Made the particle resourcelocations static, rearranged the biome IDS to work with 1.7, readded the Grassland, added a way of changing the amount of lakes per chunk

This commit is contained in:
Adubbz 2014-01-06 10:37:46 +11:00
parent a8819046fd
commit 2e7d567e3e
13 changed files with 306 additions and 230 deletions

View File

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
public class EntityDandelionFX extends EntityFX
private static final String texture = "biomesoplenty:textures/particles/dandelion.png";
private static final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("biomesoplenty:textures/particles/dandelion.png");
private static final ResourceLocation particles = new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png");
public EntityDandelionFX(World par1World, double par2, double par4, double par6, float par8)
super(par1World, par2, par4, par6, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ public class EntityDandelionFX extends EntityFX
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(texture));
float sizeFactor = 0.1F * particleScale;
float var13 = (float)(prevPosX + (posX - prevPosX) * par2 - EntityFX.interpPosX);
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ public class EntityDandelionFX extends EntityFX
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("/particles.png"));

View File

@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
package biomesoplenty.client.particles;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.particle.EntityFX;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
@ -15,7 +11,8 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
public class EntityMagicTreeFX extends EntityFX
private static final String texture = "biomesoplenty:textures/particles/magictree.png";
private static final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("biomesoplenty:textures/particles/magictree.png");
private static final ResourceLocation particles = new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png");
float magicTreeParticleScale;
@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ public class EntityMagicTreeFX extends EntityFX
GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 1);
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(texture));
float f6 = (float)this.particleTextureIndexX / 16.0F;
float f7 = f6 + 0.0624375F;
@ -102,7 +99,7 @@ public class EntityMagicTreeFX extends EntityFX
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png"));

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
public class EntityPixieTrailFX extends EntityFX
private static final String texture = "biomesoplenty:textures/particles/pixietrail.png";
private static final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("biomesoplenty:textures/particles/pixietrail.png");
private static final ResourceLocation particles = new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png");
float pixieTrailParticleScale;
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ public class EntityPixieTrailFX extends EntityFX
GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 1);
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(texture));
float f6 = (float)this.particleTextureIndexX / 16.0F;
float f7 = f6 + 0.0624375F;
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ public class EntityPixieTrailFX extends EntityFX
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png"));

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler;
public class EntitySteamFX extends EntityFX
private static final String texture = "biomesoplenty:textures/particles/steam.png";
private static final ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("biomesoplenty:textures/particles/steam.png");
private static final ResourceLocation particles = new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png");
float steamParticleScale;
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ public class EntitySteamFX extends EntityFX
GL11.glBlendFunc(770, 1);
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(texture));
float f6 = (float)this.particleTextureIndexX / 16.0F;
float f7 = f6 + 0.0624375F;
@ -99,13 +100,10 @@ public class EntitySteamFX extends EntityFX
FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/particle/particles.png"));
* Called to update the entity's position/logic.
public void onUpdate()

View File

@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
package biomesoplenty.common.biomes;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
public class BOPBiome extends BiomeGenBase implements IBOPDecoration
public abstract class BOPBiome extends BiomeGenBase implements IBOPDecoration
protected BOPWorldFeatures bopWorldFeatures;
@ -29,6 +32,58 @@ public class BOPBiome extends BiomeGenBase implements IBOPDecoration
public WorldGenBOPFlora getRandomWorldGenForBOPFlowers(Random random)
if (!getWeightedWorldGenForBOPFlowers().isEmpty())
return (WorldGenBOPFlora)getRandomWeightedWorldGenerator(getWeightedWorldGenForBOPFlowers());
return null;
public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForGrass(Random random)
if (!getWeightedWorldGenForGrass().isEmpty())
return getRandomWeightedWorldGenerator(getWeightedWorldGenForGrass());
return super.getRandomWorldGenForGrass(random);
public HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> getWeightedWorldGenForGrass()
return null;
public HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> getWeightedWorldGenForBOPFlowers()
return null;
public static WorldGenerator getRandomWeightedWorldGenerator(HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> worldGeneratorMap)
double completeWeight = 0D;
for (Double weight : worldGeneratorMap.values())
completeWeight += weight;
double random = Math.random() * completeWeight;
double countWeight = 0D;
for (Entry<WorldGenerator, Double> entry : worldGeneratorMap.entrySet())
countWeight += entry.getValue();
if (countWeight >= random) return entry.getKey();
return null;

