_a(world, x, y, z, metadata, chance, fortune);
super.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(world, x, y, z, metadata, chance, fortune);
//TODO: getItemDropped() getItemFromBlock()
if (this.func_149650_a(metadata, world.rand, fortune) != Item.func_150898_a(this))
if (this.getItemDropped(metadata, world.rand, fortune) != Item.getItemFromBlock(this))
int var8 = MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(world.rand, 3, 7);
//TODO: dropXpOnBlockBreak()
this.func_149657_c(world, x, y, z, var8);
this.dropXpOnBlockBreak(world, x, y, z, var8);

View File

@ -26,81 +26,81 @@ public class BlockBOPGeneric extends Block
this.type = type;
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
switch (type)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGravelFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
this.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe", 0);
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
case HARD_ICE:
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
this.setHarvestLevel("shovel", 0);
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundSandFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO: this.setResistance
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGravelFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO: this.setResistance
//TODO: this.setLightValue
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGravelFootstep)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGeneric extends Block
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
switch (type)
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGeneric extends Block
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
switch (type)
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ public class BlockBOPGeneric extends Block
//TODO: getItemForBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(this);
return Item.getItemFromBlock(this);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
switch (type)
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGeneric extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
return texture;

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@ -26,26 +26,26 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
public BlockBOPGrass()
//TODO: Material.grass
//TODO: this.setHardness
this.setHarvestLevel("shovel", 0);
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
this.icon[0][0] = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:holydirt");
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= this.icon.length) meta = 1;
if (side < 0 || side >= this.icon[meta].length) side = 1;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
list.add(new ItemStack(block, 1, i));
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta;
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: onBlockPlaced()
public int func_149660_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta)
public int onBlockPlaced(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta)
if (meta == 0)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (!world.isRemote)
@ -148,16 +148,16 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 0)
if (world.provider.isHellWorld)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y + 1, z,, 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y + 1, z,, 0, 2);
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, 1, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, 1, 2);
if (!world.isRemote)
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
if (world.getBlockLightValue(x, y + 1, z) < 4 && world.getBlockLightOpacity(x, y + 1, z) > 2)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("holyDirt"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("holyDirt"), 0, 2);
else if (world.getBlockLightValue(x, y + 1, z) >= 9)
@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
int rY = y + random.nextInt(5) - 3;
int rZ = z + random.nextInt(3) - 1;
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(rX, rY + 1, rZ);
Block block = world.getBlock(rX, rY + 1, rZ);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.func_147439_a(rX, rY, rZ) == BOPBlockHelper.get("holyDirt") && world.getBlockLightValue(rX, rY + 1, rZ) >= 4 && world.getBlockLightOpacity(rX, rY + 1, rZ) <= 2)
if (world.getBlock(rX, rY, rZ) == BOPBlockHelper.get("holyDirt") && world.getBlockLightValue(rX, rY + 1, rZ) >= 4 && world.getBlockLightOpacity(rX, rY + 1, rZ) <= 2)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(rX, rY, rZ, BOPBlockHelper.get("grass"), 0, 2);
world.setBlock(rX, rY, rZ, BOPBlockHelper.get("grass"), 0, 2);
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool
public AxisAlignedBB func_149668_a(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1)
@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool()
return super.func_149668_a(world, x, y, z);
return super.getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(world, x, y, z);
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 1) {
@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ public class BlockBOPGrass extends Block
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
//TODO: getItemFromBlock() getItemFromBlock()
return metadata == 0 ? Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("holyDirt")) : Item.func_150898_a(Blocks.dirt);
return metadata == 0 ? Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("holyDirt")) : Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.dirt);

