238 lines
12 KiB
238 lines
12 KiB
package biomesoplenty.configuration.configfile;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
public class BOPConfigurationBiomeGen
public static Configuration config;
public static boolean alpsGen;
public static boolean arcticGen;
public static boolean autumnHillsGen;
public static boolean badlandsGen;
public static boolean bambooForestGen;
public static boolean bayouGen;
public static boolean birchForestGen;
public static boolean bogGen;
public static boolean borealForestGen;
public static boolean brushlandGen;
public static boolean canyonGen;
public static boolean chaparralGen;
public static boolean cherryBlossomGroveGen;
public static boolean coniferousForestGen;
public static boolean coniferousForestSnowGen;
public static boolean cragGen;
public static boolean deadForestGen;
public static boolean deadForestSnowGen;
public static boolean deadSwampGen;
public static boolean deadlandsGen;
public static boolean deciduousForestGen;
public static boolean dunesGen;
public static boolean fenGen;
public static boolean fieldGen;
public static boolean frostForestGen;
public static boolean fungiForestGen;
public static boolean gardenGen;
public static boolean glacierGen;
public static boolean grasslandGen;
public static boolean groveGen;
public static boolean heathlandGen;
public static boolean highlandGen;
public static boolean hotSpringsGen;
public static boolean icyHillsGen;
public static boolean jadeCliffsGen;
public static boolean lushDesertGen;
public static boolean lushSwampGen;
public static boolean mangroveGen;
public static boolean mapleWoodsGen;
public static boolean marshGen;
public static boolean meadowGen;
public static boolean mesaGen;
public static boolean moorGen;
public static boolean mountainGen;
// public static boolean mushroomIslandGen;
public static boolean mysticGroveGen;
public static boolean oasisGen;
public static boolean oceanGen;
public static boolean ominousWoodsGen;
public static boolean orchardGen;
public static boolean originValleyGen;
public static boolean outbackGen;
public static boolean overgrownGreensGen;
public static boolean pastureGen;
public static boolean polarGen;
public static boolean prairieGen;
public static boolean quagmireGen;
public static boolean rainforestGen;
public static boolean redwoodForestGen;
public static boolean sacredSpringsGen;
public static boolean savannaGen;
public static boolean scrublandGen;
public static boolean seasonalForestGen;
public static boolean shieldGen;
public static boolean shrublandGen;
public static boolean silkgladesGen;
public static boolean sludgepitGen;
public static boolean spruceWoodsGen;
public static boolean steppeGen;
public static boolean temperateRainforestGen;
public static boolean thicketGen;
public static boolean timberGen;
public static boolean tropicalRainforestGen;
public static boolean tropicsGen;
public static boolean tundraGen;
public static boolean volcanoGen;
public static boolean wastelandGen;
public static boolean wetlandGen;
public static boolean woodlandGen;
// Vanilla biomes
public static boolean plainsGen;
public static boolean desertGen;
public static boolean extremeHillsGen;
public static boolean forestGen;
public static boolean taigaGen;
public static boolean swamplandGen;
public static boolean jungleGen;
// Nether biomes
public static boolean undergardenGen;
public static boolean corruptedSandsGen;
public static boolean phantasmagoricInfernoGen;
public static boolean boneyardGen;
//Beach variations
public static boolean gravelBeachGen;
public static boolean overgrownBeachGen;
public static void init(File configFile)
config = new Configuration(configFile);
//Biome generation
alpsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Alps", true).getBoolean(false);
arcticGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Arctic", true).getBoolean(false);
autumnHillsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "AutumnHills", false).getBoolean(false);
badlandsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Badlands", true).getBoolean(false);
bambooForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "BambooForest", true).getBoolean(false);
bayouGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Bayou", true).getBoolean(false);
birchForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "BirchForest", true).getBoolean(false);
bogGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Bog", true).getBoolean(false);
borealForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "BorealForest", true).getBoolean(false);
brushlandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Brushland", true).getBoolean(false);
canyonGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Canyon", true).getBoolean(false);
chaparralGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Chaparral", true).getBoolean(false);
cherryBlossomGroveGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "CherryBlossomGrove", true).getBoolean(false);
coniferousForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "ConiferousForest", true).getBoolean(false);
coniferousForestSnowGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "ConiferousForestSnow", true).getBoolean(false);
cragGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Crag", true).getBoolean(false);
deadForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "DeadForest", true).getBoolean(false);
deadForestSnowGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "DeadForestSnow", true).getBoolean(false);
deadSwampGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "DeadSwamp", true).getBoolean(false);
deadlandsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Deadlands", true).getBoolean(false);
deciduousForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "DeciduousForest", true).getBoolean(false);
dunesGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Dunes", true).getBoolean(false);
fenGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Fen", true).getBoolean(false);
fieldGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Field", true).getBoolean(false);
frostForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "FrostForest", true).getBoolean(false);
fungiForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "FungiForest", true).getBoolean(false);
gardenGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Garden", true).getBoolean(false);
glacierGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Glacier", true).getBoolean(false);
grasslandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Grassland", true).getBoolean(false);
groveGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Grove", true).getBoolean(false);
heathlandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Heathland", true).getBoolean(false);
highlandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Highland", true).getBoolean(false);
hotSpringsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "HotSprings", true).getBoolean(false);
icyHillsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "IcyHills", true).getBoolean(false);
jadeCliffsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "JadeCliffs", true).getBoolean(false);
lushDesertGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "LushDesert", true).getBoolean(false);
lushSwampGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "LushSwamp", true).getBoolean(false);
mangroveGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Mangrove", true).getBoolean(false);
mapleWoodsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "MapleWoods", true).getBoolean(false);
marshGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Marsh", true).getBoolean(false);
meadowGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Meadow", true).getBoolean(false);
mesaGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Mesa", true).getBoolean(false);
moorGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Moor", true).getBoolean(false);
mountainGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Mountain", true).getBoolean(false);
// mushroomIslandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "MushroomIsland", true).getBoolean(false);
mysticGroveGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "MysticGrove", true).getBoolean(false);
oasisGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Oasis", true).getBoolean(false);
ominousWoodsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "OminousWoods", true).getBoolean(false);
orchardGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Orchard", true).getBoolean(false);
originValleyGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "OriginValley", true).getBoolean(false);
outbackGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Outback", true).getBoolean(false);
overgrownGreensGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "OvergrownGreens", false).getBoolean(false);
pastureGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Pasture", true).getBoolean(false);
polarGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Polar", true).getBoolean(false);
prairieGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Prairie", true).getBoolean(false);
quagmireGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Quagmire", true).getBoolean(false);
rainforestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Rainforest", true).getBoolean(false);
redwoodForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "RedwoodForest", true).getBoolean(false);
sacredSpringsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "SacredSprings", true).getBoolean(false);
savannaGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Savanna", true).getBoolean(false);
scrublandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Scrubland", true).getBoolean(false);
seasonalForestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "SeasonalForest", true).getBoolean(false);
shieldGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Shield", true).getBoolean(false);
shrublandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Shrubland", true).getBoolean(false);
silkgladesGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Silkglades", false).getBoolean(false);
sludgepitGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Sludgepit", true).getBoolean(false);
spruceWoodsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "SpruceWoods", true).getBoolean(false);
steppeGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Steppe", true).getBoolean(false);
temperateRainforestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "TemperateRainforest", true).getBoolean(false);
thicketGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Thicket", true).getBoolean(false);
timberGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Timber", true).getBoolean(false);
tropicalRainforestGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "TropicalRainforest", true).getBoolean(false);
tropicsGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Tropics", true).getBoolean(false);
tundraGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Tundra", true).getBoolean(false);
volcanoGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Volcano", true).getBoolean(false);
wastelandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Wasteland", true).getBoolean(false);
wetlandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Wetland", true).getBoolean(false);
woodlandGen = config.get("Biomes To Generate", "Woodland", true).getBoolean(false);
// Vanilla biomes
desertGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Desert", true).getBoolean(true);
extremeHillsGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "ExtremeHills", true).getBoolean(true);
forestGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Forest", true).getBoolean(true);
jungleGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Jungle", true).getBoolean(true);
oceanGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Ocean", true).getBoolean(false);
plainsGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Plains", true).getBoolean(true);
swamplandGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Swampland", true).getBoolean(true);
taigaGen = config.get("Vanilla Biomes To Generate", "Taiga", true).getBoolean(true);
// Nether biomes
undergardenGen = config.get("Nether Biomes To Generate", "Undergarden", true).getBoolean(true);
corruptedSandsGen = config.get("Nether Biomes To Generate", "CorruptedSands", true).getBoolean(true);
phantasmagoricInfernoGen = config.get("Nether Biomes To Generate", "PhantasmagoricInferno", true).getBoolean(true);
boneyardGen = config.get("Nether Biomes To Generate", "Boneyard", true).getBoolean(true);
// Beach variations
gravelBeachGen = config.get("Beach Variations To Generate", "Gravel Beach", true).getBoolean(true);
overgrownBeachGen = config.get("Beach Variations To Generate", "Overgrown Beach", false).getBoolean(true);
FMLCommonHandler.instance().getFMLLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[BiomesOPlenty] Generated Biome Gen Config!");
catch (Exception e)
FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "Biomes O Plenty has had a problem loading its configuration");
if (config.hasChanged()) {