Added multi pass rendering for berry bushes

This commit is contained in:
Adubbz 2013-09-21 19:58:14 +10:00
parent 637c9666c3
commit 2c394e2722
2 changed files with 19 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockFlower implements IShearable
private Icon[] textures;
public Icon shrubBranch;
public Icon berryBushBerry;
private static final int GRASSTOP = 6;
private static final int ALGAE = 0;
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ public class BlockBOPFoliage extends BlockFlower implements IShearable
shrubBranch = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:" + "shrub_branch");
berryBushBerry = iconRegister.registerIcon("biomesoplenty:" + "berrybush_berry");

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
f3 = f6;
if (renderer.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9 && renderer.blockAccess.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4) == Blocks.foliage.get().blockID)
if ((renderer.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 8 || renderer.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9) && renderer.blockAccess.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4) == Blocks.foliage.get().blockID)
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(f, f, f);
@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
renderer.drawCrossedSquares(par1Block, renderer.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4), d0, d1 - 1, d2, 1.0F);
else if (renderer.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 8 && renderer.blockAccess.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4) == Blocks.foliage.get().blockID)
renderBerryBush(d0, d1, d2, 1.0F, f1, f2, f3, renderer);
else if (renderer.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(par2, par3, par4) == 9 && renderer.blockAccess.getBlockId(par2, par3, par4) == Blocks.foliage.get().blockID)
renderShrub(d0, d1, d2, 1.0F, f1, f2, f3, renderer);
@ -162,6 +166,18 @@ public class FoliageRenderer implements ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler
return true;
private static void renderBerryBush(double par1, double par2, double par3, float par4, float par5, float par6, float par7, RenderBlocks renderer)
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
Icon berryBush = renderer.getBlockIconFromSideAndMetadata(Blocks.foliage.get(), 0, 8);
Icon berryBushBerry = ((BlockBOPFoliage)Blocks.foliage.get()).berryBushBerry;
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(par4 * par5, par4 * par6, par4 * par7);
renderCrossedSquaresFromIcon(berryBush, par1, par2, par3, par4, renderer);
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(par4, par4, par4);
renderCrossedSquaresFromIcon(berryBushBerry, par1, par2, par3, par4, renderer);
private static void renderShrub(double par1, double par2, double par3, float par4, float par5, float par6, float par7, RenderBlocks renderer)
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;