View File

@ -1,84 +1,102 @@
package biomesoplenty.common.biomes;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityChicken;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityCow;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityPig;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import biomesoplenty.api.BOPBlockHelper;
public class BiomeGenGrassland extends BOPBiome
public BiomeGenGrassland(int par1)
private static final Height biomeHeight = new Height(0.2F, 0.5F);
public BiomeGenGrassland(int id)
theBiomeDecorator = new BiomeDecoratorBOP(this);
customBiomeDecorator = (BiomeDecoratorBOP)theBiomeDecorator;
customBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = -999;
customBiomeDecorator.flowersPerChunk = -999;
customBiomeDecorator.grassPerChunk = 2;
customBiomeDecorator.wheatGrassPerChunk = 1;
customBiomeDecorator.reedsPerChunk = 35;
customBiomeDecorator.mushroomsPerChunk = 20;
customBiomeDecorator.waterLakesPerChunk = 15;
customBiomeDecorator.portobellosPerChunk = 3;
customBiomeDecorator.reedsBOPPerChunk = 5;
customBiomeDecorator.waterReedsPerChunk = 2;
customBiomeDecorator.generatePumpkins = false;
spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySheep.class, 14, 4, 4));
spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityPig.class, 12, 4, 4));
spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityChicken.class, 12, 4, 4));
spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCow.class, 10, 4, 4));
spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityHorse.class, 5, 2, 6));
//TODO: setHeight()
//TODO: setColor()
this.setTemperatureRainfall(0.7F, 0.7F);
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntitySheep.class, 14, 4, 4));
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityPig.class, 12, 4, 4));
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityChicken.class, 12, 4, 4));
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityCow.class, 10, 4, 4));
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityHorse.class, 5, 2, 6));
this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = -999;
this.theBiomeDecorator.flowersPerChunk = -999;
this.theBiomeDecorator.grassPerChunk = 2;
this.theBiomeDecorator.reedsPerChunk = 35;
this.theBiomeDecorator.mushroomsPerChunk = 20;
this.bopWorldFeatures.perChunk.waterLakesPerChunk = 15;
this.bopWorldFeatures.perChunk.portobellosPerChunk = 3;
this.bopWorldFeatures.perChunk.riverCanePerChunk = 5;
this.bopWorldFeatures.perChunk.waterReedsPerChunk = 2;
this.bopWorldFeatures.doGeneration.generatePumpkins = false;
public void decorate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4)
public void decorate(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ)
super.decorate(par1World, par2Random, par3, par4);
int var5 = 12 + par2Random.nextInt(6);
super.decorate(world, random, chunkX, chunkZ);
int var5 = 12 + random.nextInt(6);
for (int var6 = 0; var6 < var5; ++var6)
int var7 = par3 + par2Random.nextInt(16);
int var8 = par2Random.nextInt(28) + 4;
int var9 = par4 + par2Random.nextInt(16);
int var10 = par1World.getBlockId(var7, var8, var9);
int x = chunkX + random.nextInt(16);
int y = random.nextInt(28) + 4;
int z = chunkZ + random.nextInt(16);
//TODO: getBlock()
Block block = world.func_147439_a(x, y, z);
Block block = Block.blocksList[var10];
if (block != null && block.isGenMineableReplaceable(par1World, var7, var8, var9, Block.stone.blockID))
if (block != null && block.isReplaceableOreGen(world, x, y, z, Blocks.stone))
par1World.setBlock(var7, var8, var9, Blocks.amethystOre.get().blockID, 4, 2);
//TODO: setBlock()
world.func_147465_d(x, y, z, BOPBlockHelper.get("gemOre"), 4, 2);
public HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> getWeightedWorldGenForGrass()
HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> grassMap = new HashMap();
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 1), 0.25D);
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 2), 0.25D);
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 10), 0.5D);
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 11), 0.5D);
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(Blocks.tallgrass, 1), 1D);
return grassMap;
* Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome.
public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForGrass(Random par1Random)
//TODO: getBiomeGrassColor()
public int func_150558_b(int p_150558_1_, int p_150558_2_, int p_150558_3_)
return par1Random.nextInt(3) == 0 ? new WorldGenTallGrass(Blocks.foliage.get().blockID, 2) : new WorldGenTallGrass(Blocks.foliage.get().blockID, 1);
return 8379261;
* Provides the basic grass color based on the biome temperature and rainfall
public int getBiomeGrassColor()
return 8379261;
public int getBiomeFoliageColor()
//TODO: getBiomeFoliageColor()
public int func_150571_c(int x, int y, int z)
return 8379261;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package biomesoplenty.common.biomes;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import biomesoplenty.api.BOPBlockHelper;
@ -32,11 +33,17 @@ public class BiomeGenHighland extends BOPBiome
this.bopWorldFeatures.perChunk.wildCarrotsPerChunk = 1;
public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForGrass(Random random)
return random.nextInt(4) == 0 ? (random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 10) : new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 11)) : new WorldGenTallGrass(Blocks.tallgrass, 1);
public HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> getWeightedWorldGenForGrass()
HashMap<WorldGenerator, Double> grassMap = new HashMap();
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 10), 0.5D);
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 11), 0.5D);
grassMap.put(new WorldGenTallGrass(Blocks.tallgrass, 1), 1D);
return grassMap;
public void decorate(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ)

