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2013-05-03 13:00:44 +00:00
package thaumcraft.api;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumToolMaterial;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import thaumcraft.api.aura.AuraNode;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.IArcaneRecipe;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.IInfusionRecipe;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.RecipeCrucible;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.ShapedArcaneCraftingRecipes;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.ShapedInfusionCraftingRecipes;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.ShapelessArcaneCraftingRecipes;
import thaumcraft.api.crafting.ShapelessInfusionCraftingRecipes;
import thaumcraft.api.research.IScanEventHandler;
import thaumcraft.api.research.ResearchList;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
* @author Azanor
* IMPORTANT: If you are adding your own aspects to items it is a good idea to do it AFTER Thaumcraft adds its aspects, otherwise odd things may happen.
public class ThaumcraftApi {
public static EnumToolMaterial toolMatThaumium = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("THAUMIUM", 3, 400, 7F, 2, 22);
public static EnumToolMaterial toolMatElemental = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("THAUMIUM_ELEMENTAL", 3, 1500, 10F, 3, 18);
public static EnumArmorMaterial armorMatThaumium = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("THAUMIUM", 25, new int[] { 2, 6, 5, 2 }, 25);
public static EnumArmorMaterial armorMatSpecial = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("SPECIAL", 25, new int[] { 1, 3, 2, 1 }, 25);
* Portable Hole Block-id Blacklist.
* Simply add the block-id's of blocks you don't want the portable hole to go through.
public static ArrayList<Integer> portableHoleBlackList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public static Document researchDoc = null;
public static ArrayList<String> apiResearchFiles = new ArrayList<String>();
public static ArrayList<IScanEventHandler> scanEventhandlers = new ArrayList<IScanEventHandler>();
* Used to add your own xml files that the research system will check of recipes and descriptions of custom research
* @param resourceLoc The xml file. For example The default file used by TC is
* "/thaumcraft/resources/research.xml"
public static void registerResearchXML(String resourceLoc) {
if (!apiResearchFiles.contains(resourceLoc)) apiResearchFiles.add(resourceLoc);
public static void registerScanEventhandler(IScanEventHandler scanEventHandler) {
private static ArrayList crucibleRecipes = new ArrayList();
private static List craftingRecipes = new ArrayList();
private static HashMap<List,ItemStack> smeltingBonus = new HashMap<List,ItemStack>();
private static ArrayList<List> smeltingBonusExlusion = new ArrayList<List>();
* This method is used to determine what bonus items are generated when the infernal furnace smelts items
* @param in The result (not input) of the smelting operation. e.g. new ItemStack(ingotGold)
* @param out The bonus item that can be produced from the smelting operation e.g. new ItemStack(nuggetGold,0,0).
* Stacksize should be 0 unless you want to guarantee that at least 1 item is always produced.
public static void addSmeltingBonus(ItemStack in, ItemStack out) {
new ItemStack(out.itemID,0,out.getItemDamage()));
* Returns the bonus item produced from a smelting operation in the infernal furnace
* @param in The result of the smelting operation. e.g. new ItemStack(ingotGold)
* @return the The bonus item that can be produced
public static ItemStack getSmeltingBonus(ItemStack in) {
return smeltingBonus.get(Arrays.asList(in.itemID,in.getItemDamage()));
* Excludes specific items from producing bonus items when they are smelted in the infernal furnace, even
* if their smelt result would normally produce a bonus item.
* @param in The item to be smelted that should never produce a bonus item (e.g. the various macerated dusts form IC2)
* Even though they produce gold, iron, etc. ingots, they should NOT produce bonus nuggets as well.
public static void addSmeltingBonusExclusion(ItemStack in) {
* Sees if an item is allowed to produce bonus items when smelted in the infernal furnace
* @param in The item you wish to check
* @return true or false
public static boolean isSmeltingBonusExluded(ItemStack in) {
return smeltingBonusExlusion.contains(Arrays.asList(in.itemID,in.getItemDamage()));
public static List getCraftingRecipes() {
return craftingRecipes;
* All arcane and infusion crafting recipes are NBT sensitive.
