Changed ordering of blocks/items in the creative inventory
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 98 additions and 96 deletions
@ -62,46 +62,44 @@ public class ModBlocks
public static void init()
ash_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPAsh(), "ash_block" );
bamboo = registerBlock( new BlockBOPBamboo(), "bamboo" );
bone_segment = registerBlock( new BlockBOPBones(), "bone_segment" );
coral = registerBlock( new BlockBOPCoral(), "coral" );
seaweed = registerBlock( new BlockBOPSeaweed(), "seaweed" );
gem_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPGem(), "gem_block" );
gem_ore = registerBlock( new BlockBOPGemOre(), "gem_ore" );
hive = registerBlock( new BlockBOPHive(), "hive" );
mushroom = registerBlock( new BlockBOPMushroom(), "mushroom" );
stone = registerBlock( new BlockBOPStone(), "stone" );
mud = registerBlock( new BlockBOPMud(), "mud" );
sand = registerBlock( new BlockBOPSand(), "sand" );
turnip_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPTurnip(), "turnip_block", null ); // no creative tab
flesh = registerBlock( new BlockBOPFlesh(), "flesh" );
//Terrain Blocks
grass = registerBlock( new BlockBOPGrass(), "grass" );
waterlily = registerBlock( new BlockBOPLilypad(), "waterlily" );
dirt = registerBlock( new BlockBOPDirt(), "dirt" );
crystal = registerBlock( new BlockBOPCrystal(), "crystal" );
biome_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPBiomeBlock(), "biome_block" );
// generics
bamboo_thatching = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric(Material.wood)).setStepSound(Block.soundTypeWood).setHardness(2.0F), "bamboo_thatching"); bamboo_thatching.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);
farmland_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFarmland.paging.getBlock(0), "farmland_0", null);
farmland_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFarmland.paging.getBlock(1), "farmland_1", null);
stone = registerBlock( new BlockBOPStone(), "stone" );
crag_rock = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric()).setStepSound(Block.soundTypeStone), "crag_rock" );
dried_sand = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric()).addSupportedPlantType(EnumPlantType.Desert), "dried_sand"); dried_sand.setHarvestLevel("pickaxe",0);
hard_ice = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric(Material.packedIce)).setHardness(0.75F), "hard_ice" );
mud_brick_block = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric()).setResistance(2.0F), "mud_brick_block" );
ash_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPAsh(), "ash_block" );
mud = registerBlock( new BlockBOPMud(), "mud" );
sand = registerBlock( new BlockBOPSand(), "sand" );
flesh = registerBlock( new BlockBOPFlesh(), "flesh" );
//Building Blocks
crystal = registerBlock( new BlockBOPCrystal(), "crystal" );
biome_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPBiomeBlock(), "biome_block" );
gem_ore = registerBlock( new BlockBOPGemOre(), "gem_ore" );
gem_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPGem(), "gem_block" );
hive = registerBlock( new BlockBOPHive(), "hive" );
honey_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPHoney(), "honey_block" );
bone_segment = registerBlock( new BlockBOPBones(), "bone_segment" );
//Material Blocks
bamboo_thatching = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric(Material.wood)).setStepSound(Block.soundTypeWood).setHardness(2.0F), "bamboo_thatching"); bamboo_thatching.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);
mud_brick_block = registerBlock( (new BlockBOPGeneric()).setResistance(2.0F), "mud_brick_block" );
mud_brick_stairs = registerBlock( BOPReflectionHelper.construct(BlockStairs.class, (IBlockState)mud_brick_block.getDefaultState()), "mud_brick_stairs");
// stone and brick slabs
//Stone Slabs
// need to register items at the same time really so that they can be mapped to each other - bit messy this
other_slab = registerBlock( new BlockBOPHalfOtherSlab(), "other_slab");
double_other_slab = registerBlock( new BlockBOPDoubleOtherSlab(), "double_other_slab", null ); // no creative tab for double slab
BOPItems.other_slab = ModItems.registerItem( new ItemSlab(other_slab, (BlockSlab)other_slab, (BlockSlab)double_other_slab), "other_slab");
// 22 flower types 16 per BlockBOPFlower instance, needs 2 'pages'
flower_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFlower.paging.getBlock(0), "flower_0" );
flower_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFlower.paging.getBlock(1), "flower_1" );
// Logs
// 16 wood types, 4 per BlockBOPLog instance, needs 4 'pages'
log_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPLog.paging.getBlock(0), "log_0" );
@ -110,24 +108,7 @@ public class ModBlocks
log_3 = registerBlock( BlockBOPLog.paging.getBlock(3), "log_3" );