View File

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ public class BiomeGenLushDesert extends BOPBiome
topBlock = (byte)Blocks.redRock.get().blockID;
fillerBlock = (byte)Blocks.redRock.get().blockID;
theBiomeDecorator = new BiomeDecoratorBOP(this);
customBiomeDecorator = (BiomeDecoratorBOP)theBiomeDecorator;
customBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = 12;
customBiomeDecorator.grassPerChunk = 8;
customBiomeDecorator.shrubsPerChunk = 10;

View File

@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ public class BOPConfigurationIDs
public static Configuration config;
public static int promisedLandDimID;
//Liquid IDs
public static int springWaterStillID;
public static int liquidPoisonStillID;
public static int honeyStillID;
//Biome IDs
public static int alpsID;
@ -138,18 +133,6 @@ public class BOPConfigurationIDs
public static int wetlandID;
public static int woodlandID;
public static int plainsNewID;
public static int desertNewID;
public static int extremeHillsNewID;
public static int extremeHillsEdgeNewID;
public static int forestNewID;
public static int forestHillsNewID;
public static int taigaNewID;
public static int taigaHillsNewID;
public static int swamplandNewID;
public static int jungleNewID;
public static int jungleHillsNewID;
public static int entityMudballID;
public static int entityDartID;
public static int entityPoisonDartID;
@ -172,11 +155,6 @@ public class BOPConfigurationIDs
promisedLandDimID = config.get("Dimension Settings", "Promised Land Dimension ID", 20, null).getInt();
//Liquid Ids
springWaterStillID = config.get("Liquid IDs", "Spring Water Still ID (ID before this must be free!)", 2028, null).getInt();
liquidPoisonStillID = config.get("Liquid IDs", "Liquid Poison Still ID (ID before this must be free!)", 2030, null).getInt();
honeyStillID = config.get("Liquid IDs", "Honey Still ID (ID before this must be free!)", 2032, null).getInt();
//Mob IDs
jungleSpiderID = config.get("Mob IDs", "Jungle Spider ID", 101, null).getInt();
rosesterID = config.get("Mob IDs", "Rosester ID", 102, null).getInt();
@ -195,140 +173,130 @@ public class BOPConfigurationIDs
//23-79 ExtraBiomesXL
promisedLandShrubID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Sublime Shrubland (Promised Land) ID", 28).getInt();
mysticGroveThinID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thinned Mystic Grove (Sub-Biome) ID", 29).getInt();
netherBloodID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bloody Heap (Nether) ID", 30).getInt();
lavenderFieldsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Lavender Fields ID", 31).getInt();
tropicsMountainID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tropics Mountain (Sub-Biome) ID", 32).getInt();
autumnHillsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Autumn Hills ID", 33).getInt();
overgrownGreensID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Overgrown Greens ID", 34).getInt();
forestHillsNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Forest Hills (Sub-Biome) ID", 35).getInt();
taigaHillsNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Taiga Hills (Sub-Biome) ID", 36).getInt();
jungleHillsNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Jungle Hills (Sub-Biome) ID", 37).getInt();
silkgladesID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Silkglades ID", 38).getInt();
savannaPlateauID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Savanna Plateau (Sub-Biome) ID", 39).getInt();
seasonalSpruceForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Seasonal Spruce Forest (Sub-Biome) ID", 41).getInt();
alpsBaseID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Alps Forest (Sub-Biome) ID", 42).getInt();
alpsForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Alps Mountainside (Sub-Biome) ID", 43).getInt();
timberThinID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thinned Timber (Sub-Biome) ID", 44).getInt();
pastureThinID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thinned Pasture (Sub-Biome) ID", 45).getInt();
pastureMeadowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Pasture Meadow (Sub-Biome) ID", 46).getInt();
ominousWoodsThickID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thick Ominous Woods (Sub-Biome) ID", 47).getInt();
shrublandForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thick Shrubland (Sub-Biome) ID", 48).getInt();
canyonRavineID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Canyon Ravine (Sub-Biome) ID", 49).getInt();
meadowForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Meadow Forest (Sub-Biome) ID", 50).getInt();
promisedLandShrubID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Sublime Shrubland (Promised Land) ID", 53).getInt();
mysticGroveThinID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thinned Mystic Grove (Sub-Biome) ID", 54).getInt();
netherBloodID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bloody Heap (Nether) ID", 55).getInt();
lavenderFieldsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Lavender Fields ID", 56).getInt();
tropicsMountainID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tropics Mountain (Sub-Biome) ID", 57).getInt();
autumnHillsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Autumn Hills ID", 58).getInt();
overgrownGreensID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Overgrown Greens ID", 59).getInt();
silkgladesID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Silkglades ID", 60).getInt();
savannaPlateauID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Savanna Plateau (Sub-Biome) ID", 61).getInt();
seasonalSpruceForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Seasonal Spruce Forest (Sub-Biome) ID", 62).getInt();
alpsBaseID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Alps Forest (Sub-Biome) ID", 63).getInt();
alpsForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Alps Mountainside (Sub-Biome) ID", 64).getInt();
timberThinID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thinned Timber (Sub-Biome) ID", 65).getInt();
pastureThinID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thinned Pasture (Sub-Biome) ID", 66).getInt();
pastureMeadowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Pasture Meadow (Sub-Biome) ID", 67).getInt();
ominousWoodsThickID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thick Ominous Woods (Sub-Biome) ID", 68).getInt();
shrublandForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thick Shrubland (Sub-Biome) ID", 69).getInt();
canyonRavineID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Canyon Ravine (Sub-Biome) ID", 70).getInt();
meadowForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Meadow Forest (Sub-Biome) ID", 71).getInt();
oceanAbyssID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Oceanic Abyss (Ocean) ID", 57).getInt();
oceanCoralID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Coral Reef (Ocean) ID", 58).getInt();
oceanKelpID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Kelp Forest (Ocean) ID", 59).getInt();
oceanAbyssID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Oceanic Abyss (Ocean) ID", 72).getInt();
oceanCoralID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Coral Reef (Ocean) ID", 73).getInt();
oceanKelpID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Kelp Forest (Ocean) ID", 74).getInt();
beachGravelID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Gravel Beach ID", 60).getInt();
beachOvergrownID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Overgrown Beach ID", 61).getInt();
beachGravelID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Gravel Beach ID", 75).getInt();
beachOvergrownID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Overgrown Beach ID", 76).getInt();
promisedLandForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Wonderous Woods (Promised Land) ID", 62).getInt();
promisedLandPlainsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Majestic Meadow (Promised Land) ID", 63).getInt();
promisedLandSwampID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Blessed Bog (Promised Land) ID", 64).getInt();
promisedLandForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Wonderous Woods (Promised Land) ID", 77).getInt();
promisedLandPlainsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Majestic Meadow (Promised Land) ID", 78).getInt();
promisedLandSwampID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Blessed Bog (Promised Land) ID", 79).getInt();
netherBaseID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Nether Base (Nether) ID", 65).getInt();
netherGardenID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Undergarden (Nether) ID", 66).getInt();
netherDesertID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Corrupted Sands (Nether) ID", 67).getInt();
netherLavaID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Phantasmagoric Inferno (Nether) ID", 68).getInt();
netherBoneID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Boneyard (Nether) ID", 69).getInt();
netherBaseID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Nether Base (Nether) ID", 80).getInt();
netherGardenID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Undergarden (Nether) ID", 81).getInt();
netherDesertID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Corrupted Sands (Nether) ID", 82).getInt();
netherLavaID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Phantasmagoric Inferno (Nether) ID", 83).getInt();
netherBoneID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Boneyard (Nether) ID", 84).getInt();
//70-87 Twilight Forest
//70-87 Twilight Forest < Changed on their end?
//80-159 Better World Generation 4
//80-159 Better World Generation 4 < Changed on their end?
//160-161 BuildCraft Oil Fields
//162-169 Thaumcraft
alpsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Alps ID", 170).getInt();
arcticID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Arctic ID", 171).getInt();
badlandsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Badlands ID", 172).getInt();
bambooForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bamboo Forest ID", 173).getInt();
bayouID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bayou ID", 174).getInt();
birchForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Birch Forest ID", 175).getInt();
bogID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bog ID", 176).getInt();
borealForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Boreal Forest ID", 177).getInt();
brushlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Brushland ID", 178).getInt();
canyonID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Canyon ID", 179).getInt();
chaparralID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Chaparral ID", 180).getInt();
cherryBlossomGroveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Cherry Blossom Grove ID", 181).getInt();
coniferousForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Coniferous Forest ID", 182).getInt();
coniferousForestSnowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Coniferous Forest (Snow) ID", 183).getInt();
cragID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Crag ID", 184).getInt();
deadForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dead Forest ID", 185).getInt();
deadForestSnowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dead Forest (Snow) ID", 186).getInt();
deadSwampID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dead Swamp ID", 187).getInt();
deadlandsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Deadlands ID", 188).getInt();
deciduousForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Deciduous Forest ID", 189).getInt();
dunesID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dunes ID", 190).getInt();
fenID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Fen ID", 191).getInt();
flowerFieldID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Flower Field ID", 192).getInt();
frostForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Frost Forest ID", 193).getInt();
fungiForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Fungi Forest ID", 194).getInt();
gardenID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Garden ID", 195).getInt();