View File

@ -65,28 +65,28 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
public BlockBOPLeaves(LeafCategory cat)
//TODO: Material.leaves
super(Material.field_151584_j, false);
super(Material.leaves, false);
category = cat;
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO: setLightOpacity()
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[3][leaves.length];
@ -124,24 +124,24 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int metadata)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int metadata)
int type = getTypeFromMeta(metadata) + (category.ordinal() * 4);
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return textures[(!func_149662_c() ? 0 : 1)][type >= leaves.length ? 0 : type];
return textures[(!isOpaqueCube() ? 0 : 1)][type >= leaves.length ? 0 : type];
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return Blocks.leaves.func_149662_c();
return Blocks.leaves.isOpaqueCube();
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.func_147466_a(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
double d0 = x + random.nextFloat();
double d1 = y - 0.05D;
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.func_147439_a(x, y, z) == BOPBlockHelper.get("leaves1") && isType(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 2))
if (world.getBlock(x, y, z) == BOPBlockHelper.get("leaves1") && isType(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 2))
//TODO: getBlock()
if (!(world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z) == BOPBlockHelper.get("leaves1") && isType(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z), 2)))
if (!(world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == BOPBlockHelper.get("leaves1") && isType(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z), 2)))
if (random.nextInt(5) == 0)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
public boolean isType(int metadata, int baseMeta)
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: breakBlock()
public void func_149749_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
byte radius = 1;
int bounds = radius + 1;
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; ++k)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + i, y + j, z + k);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + i, y + j, z + k);
if (block.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
for (j2 = -b0; j2 <= b0; ++j2)
//TODO: world.getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
if (block != null && block.canSustainLeaves(world, x + l1, y + i2, z + j2))
@ -337,9 +337,9 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
private void removeLeaves(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
@ -390,15 +390,15 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("saplings"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("saplings"));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItemWithChance()
public void func_149690_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -406,35 +406,35 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
if (world.rand.nextInt(20) == 0)
//TODO: getItemDropped()
Item item = this.func_149650_a(metadata, world.rand, fortune);
Item item = this.getItemDropped(metadata, world.rand, fortune);
//TODO:dropBlockAsItem_do damageDropped()
this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(item, 1, this.func_149692_a(metadata)));
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(item, 1, this.damageDropped(metadata)));
if (((metadata & 3) == 0 || (metadata & 3) == 4 || (metadata & 3) == 7) && (world.rand.nextInt(50) == 0))
this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return (getTypeFromMeta(meta) + category.ordinal() * 4) + 1;
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return getTypeFromMeta(world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));
//TODO: quantityDropped()
public int func_149745_a(Random random)
public int quantityDropped(Random random)
return random.nextInt(20) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO shouldSideBeRendered
public boolean func_149646_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return true;

View File

@ -55,26 +55,26 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
public BlockBOPLog(LogCategory cat)
//TODO: Material.wood
category = cat;
//TODO: this.setHardness
this.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);
//TODO: this.setResistance
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[types.length];
logHearts = new IIcon[types.length];
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
int pos = meta & 12;
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
list.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, i));
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
//TODO: breakBlock()
public void func_149749_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
byte radius = 4;
int bounds = radius + 1;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; ++k)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + i, y + j, z + k);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + i, y + j, z + k);
if (block.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
//TODO: onBlockPlaced()
public int func_149660_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta)
public int onBlockPlaced(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta)
int type = getTypeFromMeta(meta);
byte orientation = 0;
@ -209,21 +209,21 @@ public class BlockBOPLog extends Block
//TODO: damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return getTypeFromMeta(meta);
//TODO: createStackedBlock()
protected ItemStack func_149644_j(int meta)
protected ItemStack createStackedBlock(int meta)
return new ItemStack(this, 1, getTypeFromMeta(meta));
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return 31;

View File

@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
public BlockBOPMushroom()
//TODO: Material.plants
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
float var4 = 0.2F;
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[plants.length];
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length)
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return 1;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
//TODO: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState()
public void func_149719_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
case 0:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.3F, 0.0F, 0.3F, 0.7F, 0.4F, 0.7F);
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < plants.length; ++i)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
switch (metadata)
@ -140,21 +140,21 @@ public class BlockBOPMushroom extends BlockBush
//TODO: canPlaceBlockOnSide
public boolean func_149707_d(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean canPlaceBlockOnSide(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return isValidPosition(world, x, y, z, -1);
//TODO: canBlockStay()
public boolean func_149718_j(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return isValidPosition(world, x, y, z, -1);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta & 15;