log_4 = registerBlock( BlockBOPLog.paging.getBlock(4), "log_4" );
// TODO: check if hellbark planks, fence etc can burn
// 16 wood types, 8 per BlockBOPHalfWoodSlab and BlockBOPDoubleWoodSlab intance, needs 2 'pages'
// need to register items at the same time really so that they can be mapped to each other - bit messy this
wood_slab_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPHalfWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(0), "wood_slab_0");
double_wood_slab_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPDoubleWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(0), "double_wood_slab_0", null ); // no creative tab for double slab
BOPItems.wood_slab_0 = ModItems.registerItem( new ItemSlab(wood_slab_0, (BlockSlab)wood_slab_0, (BlockSlab)double_wood_slab_0), "wood_slab_0");
wood_slab_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPHalfWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(1), "wood_slab_1");
double_wood_slab_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPDoubleWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(1), "double_wood_slab_1", null ); // no creative tab for double slab
BOPItems.wood_slab_1 = ModItems.registerItem( new ItemSlab(wood_slab_1, (BlockSlab)wood_slab_1, (BlockSlab)double_wood_slab_1), "wood_slab_1");
// 16 wood types, 16 per BlockBOPPlanks instance, needs 1 'pages'
planks_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPPlanks.paging.getBlock(0), "planks_0");
// 22 tree types, 4 per BlockBOPLeaves instance, needs 6 'pages'
leaves_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPLeaves.paging.getBlock(0), "leaves_0");
@ -138,15 +119,9 @@ public class ModBlocks
leaves_5 = registerBlock( BlockBOPLeaves.paging.getBlock(5), "leaves_5" );
leaves_6 = registerBlock( BlockBOPLeaves.paging.getBlock(6), "leaves_6" );
farmland_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFarmland.paging.getBlock(0), "farmland_0", null);
farmland_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFarmland.paging.getBlock(1), "farmland_1", null);
// 22 tree types, 8 per BlockBOPSapling instance, needs 3 'pages'
sapling_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPSapling.paging.getBlock(0), "sapling_0");
sapling_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPSapling.paging.getBlock(1), "sapling_1");
sapling_2 = registerBlock( BlockBOPSapling.paging.getBlock(2), "sapling_2");
// 16 wood types, 16 per BlockBOPPlanks instance, needs 1 'pages'
planks_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPPlanks.paging.getBlock(0), "planks_0");
// stairs have no variant metadata, use a new BlockBOPStairs instance for each (note there's no giant_flower_stairs or dead_stairs)
sacred_oak_stairs = registerBlock( new BlockBOPWoodStairs(BOPWoods.SACRED_OAK), "sacred_oak_stairs" );
@ -166,6 +141,18 @@ public class ModBlocks
ebony_stairs = registerBlock( new BlockBOPWoodStairs(BOPWoods.EBONY), "ebony_stairs" );
eucalyptus_stairs = registerBlock( new BlockBOPWoodStairs(BOPWoods.EUCALYPTUS), "eucalyptus_stairs" );
// 16 wood types, 8 per BlockBOPHalfWoodSlab and BlockBOPDoubleWoodSlab intance, needs 2 'pages'
// need to register items at the same time really so that they can be mapped to each other - bit messy this
wood_slab_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPHalfWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(0), "wood_slab_0");
double_wood_slab_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPDoubleWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(0), "double_wood_slab_0", null ); // no creative tab for double slab
BOPItems.wood_slab_0 = ModItems.registerItem( new ItemSlab(wood_slab_0, (BlockSlab)wood_slab_0, (BlockSlab)double_wood_slab_0), "wood_slab_0");
wood_slab_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPHalfWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(1), "wood_slab_1");
double_wood_slab_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPDoubleWoodSlab.paging.getBlock(1), "double_wood_slab_1", null ); // no creative tab for double slab
BOPItems.wood_slab_1 = ModItems.registerItem( new ItemSlab(wood_slab_1, (BlockSlab)wood_slab_1, (BlockSlab)double_wood_slab_1), "wood_slab_1");
// fences have no variant metadata, use a new BlockBOPFence instance for each (note there's no giant_flower_fence or dead_fence)
sacred_oak_fence = registerBlock( new BlockBOPFence(BOPWoods.SACRED_OAK), "sacred_oak_fence" );
cherry_fence = registerBlock( new BlockBOPFence(BOPWoods.CHERRY), "cherry_fence" );
@ -220,19 +207,39 @@ public class ModBlocks
ebony_door = registerDoor( new BlockBOPDoor(BOPWoods.EBONY), "ebony_door", BOPItems.ebony_door );
eucalyptus_door = registerDoor( new BlockBOPDoor(BOPWoods.EUCALYPTUS), "eucalyptus_door", BOPItems.eucalyptus_door );
// TODO: special placement rules?