* Simply add as much nbt data to the crafting ingredient itemstacks as you wish
* to match with the actual input items. For example this recipe will turn a warded
* jar filled with crystal essentia into a stack of diamonds:
* ItemStack is = new ItemStack(itemJarFilled);
* is.setTagInfo("tag", new NBTTagByte("tag", (byte);
* is.setTagInfo("amount", new NBTTagByte("amount", (byte) 64));
* ThaumcraftApi.addShapelessArcaneCraftingRecipe("THEJARISNOWDIAMONDS", 50,
* new ItemStack(Item.diamond,64,0), new Object[] { is });
* If no tag was added for "amount" then the jar would simply have had to contain any
* amount of crystal essentia.
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla recipes
public static void addArcaneCraftingRecipe(String key, int cost, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj)
String var3 = "";
int var4 = 0;
int var5 = 0;
int var6 = 0;
int var9;
if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4] instanceof String[])
String[] var7 = (String[])((String[])par2ArrayOfObj[var4++]);
String[] var8 = var7;
var9 = var7.length;
for (int var10 = 0; var10 < var9; ++var10)
String var11 = var8[var10];
var5 = var11.length();
var3 = var3 + var11;
while (par2ArrayOfObj[var4] instanceof String)
String var13 = (String)par2ArrayOfObj[var4++];
var5 = var13.length();
var3 = var3 + var13;
HashMap var14;
for (var14 = new HashMap(); var4 < par2ArrayOfObj.length; var4 += 2)
Character var16 = (Character)par2ArrayOfObj[var4];
ItemStack var17 = null;
if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1] instanceof Item)
var17 = new ItemStack((Item)par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1]);
else if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1] instanceof Block)
var17 = new ItemStack((Block)par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1], 1, -1);
else if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1] instanceof ItemStack)
var17 = (ItemStack)par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1];
var14.put(var16, var17);
ItemStack[] var15 = new ItemStack[var5 * var6];
for (var9 = 0; var9 < var5 * var6; ++var9)
char var18 = var3.charAt(var9);
if (var14.containsKey(Character.valueOf(var18)))
var15[var9] = ((ItemStack)var14.get(Character.valueOf(var18))).copy();
var15[var9] = null;
craftingRecipes.add(new ShapedArcaneCraftingRecipes(key, var5, var6, var15, par1ItemStack,cost));
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param recipeKey a string value of the key used in your research.xml for this recipe to display in the thaumonomicon
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla recipes
public static void addArcaneCraftingRecipe(String key, String recipeKey, int cost, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj) {
ResearchList.craftingRecipesForResearch.put(recipeKey, Arrays.asList(getCraftingRecipes().size()-1));
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla shapeless recipes
public static void addShapelessArcaneCraftingRecipe(String key, int cost, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj)
ArrayList var3 = new ArrayList();
Object[] var4 = par2ArrayOfObj;
int var5 = par2ArrayOfObj.length;
for (int var6 = 0; var6 < var5; ++var6)
Object var7 = var4[var6];
if (var7 instanceof ItemStack)
else if (var7 instanceof Item)
var3.add(new ItemStack((Item)var7));
if (!(var7 instanceof Block))
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid shapeless recipe!");
var3.add(new ItemStack((Block)var7));
craftingRecipes.add(new ShapelessArcaneCraftingRecipes(key, par1ItemStack, var3, cost));
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param recipeKey a string value of the key used in your research.xml for this recipe to display in the thaumonomicon
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla shapeless recipes
public static void addShapelessArcaneCraftingRecipe(String key, String recipeKey, int cost, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj) {
ResearchList.craftingRecipesForResearch.put(recipeKey, Arrays.asList(getCraftingRecipes().size()-1));
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param tags ObjectTags list of required aspects and their amounts. No more than 5 aspects should be used in a recipe.
