--- layout: default.liquid --- # {{site.title}} Hi! We're The System. > Note: Currently looking for a job, please [contact](/contact) us if you have anything! ## Projects Most of the projects here are unfinished or not very useful, sorry. ### Hermes [github.com/erin/hermes](https://waterdrinkers.gay) Currently a major work in progress. A native Linux Scuttlebutt client writting in `Rust` with and `GTK4`. ### Website [bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/website](https://bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/website) This website! Written using `HTML`, `SCSS`, and `Markdown`. Uses the [cobalt](https://cobalt-org.github.io/) static site generator. ### HRT Wiki [wiki.the-system.eu.org](https://wiki.the-system.eu.org) A work-in-progress community wiki for organizing HRT info and guides. Made with the `Mycorrhiza` wiki engine. ### tinymark [bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/tinymark](https://bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/tinymark) A tiny bookmark manager. Supports most basic functionality. Written in `Rust` ### catgirl.cooking [bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/catgirl-cooking](https://bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/catgirl-cooking) A simple cooking/recipe site. The backend generates & updates the static frontend code, and eventually will handle new recipe submissions, etc. Backend code written in `Rust` using [Rocket](https://rocket.rs/), [sled](https://sled.rs), and [build_html](https://docs.rs/build_html/latest/build_html/). ### TI-UI [bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/TI-UI](https://bytes.keithhacks.cyou/erin/TI-UI) An attempt to make a custom UI library for the TI-84 calculator. Very much a work in progress. Written in `C` using the [CE-Programming](https://github.com/CE-Programming/toolchain) toolchain.