flower_vine = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(false), "flower_vine" );
ivy = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(true), "ivy" );
moss = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(true), "moss" );
tree_moss = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(false), "tree_moss" );
// Plants
coral = registerBlock( new BlockBOPCoral(), "coral" );
seaweed = registerBlock( new BlockBOPSeaweed(), "seaweed" );
waterlily = registerBlock( new BlockBOPLilypad(), "waterlily" );
moss = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(true), "moss" );
bamboo = registerBlock( new BlockBOPBamboo(), "bamboo" );
turnip_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPTurnip(), "turnip_block", null ); // no creative tab
// 22 tree types, 8 per BlockBOPSapling instance, needs 3 'pages'
sapling_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPSapling.paging.getBlock(0), "sapling_0");
sapling_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPSapling.paging.getBlock(1), "sapling_1");
sapling_2 = registerBlock( BlockBOPSapling.paging.getBlock(2), "sapling_2");
plant_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPPlant.paging.getBlock(0), "plant_0" );
plant_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPPlant.paging.getBlock(1), "plant_1" );
double_plant = registerBlock( new BlockBOPDoublePlant(), "double_plant" );
mushroom = registerBlock( new BlockBOPMushroom(), "mushroom" );
// 22 flower types 16 per BlockBOPFlower instance, needs 2 'pages'
flower_0 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFlower.paging.getBlock(0), "flower_0" );
flower_1 = registerBlock( BlockBOPFlower.paging.getBlock(1), "flower_1" );
// TODO: special placement rules?
flower_vine = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(false), "flower_vine" );
ivy = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(true), "ivy" );
tree_moss = registerBlock( new BlockBOPVine(false), "tree_moss" );
honey_block = registerBlock( new BlockBOPHoney(), "honey_block" );
terrarium = registerBlock( new BlockBOPTerrarium(), "terrarium" );
@ -45,16 +45,12 @@ public class ModItems
public static void registerItems()
// food
ambrosia = registerItem(new ItemAmbrosia(), "ambrosia");
berries = registerItem(new ItemBOPFood(1, 0.1F, 8), "berries");
shroompowder = registerItem(new ItemFood(1, 0.1F, false), "shroompowder");
((ItemFood)shroompowder).setPotionEffect(, 225, 0, 0.6F);
pear = registerItem(new ItemFood(5, 0.3F, false), "pear");
peach = registerItem(new ItemFood(5, 0.2F, false), "peach");
persimmon = registerItem(new ItemFood(5, 0.2F, false), "persimmon");
filled_honeycomb = registerItem(new ItemBOPFood(3, 0.4F, 16), "filled_honeycomb");
turnip_seeds = registerItem(new ItemSeeds(BOPBlocks.turnip_block, Blocks.farmland), "turnip_seeds");
turnip = registerItem(new ItemFood(3, 0.4F, false), "turnip");
pear = registerItem(new ItemFood(5, 0.3F, false), "pear");
saladfruit = registerItem(new ItemSoup(6), "saladfruit");
((ItemFood)saladfruit).setPotionEffect(, 775, 1, 0.05F);
saladveggie = registerItem(new ItemSoup(6), "saladveggie");
@ -62,35 +58,36 @@ public class ModItems
saladshroom = registerItem(new ItemSoup(6), "saladshroom");
((ItemFood)saladshroom).setPotionEffect(, 550, 1, 0.05F);
ricebowl = registerItem(new ItemSoup(2), "ricebowl");
honeycomb = registerItem(new Item(), "honeycomb");
filled_honeycomb = registerItem(new ItemBOPFood(3, 0.4F, 16), "filled_honeycomb");
pinecone = registerItem(new Item(), "pinecone");
shroompowder = registerItem(new ItemFood(1, 0.1F, false), "shroompowder");
((ItemFood)shroompowder).setPotionEffect(, 225, 0, 0.6F);