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla recipes
public static void addInfusionCraftingRecipe(String key, int cost, ObjectTags tags, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj)
String var3 = "";
int var4 = 0;
int var5 = 0;
int var6 = 0;
int var9;
if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4] instanceof String[])
String[] var7 = (String[])((String[])par2ArrayOfObj[var4++]);
String[] var8 = var7;
var9 = var7.length;
for (int var10 = 0; var10 < var9; ++var10)
String var11 = var8[var10];
var5 = var11.length();
var3 = var3 + var11;
while (par2ArrayOfObj[var4] instanceof String)
String var13 = (String)par2ArrayOfObj[var4++];
var5 = var13.length();
var3 = var3 + var13;
HashMap var14;
for (var14 = new HashMap(); var4 < par2ArrayOfObj.length; var4 += 2)
Character var16 = (Character)par2ArrayOfObj[var4];
ItemStack var17 = null;
if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1] instanceof Item)
var17 = new ItemStack((Item)par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1]);
else if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1] instanceof Block)
var17 = new ItemStack((Block)par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1], 1, -1);
else if (par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1] instanceof ItemStack)
var17 = (ItemStack)par2ArrayOfObj[var4 + 1];
var14.put(var16, var17);
ItemStack[] var15 = new ItemStack[var5 * var6];
for (var9 = 0; var9 < var5 * var6; ++var9)
char var18 = var3.charAt(var9);
if (var14.containsKey(Character.valueOf(var18)))
var15[var9] = ((ItemStack)var14.get(Character.valueOf(var18))).copy();
var15[var9] = null;
craftingRecipes.add(new ShapedInfusionCraftingRecipes(key, var5, var6, var15, par1ItemStack,cost,tags));
* Recipe is NBT sensitive
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param recipeKey a string value of the key used in your research.xml for this recipe to display in the thaumonomicon
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param tags ObjectTags list of required aspects and their amounts. No more than 5 aspects should be used in a recipe.
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla recipes
public static void addInfusionCraftingRecipe(String key, String recipeKey, int cost, ObjectTags tags, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj) {
addInfusionCraftingRecipe(key, cost, tags, par1ItemStack, par2ArrayOfObj);
ResearchList.craftingRecipesForResearch.put(recipeKey, Arrays.asList(getCraftingRecipes().size()-1));
* Recipe is NBT sensitive
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param tags ObjectTags list of required aspects and their amounts. No more than 5 aspects should be used in a recipe.
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla shapeless recipes
public static void addShapelessInfusionCraftingRecipe(String key, int cost, ObjectTags tags, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj)
ArrayList var3 = new ArrayList();
Object[] var4 = par2ArrayOfObj;
int var5 = par2ArrayOfObj.length;
for (int var6 = 0; var6 < var5; ++var6)
Object var7 = var4[var6];
if (var7 instanceof ItemStack)
else if (var7 instanceof Item)
var3.add(new ItemStack((Item)var7));
if (!(var7 instanceof Block))
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid shapeless recipe!");
var3.add(new ItemStack((Block)var7));
craftingRecipes.add(new ShapelessInfusionCraftingRecipes(key, par1ItemStack, var3, cost,tags));
* Recipe is NBT sensitive
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Leave blank if it will work without research
* @param recipeKey a string value of the key used in your research.xml for this recipe to display in the thaumonomicon
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param tags ObjectTags list of required aspects and their amounts. No more than 5 aspects should be used in a recipe.
* @param par1ItemStack the recipe output
* @param par2ArrayOfObj the recipe. Format is exactly the same as vanilla shapeless recipes
public static void addShapelessInfusionCraftingRecipe(String key, String recipeKey, int cost, ObjectTags tags, ItemStack par1ItemStack, Object ... par2ArrayOfObj) {
addShapelessInfusionCraftingRecipe(key, cost, tags, par1ItemStack, par2ArrayOfObj);
ResearchList.craftingRecipesForResearch.put(recipeKey, Arrays.asList(getCraftingRecipes().size()-1));
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work. Unlike the arcane crafting and infusion crafting
* recipes a recipe key is automatically created using the same key.
* See method below if the research and recipes keys do not match
* @param result the output result
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param tags the aspects required to craft this
public static void addCrucibleRecipe(String key, ItemStack result, int cost, ObjectTags tags) {
getCrucibleRecipes().add(new RecipeCrucible(key, result, tags, cost));
* @param key the research key required for this recipe to work.
