--- layout: default.liquid permalink: /donate --- # {{page.title}} ## Agatha We don't really need money all that much right now. However, if you can, a [friend](https://eldritch.cafe/@AgathaSorceress/107900073330601563) does need money. You can donate with PayPal [here](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8HMDPKhA12), or with Venmo: *wgahnagl* ## HRT Ideally, I'd like to get HRT, and the most realistic way to get that is DIY. Unfortunatelly, it'd cost ~$150 CAD for 2 years. I also don't really like asking for money, so only do this if you really can and want to. Unfortunately I can only receive & pay with monero. `86fY46G8dxYUaVwo1WvE7gWrAFSaq1etr7NJGTr8x5CNSRLLNwyFKXKZzLbzRmiubcZx63PuTGrW89kGkSvRiJK6Fvqm1Yr` ![Monero address QR](/assets/monero.png)