ambrosia = registerItem(new ItemAmbrosia(), "ambrosia");
earth = registerItem(new Item(), "earth");
fleshchunk = registerItem(new Item(), "fleshchunk");
flax_string = registerItem(new Item(), "flax_string");
mudball = registerItem(new ItemMudball(), "mudball");
turnip_seeds = registerItem(new ItemSeeds(BOPBlocks.turnip_block, Blocks.farmland), "turnip_seeds");
crystal_shard = registerItem(new Item(), "crystal_shard");
mud_brick = registerItem(new Item(), "mud_brick");
ash = registerItem(new Item(), "ash");
fleshchunk = registerItem(new Item(), "fleshchunk");
gem = registerItem(new ItemGem(), "gem");
terrestrial_artifact = registerItem(new Item(), "terrestrial_artifact");
flax_string = registerItem(new Item(), "flax_string");
honeycomb = registerItem(new Item(), "honeycomb");
gem = registerItem(new ItemGem(), "gem");
ash = registerItem(new Item(), "ash");
mud_brick = registerItem(new Item(), "mud_brick");
crystal_shard = registerItem(new Item(), "crystal_shard");
biome_essence = registerItem(new ItemBiomeEssence(), "biome_essence");
pixie_dust = registerItem(new Item(), "pixie_dust");
ichor = registerItem(new Item(), "ichor");
soul = registerItem(new Item(), "soul");
// TODO: move dyes to their own class?
blue_dye = registerItem(new Item(), "blue_dye");
brown_dye = registerItem(new Item(), "brown_dye");
green_dye = registerItem(new Item(), "green_dye");
white_dye = registerItem(new Item(), "white_dye");
black_dye = registerItem(new Item(), "black_dye");
soul = registerItem(new Item(), "soul");
pixie_dust = registerItem(new Item(), "pixie_dust");
ichor = registerItem(new Item(), "ichor");
pinecone = registerItem(new Item(), "pinecone");
dart = registerItem(new ItemDart(), "dart");
dart_blower = registerItem(new ItemDartBlower(), "dart_blower");
// armor
@ -131,8 +128,6 @@ public class ModItems
amethyst_leggings = registerItem(new ItemArmor(amethyst_armor_material, 0, 2), "amethyst_leggings");
amethyst_boots = registerItem(new ItemArmor(amethyst_armor_material, 0, 3), "amethyst_boots");
// tools
// addToolMaterial arguments:
@ -162,7 +157,6 @@ public class ModItems
amethyst_shovel = registerItem(new ItemSpade(amethyst_tool_material), "amethyst_shovel");
amethyst_sword = registerItem(new ItemSword(amethyst_tool_material), "amethyst_sword");
mud_scythe = registerItem(new ItemBOPScythe(mud_tool_material), "mud_scythe");
wood_scythe = registerItem(new ItemBOPScythe(ToolMaterial.WOOD), "wood_scythe");
stone_scythe = registerItem(new ItemBOPScythe(ToolMaterial.STONE), "stone_scythe");
@ -171,13 +165,14 @@ public class ModItems
diamond_scythe = registerItem(new ItemBOPScythe(ToolMaterial.EMERALD), "diamond_scythe");
amethyst_scythe = registerItem(new ItemBOPScythe(amethyst_tool_material), "amethyst_scythe");
dart = registerItem(new ItemDart(), "dart");
dart_blower = registerItem(new ItemDartBlower(), "dart_blower");
biome_finder = registerItem(new ItemBiomeFinder(), "biome_finder");
biome_essence = registerItem(new ItemBiomeEssence(), "biome_essence");
enderporter = registerItem(new ItemEnderporter(), "enderporter");
flower_basket = registerItem(new ItemFlowerBasket(), "flower_basket");
jar_empty = registerItem(new ItemJarEmpty(), "jar_empty");
jar_filled = registerItem(new ItemJarFilled(), "jar_filled");
flower_basket = registerItem(new ItemFlowerBasket(), "flower_basket");
biome_finder = registerItem(new ItemBiomeFinder(), "biome_finder");
enderporter = registerItem(new ItemEnderporter(), "enderporter");
record_wanderer = registerItem(new ItemBOPRecord("wanderer"), "record_wanderer");
record_corruption = registerItem(new ItemBOPRecord("corruption"), "record_corruption");
Reference in a new issue