* @param recipeKey a string value of the key used in your research.xml for this recipe to display in the thaumonomicon
* @param result the output result
* @param cost the vis cost
* @param tags the aspects required to craft this
public static void addCrucibleRecipe(String key, String recipeKey, ItemStack result, int cost, ObjectTags tags) {
getCrucibleRecipes().add(new RecipeCrucible(key, recipeKey, result, tags, cost));
* @param key the recipe key (NOT research key)
* @return the recipe
public static RecipeCrucible getCrucibleRecipe(String key) {
for (Object r:getCrucibleRecipes()) {
if (r instanceof RecipeCrucible) {
if (((RecipeCrucible)r).key.equals(key))
return (RecipeCrucible)r;
return null;
* @param stack the recipe result
* @return the recipe
public static RecipeCrucible getCrucibleRecipe(ItemStack stack) {
for (Object r:getCrucibleRecipes()) {
if (r instanceof RecipeCrucible) {
if (((RecipeCrucible)r).recipeOutput.isItemEqual(stack))
return (RecipeCrucible)r;
return null;
* @param stack the item
* @return the thaumcraft recipe key that produces that item. Used by the thaumonomicon drilldown feature.
public static String getCraftingRecipeKey(ItemStack stack) {
for (Object r:getCraftingRecipes()) {
if (r instanceof IArcaneRecipe) {
if (ThaumcraftApiHelper.areItemsEqual(stack,((IArcaneRecipe)r).getRecipeOutput()))
return ((IArcaneRecipe)r).getKey();
if (r instanceof IInfusionRecipe) {
if (ThaumcraftApiHelper.areItemsEqual(stack,((IInfusionRecipe)r).getRecipeOutput()))
return ((IInfusionRecipe)r).getKey();
return "";
public static Map<List,ObjectTags> objectTags = new HashMap<List,ObjectTags>();
* Checks to see if the passed item/block already has aspects associated with it.
* @param id
* @param meta
* @return
public static boolean exists(int id, int meta) {
ObjectTags tmp = ThaumcraftApi.objectTags.get(Arrays.asList(id,meta));
if (tmp==null) {
tmp = ThaumcraftApi.objectTags.get(Arrays.asList(id,-1));
if (meta==-1 && tmp==null) {
int index=0;
do {
tmp = ThaumcraftApi.objectTags.get(Arrays.asList(id,index));
} while (index<16 && tmp==null);
if (tmp==null) return false;
return true;
* Used to assign apsects to the given item/block. Here is an example of the declaration for cobblestone:<p>
* <i>ThaumcraftApi.registerObjectTag(Block.cobblestone.blockID, -1, (new ObjectTags()).add(EnumTag.ROCK, 1).add(EnumTag.DESTRUCTION, 1));</i>
* @param id
* @param meta pass -1 if all damage values of this item/block should have the same aspects
* @param aspects A ObjectTags object of the associated aspects
public static void registerObjectTag(int id, int meta, ObjectTags aspects) {
aspects = ThaumcraftApiHelper.cullTags(aspects);
objectTags.put(Arrays.asList(id,meta), aspects);
* Used to assign aspects to the given item/block.
* Attempts to automatically generate aspect tags by checking registered recipes.
* Here is an example of the declaration for pistons:<p>
* <i>ThaumcraftApi.registerComplexObjectTag(Block.pistonBase.blockID, 0, (new ObjectTags()).add(EnumTag.MECHANISM, 2).add(EnumTag.MOTION, 4));</i>
* @param id
* @param meta pass -1 if all damage values of this item/block should have the same aspects
* @param aspects A ObjectTags object of the associated aspects
public static void registerComplexObjectTag(int id, int meta, ObjectTags aspects ) {
if (!exists(id,meta)) {
ObjectTags tmp = ThaumcraftApiHelper.generateTags(id, meta);
if (tmp != null && tmp.size()>0) {
for(EnumTag tag:tmp.getAspects()) {
aspects.add(tag, tmp.getAmount(tag));
} else {
ObjectTags tmp = ThaumcraftApiHelper.getObjectTags(new ItemStack(id,1,meta));
for(EnumTag tag:aspects.getAspects()) {
tmp.merge(tag, tmp.getAmount(tag));
public static ArrayList getCrucibleRecipes() {
return crucibleRecipes;
private static Method addFluxToClosest;
* Adds flux to the node closest to the given location
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param tags ObjectTags list of all the EnumTags and amounts of flux to add.