View File

@ -36,24 +36,24 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
public BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves()
//TODO: Material.leaves
super(Material.field_151584_j, false);
super(Material.leaves, false);
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setLightOpacity()
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[3][4];
@ -84,33 +84,33 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return textures[(!func_149662_c() ? 0 : 1)][meta & 3];
return textures[(!isOpaqueCube() ? 0 : 1)][meta & 3];
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
return Blocks.leaves.func_149662_c();
return Blocks.leaves.isOpaqueCube();
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
list.add(new ItemStack(block, 1, 0));
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
public void func_149734_b(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.func_147466_a(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
if (world.canLightningStrikeAt(x, y + 1, z) && !World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(world, x, y - 1, z) && random.nextInt(15) == 1)
double d0 = x + random.nextFloat();
double d1 = y - 0.05D;
@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: randomDisplayTick()
super.func_149734_b(world, x, y, z, random);
super.randomDisplayTick(world, x, y, z, random);
//TODO: breakBlock()
public void func_149749_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block par5, int par6)
byte radius = 1;
int bounds = radius + 1;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; ++k)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + i, y + j, z + k);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + i, y + j, z + k);
if (block.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
if ((meta & 3) < 3)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, ++meta, 3);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, ++meta, 3);
if ((meta & 8) != 0/* && (meta & 4) == 0*/)
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
for (j2 = -b0; j2 <= b0; ++j2)
//TODO: world.getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
Block block = world.getBlock(x + l1, y + i2, z + j2);
if (block != null && block.canSustainLeaves(world, x + l1, y + i2, z + j2))
@ -274,20 +274,20 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
private void removeLeaves(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: onBlockActivated
public boolean func_149727_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitVecX, float hitVecY, float hitVecZ)
public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitVecX, float hitVecY, float hitVecZ)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if ((meta & 3) == 3)
//TODO: setBlock
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, meta - 3, 3);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, meta - 3, 3);
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
if (!world.isRemote)
@ -304,28 +304,28 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("saplings"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("saplings"));
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return 15;
//TODO: quantityDropped()
public int func_149745_a(Random random)
public int quantityDropped(Random random)
return random.nextInt(20) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
//TODO: dropBlockAsItemWithChance()
public void func_149690_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, float chance, int fortune)
if (world.isRemote)
@ -333,19 +333,19 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
if (world.rand.nextInt(20) == 0)
//TODO: getItemDropped()
Item item = this.func_149650_a(metadata, world.rand, fortune);
Item item = this.getItemDropped(metadata, world.rand, fortune);
//TODO:dropBlockAsItem_do damageDropped()
this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(item, 1, this.func_149692_a(metadata)));
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(item, 1, this.damageDropped(metadata)));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
if ((metadata & 3) == 3) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
if ((metadata & 3) == 3) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
else if ((metadata & 3) == 2 && world.rand.nextInt(8) == 0) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
else if ((metadata & 3) == 2 && world.rand.nextInt(8) == 0) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
else if ((metadata & 3) == 1 && world.rand.nextInt(16) == 0) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
else if ((metadata & 3) == 1 && world.rand.nextInt(16) == 0) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem_do
else if ((metadata & 3) == 0 && world.rand.nextInt(32) == 0) this.func_149642_a(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
else if ((metadata & 3) == 0 && world.rand.nextInt(32) == 0) this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(BOPItemHelper.get("food"), 1, 8));
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPersimmonLeaves extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearab
//TODO shouldSideBeRendered
public boolean func_149646_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return true;