glacierID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Glacier ID", 196).getInt();
grasslandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Grassland ID", 197).getInt();
groveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Grove ID", 198).getInt();
heathlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Heathland ID", 199).getInt();
highlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Highland ID", 200).getInt();
hotSpringsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Hot Springs ID", 201).getInt();
icyHillsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Icy Hills ID", 202).getInt();
jadeCliffsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Jade Cliffs ID", 203).getInt();
lushDesertID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Lush Desert ID", 204).getInt();
lushSwampID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Lush Swamp ID", 205).getInt();
mangroveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mangrove ID", 206).getInt();
alpsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Alps ID", 177).getInt();
arcticID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Arctic ID", 178).getInt();
badlandsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Badlands ID", 179).getInt();
bambooForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bamboo Forest ID", 180).getInt();
bayouID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bayou ID", 181).getInt();
birchForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Birch Forest ID", 182).getInt();
bogID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Bog ID", 183).getInt();
borealForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Boreal Forest ID", 184).getInt();
brushlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Brushland ID", 185).getInt();
canyonID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Canyon ID", 186).getInt();
chaparralID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Chaparral ID", 187).getInt();
cherryBlossomGroveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Cherry Blossom Grove ID", 188).getInt();
coniferousForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Coniferous Forest ID", 189).getInt();
coniferousForestSnowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Coniferous Forest (Snow) ID", 190).getInt();
cragID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Crag ID", 191).getInt();
deadForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dead Forest ID", 192).getInt();
deadForestSnowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dead Forest (Snow) ID", 193).getInt();
deadSwampID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dead Swamp ID", 194).getInt();
deadlandsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Deadlands ID", 195).getInt();
deciduousForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Deciduous Forest ID", 196).getInt();
dunesID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Dunes ID", 197).getInt();
fenID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Fen ID", 198).getInt();
flowerFieldID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Flower Field ID", 199).getInt();
frostForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Frost Forest ID", 200).getInt();
fungiForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Fungi Forest ID", 201).getInt();
gardenID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Garden ID", 202).getInt();
glacierID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Glacier ID", 203).getInt();
grasslandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Grassland ID", 204).getInt();
groveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Grove ID", 205).getInt();
heathlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Heathland ID", 206).getInt();
//207-209 left for Mo Creatures
highlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Highland ID", 210).getInt();
hotSpringsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Hot Springs ID", 211).getInt();
icyHillsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Icy Hills ID", 212).getInt();
jadeCliffsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Jade Cliffs ID", 213).getInt();
lushDesertID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Lush Desert ID", 214).getInt();
lushSwampID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Lush Swamp ID", 215).getInt();
mangroveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mangrove ID", 216).getInt();
mapleWoodsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Maple Woods ID", 210).getInt();
marshID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Marsh ID", 211).getInt();
meadowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Meadow ID", 212).getInt();
mesaID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mesa ID", 213).getInt();
moorID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Moor ID", 214).getInt();
mountainID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mountain ID", 215).getInt();
mysticGroveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mystic Grove ID", 216).getInt();
oasisID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Oasis ID", 217).getInt();
ominousWoodsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Ominous Woods ID", 218).getInt();
orchardID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Orchard ID", 219).getInt();
originValleyID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Origin Valley ID", 220).getInt();
outbackID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Outback ID", 221).getInt();
pastureID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Pasture ID", 222).getInt();
polarID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Polar ID", 223).getInt();
prairieID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Prairie ID", 224).getInt();
quagmireID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Quagmire ID", 225).getInt();
rainforestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Rainforest ID", 226).getInt();
redwoodForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Redwood Forest ID", 227).getInt();
sacredSpringsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Sacred Springs ID", 228).getInt();
savannaID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Savanna ID", 229).getInt();
scrublandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Scrubland ID", 230).getInt();
seasonalForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Seasonal Forest ID", 231).getInt();
shieldID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Shield ID", 232).getInt();
shoreID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Shore ID", 233).getInt();
shrublandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Shrubland ID", 234).getInt();
sludgepitID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Sludgepit ID", 235).getInt();
spruceWoodsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Spruce Woods ID", 236).getInt();
steppeID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Steppe ID", 237).getInt();
temperateRainforestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Temperate Rainforest ID", 238).getInt();
thicketID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thicket ID", 239).getInt();
timberID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Timber ID", 240).getInt();
tropicalRainforestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tropical Rainforest ID", 241).getInt();
tropicsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tropics ID", 242).getInt();
tundraID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tundra ID", 243).getInt();
volcanoID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Volcano ID", 244).getInt();
wastelandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Wasteland ID", 245).getInt();
wetlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Wetland ID", 246).getInt();
woodlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Woodland ID", 247).getInt();
plainsNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Plains (New) ID", 248).getInt();
desertNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Desert (New) ID", 249).getInt();
forestNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Forest (New) ID", 250).getInt();
taigaNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Taiga (New) ID", 251).getInt();
swamplandNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Swampland (New) ID", 252).getInt();
extremeHillsNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Extreme Hills (New) ID", 253).getInt();
jungleNewID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Jungle (New) ID", 254).getInt();
mapleWoodsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Maple Woods ID", 217).getInt();
marshID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Marsh ID", 218).getInt();
meadowID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Meadow ID", 219).getInt();
mesaID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mesa ID", 220).getInt();
moorID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Moor ID", 221).getInt();
mountainID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mountain ID", 222).getInt();
mysticGroveID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Mystic Grove ID", 223).getInt();
oasisID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Oasis ID", 224).getInt();
ominousWoodsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Ominous Woods ID", 225).getInt();
orchardID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Orchard ID", 226).getInt();
originValleyID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Origin Valley ID", 227).getInt();
outbackID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Outback ID", 228).getInt();
pastureID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Pasture ID", 229).getInt();
polarID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Polar ID", 230).getInt();
prairieID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Prairie ID", 231).getInt();
quagmireID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Quagmire ID", 232).getInt();
rainforestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Rainforest ID", 233).getInt();
redwoodForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Redwood Forest ID", 234).getInt();
sacredSpringsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Sacred Springs ID", 235).getInt();
savannaID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Savanna ID", 236).getInt();
scrublandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Scrubland ID", 237).getInt();
seasonalForestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Seasonal Forest ID", 238).getInt();
shieldID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Shield ID", 239).getInt();
shoreID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Shore ID", 240).getInt();
shrublandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Shrubland ID", 241).getInt();
sludgepitID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Sludgepit ID", 242).getInt();
spruceWoodsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Spruce Woods ID", 243).getInt();
steppeID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Steppe ID", 244).getInt();
temperateRainforestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Temperate Rainforest ID", 245).getInt();
thicketID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Thicket ID", 246).getInt();
timberID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Timber ID", 247).getInt();
tropicalRainforestID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tropical Rainforest ID", 248).getInt();
tropicsID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tropics ID", 249).getInt();
tundraID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Tundra ID", 250).getInt();
volcanoID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Volcano ID", 251).getInt();
wastelandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Wasteland ID", 252).getInt();
wetlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Wetland ID", 253).getInt();
woodlandID = config.get("Biome IDs", "Woodland ID", 254).getInt();
FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[BiomesOPlenty] Generated IDs Config!");