public static void addFluxToClosest(World world, float x, float y, float z, ObjectTags tags) {
try {
if(addFluxToClosest == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager");
addFluxToClosest = fake.getMethod("addFluxToClosest", World.class, float.class, float.class, float.class, ObjectTags.class);
addFluxToClosest.invoke(null, world,x,y,z,tags);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager method addFluxToClosest");
private static Method decreaseClosestAura;
* Removes an amount of vis from the aura node closest to the given location
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param amount The amount of vis to remove
* @param doit If set to false it will merely perform a check to see if there is enough vis to perform the operation.
* If set to true it will actually decrease the vis as well.
* @return It will return true if there was enough vis to perform this operation
public static boolean decreaseClosestAura(World world, double x, double y, double z, int amount, boolean doit) {
boolean ret=false;
try {
if(decreaseClosestAura == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager");
decreaseClosestAura = fake.getMethod("decreaseClosestAura", World.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, int.class, boolean.class);
ret = (Boolean) decreaseClosestAura.invoke(null, world,x,y,z,amount,doit);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager method decreaseClosestAura");
return ret;
private static Method increaseLowestAura;
* Increases the lowest aura near the given location.
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param amount
* @return it will return true if the operation was a success
public static boolean increaseLowestAura(World world, double x, double y, double z, int amount) {
boolean ret=false;
try {
if(increaseLowestAura == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager");
increaseLowestAura = fake.getMethod("increaseLowestAura", World.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, int.class);
ret = (Boolean) increaseLowestAura.invoke(null, world,x,y,z,amount);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager method increaseLowestAura");
return ret;
private static Method getClosestAuraWithinRange;
* Gets the id of the closest aura node within range of the given coordinates. Only checks loaded chunks
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param range distance (in blocks) to check
* @return returns -1 if no aura is found, otherwise returns the aura node id.
public static int getClosestAuraWithinRange(World world, double x, double y, double z, double range) {
int ret=-1;
try {
if(getClosestAuraWithinRange == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager");
getClosestAuraWithinRange = fake.getMethod("getClosestAuraWithinRange", World.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class);
ret = (Integer) getClosestAuraWithinRange.invoke(null, world,x,y,z,range);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager method getClosestAuraWithinRange");
return ret;
private static Method getNodeCopy;
* Gets an copy of the AuraNode object for the given node
* @param nodeId the int key of the aura node
* @return returns a COPY of the auranode object, not the object itself.