View File

@ -26,22 +26,22 @@ public class BlockBOPPetals extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
public BlockBOPPetals()
//TODO: Material.leaves
super(Material.field_151584_j, false);
super(Material.leaves, false);
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[petals.length][2];
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPetals extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
return textures[meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length ? 0 : meta][0];
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPetals extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < textures.length; ++i) {
list.add(new ItemStack(block, 1, i));
@ -74,26 +74,26 @@ public class BlockBOPPetals extends BlockLeavesBase implements IShearable
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
if (metadata == 0)
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(Blocks.red_flower);
return Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.red_flower);
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(Blocks.yellow_flower);
return Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.yellow_flower);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta & 15;
//TODO: quantityDropped()
public int func_149745_a(Random random)
public int quantityDropped(Random random)
return random.nextInt(20) == 0 ? 1 : 0;

View File

@ -20,22 +20,22 @@ public class BlockBOPPlank extends Block
public BlockBOPPlank()
//TODO: Material.wood
//TODO: this.setHardness
this.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[woodTypes.length];
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlank extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlank extends Block
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < woodTypes.length; ++i)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlank extends Block
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta;

View File

@ -44,27 +44,27 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
public BlockBOPPlant()
//TODO: Material.plants
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
float var3 = 0.4F;
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.5F - var3, 0.0F, 0.5F - var3, 0.5F + var3, 0.8F, 0.5F + var3);
this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - var3, 0.0F, 0.5F - var3, 0.5F + var3, 0.8F, 0.5F + var3);
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[plants.length];
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return RenderUtils.plantsModel;
//TODO: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState()
public void func_149719_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -104,19 +104,19 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
case 6:
case 7:
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.125F, 0.0F, 0.125F, 0.875F, 1.00F, 0.875F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.125F, 0.0F, 0.125F, 0.875F, 1.00F, 0.875F);
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 0.8F, 0.9F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.1F, 0.0F, 0.1F, 0.9F, 0.8F, 0.9F);
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < plants.length; ++i)
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block root = world.func_147439_a(x, y + 1, z);
Block root = world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block reedwater = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 2, z);
Block reedwater = world.getBlock(x, y - 2, z);
switch (metadata)
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
case 7: // Cattail
//TODO: getBlock() getMaterial() water getBlock() getMaterial() water getBlock() getMaterial() water getBlock() getMaterial() water
return block != Blocks.grass ? false : (world.func_147439_a(x - 1, y - 1, z).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h ? true : (world.func_147439_a(x + 1, y - 1, z).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h ? true : (world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z - 1).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h ? true : world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z + 1).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h)));
return block != Blocks.grass ? false : (world.getBlock(x - 1, y - 1, z).getMaterial() == Material.water ? true : (world.getBlock(x + 1, y - 1, z).getMaterial() == Material.water ? true : (world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z - 1).getMaterial() == Material.water ? true : world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z + 1).getMaterial() == Material.water)));
case 8: // River Cane
return block == this || block == Blocks.grass;
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
case 10: // High Cattail Bottom
//TODO: getBlock() getMaterial() water getBlock() getMaterial() water getBlock() getMaterial() water getBlock() getMaterial() water
return block != Blocks.grass ? false : (world.func_147439_a(x - 1, y - 1, z).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h ? true : (world.func_147439_a(x + 1, y - 1, z).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h ? true : (world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z - 1).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h ? true : world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z + 1).func_149688_o() == Material.field_151586_h)));
return block != Blocks.grass ? false : (world.getBlock(x - 1, y - 1, z).getMaterial() == Material.water ? true : (world.getBlock(x + 1, y - 1, z).getMaterial() == Material.water ? true : (world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z - 1).getMaterial() == Material.water ? true : world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z + 1).getMaterial() == Material.water)));
case 12: // Tiny Cactus
return block == Blocks.sand || block == Blocks.hardened_clay || block == Blocks.soul_sand;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: canReplace()
public boolean func_149705_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, ItemStack itemStack)
public boolean canReplace(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side, ItemStack itemStack)
int metadata = itemStack.getItemDamage();
@ -203,39 +203,39 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
public void func_149695_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
super.func_149695_a(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
super.onNeighborBlockChange(world, x, y, z, neighborBlock);
//TODO: getBlock()
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == CATTAILTOP && world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z) == this && world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z) != CATTAILBOTTOM)
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == CATTAILTOP && world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z) == this && world.getBlockMetadata(x, y - 1, z) != CATTAILBOTTOM)
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: getBlock()
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == CATTAILBOTTOM && world.func_147439_a(x, y + 1, z) != this)
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == CATTAILBOTTOM && world.getBlock(x, y + 1, z) != this)
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: getBlock()
else if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) == 8)
//TODO: canReplace()
if (!this.func_149705_a(world, x, y, z, 0, new ItemStack(BOPBlockHelper.get("plants"), 1, 8)))
if (!this.canReplace(world, x, y, z, 0, new ItemStack(BOPBlockHelper.get("plants"), 1, 8)))
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (meta == 5)
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (meta == CATTAILTOP || meta == CATTAILBOTTOM)
@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
if (metadata > 5 && metadata != 11)
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(this);
return Item.getItemFromBlock(this);
else if (metadata == 11)
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
if (meta == 9)
@ -363,9 +363,9 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: harvestBlock()
public void func_149636_a(World world, EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z, int meta)
public void harvestBlock(World world, EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z, int meta)
super.func_149636_a(world, player, x, y, z, meta);
super.harvestBlock(world, player, x, y, z, meta);
if (meta == 13)
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ public class BlockBOPPlant extends BOPBlockWorldDecor implements IShearable
//TODO: isBlockReplaceable
public boolean func_149742_c(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);