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenCrag;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenDunes;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenFlowerField;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenFrostForest;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenGrassland;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenHighland;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenJadeCliffs;
import biomesoplenty.common.biomes.BiomeGenLavenderFields;
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ public class BOPBiomes
/*registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenFen(BOPConfigurationIDs.fenID).setBiomeName("Fen"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));*/;
registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenFlowerField(BOPConfigurationIDs.flowerFieldID).setBiomeName("Flower Field"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));
registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenFrostForest(BOPConfigurationIDs.frostForestID).setBiomeName("Frost Forest"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.ICY));
/*registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenGrassland(BOPConfigurationIDs.grasslandID).setBiomeName("Grassland"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));*/
registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenGrassland(BOPConfigurationIDs.grasslandID).setBiomeName("Grassland"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));
//registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenGrove(BOPConfigurationIDs.groveID).setBiomeName("Grove"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));
/*registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenHeathland(BOPConfigurationIDs.heathlandID).setBiomeName("Heathland"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));*/
registerBiome(new BOPBiomeListEntry(new BiomeGenHighland(BOPConfigurationIDs.highlandID).setBiomeName("Highland"), BOPBiomeTemperatureType.WARM));

View File

@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate.Ev
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent;
@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ import;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.Result;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper;
@ -117,7 +120,32 @@ public class DecorateBiomeEventHandler
if (event.type == EventType.PUMPKIN)
if (!bopDecoration.getWorldFeatures().doGeneration.generatePumpkins) event.setCanceled(true);
if (!bopDecoration.getWorldFeatures().doGeneration.generatePumpkins) event.setResult(Result.DENY);
else if (event.type == EventType.LAKE)
if (biome.theBiomeDecorator.generateLakes)
for (int i = 0; i < bopDecoration.getWorldFeatures().perChunk.waterLakesPerChunk; ++i)
int randX = x + random.nextInt(16);
int randY = random.nextInt(random.nextInt(248) + 8);
int randZ = z + random.nextInt(16);
(new WorldGenLiquids(Blocks.flowing_water)).generate(world, random, randX, randY, randZ);
for (int i = 0; i < bopDecoration.getWorldFeatures().perChunk.lavaLakesPerChunk; ++i)
int randX = x + random.nextInt(16);
int randY = random.nextInt(random.nextInt(random.nextInt(240) + 8) + 8);
int randZ = z + random.nextInt(16);
(new WorldGenLiquids(Blocks.flowing_lava)).generate(world, random, randX, randY, randZ);

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public class WorldGenFieldAssociation
associateField("wildCarrotsPerChunk", new WorldGenBOPFlora(BOPBlockHelper.get("plants"), 11));
associateField("poisonIvyPerChunk", new WorldGenBOPFlora(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 7));
associateField("berryBushesPerChunk", new WorldGenBOPFlora(BOPBlockHelper.get("foliage"), 8));
associateField("portobellosPerChunk", new WorldGenBOPFlora(BOPBlockHelper.get("mushrooms"), 1));
WorldGenDoublePlant doubleTallGrass = new WorldGenDoublePlant();
//TODO: setMetadata() ?

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ public class BOPWorldFeatures
public int doubleTallGrassPerChunk = 0;
public int poisonIvyPerChunk = 0;
public int berryBushesPerChunk = 0;
public int waterLakesPerChunk = 50;
public int lavaLakesPerChunk = 20;
public int portobellosPerChunk = 0;
public int bopFlowersPerChunk = 0;