* Auranode values should only be altered via queNodeChanges - NEVER directly
public static AuraNode getNodeCopy(int nodeId) {
AuraNode node = null;
try {
if(getNodeCopy == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager");
getNodeCopy = fake.getMethod("getNodeCopy", int.class);
node = (AuraNode) getNodeCopy.invoke(null, nodeId);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager method getNodeCopy");
return node;
private static Method queueNodeChanges;
* This method is used to alter the values of aura nodes. The changes specified are placed in a queue for processing by
* the aura thread.<br>
* For example:<br>
* queNodeChanges(55,8,0,false,null,0,0,0); //will increase node 55's current vis by 8<br>
* queNodeChanges(55,0,0,false,new ObjectTags().remove(EnumTag.FIRE,3),0,0,0); //will reduce node 55's FIRE flux levels by 3<br>
* queNodeChanges(55,11,11,false,null,0,.5f,0); //will increase node 55's current and base level by 11 and increase its y pos by .5f<br>
* @param nodeId
* @param levelMod the amount by which the auras vis level should be changed (positive or negative)
* @param baseMod the amount by which the auras max vis level should be changed (positive or negative)
* @param toggleLock if set to true the nodes lock state will toggle to its opposite value. Currently doesn't do much
* @param flx a ObjectTags collection of the all the flux to add (if positive) or remove (if negative) to the node
* @param x by how much the nodes x position should be altered. Should usually be less than 1
* @param y by how much the nodes y position should be altered. Should usually be less than 1
* @param z by how much the nodes z position should be altered. Should usually be less than 1
public static void queueNodeChanges(int nodeId, int levelMod, int baseMod, boolean toggleLock, ObjectTags flux,
float x,float y,float z) {
try {
if(queueNodeChanges == null) {
Class fake = Class.forName("thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager");
queueNodeChanges = fake.getMethod("queueNodeChanges",
int.class, int.class, int.class, boolean.class, ObjectTags.class, float.class, float.class, float.class);
queueNodeChanges.invoke(null, nodeId, levelMod, baseMod, toggleLock, flux, x, y, z);
} catch(Exception ex) {
FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke thaumcraft.common.aura.AuraManager method queueNodeChanges");
public static HashMap<Integer,List> biomeInfo = new HashMap<Integer,List>();
* Registers custom biomes with thaumcraft
* @Deprecated I will be switching over the the forge BiomeDictionary system in the future so any mods that add biomes should just make sure they are tagged correctly
* @param biomeID The id of the biome
* @param visLevel The average vis level of nodes generated in this biome
* @param tag The EnumTag associated with this biome (used to determine infused ore spawns among other things)
* @param greatwood Does this biome support greatwood trees
* @param silverwood Does this biome support silverwood trees
public static void registerBiomeInfo(int biomeID, int visLevel, EnumTag tag, boolean greatwood, boolean silverwood) {
biomeInfo.put(biomeID, Arrays.asList(visLevel, tag, greatwood, silverwood));
public static int getBiomeAura(int biomeId) {
try {
return (Integer) biomeInfo.get(biomeId).get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return 200;
public static EnumTag getBiomeTag(int biomeId) {
try {
return (EnumTag) biomeInfo.get(biomeId).get(1);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return EnumTag.UNKNOWN;
public static boolean getBiomeSupportsGreatwood(int biomeId) {
try {
return (Boolean) biomeInfo.get(biomeId).get(2);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return false;
public static boolean getBiomeSupportsSilverwood(int biomeId) {
try {
return (Boolean) biomeInfo.get(biomeId).get(3);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return false;
//CROPS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* To define mod crops you need to use FMLInterModComms in your @Mod.Init method.
* There are two 'types' of crops you can add. Standard crops and clickable crops.
* Standard crops work like normal vanilla crops - they grow until a certain metadata
* value is reached and you harvest them by destroying the block and collecting the blocks.
* You need to create and ItemStack that tells the golem what block id and metadata represents
* the crop when fully grown.
* Example for vanilla wheat:
* FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("Thaumcraft", "harvestStandardCrop", new ItemStack(Block.crops,1,7));
* Clickable crops are crops that you right click to gather their bounty instead of destroying them.
* As for standard crops, you need to create and ItemStack that tells the golem what block id
* and metadata represents the crop when fully grown. The golem will trigger the blocks onBlockActivated method.
* Example (this will technically do nothing since clicking wheat does nothing, but you get the idea):
* FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("Thaumcraft", "harvestClickableCrop", new ItemStack(Block.crops,1,7));
public static HashMap<Integer,Integer> crops = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
* This is used to add mod crops to the list of crops harvested by golems
* that do not use the standard crop growth pattern<br>
* (i.e. being an instance of BlockCrops and being fully grown at meta 7).<br>
* Only seeds implementing IPlantable will be replanted.
* @param blockID the block id of the crop
* @param grownMeta the metadata value when the crop is considered fully grown.
* The block with this id and meta will be the one the golem breaks.
public static void addHarvestableCrop(int blockID, int grownMeta) {
crops.put(blockID, grownMeta);