View File

@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ public class BlockBOPRedRock extends Block
public BlockBOPRedRock()
//TODO: Material.rock
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[types.length];
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class BlockBOPRedRock extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length)
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ public class BlockBOPRedRock extends Block
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ public class BlockBOPRedRock extends Block
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta == 0 ? 1 : meta;
//TODO: getBlockHardness()
public float func_149712_f(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public float getBlockHardness(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: blockHardness
float hardness = field_149782_v;
float hardness = blockHardness;
switch (meta)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class BlockBOPRedRock extends Block
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: blockResistance
float resistance = field_149781_w;
float resistance = blockResistance;
switch (meta)

View File

@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
public BlockBOPSapling()
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundGrassFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[saplings.length];
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= saplings.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < saplings.length; ++i)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
public boolean isValidPosition(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
switch (metadata)
@ -89,17 +89,17 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: canPlaceBlockOnSide
public boolean func_149707_d(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean canPlaceBlockOnSide(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return isValidPosition(world, x, y, z, -1);
//TODO: canBlockStay()
public boolean func_149718_j(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block soil = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block soil = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
if (world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) != 1)
return (world.getFullBlockLightValue(x, y, z) >= 8 || world.canBlockSeeTheSky(x, y, z)) &&
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
if (!world.isRemote)
@ -214,26 +214,26 @@ public class BlockBOPSapling extends BlockSapling
if (obj != null)
//TODO: setBlockToAir()
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
if (!((WorldGenerator)obj).generate(world, random, x, y, z))
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, this, meta, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y, z, this, meta, 2);
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta & TYPES;
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) & TYPES;

View File

@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
public BlockBOPSkystone()
//TODO: Material.rock
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[types.length];
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
return world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
if (meta == 0)
@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
//TODO: getBlockHardness()
public float func_149712_f(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public float getBlockHardness(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: blockHardness
float hardness = field_149782_v;
float hardness = blockHardness;
switch (meta)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSkystone extends Block
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: blockResistance
float resistance = field_149781_w;
float resistance = blockResistance;
switch (meta)

View File

@ -38,35 +38,35 @@ public class BlockBOPSlab extends BlockSlab
category = cat;
//TODO: Material.wood
if (material == Material.field_151575_d)
if (material == Material.wood)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO: this.setResistance
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep)
//TODO: Material.rock
else if (material == Material.field_151576_e)
else if (material == Material.rock)
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
if (!isDoubleSlab)
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: useNeighborBrightness?
field_149783_u = true;
useNeighborBrightness = true;
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
if (category == SlabCategory.STONE)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSlab extends BlockSlab
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (category == SlabCategory.STONE)
return textures[getTypeFromMeta(meta)];
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSlab extends BlockSlab
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
int max = 0;
@ -130,40 +130,40 @@ public class BlockBOPSlab extends BlockSlab
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return meta & 7;
//TODO: getItemDropped()
public Item func_149650_a(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
public Item getItemDropped(int metadata, Random random, int fortune)
//TODO: isDoubleSlab
if (field_150004_a)
if (this == BOPBlockHelper.get("woodenDoubleSlab1"))
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("woodenSingleSlab1"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("woodenSingleSlab1"));
if (this == BOPBlockHelper.get("woodenDoubleSlab2"))
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("woodenSingleSlab2"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("woodenSingleSlab2"));
//TODO: getItemFromBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(BOPBlockHelper.get("stoneSingleSlab"));
return Item.getItemFromBlock(BOPBlockHelper.get("stoneSingleSlab"));
//TODO: getItemForBlock()
return Item.func_150898_a(this);
return Item.getItemFromBlock(this);
//TODO: getBlockHardness()
public float func_149712_f(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public float getBlockHardness(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: blockHardness
float hardness = field_149782_v;
float hardness = blockHardness;
if (category == SlabCategory.STONE)
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSlab extends BlockSlab
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
//TODO: blockResistance
float resistance = field_149781_w;
float resistance = blockResistance;
if (category == SlabCategory.STONE)
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public class BlockBOPSlab extends BlockSlab
//TODO: createStackedBlock()
protected ItemStack func_149644_j(int meta)
protected ItemStack createStackedBlock(int meta)
return new ItemStack(this, 2, meta);

View File

@ -41,29 +41,29 @@ public class BlockBOPStairs extends BlockStairs
if (isWoodCategory(category.toString()))
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep)
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep)
//TODO: useNeighborBrightness?
field_149783_u = true;
useNeighborBrightness = true;
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
if (isStoneCategory(category.toString()))
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class BlockBOPStairs extends BlockStairs
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
int adjCat = category.ordinal();

View File

@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
public BlockBamboo()
//TODO: Material.plants
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep)
//TODO: setTickRandomly()
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
bambooSide = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:bamboo");
bambooTop = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:bambootop");
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (side > 1)
return bambooSide;
@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
//TODO: updateTick()
public void func_149674_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random)
//TODO: isAirBlock()
if (world.func_147437_c(x, y + 1, z))
if (world.isAirBlock(x, y + 1, z))
int var6;
//TODO: getBlock()
for (var6 = 1; world.func_147439_a(x, y - var6, z) == this; ++var6)
for (var6 = 1; world.getBlock(x, y - var6, z) == this; ++var6)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
if (var7 == 15)
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y + 1, z, this, 0, 2);
world.setBlock(x, y + 1, z, this, 0, 2);
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 0, 2);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
//TODO: getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool()
public AxisAlignedBB func_149633_g(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
float pixel = 0.0625F;
@ -100,30 +100,30 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
//TODO: addCollisionBoxesToList()
public void func_149743_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB, List list, Entity entity)
public void addCollisionBoxesToList(World world, int x, int y, int z, AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB, List list, Entity entity)
float pixel = 0.0625F;
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a((pixel * 4), 0.0F, (pixel * 4), 1.0F - (pixel * 4), 1.0F, 1.0F - (pixel * 4));
super.func_149743_a(world, x, y, z, axisAlignedBB, list, entity);
this.setBlockBounds((pixel * 4), 0.0F, (pixel * 4), 1.0F - (pixel * 4), 1.0F, 1.0F - (pixel * 4));
super.addCollisionBoxesToList(world, x, y, z, axisAlignedBB, list, entity);
//TODO: setBlockBoundsForItemRender()
//TODO: setBlockBoundsForItemRender()
public void func_149683_g()
public void setBlockBoundsForItemRender()
//TODO: setBlockBounds
this.func_149676_a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.setBlockBounds(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
//TODO: canPlaceBlockAt
public boolean func_149742_c(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: getBlock
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y - 1, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z);
if (block == this)
return true;
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
//TODO: onNeighborBlockChange()
public void func_149695_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block neighborBlock)
this.checkBlockCoordValid(world, x, y, z);
@ -143,40 +143,40 @@ public class BlockBamboo extends Block
public final void checkBlockCoordValid(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: canBlockStay()
if (!this.func_149718_j(world, x, y, z))
if (!this.canBlockStay(world, x, y, z))
//TODO: dropBlockAsItem()
this.func_149697_b(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
this.dropBlockAsItem(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), 0);
//TODO: setBlockToAir
world.func_147468_f(x, y, z);
world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);
//TODO: canBlockStay()
public boolean func_149718_j(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int x, int y, int z)
//TODO: canPlaceBlockAt
return this.func_149742_c(world, x, y, z);
return this.canPlaceBlockAt(world, x, y, z);
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
return false;
//TODO: renderAsNormalBlock()
public boolean func_149686_d()
public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
return false;
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return RenderUtils.bambooModel;

View File

@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
public BlockBones()
//TODO: Material.rock
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO: this.setResistance
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
textures = new IIcon[boneTypes.length];
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: getIcon()
public IIcon func_149691_a(int side, int meta)
public IIcon getIcon(int side, int meta)
if (meta < 0 || meta >= textures.length) {
meta = 0;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool
public AxisAlignedBB func_149668_a(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool()
public AxisAlignedBB func_149633_g(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState()
public void func_149719_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
@ -191,12 +191,12 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: this.setBlockBounds()
this.func_149676_a(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
this.setBlockBounds(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ);
//TODO: getDamageValue()
public int func_149643_k(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public int getDamageValue(World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
if (meta == 3 || meta == 4) {
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: getSubBlocks()
public void func_149666_a(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
public void getSubBlocks(Item block, CreativeTabs creativeTabs, List list)
for (int i = 0; i < boneTypes.length; ++i) {
list.add(new ItemStack(block, 1, i));
@ -219,35 +219,35 @@ public class BlockBones extends Block
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
return false;
//TODO: renderAsNormalBlock()
public boolean func_149686_d()
public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
return false;
//TODO getRenderType()
public int func_149645_b()
public int getRenderType()
return RenderUtils.bonesModel;
//TODO shouldSideBeRendered
public boolean func_149646_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
return true;
//TODO damageDropped()
public int func_149692_a(int meta)
public int damageDropped(int meta)
if (meta == 3 || meta == 4)

View File

@ -18,33 +18,33 @@ public class BlockCloud extends Block
public BlockCloud()
//TODO: Material.cloth
//TODO: this.setHardness
//TODO setStepSound(Block.soundClothFootstep)
//TODO: setLightOpacity()
//TODO: this.setCreativeTab()
//TODO: registerIcons()
public void func_149651_a(IIconRegister iconRegister)
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
//TODO: blockIcon
this.field_149761_L = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:cloud");
this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:cloud");
//TODO: getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool
public AxisAlignedBB func_149668_a(World world, int x, int y, int z)
public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int x, int y, int z)
float yOffset = 0.25F;
return AxisAlignedBB.getAABBPool().getAABB(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 1 - yOffset, z + 1);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class BlockCloud extends Block
//TODO: onEntityCollidedWithBlock()
public void func_149670_a(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Entity entity)
entity.fallDistance = 0.0F;
@ -72,25 +72,25 @@ public class BlockCloud extends Block
//TODO: getRenderBlockPass()
public int func_149701_w()
public int getRenderBlockPass()
return 1;
//TODO: isOpaqueCube()
public boolean func_149662_c()
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
return false;
//TODO shouldSideBeRendered
public boolean func_149646_a(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z);
//TODO: shouldSideBeRendered
return block == this ? false : super.func_149646_a(world, x, y, z, side);
return block == this ? false : super.shouldSideBeRendered(world, x, y, z, side);

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